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Speedway World Cup 2017

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I think I might just have answered my own query- talk about leaving things to the last minute-an amendment issued yesterday !!!!!!!Team composition and the Riders shall be the same 4 or 5 riders thatwere entered on the SWC team declaration form, Teams will have thechance to select new Rider starting numbers for the Race Off andFinal. This must be submitted in writing 24 hours after the colourDraw for Race Off and Final is conducted.No changes to any declared Teams will be permitted throughout theSWC except in the case of injury or illness, supported by a MedicalCertificate where necessary, and approved by the International Jury.Where the International Jury approves such changes, the replacementRider will occupy the original Rider’s place in the nominated Team.


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Subsequently the BSF is full of comments putting down Team GB's achievement, stressing the weakness of opposition, ignoring that while Australia were missing Doyle we were missing Woffinden, and declaring they're going to be overwhelmed in Leszno. It's almost like a meeting of "depressives anonymous".

Sorry but Doyle was missing through being injured. Woffinden was never going to play a part so he was not missing. The team GB went with was always going to be just that. whereas Australia were a little bit hampered by not having a injured Doyle and a not very fit looking Morris.


I don't think people on here are putting Team GB down, just expressing there opinion. Still all will be revealed come Saturday Night. If imo we get a medal regardless of colour then that to me would signal a very good effort and a pat on the boys backs for a job well done. But I do think it will be a tad harder come Saturday than what some posters are saying on here.

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Just back from a few days away, touring North Wales and was really pleased that I was able to watch live streaming of the 2nd Semi-final on You-Tube. As been said, a terrific advert our sport desperately needs. This meeting had all the ingredients for close racing and didn't disappoint. I have often argued that the Lynn track disappoints me, but I am in no doubt had the semi-finals been switched venues, the excitement would have been the same . With four teams chasing the SWC the 2nd SF was always going to be the one to watch. Had that been run at Lynn there would have been lots of excitement and not necessary the same winners.. Likewise, had the first SF grouping, rode in Sweden no way would that have been the dream meeting it has rightfully been acclaimed. but no doubts the result would have been similar.


I think the FIM have made a pigs ear of the rules and organisation of this event . Why is it , every year, we always have the weakest group of teams in our Semi-final. USA, without Hancock, aren't good enough to compete at this level any more. and the fact that they are through to the play-offs instead of Denmark merely illustrate the poor organisation and planning...


But my biggest moan has been reserved for those blasted JOKERS. This sport will never be taken seriously while these are in place. The governing bodies should be strong enough to tell the TV people this sport is not a joke and doesn't need false positioning provided by the use of the Joker...

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Seen a few comments from Danish fans and obviously pretty p'd off and negative.One saying this all started when Hans Nielsen took the job,get Secher or Olsen back.One even had the temerity to bring us into it by saying what a desaster it was for Danish speedway and if this development wasn't stopped Denmark would end up like 'England'!!!!!

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Seen a few comments from Danish fans and obviously pretty p'd off and negative.One saying this all started when Hans Nielsen took the job,get Secher or Olsen back.One even had the temerity to bring us into it by saying what a desaster it was for Danish speedway and if this development wasn't stopped Denmark would end up like 'England'!!!!!


that's Team GB to them !

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that's Team GB to them !

Yes,it is a mistake that often crops up.Even had a discussion with a webmaster about their "English Final" meeting which included one Scottish rider and has always been called the British Final.But hey ho.....

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I for one have not talked down the GB team's success - although doubting BEFORE the event at KL that they would do well ( mostly because of what we knew about Lambert's injury ). They were very, very impressive and as a team are making great strides forward. To cement that progress we need a good showing in the final in Poland. Success for me would be to get a medal and Bronze would do nicely to show that team GB CAN perform well abroad. Like all / most fans who cheer for Team GB I dream of a win! A Gold medal but that is a dream at the moment. These are all merely different opinions of fans interested in speedway.

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The thing is will our lack of experience on Polish tracks put us at a disadvantage?Poland will for obvious reasons be a big favourite.Sweden have riders who have very good experience abroad and in Poland in particular,then whoever comes through tonight will have the extra advantage of having raced on the track.But you just have to look at the Danes who have good experience of racing in Sweden and one of the all time greats of the sport starting to blame their set-up and it makes you wonder.Can we just go out with a desire to do well,good team spirit and turn that to our advantage?Of course Harris in the GPs at least was one of the main culprits of blaming anything and everything for his failures.Maybe with some self belief we can put the cat amongst the pigeons and cause a surprise

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the world cup is the ultimate prize to become champions of the world . i just dont see why there are so many restrictions on how you ride your team i wonder does this happen in other sports or is speedway unique with so many rules and regulations

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People seem to be missing the fact that pf the 8 teams in the last round, the British round featured the sides ranked 1,3,6 and 7 last year. So theoretically neither meeting was harder than the other. The fact that USA were weakened this year without Hancock and that Latvia massively over performed shouldn't be taken as an issue with how the draw was done.

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Is this race off going to be on tonight? I'm kind of hoping that it is not because I'm at work tonight but have Sat/Sun off, I'm hearing that the forecast doesn't sound good



Forecast I looked at, accuweather I think, showed rain around lunch time on both days but clearing up towards the evenings, quite warm too, 24/26degrees. I'm hoping it's on today, been ages since Tuesday and I've got the taste.

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There has been no official announcement yet. So will a postponement be a last minute thing? Pity for those who have travelled, not to know when and if the Race Off and Final will be. The Sat. forecast looks just as dismal for Leszno. Will both meetings be on Sunday which looks likely to be better weather? Is there a contingency plan?

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