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Speedway Agm


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Looking at some of the conversion figures for the Premiership, it looks almost certain that the standard of rider will drop. Add the lower points limit in the Championship, & the promoters have dropped the standard there as well. With most clubs looking to charge the same, or more next year, the supporters lose out again.


i will wait and see, but if I feel I am losing out, I will save a lot of money and the club will lose out

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Nice to see that the press release has been amended to clarify the 1.4 issue, it now reads "by a factor of 1.4"

Most people reading the original statement would assume an increase of 1.4 would mean an addition, I did, when all it needed to say was "multiplied by 1.4"

However I do think this just goes to show how the rule book gets into such a mess, if a simple point such as this is so misinterpreted.

The same can be said for "riders who only raced in the Elite League", do they mean that, does the National League come into the equation ? (I'm thinking Adam Ellis here)


A more forward thinking organisation would have gone through the rider list and published new averages right now, to accompany the press release.


Do the Promoters write the rule book ?

The original release said that 1.4 would be added, multiplication or factor were not mentioned at all.

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Actually the biggest laugh today was when somebody moaned about Wolves racing alternate weeks when there are only enough meetings to race every other week already; that may change next year or some stupid formula where team play one team four time but other teams twice during the season. I cannot believe that that was ever tried in the first place.

The moan, and rightly so, was because of the squatters that we have from Cradley, also riding fortnightly meaning very few, if any spare dates. Proof of the pudding was that we had to run a double-header to complete our fixtures. Now if the spoons weren't there, it wouldn't have been a problem.

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Without confirmation, I'd guess the following will be in the NL : Birmingham, Cradley, Eastbourne, Kent, Lakeside, Mildenhall, Isle of Wight, Buxton, Stoke and possibly Plymouth . The question mark is over the '2nd' teams,e.g Belle Vue, Coventry, King's Lynn and Rye House.



I think you will still see Lakeside in the 2nd Division because income cannot match costs for them in the 3rd Division: Not forgetting that more than half of the current supporters will be lost to speedway. You cannot run a 3rd division team with 1st division costs such as rent.


It is only the 1st division that has a set entry at the AGM.

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The outline changes do in fact look good for the Sport.


First real fundamental change in the winter for a very long time.


Hope Workington do confirm their presence in 2017.


Unfortunately they have not got rid of the Tactical ride


Let us hope that these changes bring some stability for Speedway and the Sport can move forward.

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Good news for Swindon with Doyle on 13.69.


When the first set of averages come out he'll be on about 10, giving us a chance to strengthen by about 4 points. Plus the team average will drop too. Big signings early on could decide things later.

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Not really sure what people were expecting - the outcome of the AGM seems to have been just about as realistic and sensible as could have been hoped for in speedway. With the leagues down to just about bare minimum numbers and the Elite League at death's door, then there wasn't much choice but to just to divvy up the teams as equally as possible.

What's more, the Premiership is now actually the top league as it should have been all along, and they'll be no more arguments about the Elite League not being 'elite''.

Of course changing the names of things isn't going to solve the wider problems in the sport, and professional speedway is most probably doomed in Britain regardless, but I'm not sure what else could be done at this point in time.

And it surely demonstrates that the former PL can't have been the healthy thriving competition that was claimed if it's struggling for numbers too.

Edited by Humphrey Appleby
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Actually the biggest laugh today was when somebody moaned about Wolves racing alternate weeks when there are only enough meetings to race every other week already; that may change next year or some stupid formula where team play one team four time but other teams twice during the season. I cannot believe that that was ever tried in the first place.

The moan, and rightly so, was because of the squatters that we have from Cradley, also riding fortnightly meaning very few, if any spare dates. Proof of the pudding was that we had to run a double-header to complete our fixtures. Now if the spoons weren't there, it wouldn't have been a problem.


I believe the double header was due to the availability of riders and had nothing to do with Cradley.

Good news for Swindon with Doyle on 13.69.


When the first set of averages come out he'll be on about 10, giving us a chance to strengthen by about 4 points. Plus the team average will drop too. Big signings early on could decide things later.

He will not and you will not.

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I believe the double header was due to the availability of riders and had nothing to do with Cradley.

He will not and you will not.


Its all to do with Cradley, if they weren't blocking alternate Mondays we could have fitted in rained-off meetings earlier in the season. This situation was forecast by Wolves fans before the season started!

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Not really sure what people were expecting - the outcome of the AGM seems to have been just about as realistic and sensible as could have been hoped for in speedway. With the leagues down to just about bare minimum numbers and the Elite League at death's door, then there wasn't much choice but to just to divvy up the teams as equally as possible.


What's more, the Premiership is now actually the top league as it should have been all along, and they'll be no more arguments about the Elite League not being 'elite''.


Of course changing the names of things isn't going to solve the wider problems in the sport, and professional speedway is most probably doomed in Britain regardless, but I'm sure what else could be done at this point in time.


And it surely demonstrates that the former PL can't have been the healthy thriving competition that was claime if it's struggling for numbers too.

Old style tac subs are NOT back. still TR`s

Edit how weird not in Humph`s post quoted above but in his post 416

Edited by racers and royals
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Nikolai Klindt 2016 EL ave 6.36

Patrick Hougaard 2016 EL ave 6.22


but averages for 2017 will be:


Klindt 5.42 (from PL)

Hougaard 8.71 (EL x 1.4) hmm?


What will the points limit in the PL be after the first set of new averages? [should really be about 42 in both leagues) Or will riders have a single average be calculated with points weighted 1.4 PL to 1.0 CL - this is done in Denmark - if so the PL points limit needs to be about 58 once the new averages kick in)


Are there any changes to doubling up rules? In particular is the two restriction still in force? What if a rider doubles up for the Championship play-off winners and the bottom team in the Premiership? (as Paul Starke did this year).


Are there new rules for assessing new foreigners and other riders without a 2016 average?


So if a rider breaks his leg on 31 July, it's guests all the way for the rest of the season?


Will there be squads as per 2016? Or is it acknowledged that this year's scheme was poorly conceived? (Personally I'd keep the concept of the spare double upper than junk the rest of the squad rules)

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What this AGM has demonstrated to me is how regionalised the leagues have become.

In fact, if in 2018, Ipswich and P'boro both move up, and for whatever reason Belle Vue drop down, we will literally have a Northern and Southern League, despite being named something else.

I'm not sure if this is unfortunate, intentional, or merely coincidental....

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I may be in a minority but I like it. Forcing out the top guys by making them harder to fit in and giving them more meeting.


Next year limit doubling up too avoid clashes too and we could slowly be getting there.

Edited by SCB
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We tried promotion and relegation before and the only teams that move up and those that want to or can see a financial argument to do so. Those that cannot see a bright future in moving up have opted to stay down.

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i' just afreaid there are too may things not fully thought through.

1.4 seems much too high a multiplier for EL ELs, when you look at the likes of Cook, Lambert, King.

How is team building going to work once the new set of averages are released? Surely they can't kepp the 1.4 multiplier. Logically the rule would be that the team building limit drops to 43 once the new averages are released, and re-declarations ust be to that, but I'm not convinced that will have been planned.The relegation play off is surely going to be utterly one sided again though, given the top tier team essentially had an extra 10 for team building


What they really need to address is fixture planning, avoid big gaps and clashes.


Looking at bele vue they could build a team something like:

Zagar, Jacobs, Fricke, S Worral, Cook, Bewley, 2pointer.


Kyle Newman looks like a bargain, now there's a surprise! Where's Gavan, I'm sure he told us categorically that PL average would not be used...

Edited by waihekeaces1
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