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Speedway World Cup 2017

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Not only talking about yesterday.This is an ongoing problem.Two years in a row now they haven't made the final.Long time ago when that has happened.Add to that though the terrible performances in the GPs where it looks like no Danish rider will get into the top 8.Haven't looked,but has that ever happened before?I would say all the riders on show last night plus Kildemand etc have all hit or have passed their peak.Then the lack of great new talent,and i think they need at least two to come in over the next 2 years to replace some of the others,it just doesn't look good.Not for Denmark or speedway as a whole having lost the US as one of the main teams,we can hardly lose one or two more main challengers in Denmark and Sweden


I was wondering whether it was worth going back to the old 3 rider teams to try and make up for the lack of strength in depth....

Well they already went from 5 to 4, think it would be a shame to go even lower just to stop Poland winning. Stop staging the thing in Poland would be a start...

I understand what you are saying, but I still dont think its a crisis for the Danes just yet.

Edited by RPNYC
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With 'supporters' like this, who needs enemies? Why can't we get behind our team and not write them off even before they go on track? Yes, two teams were unacceptably weak on Saturday (thanks Greg, going to give up your place at Cardiff to one of the kids as well?) but even so to drop just seven points when racing Australia deserves some respect!


Like I said before, there's being 'realistic' and there's being ridiculously negative. How do you know we couldn't have made the same impact as Latvia or an abject Denmark at least tonight?


Yes we might well finish stone last on Saturday but why oh why do we have to trash a little bit of success when it comes along and write the team off before they even get a chance?


Still, if anything would motivate them it's seeing the the abject lack of appreciation here for their efforts on Saturday.


i support team GB just stating my opinion about the competition of last nights meeting.... thought it was a forum of opinions .. maybe not?
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People saying yesterday is worrying for the Danes forget that in 2013 they finished 4th in event 1 but then won the title in 2015!

In 2013 they finished just a point off the title i think :wink:

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On to Event 3 then. Got a feeling that Russia will have enough to hold off Australia, with Latvia 3rd and the USA making up the numbers.


Then to the final - Poland v GB v Sweden v Russia. OR to look at it another way, 4 x Extraliga riders v 0 x Extraliga riders v 3 x Extraliga riders v 2 x Extraliga riders and all on an Extgraliga track that the British riders will probably only ever have seen on old YouTube clips. Sorry to have to predict this but I suspect that Poland will hold the edge over Russia who will do well to pip Sweden, mainly down to the "Emil at home factor", with GB making up the numbers. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to be proven wrong, but that's how I predict things panning out.

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Easier said than done, off top of my head these are all needed...


- A decent track shape conducive for racing

- A well prepared track

- Teams with riders of similar levels?


Not something easy to create across all tracks and teams.


To be fair, change can take time.


A decent track shape is difficult, if a Track is purpose built like Belle Vue, then its possible, however if a track has to go into an existing stadium with other sports it can be tricky

Edited by Seymour Dix
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In cricket the ICC have admitted that they rig the draw for limited overs cricket tournaments , for commercial reasons England must meet Australia and India must play Pakistan. I,m not saying the F.I.M do this but for the last 5 years ( except 2016 final when the final was in Manchester either event 1 or 2 has been on a British track usually Kings Lynn and has featured GB, Australia and USA in the same round every time . coincidence ? The draw does seem to be weighted in GB's favour most years

The difference in quality between the 2 events this time was noticeable again.

Hopefully on Saturday Team GB give a good account of themselves , personally I wouldn't have minded seeing them in the race off, doing what we have struggled to do in the past, negotiate and dominate a race off away from home , against similar standard opposition .. GB have only come through the race off once away from home .

Should we come a distance last I'm not sure what we will have learnt , yes we are ok at home, all of our SGP World Cup medals for that matter have come on home soil.

