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Lakeside 2017


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The future as was hinted at last night may depend on how this season goes,,But there was considerable optimism from Jon and Kelvin ..the Premier League however was not considered to be in good health for the future...

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To put it simply, Lakeside were not in a position to commit to either Premier or Championship as available meeting dates were yet to be finalised (with their landlords) at the time of the AGM. Plus the impact of GPs and international meetings was very restrictive.


The impression I got was that JC was not keen on the Championship anyway as it is basically a 'northern' league with only Ipswich being close! Also, if a new home was obtained, speedway at a higher level would be run and the NL side too. The new home is still work in progress. If there was one big league (split North and South), in the future, then Lakeside would almost certainly be in it.


There was a lot of positivity on the night and, apparently, many, many riders were keen to ride for the club.

Edited by TonyE
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I expect if he had a chat with the Dugards last year, they'd have probably helped give him the confidence and desire to make the 'drop' to the NL. I'm sure Eastbourne wished they had done it a few year's ago, at the moment the only place to be really, and far more fun to be there and watch the youngsters coming on than so called elite riders. Hopefully you Lakeside fans will take to it like we have at Eastie, good local derby's again as well to add to the Kent ones.

Edited by gazzac
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Not exactly. It's more complicated than that. The roadworks causing the trouble seem to be finishing, but Jon said that in the 5 meetings when crowds were seriously affected by roadworks they were losing up to £8,000 per meeting, and could not sustain those losses . It costs £22,000 to run an Elite (now Premier ) League meeting but only £8000 max. to run an NL meeting so any losses would be proportionately much smaller at the lower level.


There seem to be other reasons swirling beneath the surface. He has doubts about the top leagues ability to survive in its present form and is being destroyed, amongst other things by riders pay demands which are getting beyond the pale. He said when Lakeside announced they were dropping to NL four riders phoned up to say they were devasted and asked if there was anything they coukd do. The four were Lewi Kerr, Richard Lawson, Kim Nilsson and Dave Watt. The rest, in Cooks words "ran for the hills" and didn't care about the fans or the club.


Both Jon and Kelvin want to return to the club atmosphere that speedway had 25 years ago. The riders will now be encouraged to interact with fans more, now they don't have to dash off and catch flights to their next pay day. Kelvin also said we will have to get used to a new type of Speedwáy but he is very enthusiastic about it




The Sneering Voice of (Un )Reason, who couldn't be bothered to turn up, didn't hear the full context of what was said, doesn't have the guts to confront Cook and Tatum face to face, and doesn't get hit in the pocket when the club sustains losses, gets it wrong and makes a fool of himself yet again.


Not funny, not clever, just stupid


Its a bit harsh to say AJ didn't care about the fans or the club, he probably knew there was nothing he would be able to do to help apart from riding for free, the other unmentioned riders I am not surprised about though, they are journey men who have had more clubs than hot diners.

It is a shame though despite lots of riders having an interest in riding for us in 2017 we have still ended up with a 40 year old in the team, hopefully over the next 12 months the academy and school can develop some more promising teenagers who we can look to blood with a view to being the mecca of youth speedway.

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Its a bit harsh to say AJ didn't care about the fans or the club, he probably knew there was nothing he would be able to do to help apart from riding for free, the other unmentioned riders I am not surprised about though, they are journey men who have had more clubs than hot diners.

It is a shame though despite lots of riders having an interest in riding for us in 2017 we have still ended up with a 40 year old in the team, hopefully over the next 12 months the academy and school can develop some more promising teenagers who we can look to blood with a view to being the mecca of youth speedway.

Yes, one of the things mentioned was that if anyone in the academy shows promise they can get straight in and sign him.

I don't know anyone who is happy about signing the particular 40 year old you mention, but the fact that many riders want to ride for us was in the context that there are a lot of riders that want to fill the remaining team place. Jon and Kelvin want to take a look at them in practice before deciding who is the best bet.

