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Rye House 2017

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Anyone know what averages are being used for Barker and Sedgman, - and the other Rye riders - as the 'official' BSPA figures would seem to suggest these changes are not possible under the new 42 team building limit?!


Or maybe my abacus is a bit warped!

Perhaps the RH promotion have got hold of the wrong average sheets?

They are probably working off the info reserved for Matt. :lol:

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Oh for the 'good old days' when teams were REAL club sides and the same basic squad was featured season-on-season.

Those days it was run for the good of the sport and not promoters egos winning was an aside.

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Anyone know what averages are being used for Barker and Sedgman, - and the other Rye riders - as the 'official' BSPA figures would seem to suggest these changes are not possible under the new 42 team building limit?!


Or maybe my abacus is a bit warped!

I'm assuming Barkers average has been reduced as he will be riding in a slightly tougher league.Jorgensen at Lynn was signed on a 7.3 then immediately dropped to 6.08 once the 42pt average kicked in.He is still 7.3 at Workington.So i would say Barker has gained an average slightly lower than Jorgensen's so would fit into the 42pt limit with Rye House.

Just a side thought,although Rye House have done nothing wrong,these moves just highlight what is wrong with British speedway.Two British riders are out of a Job and an Aussie now has 2 again.I guess this sort of issue doesn't just happen in speedway though at the moment.

Edited by tellboy
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Anyone know what averages are being used for Barker and Sedgman, - and the other Rye riders - as the 'official' BSPA figures would seem to suggest these changes are not possible under the new 42 team building limit?!


Agreed. More behind the scenes magic from the BSPA. No transparency and impossible for fans to follow!

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Some people moan about the amount of doubling up riders theses days, and others were moaning that Eddie wasn't doing enough meetings. No matter what you do you will never please everyone. People want success and to me it looks like BMR are doing all they can to achieve it.

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Kennett might be loyal, British blah blah blah but an away average of 3.68 is unacceptable v 10.14 at home, correct decision to get rid. If anyone can feel hard done by it's Perks who's done little, if anything, wrong. His away average of 5.00 rather puts Kennett's efforts into prospective.

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Very poor decisions by Rye House IMHO. Yes Kennett has had a poor year away but a 10 point rider at home is not easy to find. Add in that he has been stuck at number 1 all season because neither Scotty or Bomber have upped their games either.

Now Eddies average has dropped another club will benefit rather than Rye.

Then on to poor Ellis Perks who has been the star of the new system and is dumped due to numbers. Hardly inspiring any riders to want to step up. Ive no doubt he will get picked up elsewhere but his life will get tougher as he is now saddled with a higher average. If he fails to secure a new team place the Rye promotion should hang their heads at stifling the progress of a talented young Brit/Aussie.

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Don't see what the fuss is about. Barker and Sedgmen should easily outscore those being replaced home and away! Kennett was never a heat leader in this league although I bet Poole wish his average was less than Klindt's as they would sign him in a heartbeat - shame!

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On balance, I think this is a good move for Rye House. They are suffering a similar problem as several teams, too many reserve-standard riders, so losing Perks, albeit a harsh choice, allows everyone to move down a spot.


In terms of Kennett, overall I think he has underperformed and by bringing in Barker and Sedgmen it gives Rye House a much better balance across the whole team.

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Personally I hate the way that teams are run these days with no rider ever feeling that their team place is secure. I come from the era when

all riders were identified with the teams they rode for. Nowadays each of us have to learn to love new favourites every season, and even in

mid season even more new ones. At Rye House Kennett has given superb service for many years and now, with the "Win at all costs"

philosophy, he's out of work..

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Personally I hate the way that teams are run these days with no rider ever feeling that their team place is secure. I come from the era when

all riders were identified with the teams they rode for. Nowadays each of us have to learn to love new favourites every season, and even in

mid season even more new ones. At Rye House Kennett has given superb service for many years and now, with the "Win at all costs"

philosophy, he's out of work..

It's a results based sport - if someone under performs they can expect to be released. Of course, if you don't want to win anything then you should have kept him :rolleyes: Edited by Steve0
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Don't see what the fuss is about. Barker and Sedgmen should easily outscore those being replaced home and away! Kennett was never a heat leader in this league although I bet Poole wish his average was less than Klindt's as they would sign him in a heartbeat - shame!

Just not seeing it personally. At home Kennett and Perks are good for the best part of 17 points between them. Can you see Sedgmen and Barker doing that? OK Robbo will get a couple more so they need 15. Not going to happen. Now I know you'll argue that they may lose a couple at home but they'll gain a couple away but that then means that the 2 close home meetings they had become losses and the few big away losses become only slightly big away losses. I could understand if they kept scoring 44 or 41 away everywhere, they need a couple more point to get over the line but they're not.


Speedway, IMO, is about keeping your fans happy, that means winning your home meetings. Anything away is a bonus for the 3-4% of your fans that do go away from home.

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Issue 1 9.27.


Issue 15 6.88.


Says it all about Kennett.

In may be looking at it wrong, but surely the original average was from the championship. Actual Premiership averages were x1.4. 6.88 x 1.4 = 9.63, so you could say he is doing fine. Problem is he is #1 and that was never realistic. Everybidy knows that you need a team of riders who can increase their average to win anything, but Rye picked a team full of riders in the downside of their career.

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It's a results based sport - if someone under performs they can expect to be released. Of course, if you don't want to win anything then you should have kept him :rolleyes:

Never used to be and it was in a damn sight healthier state then. Yes they were important, but not life or death as now. People actually enjoyed the racing and the wins were a bonus. I know many people would go to watch and have no idea of the result, or in extreme cases not even know there was a match on. They'd just turn up to watch a night of entertaining racing, not buy a programme or bother listening to the p.a. I'd say they're the ones that have gone missing, just leaving the results-obsessed seeking reflected glory.

Would have thought the main priority for Rye House is to be winning at home to keep the fans happy.


I'd have thought Kennett & Perks is stronger than Sedgmen & Barker at home.

Most supporters notice home defeats far more than away wins.


I know of at least one track where it was rumoured the promoter banned all talk of away matches by the announcer/presenter, especially defeats, apart from running coaches, on the basis that all most fans cared about was what happened at home and there was no point is disillusioning them.

Edited by Rob McCaffery
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At Swindon it was so apparent that this team was simply not up to it away from home and fans would have shouted that every other team have made changes but not us, well we have and who knows it might just pay off, at least we tried to roll the dice, how about getting behind the team and if it doesn't work, moan then.

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True but always harsh on riders like Perks who improve and then get the chop.

I agree but speedway is a stupid numbers game. Obviously Branford should have got the chop rather than Perks but that would have put Rye House above the average limit even though their team average is 4-5 points less than Wolves - it's stupid!!

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I agree but speedway is a stupid numbers game. Obviously Branford should have got the chop rather than Perks but that would have put Rye House above the average limit even though their team average is 4-5 points less than Wolves - it's stupid!!

Agreed, for this year a better option might have been that the team limit should have been the highest that any club had as at the point the new averages were calculated. They could have then started with a proper average for 2018.

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