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Leicester Lions 2017

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If a rider cannot cope with the pressure or amount of fixtures at junior level they are no way ready to step up.


However I think that individual meetings & league format lower league racing could exist very happily side by side giving riders the choice to do one or both as they progress.


Sadly most grasstrackers are heading over to speedway anyway as its on its @rse as a sport. But i do completely agree that there should be more subsidised introduction days into the sport. There are already organisations that do training / introduction days. If the scb/bspa were to invest in booking these on behalf of some genuinely interested newcomers it would definitely be a step in the right direction. Even if 5 from 30 for example considered taking the sport up it would be a huge bonus.

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We have at last got what we have wished for for a long time. That is the track put to rights, still not sure if it is wide enough, to give the extra racing lines. We will have to wait and see. The best news is that Glyn is doing the work. He did a top job at the other end so it makes sense to get him back to do the other end. Question is has he got the job back as TC. Hope so he knows more about BP than anyone else, so he should be the one doing all the tractor racing.

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The new season for the Lions is becoming to look very exciting. We have a new owner who appears to want to entertain the fans, and he's putting his plans into place pretty sharpish! The web site is more informative and appealing, the riders he's put together are racers, he's kept the price of entry down and now he's getting turns 1&2 sorted. Hopefully his enthusiasm will continue and we can see the crowds return to BP. Well done Damien Bates.

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Similar feel to the Martin Rogers rescue act. Bates is obviously listening to Darcy, who is probably enjoying his responsibility and freedom from the tinpot dictator ( blimey,almost forgot his name for a second)

Who might that be then


David 'Kim Jun Helmsley by any chance (think he's been exiled to North Korea )

Similar feel to the Martin Rogers rescue act. Bates is obviously listening to Darcy, who is probably enjoying his responsibility and freedom from the tinpot dictator ( blimey,almost forgot his name for a second)

Who might that be then


David 'Kim Jun Helmsley by any chance (think he's been exiled to North Korea )

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Perhaps its too much pressure to cope and team league meetings is alot of commitment for a young lad, if it was split into regionalised individual leagues plus other individual meetings it may attract more to the sport who give it a go and realise they have natural ability... more mxers or grass track kids might do it


BSPA need to invest in this area supplying the bikes, kit and have former greats offering tuition, would progress youngatets at a better rate.


If most costs were subsidised do you think more kids from other disciplines would at least "have a go"

we don't want more from other disciplines thanks you , the Mx fraternity are vile, both the parents and the kids . speedway is for speedway people . selfish, posing, one-upmanship, and bragging about who has the most money is for MX types . speedway is already polluted with Mx types without encouraging more

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Will anyone else be sorry to see the end of the regular emails from the Lion's management?

Yes me. Why are they stopping? :neutral:

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Your trying to say KK is a dirty rider which isn't true, never heard any fan say this apart from you!

It is obvious why Poole have taken KK over Chris Holder.

Andersen isn't the rider he was but isn't a spent force.

Kurtz is a good rider, calling him a utter joke is just a wind up. You say he can't do a lap at Monmore which is rubbish as he got 8 points in the meeting earlier in the season.

Jack Holder will be a top rider, maybe not yet but he will improve a lot as the season progresses.

Klindt will not be the saviour, a good rider and should score a lot of points from reserve but not our saviour.


As for the Wolves team i think it is a decent line up, like Klindt, Harris wasn't an option for Wolves. Why you keep harping on about riders who were not available to Wolves i don't know, you obviously think it is a good wind up.


The only point of yours that has any value at all is to let Leicester have there thread back which i entirely agree with.


KK is dirty, he isn't far off Nicki Pedersen when he defends his line. You cannot say he considers the safety of those he steams up the inside of.

Andersen is nowhere near the rider he was, fact. He might have been World Champion the year Rickardsson retired as he was that good then, but he couldn't be bothered and assumed he'd get a permanent WC spot the next year. That was at least 10 years ago. In 2016 he barely got a call up after June in Elitserien and was riding second division in Poland.