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the talk about the traffic was a bit daft,everyone knows the drop into the national league was on the cards.oh and by the way work starts on the A13 soon again between orsett and Stanford.they are putting in a extra lane each way.also six months of road works on old A13 starts soon between the wennington jct and the circus tavern.and the sunday meetings with a 3pm start will be fun,that roundabout is jammed with traffic getting into lakeside.and when the meeting finishes you can join them again in trying to get out lol,

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Yes, one of the things mentioned was that if anyone in the academy shows promise they can get straight in and sign him.

I don't know anyone who is happy about signing the particular 40 year old you mention, but the fact that many riders want to ride for us was in the context that there are a lot of riders that want to fill the remaining team place. Jon and Kelvin want to take a look at them in practice before deciding who is the best bet.

On the subject of David Mason I believe we have to accept as a new NL club being largely at the mercy of who is left. Many established riders would have shaken hands on new deals for 2017 by the end of last season. In fact, I think we have done well to have secured the services of Zach, albeit Lakeside asset but, nonetheless, based in Bristol. It is possible that we were targeting Shane Hazelden anyway but, once he had ruled himself out through injury, Mason or a complete beginner were the only remaining options. Despite his age I am sure he will do a decent job for us and there is nothing wrong with being 40. At a similar age Greg Hancock had just one World Championship to his name!

Edited by tocha
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On the subject of David Mason I believe we have to accept as a new NL club being largely at the mercy of who is left. Many established riders would have shaken hands on new deals for 2017 by the end of last season. In fact, I think we have done well to have secured the services of Zach, albeit Lakeside asset but, nonetheless, based in Bristol. It is possible that we were targeting Shane Hazelden anyway but, once he had ruled himself out through injury, Mason or a complete beginner were the only remaining options. Despite his age I am sure he will do a decent job for us and there is nothing wrong with being 40. At a similar age Greg Hancock had just one World Championship to his name!

Please don't mention Mason in the same sentence as Hancock ;)
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On the subject of David Mason I believe we have to accept as a new NL club being largely at the mercy of who is left. Many established riders would have shaken hands on new deals for 2017 by the end of last season. In fact, I think we have done well to have secured the services of Zach, albeit Lakeside asset but, nonetheless, based in Bristol. It is possible that we were targeting Shane Hazelden anyway but, once he had ruled himself out through injury, Mason or a complete beginner were the only remaining options. Despite his age I am sure he will do a decent job for us and there is nothing wrong with being 40. At a similar age Greg Hancock had just one World Championship to his name!

Nothing wrong with being 40 or older. I was delighted when Peter Karlsson signed for Lakeside, for example. The problem with David Mason is not so much his age as the fact that he comes with the reputation of being a boring rider who is content to sit back in the minor placings if he doesn't gate. I understand that it could be useful to have an experienced rider on the track, experiencing track conditions who can perhaps help the younger ones with set ups better than Kelvin, who is not on the track, is perhaps able to. I get all that , but as a spectator I like to see riders who raise your expectation and pulse rate every time they come to the tapes and I can't see Mason ever doing that. As for being 40 it's not so much his age per se more the fact that his record suggests he has reached the point where he is in decline. His record last year was that he finished third in nearly half his races and to my mind that is a second strings told , not a third heatleader. I do like the look of the first four signings.

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Does anyone have any suggestions as to who may be under consideration for the final team place? The likes of Ben Basford, Connor Locke, Macauley Leek appear to be amongst the most promising options. I think our final signing will need to be scoring a consistent 3-4 points a meeting from the off, particularly at home.

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Nothing wrong with being 40 or older. I was delighted when Peter Karlsson signed for Lakeside, for example. The problem with David Mason is not so much his age as the fact that he comes with the reputation of being a boring rider who is content to sit back in the minor placings if he doesn't gate. I understand that it could be useful to have an experienced rider on the track, experiencing track conditions who can perhaps help the younger ones with set ups better than Kelvin, who is not on the track, is perhaps able to. I get all that , but as a spectator I like to see riders who raise your expectation and pulse rate every time they come to the tapes and I can't see Mason ever doing that. As for being 40 it's not so much his age per se more the fact that his record suggests he has reached the point where he is in decline. His record last year was that he finished third in nearly half his races and to my mind that is a second strings told , not a third heatleader. I do like the look of the first four signings.

