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Glasgow 2017

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I'd argue that is Perry and Smith both stay below Bewleys 3.90 start figure then Glasgow are stuffed. Obviously if one of them goes above 3.9 then Bewley drops to reserve and has to be replaced by 3.9 guests.


Quite how anyone can think a team that uses 13 points on 4 riders allows balance I don't know! Argue that top heavy is the way to go by all means but 13 points on your bottom 4 and 27 on your top 3 is not balanced. Most teams use just over half their points on a top 3 and just under half on their bottom 4. That equates to about 22/18 and not 27/13!

But we are happy with the make up off our team as the bottom 4 will make a mockery off there starting average but injuries invariably will play a part.


You just have to hope your team avoid them.

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Perry reached a 5.58 last season at Peterborough, who's to say he won't do that at Glasgow, try looking at the riders we have signed and not what there average is, too many people obsessed with what the bottom end at Glasgow adds up to.

If and it's always an if, that the bottom 4 improve the way we all hope that they can then we might just do ok.

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I'd argue that if Bewley does get injured and that Perry and Smith both stay below Bewleys 3.90 start figure then Glasgow are stuffed. Obviously if one of them goes above 3.9 then Bewley drops to reserve and has to be replaced by 3.9 guests.


Quite how anyone can think a team that uses 13 points on 4 riders allows balance I don't know! Argue that top heavy is the way to go by all means but 13 points on your bottom 4 and 27 on your top 3 is not balanced. Most teams use just over half their points on a top 3 and just under half on their bottom 4. That equates to about 22/18 and not 27/13!


So on the one hand you're saying that Glasgow have used too many points on their top 3 - but you aren't then also saying Glasgow's top 3 are better than most either. So the view you are expressing isn't balanced at all.


You say "most teams use just over half their points on a top 3" - that would be about 21 points, so you're saying that the top 3 of most teams have 7 point heat leaders? That's woefully weak - as woefully weak as the argument you're currently peddling. Taking into account that, you say, most teams have on average no more than 7 point heat leaders (or for every 8 point heat leader they must also have a 6 point heat leader(!!) to maintain only 7 points each in their top 3), then you must be absolutely awestruck by Glasgow's top 3!!!


Regardless, of how it came about, Glasgow's bottom 4 are as good as any in this league - and infinitely stronger than the weak argument you're peddling.

Edited by justere2cgoodspeedway
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Perry reached a 5.58 last season at Peterborough, who's to say he won't do that at Glasgow, try looking at the riders we have signed and not what there average is, too many people obsessed with what the bottom end at Glasgow adds up to.

If and it's always an if, that the bottom 4 improve the way we all hope that they can then we might just do ok.

Someone posted that Glasgow are not top heavy, I proved they were. Thats hardly "obsessed" it's a statement of fact. Madness I know on this forum/in speedway where opinion trumps fact.


The point being made is that Bewley aside, Glasgow are bang average in some peoples opinion. Someone retorted that if Bewley did get injured early on that Glasgow could use R/R, so I pointed out that if you're able to use R/R then the riders signed are clearly not that good and Glasgow will struggle - so it's a crap argument.


As for reaching 5.58, he dropped to 3.76. In fact his last 10 meeting were 2.27. His career averages are 1.22. 3.53, 3.13, 3.79, 1.00 (form 1 meeting so not really fair), 3.84 I don't think looking at them figures it's unfair to suggest he's found his level. Of course riders can come good but when making predictions it's generally a good idea to do it on some basis of fact and not just blind faith - if we're going to down the blind faith route why not just give ever team 7 riders pulled out a hat? After all, they all have the potential to average 12.


You're a touchy lot. Lets go back to my initial comment, "Glasgow look like relying heavily on one rider. But it might be enough" - it's not like I've said they're rubbish, I've just said they're relying heavily on one rider and lets be honest, it's a damn good rider that is universally accepted as being a great signing. But if he does get injured then Glasgow are in trouble, at least by signing 2 or 3 good signing if one does get injured you have the others to cover.

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What's using RR got to do with our riders not being good enough? Explain please? I dont see how we are relying on one rider either? The way the team has been built everyone of them is important, I enjoy a good debate on teams strength throughout the league but I'm struggling to understand the if Bewley got injured bit, race winners win meetings and we have them in abundance for 2017, especially at home, have people seen Lunna and Bewley round Ashfield at full flight !

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So on the one hand you're saying that Glasgow have used too many points on their top 3 - but you aren't then also saying Glasgow's top 3 are better than most either. So the view you are expressing isn't balanced at all.

I've said no such thing. I said they were top heavy. Statement of fact. They have the highest averaged top 3 in the league. To quote yourself, "What utter nonsense!!!!"



