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Speedway World Cup 2017

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The young Poles grow up riding against the absolute very best that the rest of the World has to offer every single week.


(With the very best that the rest of the World has to offer 100% fully committed due to the need to keep their salary levels)...


They also grow up in a League where nothing but being successful maintains your position in your team.


Never mind a bad meeting, two bad races can see you out of the team and replaced by an equally hungry and talented replacement...


These lads can earn hundreds of thousands of euro at a very young age riding for just one team, not two, three, four, five etc...


But with that money comes enormous expectation from tens of thousands of passionate club fans and huge pressure to succeed from their paymasters...


Growing up and being exposed to such extremes means they simply have to learn to handle this pressure, or be replaced.


This then has the knock on effect that when it comes to racing against the same World Class talent at GP and SWC level they know they have the beating of them...


It's no surprise to see Latvia and Russia also do well as these countries riders invariably are 'Poland based', and also develop their riding in the same tracks under the same pressures from their Polish clubs. ..


Team GB racing against Poland (in Poland) is akin to the best team in League One of the Football Championship, after spending a season dominating domestically at their level, going directly to the European Champions League Final and taking on Real Madrid in the Bernabeu...


Simply those Polish lads are used to competing against the very, very best each week..


Our lads race in the main against a far lower standard and need to be tested far more to bridge the obvious gap...


Giving '110%', as our lads no doubt did last night, can only get you so far.


If this Country is serious about reaching the top step then there has to be a development plan for the riders driven by the governing body. That is the only way to see them reach the true top level of the Sport. ..

Edited by mikebv
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Another good meeting and as far as watching speedway riders go I enjoyed it.

Was their a difference between the track prep from Friday to Saturday? Its just that all the Russians were more into it on Friday - Emil 15, Cug Cug 11 etc, but they didnt seem to have the same "go" in them - tiredness maybe. Friday Chugunov was gating well, so was Emil, but Saturday..... Yes I know the opposition was better quality on Saturday, but still Russia lacking.


Team GB (yes I like the name) was not fully prepared for that meeting IMO. Perhaps one of the negatives of going straight to the final thus lack of track knowledge. Poor management from the top of British speedway, they all want sacking. How on earth does any country expect its young riders to get to the top of the international scene without experience of riding international circuits with other riders from various countries.

Chris Harris tried as hard as ever does, but we know he coming to an end of his international career, but 10 out of 10 for his whole souled efforts.

Stevie Worrel came good at the end. He really did take a bite of the cherry and gave it all he got and he deserves a BIG pat on the back, mixing it with top world class riders. Those races will stand him well for the future - and like he said "thats the best race that I have finished last". Yes, deserved more then 0 points, should have been 2.

Cookie and Robert, not on it at all sadly. Cookie in his last race off 4 took the high line on bend 1-2, like others had, but didnt seem to know what to do with it and lost ground, unlike other riders getting an advantage from it. Put it all down to lack of experience.


What goes round comes round. Poles are ruling the roost at the moment, but it wont last forever, but if its Team GB that does the challenging then there has to be a massive change in attitude at the very top of British speedway is required and it is required NOW

How many years will Cook have to ride to get the"expieriance " he been telling us for years he was a late starter thought he would have like that track given shape and size.
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Something fundamentally wrong with the sport in this country and we simply have nobody yet coming through then can challenge.


Our best rider doesnt ride for us.........something not right from both sides but i can totallly understand Tai's frustrations trying to help a sport and his country that doesnt want to help itself.


Rosco is fine as Team boss. Who else could he have chosen? Lets be fair it could be worse we could have Middlo doing it again and seeing the likes of Kennett back in. How anyone can blame the manager for this is laughable.


Last year we came second because we had our best rider in the team.....he isnt now so we came 4th. Im pretty sure the Danes would have liked the chance to ride last night.

