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Leicester Lions 2017

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There is also a lot of good posts by people who do know aswel but that's why it's a public forum of opinions.

Thats very true, I can't argue with that. But, there are a few that post inflamatory remarks in the attempt to have a go at another poster, which then turns into a slanging match between the two and totally takes over the topic. Or some that say something totally outrageous and have no idea what they are talking about. Edited by Honey Monster
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I never retaliate with a slanging match, if someone doesn't like what I post then that is their opinion, and until things start to get a little better at BP then I am afraid, that we will be staying at home.

Hope things do improve as I have followed speedway from a lad at Long Eaton, be following the Lions since they started racing again at BP. Thought last years league was bad but no where near what they have dished up this year. Can't see why they just didn't make one big league, it would have saved on the double up riders.

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I never retaliate with a slanging match, if someone doesn't like what I post then that is their opinion, and until things start to get a little better at BP then I am afraid, that we will be staying at home.

Hope things do improve as I have followed speedway from a lad at Long Eaton, be following the Lions since they started racing again at BP. Thought last years league was bad but no where near what they have dished up this year. Can't see why they just didn't make one big league, it would have saved on the double up riders.

I couldn't agree more with you.
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.....weatherwatcher.....I never retaliate with a slanging match....


I don't think anyone has said you do but if you want to call someone an idiot who hasn't got a clue then surely before you write that on a public forum you should think beforehand whether it's factually correct or not. :neutral:

As to one big league there's nothing I would like more either but where are all the riders going to come from if they already need to double up between 2 leagues now because there aren't enough.

Edited by Gemini
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There are riders from Europe, young riders who would love a chance to be able to race over here, plus we have a few young British riders some who have deserved a team place this year and been left out of the reckoning, the 2 from Coventry fit that bill, will they get a chance when things start to change next month. How young lads from over here can be overlooked to help them bring on their careers, beats me. We need to get then riding at top level speedway not sitting there twiddling their thumbs. But the way they have set things up this year, this has got to be the weakest ever, top league they have ever managed to give us. The top league is no better than last years lower one. Gone are the days when we used be the pick of nations to ride at. with all the big stars in every team, then things started to change the riders got greedy, the promoters almost went bankrupt trying to pay them, with not enough coming through the gates to cover for it.

Then the promoters told them they where only going to pay them a maximum fee. What did they do they, left our shores like rats from a sinking ship.

Without what British speedway did for them, they would have struggled, to make a living. One day soon we will see the same things happen in Poland and Sweden, where clubs can no longer meet the wage demands. What would you do if you was a promoter and they came running to you with their tail between their legs asking for a place in the team. I for one would say sorry but our team for next year has already been chosen.

It works both ways. it would be a case of we don't need you but they need us.

Edited by weatherwatcher
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There are riders from Europe, young riders who would love a chance to be able to race over here, plus we have a few young British riders some who have deserved a team place this year and been left out of the reckoning, the 2 from Coventry fit that bill, will they get a chance when things start to change next month. How young lads from over here can be overlooked to help them bring on their careers, beats me. We need to get then riding at top level speedway not sitting there twiddling their thumbs. But the way they have set things up this year, this has got to be the weakest ever, top league they have ever managed to give us. The top league is no better than last years lower one. Gone are the days when we used be the pick of nations to ride at. with all the big stars in every team, then things started to change the riders got greedy, the promoters almost went bankrupt trying to pay them, with not enough coming through the gates to cover for it.

Then the promoters told them they where only going to pay them a maximum fee. What did they do they, left our shores like rats from a sinking ship.

Without what British speedway did for them, they would have struggled, to make a living. One day soon we will see the same things happen in Poland and Sweden, where clubs can no longer meet the wage demands. What would you do if you was a promoter and they came running to you with their tail between their legs asking for a place in the team. I for one would say sorry but our team for next year has already been chosen.

It works both ways. it would be a case of we don't need you but they need us.


Presumably if there was one league of 18 teams, riders would only be allowed to ride for just the one team. At present 30 riders are doubling up and are all riding for 2 teams and would need to be replaced.