I don't disagree with anything you say but there may have been no other choice of rider.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to who may be under consideration for the final team place? The likes of Ben Basford, Connor Locke, Macauley Leek appear to be amongst the most promising options. I think our final signing will need to be scoring a consistent 3-4 points a meeting from the off, particularly at home.

Jon and Kelvin have a few riders in mind and will choose nearer the start of the season.

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Nothing wrong with being 40 or older. I was delighted when Peter Karlsson signed for Lakeside, for example. The problem with David Mason is not so much his age as the fact that he comes with the reputation of being a boring rider who is content to sit back in the minor placings if he doesn't gate. I understand that it could be useful to have an experienced rider on the track, experiencing track conditions who can perhaps help the younger ones with set ups better than Kelvin, who is not on the track, is perhaps able to. I get all that , but as a spectator I like to see riders who raise your expectation and pulse rate every time they come to the tapes and I can't see Mason ever doing that. As for being 40 it's not so much his age per se more the fact that his record suggests he has reached the point where he is in decline. His record last year was that he finished third in nearly half his races and to my mind that is a second strings told , not a third heatleader. I do like the look of the first four signings.


I think we all do.


I think it also highlights the stark contrast between the reaction to Jon Armstrong (who is older) signing for Mildenhall and Mason signing for Lakeside.

I don't disagree with anything you say but there may have been no other choice of rider.

Jon and Kelvin have a few riders in mind and will choose nearer the start of the season.


That is just about the only justification that I (and, I suspect, others) would accept.

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I have said it before and I will say it again, his scores last year sometimes did not do his performances justice.

I think he will suprise a few this year. People say his away form will be the issue, but he goes well at eastbourne kent buxton and stoke, the tracks he will suggest at are IOW and Lynn maybe BV.

The changes in tracks this year should suit him, add 2 small tracks at Arena and Plymouth and take away a big track at Coventry.

You have two youngsters with bags of potential to really develop, in ZW you have a potential grand prix star there. And that's without mentioning one of the best riders at this level in Ben Morley who as an added bonus is a track specialist. Fully expect Ben to pick up places in the higher leagues too in the first batch of inevitable magic roundabout of riders.

Plenty to be positive about I would say looking in from the outside.

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I have said it before and I will say it again, his scores last year sometimes did not do his performances justice.

I think he will suprise a few this year. People say his away form will be the issue, but he goes well at eastbourne kent buxton and stoke, the tracks he will suggest at are IOW and Lynn maybe BV.

The changes in tracks this year should suit him, add 2 small tracks at Arena and Plymouth and take away a big track at Coventry.

You have two youngsters with bags of potential to really develop, in ZW you have a potential grand prix star there. And that's without mentioning one of the best riders at this level in Ben Morley who as an added bonus is a track specialist. Fully expect Ben to pick up places in the higher leagues too in the first batch of inevitable magic roundabout of riders.

Plenty to be positive about I would say looking in from the outside.

You need more than just a formidable top 2 though. Look at Rye House last season

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Does anyone have any suggestions as to who may be under consideration for the final team place? The likes of Ben Basford, Connor Locke, Macauley Leek appear to be amongst the most promising options. I think our final signing will need to be scoring a consistent 3-4 points a meeting from the off, particularly at home.

I would be pretty worried if the 3 mentioned are the most promising options. All spend too much time off the bike or off the pace

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I think the 3 mentioned would do a good job for lakeside at reserve. Macauley Leek would do a job round lakeside as I think the track suits him down to a tee,especially given the experience of a small track like Rye House. Connor Locke is still newish to speedway but give him his due he improved by a great amount towards the end of the season. Ben basford would be another good reserve but I think his travelling would effect him getting there for Friday nights.

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It will be interesting to see what influence Kelvin Tatum will have. One imagines, at this level, with willing pupils, it could be huge.


I don't think he can keep them on the bike if they have a propensity to fall off but where I think he will help is on racing lines and getting them to analyse why a race went well or why it went badly so they can understand how the track should be ridden. He seems to be looking forward too it.

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