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A very long time before GB riders are back on top, they seem to reach a certain standard, Woffinden apart and stay there, the worrying part is that Poland could have put out 3 different teams and won it as they didn't even have their Polish champion Wozniak and runner up the other Pawlicki + Hampel, Kaspazack etc etc so yes a long time before we ever see the golden years of the 70's


ps a good start would be different manager than Rossiter.

I agree with all that you say, and don't really see where Alun Rossiter can go from here. Having said that, he wasn't riding the bike(s), and I can't think of anyway that he could have put a stronger Great Britain side out. As a country, we are not good enough, and it's time we all accepted it, and just enjoy the sport for what it is.

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Brits need more rides in Poland, it's that simple. Anywhere else in Europe and i would be confident that we would've got 3rd. Worrall seemed to get his set up right at the end, we need to understand why Lambert and Cook struggled with set up. Cook has shown in the GP qualifiers this season he can mix it with the best elsewhere. A learning curve.

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How many years will Cook have to ride to get the"expieriance " he been telling us for years he was a late starter thought he would have like that track given shape and size.

If Cook was Polish after ten years riding he would still be only around 22/23 years of age such is the way their development system works..


He would have gained untold experience riding in front of large expectant, passionate and massively critical crowds..


He would have raced in many meetings with several genuine World Class riders in both his team and the oppositions..


He would have gone to the tapes in EVERY race knowing literally his career was on the line such is the line of talent wanting his spot in the team....


He would have been acutely aware of what winning a 'credible' Championship would mean to his club and it's town/city, and the level of national media coverage that winning the title over there would generate. ..


Instead he learned his craft often in front of 'one man and his dog' crowd levels, where the opening of a flask was the only sound generated by the person there.


He was able to have many 'bad nights', riding under no pressure, with zero threat to his position in the team, as just being able to ride a bike at his level guaranteed him a team place anywhere in this country..


He rode for teams in towns and cities that people within a two mile radius of the tracks didn't know they even existed...


He would every week ride against, and often beat, riders who wouldn't get into a Polish Third division team yet rode in the top division over here...


In short his experience and development should actually stand him in no stead to take on the Worlds best as it's a completely different World that the British riders and the Poles grow up in...


That he and others do take on the Worlds best with reasonable results, is testament to their own drive and belief rather than the infrastructure around them.....

Edited by mikebv
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Those comparing the track last night to Belle Vue perhaps missed Craig Cook explaining before the meeting that he had tried the set up he uses at the NSS during the practice and it just didn't work. He and others explained it was an entirely different surface and that they still hadn't found the best set up. Most of us knew that Team GB would struggle and that the Russians are far more used to racing on Polish tracks than we are. Having said that I agree with those who say that Cook and Lambert should have done better. Worrall and Harris did all we could expect from them and more.


Craig Cook on Twitter last night.


"Sorry to everyone who I've let down I'm really embarrassed, I've tried my arse off and changed everything but nothing worked. Sorry again."


At least let's give him credit for acknowledging his poor performance and apologising. It was a bad night at the office but he is still the best rider we have who wants to ride for GB and nobody can deny his passion and commitment.

Edited by Aces51
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Those comparing the track last night to Belle Vue perhaps missed Craig Cook explaining before the meeting that he had tried the set up he uses at the NSS during the practice and it just didn't work. He and others explained it was an entirely different surface and that they still hadn't found the best set up. Most of us knew that Team GB would struggle and that the Russians are far more used to racing on Polish tracks than we are. Having said that I agree with those who say that Cook and Lambert should have done better. Worrall and Harris did all we could expect from them and more.

Craig Cook on Twitter last night.

"Sorry to everyone who I've let down I'm really embarrassed, I've tried my arse off and changed everything but nothing worked. Sorry again."

At least let's give him credit for acknowledging his poor performance and apologising. It was a bad night at the office but he is still the best rider we have who wants to ride for GB and nobody can deny his passion and commitment.

