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Lakeside 2017


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Maybe we will get some clarification of what is happening next season at the meeting ,hope so..I guess there could also be a fair attendance of disgruntled season ticket holders,,that could be interesting to say the least...

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When people who do not attend find time to moan about the promoter on this forum, they must lead very sad lives. Having in the past been

privileged to have known two or three quite prominent promoters and team managers, including Tommy Price at West Ham, I know a little about

the problems they face. So in general I am supportive of the men who put their money in. If you put yourself in their position, working hard to run

a speedway which is losing money, perhaps some of the criticism would cease. Instead of making comments like " I do not like N.L. racing" so

I won't go", such people should make the effort to support the club by getting to know the N.L.as I have done. They would be surprised at the

entertainment value.

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The end of season meet up is only for limited numbers and I know from previous fans forums Jon does not like questions which have a negative undercurrent.

People can claim that those who are outspoken but don’t go must have sad lives but it would be even sadder to moan but then go anyway knowing nothing will change.

The only way to try and enforce change is to vote with ones feet and I don’t mean just Lakeside but speedway as a whole because it’s a mess in this country no matter the level of racing.


If your happy with the product as it stands and those things like irregular fixtures, guests etc don’t bother you then good for you, your obviously a very tolorent person but you are in a group of dwindling numbers.


But for purely all things Lakeside, if Jon will not stand down and allow a new owner to come in (if there is one) then he should at least bring in another promoter to help run the club and reinvigorate it, I don’t know what happened to Stuart Douglas but we really need him back, he is the one man who could talk me around, I trust him, I don’t want the club to close, I won’t it to be a pioneer, a leader and a example of how things can be done and done well, not half heartedly.

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Claret73, on 14 Oct 2017 - 1:18 PM, said:

The end of season meet up is only for limited numbers and I know from previous fans forums Jon does not like questions which have a negative undercurrent.

People can claim that those who are outspoken but don’t go must have sad lives but it would be even sadder to moan but then go anyway knowing nothing will change.

The only way to try and enforce change is to vote with ones feet and I don’t mean just Lakeside but speedway as a whole because it’s a mess in this country no matter the level of racing.


If your happy with the product as it stands and those things like irregular fixtures, guests etc don’t bother you then good for you, your obviously a very tolorent person but you are in a group of dwindling numbers.


But for purely all things Lakeside, if Jon will not stand down and allow a new owner to come in (if there is one) then he should at least bring in another promoter to help run the club and reinvigorate it, I don’t know what happened to Stuart Douglas but we really need him back, he is the one man who could talk me around, I trust him, I don’t want the club to close, I won’t it to be a pioneer, a leader and a example of how things can be done and done well, not half heartedly.

If John Cook doesn't like negativity, he shouldn't be involved in Speedway. Speedway at the moment is full of negativity and the only way forward is for Promoters to start listening to fans. If Cook actually faced up to the problems then perhaps he could turn a declining sport into a thriving one. Although this forum is full of differing opinions, the majority of people seem to agree on some of the major issues, so why don't promoters take on board what most fans are asking for and do something positive for once. For too long now, all that has been done is to paper over the cracks without any successful results. Now is the time to redecorate properly and re-establish the sport with credibility. There are still thousands of fans of Speedway, it's just about getting the product right and getting those fans back into the Stadiums. Sometimes you need to take a step backward to make 2 forward.

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The end of season meet up is only for limited numbers and I know from previous fans forums Jon does not like questions which have a negative undercurrent.

People can claim that those who are outspoken but don’t go must have sad lives but it would be even sadder to moan but then go anyway knowing nothing will change.

The only way to try and enforce change is to vote with ones feet and I don’t mean just Lakeside but speedway as a whole because it’s a mess in this country no matter the level of racing.

If your happy with the product as it stands and those things like irregular fixtures, guests etc don’t bother you then good for you, your obviously a very tolorent person but you are in a group of dwindling numbers.

