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Lakeside 2017


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Leicester: "Oh no, we've lost the play-offs and, according to BSPA/SCB rules, we are now getting relegated to the Championship!"


BSPA/SCB: "Yep, that's the rules."


Leicester: "But we don't want to drop a league.....we want to stay in the Prem".


BSPA/SCB: "Sorry, they are the rules. We never deviate from the rules."




Buster Chapman: "Who the f#k is that at the door?"


Doorman: "It's that miserable git who never smiles, never completes all his fixtures or wins anything."


Buster Chapman: "Tell Chris Holder he's still f#kin sacked."


Doorman: "Nah guv, it's Jon Cook. He said please let him in, only he's not travelled as far North as Rugby for years."


Buster Chapman: "Oh gawd alrite then. Hello Cookie, what'dya wonna say?"


Rest of BSPA/SCB: "Please don't give him the mic buster, we'll be here listening to his b@llox all nite."


Jon Cook: "Said it all already in The Speedway Star".


BSPA/SCB: "Eh, the what?"


Jon Cook: "Yeah, like er look, yeh I wonna come rite back into the Premier. Well, to be honest I don't. But I've errrrrrr, basically run out of BS to give my remaining supporters. We're good to errr go. Kelv and me have found a new site if Arena Essex shuts. It's the car park of Tilbury Power Station. Sh!te location, freezing cold and no atmosphere at the moment and woefully lacking in 21st Century facilities".


BSPA/SCB: "Yeah, we know.....but what about the car park at Tilbury Power Station?"


Jon Cook: "I was talking about the......nevermind. Look, I now realise that I was right all along. Lakeside in the National League has been an absolute disaster. I should never have listened to the fans. They wanted this 'forever end up on your @rse league'. They've turned me over big time. I give them what they wanted - NL racing, regular monthly meetings, Rider Replacement and Guests, an alternative to Friday night racing on errrrr, Friday Nights and what do they do? Sod off to Rye House for fish & chips! What's Rye House got that we haven't - apart from seats, roofs, a better race night, better facilities, a decent team, exciting racing, a friendly promotion that communicates regularly to their fans"?


SCB/BSPA: "Plus they don't pull out of cup competitions for no reason, fulfil their fixture list, etc?"


Jon Cook: "Er yeaaaa, well that's my supporters fault as well. I would have been 50% down in attendances - as 8 of them were going on a British Legion day trip to Bridlington".


SCB/BSPA: "What competitive team would you put out"?


Jon Cook: "Old hands to steady the ship. I hear Martin Goodwin wants to make a comeback. Then there's youngsters like errrrm, Paul Hurry. And I hear Lewis Bridger wants to be given his 119th final last chance to prove himself."


BSPA: (Privately conferring) "Sounds a half decent team to be honest."


Leicester: "Spose you'll want Kim Nilsson back"!


Jon Cook: "Who"?


BSPA: "Well on the basis that year on year, Lakeside are utter garbage outside of Essex, and we can always guarantee a 3 point home win - accepted".


Leicester: "So what about us? He can turn up with 'his previous' and jump two leagues, and we get relegated......against our wishes"!


BSPA/SCB: "Rules are the rules. Jon held a position on the BSPA. Didn't achieve sod all to be honest - but he's one of the old boys network. Plus think of your fans. Lions supporters won't have to endure at least one trip down to that godforesaken dive called Essex. Plus for televised meetings, you won't ever again get Ronnie Russell screwing up your track prep"


Leicester: "Can't argue with any of that"!

I reckon Leicester fans wouldn't mind dropping down a league to be honest it would be nice for them to maybe win something other than a wooden spoon, they have had enough of them surely.
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On the subject of 'throwing toys out of the pram', which team was guilty of 'throwing their toys out of the pram' and ruined the decent scoring system of league points by saying that their fans didn't link it when they only got 2 points for a home win instead of 3?

That would be our idiot promoter who thinks if anyone doesn’t agree with what he thinks means they are either stupid, biased or both.

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Crickey...the opinions about Cookie and the club are alarming. And far too harsh in my opinion. He has, after all, given us some

speedway this year and obviously lost a lot of money doing it. OK we know things were far from perfect with different race days and

long periods with no meetings, but I think that the reason was beyond Cookie's control as he does not own the stadium. I cannot imagine

that any promoter with a brain would want to do anything other than run on a regular race day, so it must have been forced on him. He

has now come out publicly to say that he wants to go back where he was before, so I say "Good Luck" to him and let's get behind the

club.....As I've said on this forum many times...Use it or lose it.

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Crickey...the opinions about Cookie and the club are alarming. And far too harsh in my opinion. He has, after all, given us some

speedway this year and obviously lost a lot of money doing it. OK we know things were far from perfect with different race days and

long periods with no meetings, but I think that the reason was beyond Cookie's control as he does not own the stadium. I cannot imagine

that any promoter with a brain would want to do anything other than run on a regular race day, so it must have been forced on him. He

has now come out publicly to say that he wants to go back where he was before, so I say "Good Luck" to him and let's get behind the

club.....As I've said on this forum many times...Use it or lose it.

I would take the opinions of a few posters with a pinch of salt mate they don't even support the club. The obsession with Cook is a bit worrying though I have to say it's almost as if he might have sacked them in a previous life or something lol. Edited by liam
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I don't support the Conservative party either but that does'nt mean i can't have an opinion on how they run the country ;)

And as for voice of reason, he used to work for the club so his opinion is just as valid as the next man, if not more so.

