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Belle Vue 2017

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Lumbering Richie with a 8.49 average as done him no favours at all

Aces have to build the strongest squad possible

If that means drafting Sedgeman in

So be it

. Riders improve and worrall defenetley did towards the end of last year that's why his average is 8.49 there is no reason he can't improve more so to let him go somewhere else could be a big mistake?.To leave him with no ride in the premier league is not good for British speedway we should look after our upcoming riders like the poles do.
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Someone has leaked David Gordon's report on facebook :



Thanks for the opportunity to read and fully understand the massive problems that have occurred . I was one of those who waited before proportioning blame to the obvious.. .. and feel vindicated that I waited.to hear the truth....


I symphysis with all those people involved with BV speedway. Hind sight is a wonderful thing, its so easy to think 'If only' .but I am of the impression that both BV promoter did what they thought was best, and you can't knock them for that....


It sounds as though many people have to hold their hands up and accept some of the blame, just a pity this wasn't a joint BSPA/ BV effort from the start, then probably Gorman / Morton would have received the credits they deserved....

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I REPEAT, for the umpteenth, time, the problems with the track, caused by the sub-base and failure to break up the hockey pitch, only became apparent because of the very sharp drop in temperature that evening and the top surface on. bends 3 and 4 became problematic.


COME on Philippe - admit it - that is UNTRUE, and well you know it

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There were posts on this forum about rumours circulating at Coventry and King's Lynn meetings the day before and the lunchtime meeting at Leicester on the 19th March that there were problems with the track at the NSS. It may be correct that the scale and nature of the problems were unknown but it clearly didn't come as a surprise to some.

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There were posts on this forum about rumours circulating at Coventry and King's Lynn meetings the day before and the lunchtime meeting at Leicester on the 19th March that there were problems with the track at the NSS. It may be correct that the scale and nature of the problems were unknown but it clearly didn't come as a surprise to some.

Page 2, para 3 of that review shows that on the WEEKS leading up to the 19th PCMem meeting they were having problems with turns 3-4 in getting the shale to bind together, while the rest of the track was in perfect condition. Then in the week leading up to the meeting the weather improved, still cold but dry, and the track started to improve. Then it says the track was inspected twice by 2 inspectors from SCB and passed on Friday 18th.


This was the national Speedway Stadium, with an investment of £6mill pound by Man City Council - when has a council last invested so much into speedway? No wonder BV-NSS was the talking point, probably around the country...... speedway having such a large injection of money from a council, and the work DG/CM had done to get a track designed to give top class, world class, racing.

Any rumours at that time before the postponed meeting on March 19th would not detail WHAT was wrong with the track. As that report points out it took a few test drills before the extent of the problem was realised, resulting in the whole of bends 3-4 being dug up. Unbelievable to hear what was found, I am sure it shook DG/CM and probably Man City Council officials. ISG have a lot to answer for.

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. All riders give 100% they get paid by what points they score

Guess you've never watched KK or Zagar poodling around for 4 laps at the back

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Guess you've never watched KK or Zagar poodling around for 4 laps at the back


Or 2 laps, then pull off the track in KK's case (done several times at Wolves).


Far be it from me to defend old Fred, but he's got you there I'm afraid.


I'll let him explain.

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Or 2 laps, then pull off the track in KK's case (done several times at Wolves).



Far be it from me to defend old Fred, but he's got you there I'm afraid.


I'll let him explain.

That was my initial thought, bit on re reading arniegs post I think those posts do support his claim.

He claimed that there were posts on the forum about rumours circulating at meetings the previous day. He didn't say posts were made on the forum the previous day.

If fred has" got him", it's gone over my head.

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Nobody anywhere was saying Cook is better than KK!!! You are the only person trying to make it into that!!! People may prefer Cook in their team as they know what the will get and you don't always with KK. !! Nobody has said Cook is the better rider so I've no idea where Shovlar gets that.



Exactly. Plus no one is saying Cook is a better rider than KK because of that opinion either. :t:



Nobody said Cook is better than KK !! ???



I hope Craig hasn't been reading this thread - he will on the phone to the Samaritans!! ;)

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NOT happy about this. It actually isn't the finished article, which will appear in Speedway Star this week.

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NOT happy about this. It actually isn't the finished article, which will appear in Speedway Star this week.


Not happy?


I'd be mortified if I thought the execrable scribblings produced here were in any way representative of the authoritative Speedway Star report on proceedings that we have been anticipating for so long.

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That was my initial thought, bit on re reading arniegs post I think those posts do support his claim.

He claimed that there were posts on the forum about rumours circulating at meetings the previous day. He didn't say posts were made on the forum the previous day.

If fred has" got him", it's gone over my head.


Well spotted..


Fred will wriggle out of it though.... and did.

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Anyway back on to the actual topic of this thread.


With Richie saying he isn't wanted. Bridger said the same. Lawson can't come because of the 3 Glasgow riders. So who's left.


Suppose we could spring a surprise or 2 but for me I think we will just do a team that gets us through the season and then start a fresh the following year.


I'd love us to go for a young pole or timo lahti. Lindback is an obvious choice.


But I'd try and balance the books and put a team out that will win most home matches. And entertain.




Stevie Worrall






Leaves about 1.63 under but I would be satisfied with this team TBH. Won't win the league. A good solid mid table side

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In fairness Philip whoever posted the articles did not claim any source. I hope your decision to go to print was from having clearance from MCC solicitors.

HAD to tone down and delete some references to conversations between the respective parties because we had no documents to back them up but still believe the material we have will prove conclusive.


MCC provided a very short statement.

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