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Nothing wrong with 'doubling up' and two Leagues .... just need each League to operate on different race nights so as to minimise occasions when riders are unavailable ....


Given that the UK tracks are seemingly unable to do that given rental / other agreements in place then we surely have to go down the route of 1 Senior League and fill gaps in the teams by using riders from the 'National League' if foreign riders are unable to be found.



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How about if all current riders are used in the 1-5 and the 6&7 come from the National League? They could race only against each other and the 'reserves' role could come from the second strings. This would give the youngsters extra rides outside their own league and also get them interacting with more experienced riders.


I'm not suggesting that the idea is flawless but I really think we have to have to find a way of the reducing the double up situation. I don't think Leicester have ran a team without a guest or R/R yet.

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With most of the stadium in this country rented from someone else, the choice of race nights is limited to when the owners, let them use it. Is there a team in the top flight that has no double uppers, I have not looked, with so many racing for 2 or 3 teams, there is always going to be a clash of fixtures somewhere along the line. Gone are the days when you knew who your 1 to 7 where and you could follow them nearly every meeting. Now as is the case with the Lions, it makes you wonder sometimes who are the actual team members, with have been getting some many guests and r/r. That it makes a farce of picking a team, may just as well letting the clubs pick from a set number of riders for your meetings and forget having a team, because so far that is all that has been happening. There where meetings that the Lions should have won easily, only being let down by bad guests and the fact that the team are not actually riding together, to get to know one another.

It is not just Leicester that has had to suffer this, it is a blight of all the clubs. They will have to get things sorted out and soon, because fans from all the clubs had just had their fill of guest riders, they thought that this year, it would make things better. It seems that it has only made matters worse. Things where looking up for the Lions at the start of the season, with a half decent team put together, with a chance of finishing up the top half of the table, the way things are going for them now they will be sitting at the bottom yet again.

The fans where hoping for things to change, and change they must and soon before, people start walking away again, after being left disillusioned.

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Over the years, when Sky were in town, they dictated when you raced & it was mainly Monday & Wednesday so there you have it. Two race nights that are available for Premiership clubs as & when it suits. All Championship clubs do not race on these nights thus eliminating or definitly minimizing, the use of guests.

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Lasse Bjerre in Josh Auty out.


Leaves a bit of a sour taste in the mouth this move... Not denying it improves the strength of the team and Lasse hasn't let us down when guesting this year, BUT, feels like we're starting to lose the Lions identity we were promised we'd keep. Before the season it was 'no changes will be made to accommodate Coventry riders into the team'. Now, if you include the manager, we have 4 members of the Coventry team (Lynch, King, Bates, Lasse) and only 4 remaining Lions from the initial team. To further this, Auty is and was a fans favourite amongst the Leicester faithful and was the only continuation of the team from previous years.

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This sport amazes me surely they knew which fixtures Auty had you couldnt make it up.Gomolski never there Bjerre is ok a hot/cold character another foreigner nicking a place off an English rider.As i have said i understand why they have done it give this Leicester promotion the benefit of the doubt they come in quite late.Bates has made some strange decisions lately and needs to address what the supporters think at Sheffield a crap racetrack when we all know it is a top class one at his best.Bjerre is ok but you will see over a period he is no better than Auty plus is not always a trier like Auty.

Edited by Sidney the robin
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Over the years, when Sky were in town, they dictated when you raced & it was mainly Monday & Wednesday so there you have it. Two race nights that are available for Premiership clubs as & when it suits. All Championship clubs do not race on these nights thus eliminating or definitly minimizing, the use of guests.

Indeed, it was always 'amazing' that Sky could decide which matches to cover to the season end half way through the season (when they could much easier predict the play off teams). And those teams 'all of a sudden' (with about four weeks notice at best), could put out full strength teams more often than not on a Monday and Wednesday.


And those who rented their stadiums with Monday/Wednesday as an off race night, managed to get their landlords to let them use the stadiums at such short notice...



Edited by mikebv
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