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Leicester Lions 2017

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Rye House want to run on Saturdays, but realise there will have to be several mid-week. Sky meetings & playoffs would have to be mid-week - impossible to solely run weekends in the top flight

Hope things turn out OK & Glyn can finish reshaping the track soon

Sky Meeting's they may only get one a season like Leicester so they will be able to run at weekends.

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Sky Meeting's they may only get one a season like Leicester so they will be able to run at weekends.

Agree Robert; Rye House will run weekends, but they are also running Approx 6 Wednesday's so as not to clash with SGP's, guess rider acailability also comes into it along with gaps between home meetings. Think there needs to be flexibility


"...first is the planned race night for home meetings. Steve can report that We are aiming to maintain Saturday nights as much as we can. We recognise that it is our supporters traditional race night, and also the most convenient one for many of them to attend on.


The Grand Prix calendar means that there will be times when that just wont be possible we wont run when there is a clash but out of eighteen planned dates (League, Cup and Premiership Pairs) we are planning to run between eight and ten meetings on Saturdays and two on Bank Holiday Monday afternoons, with allowance for a couple of Monday evenings for Sky Sports live coverage and four-to-six on Wednesdays.



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Just seen this posted on the SCb website on the twitter feeds at the side.


Quote::. Talks continuing regarding Leicester. Will update when the situation is finalised.


I would think that DH is one of the most unloved men not only by the B.P.S.A/S.C.B. But by Leicester City Council, he has failed to uphold most of the issues put forward by the council, on the use of the land at BP.

He also managed to get the backs up of every EL promoter this season. I would think that the council would be if not already refusing him the lease on the land, if that happens then where does that leave things, he owns a stadium, that is on land that belongs to another party, this being the case if the refuse his lease on the said land, they would be well ts to clear the site of any buildings.

So I should well imagine that whoever is taking over the running of the club, they would also be in a position to work with the council to get the lease on the land too. If this happened where would DH stand. As he has illeagle building on the council land.

He isw no longer a promoter and banned by the B.P.S.A/S.C.B from going into anywhere other than public places at any speedway venue in the country, so really he owns very little indeed.

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I was of the understanding that Beaumont Sports Complex lease the land & own the stadium which DH is the sole director of & that this company was of a sound financial state & that it is Leicester Speedway who are mere tennants of the stadium are the company with difficulty's .


if this is the case then how can the council re-take control of the land if they have no defaulted on payments.



Just seen this posted on the SCb website on the twitter feeds at the side.


Quote::. Talks continuing regarding Leicester. Will update when the situation is finalised.


I would think that DH is one of the most unloved men not only by the B.P.S.A/S.C.B. But by Leicester City Council, he has failed to uphold most of the issues put forward by the council, on the use of the land at BP.

He also managed to get the backs up of every EL promoter this season. I would think that the council would be if not already refusing him the lease on the land, if that happens then where does that leave things, he owns a stadium, that is on land that belongs to another party, this being the case if the refuse his lease on the said land, they would be well ts to clear the site of any buildings.

So I should well imagine that whoever is taking over the running of the club, they would also be in a position to work with the council to get the lease on the land too. If this happened where would DH stand. As he has illeagle building on the council land.

He isw no longer a promoter and banned by the B.P.S.A/S.C.B from going into anywhere other than public places at any speedway venue in the country, so really he owns very little indeed.

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Beaumont sports own the lease and the fixtures/fittings of the stadium. This company is financially solvent and up to date with payments for the stadium operations,


Leicester city council have no reason or purpose to revoke the lease as there is very little they can do with the land as it cannot be used for housing or industrial units so have no use for it so may as well leave as it is currently with Beaumont sports.


They would also not want the expense of a legal case and which of course could uncover other things on initial planning on the stadium without any guarantees other than the Speedway highlighting possible failure of council officials.


Mr Hemsley knows all of this and that in the small print of the agreement there is nothing to say that he would build the sports village just that he would assist the development which he has done by inviting companies to tender to build alternative sport attractions.

Edited by flagrag
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It all looks a bit more than a case of crossing and dotting.


If ownership/promotion still hasn't been finalised and if the race night is still up in the air then any prospective promotion will be well behind others and it will be a case of making do with what's left....again.

Very much the case.That is unless whoever is interested in taking over have already made it known to riders that they wish to use thier services for the coming season. There is more going on here than meets the eye me thinks.

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Flagrag LCC council have every reason and a strong case to revoke the lease on BSCL whom DH is the sole direcctor promised to build a multi sports complex ,yet after 7yrs not even the speedway stadium has been completed and none of the other promised projects have ever been started .If as you say they are financially good why have they not done so !