Explain to me if Kurtz is such a skilled rider why in the play-offs last year he retired on the first corner of Monmore every outing.

Klindt is a gating tart and always has been, but in this pants league if he doesn't average 9.00 from reserve he doesn't deserve another shot at British Speedway.

We shall wait and see on Jack Holder.

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KK is dirty, he isn't far off Nicki Pedersen when he defends his line. You cannot say he considers the safety of those he steams up the inside of.

Andersen is nowhere near the rider he was, fact. He might have been World Champion the year Rickardsson retired as he was that good then, but he couldn't be bothered and assumed he'd get a permanent WC spot the next year. That was at least 10 years ago. In 2016 he barely got a call up after June in Elitserien and was riding second division in Poland.

Explain to me if Kurtz is such a skilled rider why in the play-offs last year he retired on the first corner of Monmore every outing.

Klindt is a gating tart and always has been, but in this pants league if he doesn't average 9.00 from reserve he doesn't deserve another shot at British Speedway.

We shall wait and see on Jack Holder.

KK is not dirty never has been your talking complete and utter rubbish. I have never heard anyone say he is dirty apart from you. Hans Andersen could be considered very hard on occasions but not KK.


I don't know why Kurtz was so bad at Monmore in the play offs as he was ok in the previous league meeting.

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What are these emails???

You could ask to be put on the Lion's email news list. They then sent you copies of press releases and let you know other things, for example if a match was postponed because of bad weather. It saved you from looking at the Lion's web site every 5 minutes when we had one of those rain drenched summer days.


The reason for stopping the service was given as :-


This will be the final e-newsletter as it is linked to the old website and was part of the package. Thank you for your continued support to the Watling JCB Lions and please check our new website regularly where all news items will be posted.


I would have thought that a way could have been found to continue the service. I think that this is the only backward step the new promotion have taken so far.

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Some news on the track alterations

There are 3 big drains on the corner 1200 galls each. If the track is taken to far then the drains will need to be moved, also move lighting would be needed at an extra cost. What can happen is the same thing that was done at the other end, that is take it up to the drains, the fence can also go back another metre.

If the straights are shortened the start gate will also have to be moved another extra cost. It all adds up to have we enough time or enough money to do anything other than what was done at the other end.

It worked quit well at the other end so it should make quite a big difference when done.

Edited by weatherwatcher
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Some news on the track alterations

There are 3 big drains on the corner 1200 galls each. If the track is taken to far then the drains will need to be moved, also move lighting would be needed at an extra cost. What can happen is the same thing that was done at the other end, that is take it up to the drains, the fence can also go back another metre.

If the straights are shortened the start gate will also have to be moved another extra cost. It all adds up to have we enough time or enough money to do anything other than what was done at the other end.

It worked quit well at the other end so it should make quite a big difference when done.




Where did you get this info from W.W?

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Maybe the new site will be updated quicker plus more hits on the sites stats to show potential sponsors

Yes I thought that at first but then I realised that the emails which were related to the press releases said some thing like 'click here for full details' so to read the full article you were taken to the Lion's web site where the hit would be recoded anyway. The other point to bear in mind is that the emails were a direct contact with fans rather than relying on people to visit the website. There is no reason, providing the club is properly registered, why the email list, and the one which the club presumably keep in relation to season ticket holders, cannot be used for direct marketing mailshots e.g. advertising club sponsors products and/or services direct rather than just on the web site or in the match programme.

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Yes I thought that at first but then I realised that the emails which were related to the press releases said some thing like 'click here for full details' so to read the full article you were taken to the Lion's web site where the hit would be recoded anyway. The other point to bear in mind is that the emails were a direct contact with fans rather than relying on people to visit the website. There is no reason, providing the club is properly registered, why the email list, and the one which the club presumably keep in relation to season ticket holders, cannot be used for direct marketing mailshots e.g. advertising club sponsors products and/or services direct rather than just on the web site or in the match programme.


There might be an issue with Data Protection Laws.... I know of something similar to this, and details could not be transferred company to company......

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