You say "most teams use just over half their points on a top 3" - that would be about 21 points, so you're saying that the top 3 of most teams have 7 point heat leaders? That's woefully weak - as woefully weak as the argument you're currently peddling. Taking into account that, you say, most teams have on average no more than 7 point heat leaders (or for every 8 point heat leader they must also have a 6 point heat leader(!!) to maintain only 7 points each in their top 3), then you must be absolutely awestruck by Glasgow's top 3!!!

Statement of fact, I'll give you the number if you like. Glasgow as a % have used an excessive amount of points on their top 3, thats top heavy. You seem to be under the misapprehension that I think top heavy is bad and it's a criticism.


Regardless, of how it came about, Glasgow's bottom 4 are as good as any in this league - and infinitely stronger than the weak argument you're peddling.

That opinion. You may be right. If Glaggow have the best top 3 as you say at the start and have a "bottom 4 are as good as any in this league" then I look forward to congratulating you on going unbeaten all season.
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I'd argue that if Bewley does get injured ..... !

Can't you say that about every "bargain" rider - what happens if they get injured? "Oh dear, wish we'd signed him on a 6 rather than a 4 so we can get a better replacement?" I'm sure Glasgow are delighted to take the risk, just like every other team would be!

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What's using RR got to do with our riders not being good enough? Explain please? I dont see how we are relying on one rider either? The way the team has been built everyone of them is important, I enjoy a good debate on teams strength throughout the league but I'm struggling to understand the if Bewley got injured bit, race winners win meetings and we have them in abundance for 2017, especially at home, have people seen Lunna and Bewley round Ashfield at full flight !

The argument was if Bewley got injured in his first few meeting that Glagsow could use R/R for him. If Bewley gets injured in the first few meetings his average will be 3.90, if you think a team can win anything with a 3.90 second string then you're barmy - I doubt you really are.

Can't you say that about every "bargain" rider - what happens if they get injured? "Oh dear, wish we'd signed him on a 6 rather than a 4 so we can get a better replacement?" I'm sure Glasgow are delighted to take the risk, just like every other team would be!

Of course you can. I've maintained all along Bewley is a cracking signing. This is why it amazes me they're all getting their arse in their hands. I've said if he doesn't their team may be good enough to win the league. You'd swear I'd said they were going to lose every meeting. Sorry for only thinking Glasgow may be one of the better teams and not go unbeaten, how foolish of me :lol:

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Wasn't an argument , was a debate I thought, so if I have a different opinion from you I'm barmy? I know you post a lot on here and I think your quite respected throughout the forum but it doesn't mean your always right lol, let's wait and see how it works out next season eh, I think most Glasgow fans seem to be happy with our team and we are very hopeful we can push for honours again, ps I think Bewley will be the most improved rider in the championship in 2017, so he is pretty important to us lol

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If my Auntie had balls etc....


I don't think there is any doubt that Glasgow's two reserves have improvement in them and probably Lunna too. Just depends if their improvement along with Bewley can trump Sheffield's and everyone else's.


Looks like a really open title race this year and I have a feeling there will be at least one surprise package.

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lal dan is coming back from injury and now certain fans are ALMOST wishing him another injury just to see if r/r would work . jeez people . stop the crap and wish every team member of all clubs an injury free season .


this will be the 3rd season that glasgow have seen themselves as hot prospects for the league . it may or may not work that way .good luck tigers and stuff everyone. there , thats blown it .

Edited by jenga
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I've said no such thing. I said they were top heavy. Statement of fact. They have the highest averaged top 3 in the league. To quote yourself, "What utter nonsense!!!!"



Statement of fact, I'll give you the number if you like. Glasgow as a % have used an excessive amount of points on their top 3, thats top heavy. You seem to be under the misapprehension that I think top heavy is bad and it's a criticism.


That opinion. You may be right. If Glaggow have the best top 3 as you say at the start and have a "bottom 4 are as good as any in this league" then I look forward to congratulating you on going unbeaten all season.


Appreciated, thanks. You've put your points well, especially where you say about top heavy not being bad or a criticism. By the way your quote has been superseded ;)


One factor that hasn't been mentioned yet by anybody as far as I can see on this thread: "stability". In keeping a strong, and familiar, top 3, as well as keeping Lunna, so obviously that's 4 retained. Glasgow seem to have gone for stability as much as anything and who knows what that factor may count for in the coming season.


2017 season looks like shaping up to be close and competitive. Have a good one. :t:

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Glasgow stop 3 isn't that good only Richie Wirral I can see improving! Summers is at his level and probably will drop it this season and Lawson I don't see the fuss about him


You say "Glasgow's top 3 isn't that good": as SCB has said, Glasgow's top 3 have the highest scoring average of any team assembled for the coming season, so to say "Glasgow's top 3 isn't that good" just doesn't make sense. :drink:


Glasgow seem to have gone more for stability with their proven top 3, and a solid foundation for the other 4 to build on.


You don't see the fuss about Lawson: a proven scorer. I guess in your eyes that doesn't say much for the dozens of riders that he's outscored over the whole season. You probably never saw the fuss about his old man either. :rofl:

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