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Poole 2017

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Couldn't agree more

Been posting what you believe are any other people's names addresses and personal details on here lately?


I love how some think there should be an acceptable level of abuse because others supposedly get away with things that others can't. (they dont).


How bout sticking to the rules so no one needs to get warned or banned?

Not really that difficult is it? :nono:

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In other words you try and deflect getting called out yet again, still don't appear to think you are holier than thou and want to play your silly games? Not to mention ignoring what you have been told time and again when you attack about the fact it's 3 years since I had even the slightest involvement.


As for rubbish stirring, I kept my mouth shut for months and it's only since you decided to start your crap and attack me yet again on other threads as well as other people who frankly haven't gone near to doing what you did that I have spoken out. In other words yet again you started it sunshine


Still can't handle the fact that you keep accusing me of moderating when I don't either, doesn't fit with your so many lies.


My cousin was raging when you posted his wife's details as mine and wanted to go to the police. I persuaded him not to. Forgetting that as well? Not fit into your little vendetta?


Don't you think if I was 'moderating' your posts I'd just have removed them by now or has your warped thought process not reached that level?


Now....anyone want to talk about Poole?


Can you point out one post where I attacked you prior to this?


What on earth are you talking about with your cousin and his wife? I'd happily co-operate fully with the police. If you're going to accuse somebody of something then at least get the right person.

I deal with a lot of dicks in my line of work, so this is nothing new to me. However, if you're going to accuse me of a crime in a public place then you'd sure as hell better be ready to back it up with hard evidence, or you'll very quickly be on the end of a slander complaint to the police.

Additionally, just to clarify, do you realise that anything you post publicly online is in the public domain? As soon as you make it public online, you make it available to anybody else to post or disseminate as they feel fit.


I strongly suggest you moderate the information you post online rather than blame somebody who has nothing to do with it.

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How can a description of you be an insult?

You are little, you are bald and you claim to be an insomniac.

Okay, the trolling is more subjective, you may not think that referring to a rider as 'dummy boy cook' is trolling but it is, you may also not think that arguing with everyone is trolling but it is.

It wouldn't be so bad if you just argued with me, but its endless, look at your recent posts, you have to scroll a long way down to find one that isn't a classic 'small angry man' arguing pointlessly.

Still, if it helps you sleep then fair enough.

And in other news posting a random insult to someone without contributing to the thread is about as much of a definition of trolling as you can get. Something you do over and over.

You might get over your how dare you report me attitude one day but I doubt it.

Still if it makes you feel better about yourself crack on.

Claim to be an insomniac? ?

If I'm not an insomniac then you are the forums friendliest poster.

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Can you point out one post where I attacked you prior to this?


What on earth are you talking about with your cousin and his wife? I'd happily co-operate fully with the police. If you're going to accuse somebody of something then at least get the right person.

I deal with a lot of dicks in my line of work, so this is nothing new to me. However, if you're going to accuse me of a crime in a public place then you'd sure as hell better be ready to back it up with hard evidence, or you'll very quickly be on the end of a slander complaint to the police.

Additionally, just to clarify, do you realise that anything you post publicly online is in the public domain? As soon as you make it public online, you make it available to anybody else to post or disseminate as they feel fit.


I strongly suggest you moderate the information you post online rather than blame somebody who has nothing to do with it.

Really. I could cut this post down, and id suddenly become the most popular person on the forum... :o;)

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Get a grip Snorlax, it's all been done before, people KNOW what you did, I even mentioned one of the many things on a previous post. I wasn't the only one whose personal details you tried to post after all but you did run away in a blue funk when another member closer in location to you took you to task over it! You also beathed a big sigh of relief when I stopped my cousin taking it further and yet pretend now to know nothing. Oh you are so funny and convincing-not. It's all still retained and as I keep trying to tell you and as you know fine well I moderate nothing. Nice try to edit your last post after the reply but no one is fooled


Oh and incidentally I don't post MY personal details on line, I'm not that stupid when there are people out there like you who try and bully by trying to put them in the public domain.


As for you never posting any abuse, well there is plenty out there, Chris holder thread for example, earlier on here, but then why would people go searching when they only need to look at your previous post referring to me as a dick. Or do you think I have now changed my name to Richard?


Your persistent bullying campaign against me for what, three years now? Well it doesn't seem to be working because I refuse to let it. This all kicked off again because you reckon it's time to have a go and it didn't work. Wonder what the next name you come back as will be? Or has the change in the way you have to register user names on here making that a bit more difficult this time?


