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Poole 2017

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And a good No.4





Not on his EL average I wouldn't. No value in Adam's EL average imo.

So, the only way anyone will use him in the EL league is going to have to plead for his EL average to be converted down to a PL average, then that figure converted back to an EL average, and whoopie doo, he's back at Poole as an EDR again...!!!!


Crikey, these promising edr riders that improve are going to get locked-in to reserve!!


Something is very wrong with British Speedway, very wrong..

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I certainly hope it's not retained the season just gone proved it total farce let the young lads learn there trade in the premier and national league

It's the PL numpties that are half the problem. Unless and until the PL buy into the EDR system it's never going to work 100%. Having said that, it could still be made to work a lot better than it does now. The whole order of picking needs to be sorted.

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PL averages reflect on the riders ability.


Draft averages mean nothing because half of the time teams have ended up with NL riders who cant stay on their bike for all 4 laps at reserve.


Also reserves could have been having up to 7 rides in a single meeting at reserve this season. Therefore the draft averages are fake.


Kyle Newman has been around the 6.50 PL average mark for a few years. Therefore Kyle should be a 3.89 average because the PL averages reflect on the riders ability and not an EL average riding against NL riders who are out of their depth/Cant turn a bike when the going gets tough.


Gavan and Co want everyone associated with Poole Speedway to have ridiculous averages (Ellis, Milik & Newman + Many More).


Funny how Gavan and Co didn't complain when the current World Champion signed for Wolverhampton on a 7.00 average.



My question for Gavan and Co.


​If Kyle Newman sho​uld be a 5.00 average then what should Woffinden's average be?. 10.00 seems about fair to me seeing as Kyle Newman is riding PL Speedway whilst the latter is the current World Champion.

I agree SS.


Nobody is going to sign riders like Ellis on ridiculous averages. I Like Ellis. I rate Ellis. I would like to see Ellis back in Poole colours but not on his EL average when you can have riders like (Batchelor, Gomolski & Milik) on roughly the same average as Ellis.


But 7 is Woffinden's average attained whilst he was world champion!! How may times does that have to be said, I don't want Newman to have a a ridiculous average just a fair one, I'm not even bothered if its 3.79 as long as he's not at reserve, If were going to stick with EDR then there has to be some sort of limit to how long you can rider there otherwise what is the point as its clearly not to improve riders. Use lists as past EDR but Newman shouldn't be on it

Edited by phillipsr
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Not allowed to swear on this forum am I? Forum rules and all that..........!!


I see my plea has not made a whole lot of difference.


By the way, nice article in today's local about Adam Ellis wanting to come back to Poole in 2017. Seems Jon Cook is ok with it?!



I am I missing something here ? Since when did the EDR rider pick his team, rather than the other way round ? There are a lot of lower finishing teams that ought to be having the option of picking Adam before Poole get their pick if Lakeside don't want him.


I realise that the Echo's ace journalist Phil Space cobbled the article together to ...er.... fill space on a slow news day and I may be reading too much into it but he talks about Adam going on loan. EDR riders do exactly go out "on loan" .Does this mean Adam might be doing a Garrity rather than EDR, or is there some sort of Ford stitch up in the offing ? Or is it just a journalist saying the first thing that comes into his head to fill a bit of space?


Seems strange though that an EDR rider talks about going somewhere when we haven't had the AGM and he doesn't have a PL team place.

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1 poor season doesn't reflect on Tai's ability.


However lets just say I agree with you for a second.


How come G​avan and Co think its right for Milik to come in on a 7.00 average when Vaclav has an EL average of 5.68 obtained within the last 2 seasons.


Yet the same people sa​y Tai should come in on his current EL average?


If Milik is a 7.00 r​ider in Britain then Woffinden is a 10.00.


How can I answer for them? If Milik achieved that average in the last two years then I agree he should be on whatever average he obtained (I don't remember him riding over here last year or this year though)

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Milik is the same as Woffinden they have an average over here that quite rightly should be used irrelevent of their form. Madsen has been away longer than 2 years do quite rightly needs to be reassessed and he should be a 7. Tai didnt need to be reassessed he had an average from 2 years ago.

Hope you can read what i wrote Mr Gater???


Never have i said Milik should have an average over 7.

I have said that (same as Tai) he had an average over here that can be used


PL averages reflect on the riders ability.