Can his Team mates not give him advice regarding set up! Excuses as far as I am concerned if the meeting was re-run today you would probably get the same result.Worrel and Harris had a set -up after a couple of rides.!
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My summary:


- Poland are pretty much untouchable. They have the blueprint and should be admired for the work that has been put in over the last 15 years. Remember, it wasn't that long ago that Marcin Rempala was in the world cup side!


- Cook had a bad day at the office. Nothing more, nothing less. He has a good attitude and I expect a response in Cardiff.


- Lambert is very young and probably has a little too much pressure right now. I'd say he is at least on par with Tai at the same age.


- Harris is a top pro. Love the guy.


- Worrall, well, to see how this young man has come on in the last few years is nothing short of spectacular. There's something there that suggests he can can go up another level or two.


Thanks for reading!

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Total crap where is this Bully boy rubbish coming from i see Doyle as just a commited rider no more than that.We will see at the end of the season when he is at least on the rostrum and he will more and likely will be No 1 he deserves it after last year.

you see whatever you want to see , I see a reckless idiot , and if anybody got a world title because they deserved it Nigel Boocock would have had 10 . but they are not handed out to people who Sidney the Robin thinks deserves them , they are for the people who can stay out of hospital long enough to score the most points !!

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Pretty much what i wrote a few days ago.Poland way ahead of the rest.I say that because i think Sweden rode to their very best and Poland probably still had a bit more to give if needed,which it wasn't.Antonio rode great,but by this time next year it could be a very different Antonio again.We sadly know how up and down his career has been.I for one wish he rode like that all the time.But i don't think Sweden have much more to give.AJ has seen his best days and Freddie isn't going to get any better either.The Poles on the other hand have their best years still ahead of them unless one or two go the wrong way


Two meetings in one and the rest of the world have a lot to do to get near Poland and we nly got near Russia because of the Laguta problem.Unforseen and he and Dudek before are probably not the only ones who could get caught out if tested on the wrong day.We took advantage,but we saw a young Russian come in and take his chance and wonder why we don't seem to have young riders who can do the same or why we don't give our youngsters those kind of chances........

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Pretty much what i wrote a few days ago.Poland way ahead of the rest.I say that because i think Sweden rode to their very best and Poland probably still had a bit more to give if needed,which it wasn't.Antonio rode great,but by this time next year it could be a very different Antonio again.We sadly know how up and down his career has been.I for one wish he rode like that all the time.But i don't think Sweden have much more to give.AJ has seen his best days and Freddie isn't going to get any better either.The Poles on the other hand have their best years still ahead of them unless one or two go the wrong way


Two meetings in one and the rest of the world have a lot to do to get near Poland and we nly got near Russia because of the Laguta problem.Unforseen and he and Dudek before are probably not the only ones who could get caught out if tested on the wrong day.We took advantage,but we saw a young Russian come in and take his chance and wonder why we don't seem to have young riders who can do the same or why we don't give our youngsters those kind of chances........

Agree with most of that mate.


We did however give Worrall a chance (I know he's 25) and for me, he outshone the young Russian.


I think Stevie will be dynamite in a few years fwiw.

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Craig Cook has a bad meeting and the Brit say, "give him a chance bless him. He's not got the experience" yet go to Poland and see one of their riders have a bad meeting and he crowd have 50 foot banners made up for the next week calling the rider a pussy and they boo, jeer and throw stuff at the riders.


As yourself why the Poles win and we don't. Steve Worralls interview after that last place that a few raved about, said he was, "pleased". You should never be pleased with 4th. Take positives from it but not be pleased.


We Brits have the wrong mindset. We should go into theee meetings thinking we've won't it. Over the last 20 years the Swedes have been no better than us but they have four World Cup titles and all 4 were in meetings where frankly, before beat 1 nobody had them down as favourites.


In 20 years I make it we've only beat Sweden twice and both times in the U.K.!

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Diane Abbott Fan?