In answer to your hint that the council may be put off by some miss givens you may be right but they would not be on there own if the s....t hit the fan would they , DH new before the planning consent was gven in 2009 that there was nobody in place to build the football .BMX and Velodrome .

Just a thought Does anyone know if DMU as a say in all this ? .

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Beaumont sports own the lease and the fixtures/fittings of the stadium. This company is financially solvent and up to date with payments for the stadium operations,


Leicester city council have no reason or purpose to revoke the lease as there is very little they can do with the land as it cannot be used for housing or industrial units so have no use for it so may as well leave as it is currently with Beaumont sports.


They would also not want the expense of a legal case and which of course could uncover other things on initial planning on the stadium without any guarantees other than the Speedway highlighting possible failure of council officials.


Mr Hemsley knows all of this and that in the small print of the agreement there is nothing to say that he would build the sports village just that he would assist the development which he has done by inviting companies to tender to build alternative sport attractions.

Well Flagrag that may indeed be correct and the council are taking a pragmatic approach as long as they are receiving their annual rent and business rates payments.

But it seems that for those payments to continue beyond this year, the small matter of a new speedway promotion is required in order for Mr Hemsley's company to continue making those payments, and not default and risk having the lease revoked. It's not as though the land or the stadium is currently able to generate the required income by any other means than speedway.

Of course I hope that a new, professional promotion will come in and take over, and make a success of it. And if that were to be announced tomorrow, even better.


But over the past 5 years I've heard and read a lot about how volatile and difficult a person Mr Hemsley is to deal with, and you cant help thinking that it's all true. You can't help thinking that as a landlord, he would be difficult to deal with, and so you can easily imagine that any negotiations such as any currently happening, are proving to be difficult - unless he's taking a pragmatic, flexible and realistic approach. It's easy to imagine potential new promoters ending up by telling him to stuff it and walk away.

If that happens, will DH be bothered about Beaumont Park any longer? The BSPA would prioritise keeping Belle Vue going and would let Leicester go hang.

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Kye 1- Leicester city council know very well that they have made an error in not putting the stipulation and conditions that Beaumont sports were responsible to build all of the sports complex.


All that Beaumont sports are legally responsible for is the stadium and the even the council have not kept their part of the pavilion development. On the original plans the council were going to have lease on a room in the pavilion to use for the local community events like parent and toddler sessions and residents meetings yet now they will not commit to this.


I am sure that Mr Hemsley will see common sense and offer favourable conditions to new Speedway tenants as if it's empty he is not making any money and has invested a lot of his own money into the stadium and paying off the loans that he took out.

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I am sure that Mr Hemsley will see common sense and offer favourable conditions to new Speedway tenants as if it's empty he is not making any money and has invested a lot of his own money into the stadium and paying off the loans that he took out.

It will all be down to negotiation and who holds the position of strength (perceived or otherwise) On the one hand it could be said DH without a speedway promoter will have a white elephant on his hands (the stadium) which will be costing him money to own so he needs to be able to rent it out.

However, a potential promoter needs a stadium, without it there is no promotion and as the promoter sees Leicester as a business opportunity then he needs a place to make the money from.

So the crux of the matter is both parties need each other...but who needs each other the most?

Good look with the negotiations chaps - us fans need you to sort it out so we can watch some speedway in Leicester during 2017 and beyond

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Just imagine a worst case senario. The council doe's not want DH to carry on as the tennant of the land.

The council lawyers send the company a leeter marked urgent for you attention.

We have asked you on several occasions to remove the rubble and rubbish that you had unofficially placed on and around the land ajacent to the stadium, so far nothing has been done to remove any of the said waste. We prsume you recieved payment from whoever deposited the waste on our land, without consent from yourself.

We have now started having worries that this waste could actually contain toxic or hazordous wate amounst it, if it was any ordinarry type of waste, then why was it not sent to a site where they could have legally deposted it, so we ourselves have arranged for a team of experts to come up to the site to check oyt the waste in question, it will then be removed from the site by us and charged to you along with the costs of the survey, plus we also need to get a team of landscapping contractors to put the site to right again, as this is now a public park not a waste site, as it used to be. Our team have been getting quotes in for this work and it now looks like it will be ceryclose to the £1million mark to carry out all the work in hand, we will let you know shortly and also when this work will start.

Also as the land has been used for other purposes than those in the tender, we will be making a marked increase in the rent paid by your company for the use of our land.

It has also been noted that thier is a danger to the public on the footpath from cars and vans driving over a public footpath I would imagine that niether ours or your insurannce would cover for any accident on said footpath, so we are sending in a team of engineers to constuct a footbrige over the road for the public to use, this will be charge to you the lease holder as it will prove to be a very good means of making sure the publc are kept safe.