We need to improve away from GB to become a force, lets hope for the best on Saturday

Edited by New Science
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Not only talking about yesterday.This is an ongoing problem.Two years in a row now they haven't made the final.Long time ago when that has happened.Add to that though the terrible performances in the GPs where it looks like no Danish rider will get into the top 8.Haven't looked,but has that ever happened before?I would say all the riders on show last night plus Kildemand etc have all hit or have passed their peak.Then the lack of great new talent,and i think they need at least two to come in over the next 2 years to replace some of the others,it just doesn't look good.Not for Denmark or speedway as a whole having lost the US as one of the main teams,we can hardly lose one or two more main challengers in Denmark and Sweden


I was wondering whether it was worth going back to the old 3 rider teams to try and make up for the lack of strength in depth....

There is still time for the likes of Kildemand, Bech, Jensen, Madsen, etc to find a slightly higher level than what they are just now and they aren't far from being top line international riders at the moment.


As a squad on paper they still look stronger than most of the others, although a good bit behind Poland at the moment.


You really do have to question the management team when they have failed to get anything like the expected results in the SWC in the last couple of years since taking charge.

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Personally I don't think it was the track that made for a brillliant meeting more the fact you had 4 riders in each race capable of winning it.

Made for a highly competitive meeting ala a GP and moves by some riders that really were wild.

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they = Sweden

But even that argument is nonsense.Look at the 2013 team and look at the 2015 team.Who was missing from 2013????

There is still time for the likes of Kildemand, Bech, Jensen, Madsen, etc to find a slightly higher level than what they are just now and they aren't far from being top line international riders at the moment.


As a squad on paper they still look stronger than most of the others, although a good bit behind Poland at the moment.


You really do have to question the management team when they have failed to get anything like the expected results in the SWC in the last couple of years since taking charge.

I agree it could happen that those riders do better.Not convinced that it is very likely they will all do better in one r more meetings.For sure if those riders last night all had their top form they could have gone through easily.The trouble when you get passed your best is the great nights get fewer and fewer

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A British win with no passing would be a massive loss to speedway as any new armchair would be fans would only nod and say " yes. first away from the start wins". "why bother to go", which is the problem we currently have.


Sadly, it's the way the general public have always perceived speedway, well, since I started going in 1971, and maybe even before that. The fans know that it isn't true but to the casual observer it's what they see. If they take the trouble to go to see a meeting live there now seems to be all sorts of reasons/excuses why there isn't any passing - too much dirt, too little dirt, over watered, dusty, wrong shape, teams not competitive, track not wide enough etc. One week great racing, the next follow the leader. (Look at Kings Lynn and Sheffield, used to be renowned for great, entertaining racing but not now - well according to the forum anyway - so what's happened there?)

You never know what sort of a meeting you're going to get but if you're taking a newbie along let's hope it's a great one!!

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But even that argument is nonsense.Look at the 2013 team and look at the 2015 team.Who was missing from 2013????

I agree it could happen that those riders do better.Not convinced that it is very likely they will all do better in one r more meetings.For sure if those riders last night all had their top form they could have gone through easily.The trouble when you get passed your best is the great nights get fewer and fewer

For me Andersen,Bjerre,.Nicki,Iversen are all past there peak now, and in truth there best four now available are Iverson Madsen,Jensen, Kildemand.For me worrying times for the Danes i am hoping Hansen makes a breakthrough for them in the future.
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For me Andersen,Bjerre,.Nicki,Iversen are all past there peak now, and in truth there best four now available are Iverson Madsen,Jensen, Kildemand.For me worrying times for the Danes i am hoping Hansen makes a breakthrough for them in the future.

But take Kildemand, he seems to not be doing so well since he stopped riding in England.

Edited by A ORLOV
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I watched Saturday's and Tuesday's events (via delayed stream).


As an American, I enjoyed Saturday's match - even though I've been more entertained as a fan via other events (please don't hate us just 'cause we're Americans).


As a speedway fan, I absolutely ate up Tuesday's match!! That was so fun to watch! More than a handful of times I was literally shouting out loud and leaning so far sideways on my couch (trying to help the riders - LOL) that my S.O. reached out and grabbed me thinking I was going to topple right over! Man, that was fun!


Two big "Thumbs Up" from this guy!




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I agree but its only our stupid points system, not working for the top riders, that kept him out. Shame. Iversen very loyal to GB.

No it's not. You really think Lynn would have signed Holder if Puk was available? Puk has been making noises for years about possibly not riding over here.

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