Draft averages mean nothing because half of the time teams have ended up with NL riders who cant stay on their bike for all 4 laps at reserve.


Also reserves could have been having up to 7 rides in a single meeting at reserve this season. Therefore the draft averages are fake.


Kyle Newman has been around the 6.50 PL average mark for a few years. Therefore Kyle should be a 3.89 average because the PL averages reflect on the riders ability and not an EL average riding against NL riders who are out of their depth/Cant turn a bike when the going gets tough.


Gavan and Co want everyone associated with Poole Speedway to have ridiculous averages (Ellis, Milik & Newman + Many More).


Funny how Gavan and Co didn't complain when the current World Champion signed for Wolverhampton on a 7.00 average.



My question for Gavan and Co.


​If Kyle Newman sho​uld be a 5.00 average then what should Woffinden's average be?. 10.00 seems about fair to me seeing as Kyle Newman is riding PL Speedway whilst the latter is the current World Champion.

I agree SS.


Nobody is going to sign riders like Ellis on ridiculous averages. I Like Ellis. I rate Ellis. I would like to see Ellis back in Poole colours but not on his EL average when you can have riders like (Batchelor, Gomolski & Milik) on roughly the same average as Ellis.


Again please tell me where i have said Ellis and Newman should have inflated averages please???


Milik i said should use his old average.

A few posts back i said Ellis should be an EDR

I also said Newman should have an average between 4.5 and 5. hardly over inflated


Be nice if you read my posts rather than use me as an easy target


1 poor season doesn't reflect on Tai's ability.


However lets just say I agree with you for a second.


How come G​avan and Co think its right for Milik to come in on a 7.00 average when Vaclav has an EL average of 5.68 obtained within the last 2 seasons.


Yet the same people sa​y Tai should come in on his current EL average?


If Milik is a 7.00 r​ider in Britain then Woffinden is a 10.00.

Ok one last time buddy


Please quote where i have said Milik should be a 7???? You cant!


I said he has an average over here and that should be used


And yes Tai came in on the right average as that was one he obtained 2 seasons ago.


Tai's average was low because he was poor last time over here.


If you think Tai was to low then you must also believe Milik is to low?


The fact is BOTH Milik and Woffinden have correct averages end of story.


Kyle Newman will not be 3.79

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Not allowed to swear on this forum am I? Forum rules and all that..........!!


I see my plea has not made a whole lot of difference.


By the way, nice article in today's local about Adam Ellis wanting to come back to Poole in 2017. Seems Jon Cook is ok with it?!



They always say they want to come back, it's called keeping your options open.

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So if we use converted averages we will have this crazy scenario. Bates averaged 4.76 for Coventry while Sarjeant averaged 3.81 in the EL. Converting PL averages Sarjeant would have a higher average than Bates for the 2017 EL season. How can that be right?

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So if we use converted averages we will have this crazy scenario. Bates averaged 4.76 for Coventry while Sarjeant averaged 3.81 in the EL. Converting PL averages Sarjeant would have a higher average than Bates for the 2017 EL season. How can that be right?

There are some riders who perform better in PL opposed to EL (Sarjeant, Nielsen), and others who perform better in EL as opposed to PL (Bates, Newman). There are always going to be quirks.

If you want to create a fair average/grading list, you'd probably have to take both leagues into account.


It's just amusing how so many people jump on Newman's back simply because he rides for Poole, but hardly anything gets said about Bates who is doing practically the same for Coventry. Double standards anyone?

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1 poor season doesn't reflect on Tai's ability.


However lets just say I agree with you for a second.


How come G​avan and Co think its right for Milik to come in on a 7.00 average when Vaclav has an EL average of 5.68 obtained within the last 2 seasons.


Yet the same people sa​y Tai should come in on his current EL average?


If Milik is a 7.00 r​ider in Britain then Woffinden is a 10.00.

Think you'll find Gavan and co, as you call them, would like to see any rider who Poole may be interested in come in on 10 point averages, then they will all be happy!!!!! Poole interested in Dan Bewley? Must be a 10 point average it's only fair!! FFS!!!

As you say, why should Milik not be able to come in on his 2015 average?? Madsen hasn't ridden here since 2010, but his average MUST be increased?? Why?? When he last rode here he was only a reserve!!