We are also planning to hold brass band concert next summer in the park and the lanscaping will help to make the area look more appealing, we will therefore be tarmacing the area behind, what is now the area you use for disabled parking, this can be used by the speedway fans that come on a race night, the cost of some of the work will be placed in the rent of the land, but we stipulate that the carpark is used free of charge. Whilst all this work is being carried out, no one will be allowed to enter the site, it will be fenced off and will have a 24 hour security in force.

Just shows what can be done if some people take a very strong dislike to someone, They can make your life shear hell. Any quesses how he would get out of this little story.

That is all it is but belive me it could happen to the best of us.

Thier is no thruth or even a rumour that anything like this has happened or is even going to happen.

As I said this is a total piece of fiction, just a little bit of silly nonsense, but just something that could just happen in our stupid society today.

Edited by weatherwatcher
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Just imagine a worst case senario. The council doe's not want DH to carry on as the tennant of the land.

The council lawyers send the company a leeter marked urgent for you attention.

We have asked you on several occasions to remove the rubble and rubbish that you had unofficially placed on and around the land ajacent to the stadium, so far nothing has been done to remove any of the said waste. We prsume you recieved payment from whoever deposited the waste on our land, without consent from yourself.

We have now started having worries that this waste could actually contain toxic or hazordous wate amounst it, if it was any ordinarry type of waste, then why was it not sent to a site where they could have legally deposted it, so we ourselves have arranged for a team of experts to come up to the site to check oyt the waste in question, it will then be removed from the site by us and charged to you along with the costs of the survey, plus we also need to get a team of landscapping contractors to put the site to right again, as this is now a public park not a waste site, as it used to be. Our team have been getting quotes in for this work and it now looks like it will be ceryclose to the £1million mark to carry out all the work in hand, we will let you know shortly and also when this work will start.

Also as the land has been used for other purposes than those in the tender, we will be making a marked increase in the rent paid by your company for the use of our land.

Just shows what can be done if some people take a very strong dislike to someone, They can make your life shear hell. Any quesses how he would get out of this little story.

That is all it is but belive me it could happen to the best of us.

Thier is no thruth or even a rumour that anything like this has happened or is even going to happen.

Well they would get out of the majority of the the fiction you just posted by supplying the records of what was tipped there. Each lorry was logged in at the gatehouse with a record of what it was delivering.

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Just imagine a worst case senario. The council doe's not want DH to carry on as the tennant of the land.

The council lawyers send the company a leeter marked urgent for you attention.


It wasn't a case of fly tipping but the tipping of acceptable rubble etc from excavation work approved by LCC.

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I know it would never happen but I would love to see one of the Laguta brothers as our NO1 preferably Artur, or better still to have Emil as No1 plus one of the Lagutas. Trouble is how much would you have to pay to get them to ride for you, far to much for most British Teams. I do hope that they manage to keep the services of the young Pole he has come on really well, since he came to ride for the Lions. Not knowing who has already made plans for other clubs, it is really a matter of who is left to take the pick of.

From what I can see with the other teams, some are going for quite a few big names from Nritish speedway, while others are nothing more than a team of riders from the PL. All in all I think this is going to be one very strange year, hope it gives some good meetings, but from what I can see so far there will be 2 or 3 clubs that will dominate the league.

Just hope that they have got the money coming in to pay all the riders wages, this is a big factor and one that needs addressing, this year has seen quite a few clubs having difficult times, but to not pay riders for weeks on end is not something that should be taken lightly.

It will soon get to a time where riders will say enough is enough and they will call it a day riding here, then all that will be left is the amatuers, the ride for the love of the sport, the only problem with this is how many fans would turn up to watch them.

As for chosing a team until a list of riders that are free agents and are looking for a pplace to ride than it is a hard call. Just hope the Lions don't end up with a team of dross, it is time for things to change and bring some winning ways.

Just a point of ote, if DH is still the owner of the stadium next year, he could virtually stop any new romoter from doing any track alterations, or do any work at the stadium, I for one would love to see those terrible containers by the pit area replaced by a proper building, it does tend to spoil the look of things. I would make a nice viwing area and changing rooms and showers for the riders, but I think things will have to waita ns dee what pans out over the next few months. Any choices for a new promoter, I really think we could do no worse with someone like Sam Emerlenko at the riiegns.

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I hope Ermolenko does take over the reigns at Leicester, it may keep him from commentating :)


It is difficult to build a team with no asset base & on the lower end of the pay scale. I hope Leicester can out a competitive team together.

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