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Lakeside 2017


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Because of all the question marks about the Chanpionship or Premiership leagues, and the high cost of running at either level, I would

prefer our team to stay in the National League. With a season's experience behind both Jon Cook and Kelvin Tatum will be able to spend

the winter putting together a more balanced team likely to produce better racing. Having said that, we have been one of the top 4 clubs in the

league this year which isn't bad first time round, and I have enjoyed the racing some of which has been top drawer. I suspect that if we were

to go in the Premier League as Jon Cook has indicated, we would niot be able to afford the better riders so would most likely be cannon fodder.

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Because of all the question marks about the Chanpionship or Premiership leagues, and the high cost of running at either level, I would

prefer our team to stay in the National League. With a season's experience behind both Jon Cook and Kelvin Tatum will be able to spend

the winter putting together a more balanced team likely to produce better racing. Having said that, we have been one of the top 4 clubs in the

league this year which isn't bad first time round, and I have enjoyed the racing some of which has been top drawer. I suspect that if we were

to go in the Premier League as Jon Cook has indicated, we would niot be able to afford the better riders so would most likely be cannon fodder.

What better riders? Its pretty much Championship standard anyway with a couple of top class riders like Doyle.
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So any news yet of the 14th Home Meeting then?


Since Kelvin Tatum's note on the website last Friday (which allludes to the fact that the season is now over), Jon Cook seems very quiet.


Whilst I know that he couldn't be bothered going to Belle Vue (despite being Lakeside's Promoter) you'd at least think he'd find time to communicate via the clubs' website - or indeed its' wonderful social media?

Edited by The Voice Of Reason
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Indeed, and whilst of course the fact Kings Lynn pulled out is beyond the control of the club they did nonetheless pull out of the Koc which further deprived season ticket holders of another match they had already paid for.

The fans at Lakeside are treated very badly and it’s one of the key reasons I have not been able to grab any enthusiasm to go this season, it’s literally the first time in 30 years I have not been to at least a few meetings during a season, most of of those 30 years I went to all the home meetings or at least 90% of them.

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I know how you feel Claret.

Didn't go to Lakeside at all this year, never had any inclination. Treated like sh1te one too many times.


Thankfully Rye has saved me from walking away from the sport. Not perfect, due to the sport as a whole, but 1000 times better than Lakeside and cheaper too.

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I know how you feel Claret.

Didn't go to Lakeside at all this year, never had any inclination. Treated like sh1te one too many times.


Thankfully Rye has saved me from walking away from the sport. Not perfect, due to the sport as a whole, but 1000 times better than Lakeside and cheaper too.


I know how you feel Claret.

Didn't go to Lakeside at all this year, never had any inclination. Treated like sh1te one too many times.


Thankfully Rye has saved me from walking away from the sport. Not perfect, due to the sport as a whole, but 1000 times better than Lakeside and cheaper too.

Ditto Kev

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Nearly a week after the anihilation of Lakeside in Manchester; and still no comment from Jon Cook. Last message on the club's website, was on 6th Oct, from Tatum - who was also a 'no show' at Belle Vue last week.


No mention either of the 'at least 14 home meetings' when only 13 have been delivered. When is the 14th Meeting Jon?


And he really believes a return to the top flight will see supporters rushing back?


Truthfulness, trust and LOYALTY, in my experience, HAS to work both ways.

Edited by The Voice Of Reason
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I recon they will lose a minimum of 50% of fans who defected to Rye this year ,,i do not see how premier league will be viable next season ...

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not true lakeside fans if go somewhere else at a drop of a hat anyway

and what I find strange is the only ones moaning about the one short meeting

are the ones that have already said they haven't been much if at all so don't

have season tickets. and as for VOR you really should meet with jon cook and

clear the air as the negativity and bile you have for the club cant be healthy.

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Seeing as it's in the future, how can you say it's not true.

I agree with Waco's opinion and it's very sad for the club (a club that had Leigh Adams, Mark Loram Lee Richardson etc ride for them)


You are generally correct in that the ones that are moaning are the ones that haven't attended. But that's the very reason. Things are promised and then just forgotten about. When it happens year on year people get annoyed at how they feel treated.


7 riders who have given everything this year, have,by Cook's announcement, been put out of a job. ZAch will/should end up at Swindon, so only Ben may be back there. Where is the public thanks from Cook ?

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Sorry state of affairs. In general I have been supportive of both Jon Cook and Kelvin Tatum. It must have been a very difficult time for them

made less easy by some fans staying away from National League. None the less their recent responses have not been good and I really fear for the

future of the club. Anyone with any idea would consider that a move back into the top league would be financial suicide. So, in my view, the best

future, if there is one at all, would be where we are now and for me, I have enjoyed the racing at this level.

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Drop to the National league and people moan, go back up to the top league and people moan lol. Happy days.

How long is a piece of string. I know some hammers fans who have stopped going to speedway because of lakeside dropping down. Getting them to return could be difficult.

Exactly, nobody knows how many went to Rye or not and if the ones that did will come back or not and to be honest who really cares.
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From an outsider's point of view I'm sure the moaning is unfortunately to do with what seems disinterested management/promotion and the location of the track ( Friday night traffic etc) so doesn't really matter what league Lakeside are in people will moan as they're dissatisfied anyway. . I've done a 100 mile round trip to Eastie for the last 18 years along the A27, but i have to be honest never found it to much grief normally taking just over an hour each way from West Sussex. Although not everybody likes our actual track, because of it's location it's always a pleasant place to arrive at, which on my one visit to Lakeside a few year's ago was so bleak when I went, that's no slight on the fan's by the way just it's location. From word go when Eastie dropped to the NL, we had new management with Martin and Connor, not the drag over from the Elite and they even stated they wanted to make speedway a 'club' again. They must have succeeded pretty well as you hardly ever see any moaning on the Eastbourne section on here as most seem happy with the club if not the bspa, fair success has helped of course

Don't know how you resolve it as both problem's are hard to rectify,but the start must come from the top I suppose.

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The crowds were dropping off before the club dropped down, most of the group I used to stand with had stopped going, they are not going elsewhere instead either to my knowledge.

People say many went to Rye but how many used to double up between Arena and Kent then saw no point in going to Arena as they were already supporting a NL team in the form of the Kings.

What crowds would have been like had Lakeside stayed in the top flight we will never know.


What we do know though is that as it stands the numbers are not sufficient to carry on with the current practice, no matter what those with their heads in the sands try to spin.

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The crowds were dropping off before the club dropped down, most of the group I used to stand with had stopped going, they are not going elsewhere instead either to my knowledge.

People say many went to Rye but how many used to double up between Arena and Kent then saw no point in going to Arena as they were already supporting a NL team in the form of the Kings.

What crowds would have been like had Lakeside stayed in the top flight we will never know.


What we do know though is that as it stands the numbers are not sufficient to carry on with the current practice, no matter what those with their heads in the sands try to spin.

I think everybody knows the crowds need to be bigger than this season and I dont think anyone would say otherwise, Iam not sure anyone has have they?
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