Isn't it around this stage that some old boy pops up to tell us in the 1940s it was so much better and we could have used riders from the Southern League division 4 and still beat Poland and Russia.......

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My summary:

- Poland are pretty much untouchable. They have the blueprint and should be admired for the work that has been put in over the last 15 years. Remember, it wasn't that long ago that Marcin Rempala was in the world cup side!

- Cook had a bad day at the office. Nothing more, nothing less. He has a good attitude and I expect a response in Cardiff.

- Lambert is very young and probably has a little too much pressure right now. I'd say he is at least on par with Tai at the same age.

- Harris is a top pro. Love the guy.

- Worrall, well, to see how this young man has come on in the last few years is nothing short of spectacular. There's something there that suggests he can can go up another level or two.

Thanks for reading!

Agree about Steve Worrall, but he must get away from the Championship

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you see whatever you want to see , I see a reckless idiot , and if anybody got a world title because they deserved it Nigel Boocock would have had 10 . but they are not handed out to people who Sidney the Robin thinks deserves them , they are for the people who can stay out of hospital long enough to score the most points !!


You do realise the riders responsible for Doyle spending so much time in hospital were Hancock, Lindgren and Miedzinski don't you?


I think somebody else sees whatever they want to see too!

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Craig Cook has a bad meeting and the Brit say, "give him a chance bless him. He's not got the experience" yet go to Poland and see one of their riders have a bad meeting and he crowd have 50 foot banners made up for the next week calling the rider a pussy and they boo, jeer and throw stuff at the riders.

As yourself why the Poles win and we don't. Steve Worralls interview after that last place that a few raved about, said he was, "pleased". You should never be pleased with 4th. Take positives from it but not be pleased.

We Brits have the wrong mindset. We should go into theee meetings thinking we've won't it. Over the last 20 years the Swedes have been no better than us but they have four World Cup titles and all 4 were in meetings where frankly, before beat 1 nobody had them down as favourites.

In 20 years I make it we've only beat Sweden twice and both times in the U.K.!

You are 100%correct...sadly a very British disease of didnt he do well is alway evident these days.


My 8 year old son turns up to his football knowing he will get a game,not thinking he must be better to get in the team


..Stevie deserves a lot of credit for his performance, and it was good to seem him settle into the meeting and match them


Sadly as long as the Europeans race on speedway tracks and we race on made up circuits inside dog tracks we will never compete


We lack the HP..the skill and the style to race big fast open tracks...I'm no expert but I often look at how a rider is on the bike..their position,their style and we are mostly different ...not all I must add..I was watching Richie Worrall on Friday night...now he is perfect riding a speedway bike...but I wonder if riding around pokey little tight tracks in the UK has hindered his progress


Lastly...well done to the Poles...they are in a different league now

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Brits need more rides in Poland, it's that simple. Anywhere else in Europe and i would be confident that we would've got 3rd. Worrall seemed to get his set up right at the end, we need to understand why Lambert and Cook struggled with set up. Cook has shown in the GP qualifiers this season he can mix it with the best elsewhere. A learning curve.


Whilst I agree with you why you Team GB riders bother with the pressure, cut and thrust of racing in Poland when they can make a very comfortable living riding for two clubs in Britain.

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I remember dear old Frank Bruno in his pomp...


Came through as the next big thing for British Heavyweight Boxing...


Got fed carefully picked 'journeymen bums' so he could dispatch them within seconds to build his reputation....


Every fight on BBC generated the required hype and publicity. .,


First time he fought anyone with an ounce of ability he got handed his arse...


Our lads are in a similar comfort zone over here which they need to find a way of breaking out of..


Beating NL riders in both leagues when they double up is no preperation for International Speedway for Team GB riders.


How they get that exposure to racing against the best regularly though is the big question...


Especially when, dont forget, this is a Sport ran by people in this Country who replace young British riders in teams because they have upped their average and improved....!!😲

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