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Leicester Lions 2017

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I thought they were out of order, given what's been happening throughout the Winter, regardless if it was serious or a windup.

It was neither. It had been hinted that someone had been missed out and I assumed, wrongly, that it was Darcy. If It had been, He perhaps could have sought compensation.


You read my post completely wrong. Why on earth would anyone glory in speedways problems?

If you read the Press Releases, it's quite clear...........stop trying to make something out of nothing.

Again trying to make something out of a genuine question. Why should I hunt out a press release? One person has said he now owns everything whilst someone else puts it differently. So what is it?

I thought his responses were a bit weird and at times fairly incoherent. The interviewer seemed quite well clued up.

Bates seemed to say that he is responsible for the speedway operations, stadium, and the land around. That's puzzling, as I'm sure that Chapman previously clearly stated that Hemsley is still responsible for the stadium infrastructure and land, and if Bates has taken on what Buster had acquired, then he isn't responsible for stadium infrastructure and land. If Bates has taken it all over, difficult to see how the legal processes could have been done in that short a time!

The other weird but came when he was asked a perfectly reasonable question about his position, should Leicester and Sheffield find themselves in the same division. So he said " well, that's just not going to happen". So hey there you Sheffield fans, your gaffer doesn't want to get promotion!

The interviewer wound it up quite quickly I thought, probably a good decision.

A bit later I wondered if it was actually Josh Bates who'd been talking.

So the promoter hasn't made his position clear either. My guess is he is renting, as I doubt Hemsley could have sold up that quickly, even if he had wanted to.


Main point though is the club is safe for the time being. Now it needs the fans to come back in numbers decent enough for the place to survive. Hopefully this promoter will do more than just open the gates at 6 pm on a Saturday and actually do what is needed. To get out there and promote!

Edited by Steve Shovlar
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I thought his responses were a bit weird and at times fairly incoherent. The interviewer seemed quite well clued up.

Bates seemed to say that he is responsible for the speedway operations, stadium, and the land around. That's puzzling, as I'm sure that Chapman previously clearly stated that Hemsley is still responsible for the stadium infrastructure and land, and if Bates has taken on what Buster had acquired, then he isn't responsible for stadium infrastructure and land. If Bates has taken it all over, difficult to see how the legal processes could have been done in that short a time!

The other weird but came when he was asked a perfectly reasonable question about his position, should Leicester and Sheffield find themselves in the same division. So he said " well, that's just not going to happen". So hey there you Sheffield fans, your gaffer doesn't want to get promotion!

The interviewer wound it up quite quickly I thought, probably a good decision.

A bit later I wondered if it was actually Josh Bates who'd been talking.

No it was definitely Damien been interview.


To be fair he does not come across to well in interviews and tends to stay in background more allowing others to do the interviews.


He does build very good teams when starts on a level playing field.


The promotion comment I would not pay much attention to the club has built three very good teams in the last three years.

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No it was definitely Damien been interview.


To be fair he does not come across to well in interviews and tends to stay in background more allowing others to do the interviews.


He does build very good teams when starts on a level playing field.


The promotion comment I would not pay much attention to the club has built three very good teams in the last three years.

Yes, probably needs to get a team manager who can do the media stuff. He sounded a bit knackered so maybe best cut him some slack. First impressions can stick though!

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I thought his responses were a bit weird and at times fairly incoherent. The interviewer seemed quite well clued up.

Bates seemed to say that he is responsible for the speedway operations, stadium, and the land around. That's puzzling, as I'm sure that Chapman previously clearly stated that Hemsley is still responsible for the stadium infrastructure and land, and if Bates has taken on what Buster had acquired, then he isn't responsible for stadium infrastructure and land. If Bates has taken it all over, difficult to see how the legal processes could have been done in that short a time!

The other weird but came when he was asked a perfectly reasonable question about his position, should Leicester and Sheffield find themselves in the same division. So he said " well, that's just not going to happen". So hey there you Sheffield fans, your gaffer doesn't want to get promotion!

The interviewer wound it up quite quickly I thought, probably a good decision.

A bit later I wondered if it was actually Josh Bates who'd been talking.


It's possible that he meant the perimeter fence, and the land immediately behind it, there's a strip about 3 metres all the way round, until you get to the handicapped parking, ambulance, rider parking + an area where the shale is stored, here it's around 15 metres deep..


I doubt he meant the grassed area, behind the main stands or the area that was earmarked for BMX/Cycling....

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It's possible that he meant the perimeter fence, and the land immediately behind it, there's a strip about 3 metres all the way round, until you get to the handicapped parking, ambulance, rider parking + an area where the shale is stored, here it's around 15 metres deep..

I doubt he meant the grassed area, behind the main stands or the area that was earmarked for BMX/Cycling....

Well I hope for him that he's not acquired the whole area. Unless he's got a shedload of money to spend and likes dealing with councils!
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Now that would be the icing on the cake if that is the case. DH walks away, without so much as turning a spade to all the other things that where talked about, that where going to happen around the stadium. I just hope that if they have taken over the whole shouting match, they they don't have to build all the football pitches etc.

Must say I liked the bit about the grassed area, behing the dissabled parking, last time I looked it reminded me of a bombed out site, full of piles of rubble that DH had dumped plus a load of weeds. It would make far more sense to turn it into a carpark. Far better than the eyesore that greats you now when you walk up to the stadium.

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A question for Leicester supporters if the land in front of the stadium that is currently a grassed area was to be turned into a tarmac car park along with existing parking would fans pay £1:50-£2:00 to park there ?

I have a feeling that most fans would say No and continue to park at Tesco or on the street

Edited by flagrag
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To clear things up.....

Damien Bates has bought the lease to the stadium from Mr Chapman. He ownes no land but is responsible for the upkeep of the stadium and its contents. He ownes the Speedway business only.

Currently all parts of the site are owned by DH

DB has access to the Stadium (1/3rd).


The piles of rubble that somebody mentioned are there because although the BMX track was started, British Cycling pulled out for whatever reason and left it part built.


Currently, the flat (ish) grassed area opposite cannot be turned in to a car park without going through the planning process. That area, the part built BMX Track and the Stadium all come under the Beaumont Sports Complex umbrella.

None of which DB has bought.

Edited by Speedwayleics
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I'm sure that will be the case, but a little bit early yet as the team hasn't been announced. I doubt they'd sell many until that happens. Patience Robert, patience. :lol:

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It's possible that he meant the perimeter fence, and the land immediately behind it, there's a strip about 3 metres all the way round, until you get to the handicapped parking, ambulance, rider parking + an area where the shale is stored, here it's around 15 metres deep..


I doubt he meant the grassed area, behind the main stands or the area that was earmarked for BMX/Cycling....

if he is responsible for the whole area ,then likely the council will be after HIM to remove all the spoil that was dumped there, instead of Hemsley



To clear things up.....

Damien Bates has bought the lease to the stadium from Mr Chapman. He ownes no land but is responsible for the upkeep of the stadium and its contents. He ownes the Speedway business only.

Currently all parts of the site are owned by DH

DB has access to the Stadium (1/3rd).


The piles of rubble that somebody mentioned are there because although the BMX track was started, British Cycling pulled out for whatever reason and left it part built.


Currently, the flat (ish) grassed area opposite cannot be turned in to a car park without going through the planning process. That area, the part built BMX Track and the Stadium all come under the Beaumont Sports Complex umbrella.

None of which DB has bought.

what happened to the piles of rubble that Hemsley got paid to Dump there ? did British cycling pay to have them taken away and then bring some more in to build a BMX track ?

Edited by speedibee
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