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Belle Vue 2017

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At the end of the day, the National Speedway Stadium was built with money that belongs to Manchester City Council (or their lender) and therefore with money that belongs to the council tax payers in the City of Manchester.


The councillors involved with this matter have an over-riding, legal responsibility to safeguard the money that they have invested in this venture and that responsibility must guide their actions going forward.


If I was a resident of the Gorton area of Manchester, I would have written to my elected councillors to ask them why they were squandering money on something that might be regarded as a vanity project, whilst at the same time advising me that local services were being withdrawn.


If this venture was to go pear-shaped for a second time, it is highly likely litigation would follow and the councillors should be very wary indeed.

IT wasn't vanity but a regeneration project for a particularly area that included more than a speedway facility

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Good looking team but Max was pretty much fed up with not being paid last season and while I understand it will be under new owners, he wants to get things sorted and rumours are that he is at Kings Lynn to replace Iversen and link up with Lambert,


As for Zagar, his wages are too much for British Speedway these days but if you have a rider picking up roughly the same as the no




The council won't just write it off and while a deal can be done, the owed rent is likely to be added to the current high rent, so if it goes up to qdxabout 12k a meeting, how can you add s rider that would add another 4K to that and you still have to add running costs, wages etc.


Drop Zagar and stay committed to the Worralls, Cook and Jacobs then add Bewley and you have the foundation of a good but cheaper team and all ride in here only. Look at the line ups, teams don't need a Zagar or Holder etc at present or afford them to ride in a stadium with about 1,000 fans

If i was on the council i would do a deal that would be affordable for the new promotion to make speedway work.Its no good to anyone to over price things so that the same thing happens again at the end of next season.To me long term rent that speedway can afford to pay is better than it going ** up again and the council left with a white elephant.People say move another sport into the stadium but the truth is in Manchester other sports that would bring in the needed revenue already have their own stadiums

But in truth you are just like me we know sod all its just our opinion we will just have to wait and see.

Holder seems to be the rider most people are tipping to go to Kings lynn so if thats the case where is Fricke going to go.

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Good looking team but Max was pretty much fed up with not being paid last season and while I understand it will be under new owners, he wants to get things sorted and rumours are that he is at Kings Lynn to replace Iversen and link up with Lambert,


As for Zagar, his wages are too much for British Speedway these days but if you have a rider picking up roughly the same as the no




The council won't just write it off and while a deal can be done, the owed rent is likely to be added to the current high rent, so if it goes up to qdxabout 12k a meeting, how can you add s rider that would add another 4K to that and you still have to add running costs, wages etc.


Drop Zagar and stay committed to the Worralls, Cook and Jacobs then add Bewley and you have the foundation of a good but cheaper team and all ride in here only. Look at the line ups, teams don't need a Zagar or Holder etc at present or afford them to ride in a stadium with about 1,000 fans

Belle Vue need a stronger team than Cook ,the Worralls Jacobs and Bewley , we need either Zagar or Fricke or preferably both , to have any chance of attracting bigger gates

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IT wasn't vanity but a regeneration project for a particularly area that included more than a speedway facility


It may well have been classified as a regeneration project but after 12 months, you would struggle to find any re-generation that has occurred as a result of having built a speedway stadium.

If cost/benefit analysis was to be undertaken at this point in time, considerable cost could be seen but very little benefit.


Too often fancy terminology is used to make things appear more attractive than may actually be.

Calling a facility National or alluding to some kind of re-generative effects is often just flimflam which is meant to impress people into parting with funds.


Manchester City Council needs to be very careful here, as nobody needs this affair to sink to even lower levels than it already has done.


Hoping for the best.

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Belle Vue need a stronger team than Cook ,the Worralls Jacobs and Bewley , we need either Zagar or Fricke or preferably both , to have any chance of attracting bigger gates


9.83 Cook

8.49 Worrall

8.47 Worrall



5.36 Jacobs

3.90 Bewley


That leaves just under 14 points for two decent second strings like Berge 6.91 and Riss 6.78 or Lawson 8.22 and Lambert 5.27 to give a better balanced team. Add Fricke or Zagar and you are pushing Jacobs into a second string role and putting pressure on two young reserves, so being cost effective and sensible, signing two solid second strings would be a better option



As for fitting both in, well the limits 50 not 60 and I didn't realise Bill Gates was the new owner 😜

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9.83 Cook

8.49 Worrall

8.47 Worrall



5.36 Jacobs

3.90 Bewley


That leaves just under 14 points for two decent second strings like Berge 6.91 and Riss 6.78 or Lawson 8.22 and Lambert 5.27 to give a better balanced team. Add Fricke or Zagar and you are pushing Jacobs into a second string role and putting pressure on two young reserves, so being cost effective and sensible, signing two solid second strings would be a better option



As for fitting both in, well the limits 50 not 60 and I didn't realise Bill Gates was the new owner

Zagar and Fricke could both be fitted in under 50 , just means omitting one of the Worrall's

But having the likes of Berge and or MPT , would give the Aces strength in depth .....Interesting

Edited by WestGorton1884
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The council won't just write it off and while a deal can be done, the owed rent is likely to be added to the current high rent, so if it goes up to qdxabout 12k a meeting, how can you add s rider that would add another 4K to that and you still have to add running costs, wages etc.



I must admit I will be very surprised if the new promotion will be liable for the previous one's debts. Can't see Laurence Rogers and Mark Phillips taking on the £300k apparently owed by the previous Plymouth owners, for example.


It won't be a case of writing off what was owed but pursuing it from Messrs Morton & Gordon.

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Now he is under 21 WC, what financial reward is Max fricke going to ask for.??