But for purely all things Lakeside, if Jon will not stand down and allow a new owner to come in (if there is one) then he should at least bring in another promoter to help run the club and reinvigorate it, I don’t know what happened to Stuart Douglas but we really need him back, he is the one man who could talk me around, I trust him, I don’t want the club to close, I won’t it to be a pioneer, a leader and a example of how things can be done and done well, not half heartedly.

I have just checked the website and Jon and Stuart are listed as promoters, with Kelvin as Co-Promoter.


I don't think anybody is saying they are happy with the product as it stands today. We can rake over the coals of how it got into this state

but it wouldn't do any good. If asked 10 different fans you would probably get 10 different opinions. We can't change the past but the important question is where does the sport go from here. That is a question the promoters will have to answer when they shape the sport after the AGM, and the fans will have to decide whether to give their support, just as in any other business.

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- I'm not the guy who double-tags himself a 'Manager', yet only turns up at away fixtures that purely suit himself.



How about, for once, Jon Cook comes on HERE and answer the points that I have raised?

Jon has never been a traveler, I think etiquette dictates that promoters are refrained from posting on this site..

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The negatives at lakeside are always going to be, the traffic problems and the lack of facilities at the stadium. The punters nowadays demand more for their money than standing on a grass bank. Unless Stuart Douglas has a magic wand, nothing is going to change.

That is all true but remember also that Rick Frost invested a fortune in facilities at Peterborough and it still made very little difference to crowd numbers. Ultimately it is what happens on the track that will be the most important factor.

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It is pretty evident that there is no easy answer (speedway in general) and, for Lakeside in particular, geographical location is a major issue.


I agree, everyone has the option to 'vote with their feet' and, if enough do, the problem will be solved - no more speedway. Owning their own stadium, having bottomless pockets is a big plus for some (but not many) and virtually all the initiatives both past and future will, generally involve a financial risk of some kind. The latter is particularly relevant given that running/owning a speedway club more often than not has a negative impact on one's profit and loss account.


All that said, hopefully the authorities that be will come up with a refreshing new approach over the closed season - past experience however dictates that expectations are low.

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Too right, Speedway is a sport governed by self interest. when it comes to the crunch, promoters will always look after number one.

In a sense they are driven by fans. The days are long gone when the majority of fans would get behind their team come what may. From.early in the season, as soon as a rider has a few bad rides we start getting comments on here like "Get rid of ride x" or "Come on promoter y, get your cheque book out" and teams hit a bad spot and crowds drop much more than they used to. On the one hand some promoters have a very narrow outlook, but the attitude of a lot of fans does not help. We criticise promoters with a "win at all costs attitude, but a big percentage of fans seem to have a similar outlook.

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I don’t agree that if people vote with their feet a club will close, first thing that the current promoter does is place the club up for sale to try and recoup loses, if and only when a buyer doesn’t come forward is there a danger of a club closing.

A new ownership could be in the form of an individual, a small group or even a collective of fans, just because one management structure can’t make it work, doesn’t mean others won’t be able to.

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I dont agree that if people vote with their feet a club will close, first thing that the current promoter does is place the club up for sale to try and recoup loses, if and only when a buyer doesnt come forward is there a danger of a club closing.

A new ownership could be in the form of an individual, a small group or even a collective of fans, just because one management structure cant make it work, doesnt mean others wont be able to.

Who is going to want to buy a club with fears if the club will have a track to race at and hardly any fans because everyone has voted with there feet so the club will be losing money? Think you are dreaming to be honest
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So are you saying there is no point because we are going to lose the raceway sooner rather than later?

I thought they were sourcing a site for a new track; should Arena Essex sell-up.


That should be an interesting update (at the 14th Home Meeting). ;)

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If the current promotion shut down there is nothing to stop someone else finding a site in Essex and running, obviously that can’t be done now because so long as Lakeside are running another licence would not get approval in the same county.


But and it’s a big but, if Arena Essex is doomed and there isn’t another place in Essex to stage speedway then all this talk and debate is for nothing.

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