Everybody is entitled to an opinion Claret, I was just responding to East End regarding the views on Cook and the club being alarming from people who don't even support Lakeside that's why I said take those comments with a pinch of salt. I think you will find actual Lakeside supporters comments more positive. Edited by liam
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You mean the few hundred left? they have to be more positive, they wouldnt go otherwise.

However most dont comment on forums, they just vote with their feet.

It's the ones on the forum we are talking about though lol. Regarding the crowds, let's just wait and see what they are like when Lakeside go back to the Premiership.
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However most dont comment on forums, they just vote with their feet.

That applies right across Speedwáy, not just Lakeside. To some extent Cook is just a pawn in the game. He has some control over Lakeside but his and Lakeside's fortunes are inextricably linked to a sport whose ruling body simply cannot get that cannot get their act together. In 2010 their was an interview with Stuart Douglas in Speedwáy Star that put forward what I think was an excellent business plan for the sport, which is what you would expect from a level headed bloke like Stuart, and if the others had the sense to adopt it the sport wouldn't be in th dire financial situation it is now, but no, Rick Frost and Allen Trump thought they could buy their way to a Championship and Stuart's Plans were rejected and we had the winter of discontent. Both Trump and Frost are no l onger promoters . Poole and Swindon were not much better .


Jon Cook is no angel but he is a better option than some of the cowboys running it, especially Buster Chapman.

Edited by E I Addio
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Cook intends to run premiership next season, he said the support was good for National League level but only half the fan base thought it was for them. He has told the landlords the dates required and he has asked to attend the pre agm meeting. He also said he was confident of moving to a brand new two wheeled sporting facility in the near future where the plan will then be to run both Premiership and National Leagues.

Wasn't the fan base quoted a few years ago as around 1200 ?? 200 - 300 a week = 75% - 80% drop !!! More fantasy from Mr Cook :nono:

Well I intend to win the lottery next year, drive an Aston Martin, fly to Mars and back and achieve world peace.

I will confirm later. :icon_smile_clown:


Id rather believe Kim Jong :shock:

if that's the case then happy days but why are the fans

the last to know again

Jon Cook and fans views don't go together

How about a little bit of arithmetic this Thursday?

Jon Cook + Informormation = Lies


How can anyone trust a thing this man says anymore?

In a word - No

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Lakeside should just fold and all you moaners can then retire happy.

I think some would like that Tony so they can say 'told you so' after they predicted the move to the national league was Cook's way of slowing killing the club lol. I wonder what the negative spin will be if he did secure the clubs long term future by getting the club involved with a new stadium. Edited by liam
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Nobody (including ALL Speedway fans) wants Lakeside to fold. Obvioulsy.


All some of us want is Jon Cook to get a job commensurate to his ability. As I've alluded to before, stacking shelves in Lidl should suffice.

I would be more concerned why your team keep getting the wooden spoon voice of reason lol
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I don't support the Conservative party either but that does'nt mean i can't have an opinion on how they run the country ;)

And as for voice of reason, he used to work for the club so his opinion is just as valid as the next man, if not more so.


I tend to find that the opinions of people who 'used to work for the club' can be ridiculously prejudiced and biased.


I don't know its the case here, but many of such kind have a massive agenda and axe to grind.

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I would be more concerned why your team keep getting the wooden spoon voice of reason lol


What team would that be Liam?

Some of us would give anything to see our teams one more time, win or lose.


When they have gone we still love our sport, so if we can we go to the most convenient team and develop some passion towards them. None of us want to see that club close as we know the pain that comes with closure. So when we see a promoter, showing such contempt for fans, spouting nonsense and ultimately making decisions which reduces the fans base, it outright annoys some of us.

Edited by KevtheRev
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What team would that be Liam?

Some of us would give anything to see our teams one more time, win or lose.


When they have gone we still love our sport, so if we can we go to the most convenient team and develop some passion towards them. None of us want to see that club close as we know the pain that comes with closure. So when we see a promoter, showing such contempt for fans, spouting nonsense and ultimately making decisions which reduces the fans base, it outright annoys some of us.

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That would be our idiot promoter who thinks if anyone doesn’t agree with what he thinks means they are either stupid, biased or both.

The idiots are those who don't bother tho actually read what he said but would rather listen to those who mis quote him.


Cook has his faults and one of them is sometimes speaking without his brain in gear first, but just as bad are those that pluck a few words out of a sentence then twist it to suit their own agenda.

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What team would that be Liam?

Some of us would give anything to see our teams one more time, win or lose.


When they have gone we still love our sport, so if we can we go to the most convenient team and develop some passion towards them. None of us want to see that club close as we know the pain that comes with closure. So when we see a promoter, showing such contempt for fans, spouting nonsense and ultimately making decisions which reduces the fans base, it outright annoys some of us.

Examine the facts more closely and you might find its not necessarily entirely in Cooks hands. I am not going to defend his ability (or lack of) as a communicator but the plain facts are that the AGM was moved forward last year, to a date to early to commit to anything because the stadium owners had not got their stock car fixtures sorted . What was Cook to do?Commit to the top league "blind" and then risk losing the £30,000 bond because he couldn't fulfill his commitment at a later date ? These decisions are easy for those on the outside that don't risk losing thirty grand if it all goes wrong.


The picture seems to be changing now becsuse from what I hear from the people renting the shops at the stadium is that they are taking less because of smaller crowds and they in turn are complaining to the stadium owners about the rents they pay when their income is less . It seems the stadium owners are beginning to realise that they, and the shops need the income from Speedwáy more than they previously realised. As with any business, there are many factors those not involved are not necessarily aware of.

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