I like Zagar as a rider, just wish he was more consistent with best form, but if as reported he is getting £4k - £5k per meeting, thats a lot of money - does an increase in crowd justify his cost, plus what Fricke may ask for.??


Manchester City Council and BSPA were very involved with the naming of the stadium NSS. and regenative I think is a terminology Man City Council put to the whole of that area, including Etihad (which was built primarily for the Commonwealth games a few years ago, and the National Velodrome. Decisions not taken by BV.

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Now he is under 21 WC, what financial reward is Max fricke going to ask for.??

I like Zagar as a rider, just wish he was more consistent with best form, but if as reported he is getting £4k - £5k per meeting, thats a lot of money - does an increase in crowd justify his cost, plus what Fricke may ask for.??


Manchester City Council and BSPA were very involved with the naming of the stadium NSS. and regenative I think is a terminology Man City Council put to the whole of that area, including Etihad (which was built primarily for the Commonwealth games a few years ago, and the National Velodrome. Decisions not taken by BV.


The current phase of the Eastlands Regeneration Framework was drawn up in 2010, long after the building of the football stadium and the velodrome.

This latest phase is centred on the Belle Vue Sports Village which comprises of the National Basketball Centre, the National Taekwondo Centre and the National Speedway Stadium and Academy.


Manchester City Council are very fond of including the word National in any of their venues as it is their stated ambition to be the UK Capital of Sport.


The aim of this Framework is to improve the economic and physical health of the inhabitants of the area.


The Basketball and Taekwondo Centres are up and running and are the base for the National teams as well as providing facilities and opportunities for local residents.


The National Speedway Stadium is possibly a white elephant and it's future at this stage is unknown.

It's contribution to the regeneration of the area may be difficult to discern.


The National Speedway Academy has so far shown little sign of materializing and I see no mention of it anywhere.


So the councillors of Manchester may be able to justify to the ratepayers having spent a big chunk of their money on the Basketball and Taekwondo Centres as they are up and running, developing young talent, adding to Manchester's sporting status and making facilities available to Mr and Mrs Public.


Justifying the expenditure on the speedway component of this Regeneration Plan might prove slightly more challenging.

We can but hope that somebody is devising a very cunning plan indeed to extricate the sport of speedway and the various parties involved from this unfortunate position.


Fingers crossed that the encouraging noises that have been reported turn into encouraging actions.

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Running costs and conditions appear to be quite costly for Belle Vie and with Council running the stadium and getting the money from the bar's and restaurant it gives little for the club to recoup money apart fromfrog gate receipts and sponsorship.



Agar with high wages and flights plus the same is getting that way with Fricke soon so using Cooke and the Worralls makes more sense and be honest both Worralls did excellent jobs for them so far and adding Berge to the main body should be maple.


Jacobs at reserve with either Bewley or a 2,00 reserve will leave between 6.5 to 8.5 for the last place along with the four already mentioned would be a strong team when you look at the others so far

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Running costs and conditions appear to be quite costly for Belle Vie and with Council running the stadium and getting the money from the bar's and restaurant it gives little for the club to recoup money apart fromfrog gate receipts and sponsorship.



Agar with high wages and flights plus the same is getting that way with Fricke soon so using Cooke and the Worralls makes more sense and be honest both Worralls did excellent jobs for them so far and adding Berge to the main body should be maple.


Jacobs at reserve with either Bewley or a 2,00 reserve will leave between 6.5 to 8.5 for the last place along with the four already mentioned would be a strong team when you look at the others so far


Where do you get this info from, no incoming promotion would touch t/c's like these.

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Those are the t&c's for every renting promotion. Food & drink always goes to the venue owners

so are you saying DG and Mort didn't get the food and drink revenue.

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So a facility which held an event with arguably the biggest UK speedway attendance outside Cardiff this century would be 'challenging' to justify? A facility in its first season that not only attracted the swc but also the British final and a FIM world championship meeting and, thanks to the success of the most famous speedway team in the world, the Elite league cup final! Then you can add in the fact that without the project speedway in Manchester would have probably ended ten years ago, effectively saving the most famous speedway team in the world from going out of business. And it all happened in Manchester, the sporting capital of the UK!


Just imagine a public council meeting to discuss the 'justification' of the National Speedway Stadium. A sad man in an anorak may turn up at the council armed with your point of view, including the ridiculous comparison to the 'success' of basketball and taekwondo. It wouldn't take much spin to have everyone in the room laughing at him would it? Even the financial disaster would be easily swept aside with an explanation of how an extra £250,000 of costs were added and £thousands of income lost due to the failings of the contractors.


If you ever did manage to moan loud enough to precipitate such a meeting I wouldn't be surprised if it ended by the council agreeing to spend MORE money on the project, leaving you to slope dejectedly out of the room to the jeers and ridicule of the vast majority in attendance.


Good luck.


Well, obviously Fred Flange is making some very interesting points and believes that the worthy councillors would be happy with the progress of the Regeneration Framework, particularly with regard to the speedway stadium and academy.


I am not sure that I spotted the bit where he illustrated that the core objective of the strategy had been achieved i.e. improving the economic and physical health of the inhabitants of the Eastlands area but perhaps I missed it.


And as to the suggestion that the City of Manchester would be keen to spend several more thousands of pounds of taxpayers money on the venture, then I sincerely hope that he is right.


Clearly, Fred Flange is hearing things from the horses mouth and is therefore better placed to explain the on-going developments.

I am sure that we wait expectantly to hear the positive news that had been suggested.

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Where do you get this info from, no incoming promotion would touch t/c's like these.

Our place is just the same, .

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