It only riders Poole may want to sign who's averages MUST be increased, if every riders average has to be increased, let give Lindgren, Woffinden, Iversen, Zagar, Holder, Doyle and any other GP rider 11 point averages......it's the fair thing to do......Bet there would be an out cry by the usual few if THEIR teams riders average were increased!!!!!

Batch would make a good number 8 ....

He would be an even better no.9...... :rofl:

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There are some riders who perform better in PL opposed to EL (Sarjeant, Nielsen), and others who perform better in EL as opposed to PL (Bates, Newman). There are always going to be quirks.

If you want to create a fair average/grading list, you'd probably have to take both leagues into account.


It's just amusing how so many people jump on Newman's back simply because he rides for Poole, but hardly anything gets said about Bates who is doing practically the same for Coventry. Double standards anyone?


There is a bit of a difference.

Newman has ridden as a PL heat leader for a couple of seasons. Bates has only just moved out of the reserve berth this season so is clearly still finding his way at both levels.

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There are some riders who perform better in PL opposed to EL (Sarjeant, Nielsen), and others who perform better in EL as opposed to PL (Bates, Newman). There are always going to be quirks.

If you want to create a fair average/grading list, you'd probably have to take both leagues into account.


It's just amusing how so many people jump on Newman's back simply because he rides for Poole, but hardly anything gets said about Bates who is doing practically the same for Coventry. Double standards anyone?

All to do with Poole not gaining their usual advantage of course!
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think its about time newman started at number 2 for poole . and grabbed the bull by the horns for the next stage of development. instead of taking easy wages in reserve

After 6 years of EL experience and 3 years on the draft, surely Newman won't be allowed on it again. It's meant to be to improve the riders so they can move in to the top 5.

If he's still not ready after all these years then he never will be.


Always find it strange how he hasn't improved in the PL. I would have expected him to be averaging more than 6 in that league

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Think you'll find Gavan and co, as you call them, would like to see any rider who Poole may be interested in come in on 10 point averages, then they will all be happy!!!!! Poole interested in Dan Bewley? Must be a 10 point average it's only fair!! FFS!!!

As you say, why should Milik not be able to come in on his 2015 average?? Madsen hasn't ridden here since 2010, but his average MUST be increased?? Why?? When he last rode here he was only a reserve!!

It only riders Poole may want to sign who's averages MUST be increased, if every riders average has to be increased, let give Lindgren, Woffinden, Iversen, Zagar, Holder, Doyle and any other GP rider 11 point averages......it's the fair thing to do......Bet there would be an out cry by the usual few if THEIR teams riders average were increased!!!!!


He would be an even better no.9...... :rofl:

as i said read my earlier posts


Said Milik should be on his old average

Said Ellis should be an EDR rider

Though it is time for Newman to not be a reserve.


Cant see how that is anti Poole in any way at all

If riders like Newman aren't a reserve next season then it will be NL wobblers at reserve and that is not EL speedway.


If Newman is not a reserve next season then neither should any of these riders.


Auty, Bates, Howarth, Kerr, Starke, S. Worrall & Wright



Short spell with King's Lynn.




Bates British U21 champion also scored well in the 1-5.


If MF gets on the phone to Josh then I am sure your opinion would change about Josh being a reserve.


Read my post below ive quoted who we could have in the reserve berths and yes the likes of Worrall, Starke, Newman should be nowhere near the reserve berths i agree with you

This is a Poole 2017 thread

People are discussing possible riders and Newman is one of those, so his average for next year is very important i would say


And nobody is having a go at Newman just making sure he has a fair average

Not sure why age comes into it to be honest , for me age is irrelevent.


The time has come that the likes of Worrall , Newman, Auty, Starke and possibly Howarth need to make the move into being a second string.


Those riders that were number 7's last year should now be the number 6's and then blood the next generation.


I would like to see the following riders as the top level EDR riders (on the right averages!)


Jacobs, Sarjeant, Simon Lambert, Branford, Ellis, Stefan Nielsen, Clegg , Ashley Morris (Ellis the highest average of those)


Then we can look at the next youngsters as the number 7's the likes of


Perry, Bewley, Hume, Perks, Dean-Wilson, Wajknecht for example.

I wouldnt call any of the guys ive mentioned as wobblers and it is young Brits


And as you can see ive included Ellis as an EDR so there is no Poole bias from me at all

Edited by Gavan
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