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Leicester Lions 2017

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I think if Leicester track a similar team with average heatleaders and strong reserves in this new format for 2017, I can see them holding their own well as most top teams will probably look at weak reserves to accommodate their GP stars.

given only 4 riders who were regulars last year are in the gp in 17, not sure you can say most teams are accommodating gp stars. agree most sides will be weak at reserve though. BUT note Leicester need to drop about points to fit the 50 point limit. And I can see Klindt Hougaard and starke being in demand from other teams.
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given only 4 riders who were regulars last year are in the gp in 17, not sure you can say most teams are accommodating gp stars. agree most sides will be weak at reserve though. BUT note Leicester need to drop about points to fit the 50 point limit. And I can see Klindt Hougaard and starke being in demand from other teams.

That's a fair point.


I think Leicester has a big problem attracting these riders back after last years problems and riders waiting for payments.


Who is going to want to risk riding for them as a) Am I going to get paid on time and B) Am I secure riding for this club or is there a possibility they could go broke halfway through the season.


Why Leicester haven't gone CL or NL has really confused me and seems like a case of heart over head in financial terms.

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That's a fair point.


I think Leicester has a big problem attracting these riders back after last years problems and riders waiting for payments.


Who is going to want to risk riding for them as a) Am I going to get paid on time and B) Am I secure riding for this club or is there a possibility they could go broke halfway through the season.


Why Leicester haven't gone CL or NL has really confused me and seems like a case of heart over head in financial terms.


Don't forget, it will be a "New Broom"


Riders shouldn't carry payment issues from one promotion to another, it's just the same as moving to a different track?


If we have problems, Belle Vue's are going to be pretty much insurmountable regarding signing riders, shale suppliers, landlords, etc!!!


A new promotion, shouldn't show scars from the previous promotion....

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Don't forget, it will be a "New Broom"


Riders shouldn't carry payment issues from one promotion to another, it's just the same as moving to a different track?


If we have problems, Belle Vue's are going to be pretty much insurmountable regarding signing riders, shale suppliers, landlords, etc!!!


A new promotion, shouldn't show scars from the previous promotion....

Would be nice to learn a bit more about our New Broom Carl. Any ideas?

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Whoever the new brooms are (if there are any) they seem to have inherited the previous promotion's public relations skills!

Very true, what is the huge problem letting the fans know who and what is going on at BP. Why all the big hush hush secretiveness, just the same as it has always been. It would be far better for who ever it is that is taking over to let the fans know that they are actually pulling alongside them not against them as the case has been in the past.

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How can it be unprofessional. These things take time to sort out. Councils don't do things quickly Contracts to be drawn up signed. ect.

Whilst the signing and transfer of ownership/promotion may take time as you say and lack of general updates in that regard may not be classed as unprofessional,on the back of a thoroughly unprofessional closing couple of months or so, with unfulfilled fixtures, public losing money and riders not being paid, surely a tad of openness would bbea good start.


With the way the previous or current owners/promotion treated the sport and public, it may have been nice for an update or two.

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Whilst the signing and transfer of ownership/promotion may take time as you say and lack of general updates in that regard may not be classed as unprofessional,on the back of a thoroughly unprofessional closing couple of months or so, with unfulfilled fixtures, public losing money and riders not being paid, surely a tad of openness would bbea good start.


With the way the previous or current owners/promotion treated the sport and public, it may have been nice for an update or two.


If anyone is to be blamed, blame the BSPA!!!


As far as I am aware, they are in control of everything Leicester Lions at the moment...

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It's perfectly understandable and right that details of negotiations, including identities, are witheld until the ink is dry on the contracts.


But it can't be too difficult to just say something basic such as "negotiations with prospective new promoters are currently taking place"......I think that's all that is needed.

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It's perfectly understandable and right that details of negotiations, including identities, are witheld until the ink is dry on the contracts.


But it can't be too difficult to just say something basic such as "negotiations with prospective new promoters are currently taking place"......I think that's all that is needed.


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How can it be unprofessional. These things take time to sort out. Councils don't do things quickly Contracts to be drawn up signed. ect.

Plus what makes you think that there is only one group vying for the right to promote.

The City Council is involved then? (image of a snail comes to mind).

Does this mean that DH's company is relinquishing its lease, or maybe the lease is being revoked? There would seem to be no shortage of grounds for invoking the latter.

If I were a prospective new promoter, having DH's company as landlord would be an off-putting factor - in fact I wouldn't touch it with the world's longest bargepole

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Before the BSPA’s AGM Dave Darcy was on Radio Leicester telling fans that Leicester would be running in the top league in 2017, that a new sponsor was on board and that the riders would be paid before the AGM. He also said that he did not know if he would be involved next season. After the AGM the BSPA issued a statement saying that, amongst other things, Leicester would be running a team in the top league next season. They also published a picture of Dave Darcy sitting in a group with fellow promoters. Bearing in mind that Lakeside withdrew because they could not guarantee that they could run in 2017 someone must have given the BSPA AGM the necessary guarantees on Leicester’s behalf. Speedflash saysHow can it be unprofessional. These things take time to sort out. Councils don't do things quickly. Contracts to be drawn up signed. ect. Plus what makes you think that there is only one group vying for the right to promote.” I assume from all this that there is not a new promotion in place yet at Leicester and that the necessary guarantees must have been given by the existing promotion. The current promoters shown on the Speedway Control Bureau’s web site (on a list dated 9th September 2016) are David Hemsley (yes I know he is supposed to have resigned as promoter), David Darcy and Neil Machin. If last season’s promoters are still in charge perhaps they can tell us what’s going on. As I, and others have said on here, we don’t want detailed nitty gritty just some news that things are in hand and that an announcement about who will be running Leicester Speedway next season will be made (hopefully) shortly.

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