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Leicester Lions 2017

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Info i am hearing is:


Buster Chapman has agreed to take the club over & is currently working with DH on a schdule for track improvments.


Nothing has been announced regarding Buster's take over because he is working around the clock as BSPA chairman to ensure Belle Vue run in 2017 so has little time to be dealing with press , media & fans forum's while working with Belle Vue ,Leicester is a club ready to run with staff & track ready to race if time runs out for changes to the track Belle Vue have nothing but a track at this time.


The Leicester team building has started & i am lead to believe Oliver Allen is in charge of team building & will be the new team manager. No riders will be revealed until after the Kings Lynn fans forum where Buster wants to assure Lynn fans although he now runs Leicester he is still committed to Kings Lynn & the Norfolk Arena.


All of the above seems quite reasonable & just a case of sitting back , relaxing & let Buster work his magic at Leicester & hopefully Belle Vue too.


As the saying goes good things come to those who wait

Edited by Lenny Lion
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Info i am hearing is:

Buster Chapman has agreed to take the club over & is currently working with DH on a schdule for track improvments.

Nothing has been announced regarding Buster's take over because he is working around the clock as BSPA chairman to ensure Belle Vue run in 2017 so has little time to be dealing with press , media & fans forum's while working with Belle Vue ,Leicester is a club ready to run with staff & track ready to race if time runs out for changes to the track Belle Vue have nothing but a track at this time.

The Leicester team building has started & i am lead to believe Oliver Allen is in charge of team building & will be the new team manager. No riders will be revealed until after the Kings Lynn fans forum where Buster wants to assure Lynn fans although he now runs Leicester he is still committed to Kings Lynn & the Norfolk Arena.

All of the above seems quite reasonable & just a case of sitting back , relaxing & let Buster work his magic at Leicester & hopefully Belle Vue too.



As the saying goes good things come to those who wait


So buster is going to have dealings with 3 clubs in the top flight, this sport gets better

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No that is incorrect.


Buster will solely run Leicester


Rob Lyon is running Kings Lynn although it is still Buster's money & Stadium


Buster will have nothing to do with Belle Vue he is merely trying to broker a deal on behalf of the sport as chairman with a consortium who are interested in running speedway in Belle Vue.


So buster is going to have dealings with 3 clubs in the top flight, this sport gets better

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Nothing has been announced regarding Buster's take over because he is working around the clock as BSPA chairman to ensure Belle Vue run in 2017 so has little time to be dealing with press , media & fans forum's while working with Belle Vue ,Leicester is a club ready to run with staff & track ready to race if time runs out for changes to the track Belle Vue have nothing but a track at this time.

This is obviously the "transparency" Buster promised last year when he took over as chairman!


Or it could just be that Buster, the press, media and fans don't go well together - ask Lynn fans!

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If what is being said is the truth, then good luck to all involved, get the track sorted, get the team manager in place and get the rest of the team signed up. Just hope the future at BP is a lot rosier than it has been last last 3 seasons.

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Sounds very positive. Hope the part about Ollie Allen is true! Think a lot of riders would be excited at the prospect of riding under his management. Would be great for the sport too to have another young, British manager and I'm sure him and Simon Stead would be in contact helping each other develop and progress in their roles

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No conflict of interest there then!!


If there were more people like Buster involved with this sport, we would be in a far better position than we are at present....

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If it was another sport it could be seen as a conflict of interest but it's speedway. 8-9 teams in the top league beats the alternative. I'm sure if the buster thing is true then it's not seen as a long term arrangement. Get the ball rolling correctly and make it attractive ready for a new custodian to take control. That's the best outcome. No doubt people who watch the sport but like to also bury the sport will bitch, moan and molest it all into a massive negative, but it's not. It's probably the best thing that could happen out of the whole situation. I get sick of how people always find negatives. If we were all picking out the positives and the reasons we all do go to speedway then the sport would have a much better chance of surviving and maybe making a profit. Tell,your friens those reasons, not the b s. This story isn't a negative it's the biggest positive the Leicester fans could probably have. If its true then I'm really happy that another club will be secure for at least one more year! I'm happy for the fans of Leicester because if my club was facing closure then I'd be distraught!

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Wouldn't be at all surprised to see Buster at Leicester. Didn't Jonathan have a part to play in the return of the Lions?

I seem to recall he was involved in the very early stages.


I'm not a fan of some of the new rules I have to admit, but it's a good job Buster is at the helm this winter. I can't see any of the recent other leaders prepared to pull up their sleeves and get well and truly stuck in like he appears to have done.

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If the news that Buster will get Leicester racing in 2017. Why are some bitching about it. Coventry in the sh it, Belle Vue bankrupt, Leicester god knows full situation. Haven't heard of any other business men, Olicarchs or Arabs banging on the door of speedway to get involved. Buster is so passionate about speedway, he wants to keep all Clubs running. He's passed the reins of Kings Lynn to Rob Lyon. He can concentrate on being BSPA Chairman and trying to safe guard those Clubs who are in sh it at the moment. I for one want to see speedway come out of the doldrums. I do have some inside knowledge of some of Busters plans re speedway as a whole. He will reveal these when he's good and ready. Perhaps he's passing no info, because at present nothing has been set in stone. Whilst negotiations are going on you don't reveal your hand. This is his first real year as Chairman, last year they made rules before voting him in. So he had his hands tied behind his back during 2016. Now he can do what he has been wanting to do for ages. So those so call fans who are bitching about him, as it stands at present he is the one, with many others helping him, who will turn British speedway round. If you know a better way or person to do it, then tell him or volunteer to help him. Or go and get a £20 million sponsor for British speedway. I'm told British companies are queuing up to invest lol

Now off my soap box

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