Run along now and let's leave this thread to the POOLE fans, it should after all be THEIR thread as I have said before.


So....how do Poole fans rate their chances for next season? Assuming the two teams still to be named put out competitive sides

Can you point out one post where I attacked you prior to this?


What on earth are you talking about with your cousin and his wife? I'd happily co-operate fully with the police. If you're going to accuse somebody of something then at least get the right person.I deal with a lot of dicks in my line of work, so this is nothing new to me. However, if you're going to accuse me of a crime in a public place then you'd sure as hell better be ready to back it up with hard evidence, or you'll very quickly be on the end of a slander complaint to the police.

Additionally, just to clarify, do you realise that anything you post publicly online is in the public domain? As soon as you make it public online, you make it available to anybody else to post or disseminate as they feel fit.


I strongly suggest you moderate the information you post online rather than blame somebody who has nothing to do with it.

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Run along now and let's leave this thread to the POOLE fans, it should after all be THEIR thread as I have said before.


So....how do Poole fans rate their chances for next season? Assuming the two teams still to be named put out competitive sides

If the improvement comes from Klindt Brady and jack, Kyle should improve again if he stays away from injury, not a poole fan is expecting much from Shanes as it will be a massive baptisum of fire. KK will more than do his job and Hans will want to make up for last season. we will go very close. Injurys will be the name of the game.

Edited by Starman2006
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Injury's always the great unknown, wish there could be a season without any but that won't happen :(


Haven't seen much of Brady Kurtz live but what I have seen plus on tv I think he could be the big 'gain' average wise in the top league this season. I've never been that keen on Newman but usually when I say that about a rider they excel lol

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Injury's always the great unknown, wish there could be a season without any but that won't happen :(


Haven't seen much of Brady Kurtz live but what I have seen plus on tv I think he could be the big 'gain' average wise in the top league this season. I've never been that keen on Newman but usually when I say that about a rider they excel lol

Last season was a massive learning curve for Brady, but still many on our forum stuck him under far to much presure hopefully he will come back a far better rider. He'l be fine, just needs time. Kyles open to more improvement but need a season injury free.

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Can you point out one post where I attacked you prior to this?


What on earth are you talking about with your cousin and his wife? I'd happily co-operate fully with the police. If you're going to accuse somebody of something then at least get the right person.

I deal with a lot of dicks in my line of work, so this is nothing new to me. However, if you're going to accuse me of a crime in a public place then you'd sure as hell better be ready to back it up with hard evidence, or you'll very quickly be on the end of a slander complaint to the police.

Additionally, just to clarify, do you realise that anything you post publicly online is in the public domain? As soon as you make it public online, you make it available to anybody else to post or disseminate as they feel fit.


I strongly suggest you moderate the information you post online rather than blame somebody who has nothing to do with it.


Are you an escort of some sort??

Last season was a massive learning curve for Brady, but still many on our forum stuck him under far to much presure hopefully he will come back a far better rider. He'l be fine, just needs time. Kyles open to more improvement but need a season injury free.


Subject to injury, Kyle will have another season of improvement - particularly as he will not be worrying about whether he is getting paid for his Championship (PL) efforts!! Maybe that's why he's always done a little better at EL level than PL in previous years? (No doubt Gavan will give his contrary opinion?!)

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Are you an escort of some sort??


Subject to injury, Kyle will have another season of improvement - particularly as he will not be worrying about whether he is getting paid for his Championship (PL) efforts!! Maybe that's why he's always done a little better at EL level than PL in previous years? (No doubt Gavan will give his contrary opinion?!)

I hope he does improve especially for us.


But the facts show he hasnt improved at elite league level , his average has in fact gone down.


An injury free run and yes he might improve, bu then like Adam Ellis , if he improves to much he will be out of a team place next season.


Poole biggest worry for me is that third heat leader position. They need someone to step up especially if Hans and KK arent on it which they do have a history of not turning up some weeks.

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Why do you bother to respond Steve as it just carries things on? He's only doing it because he knows that's what you will do but it is totally boring for the rest of us and nothing at all to do with Poole who neither of you support.

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I'll leave the personal insults to you thanks but how can a description of you be an insult? You are bald and you are little, get over it.

Sadly he goes from thread to thread looking for an argument, check his content http://www.speedway-forum.co.uk/forums/index.php?showuser=1302

He is even arguing about his appearance now!

I suppose it is possible that the photo in the Facebook profile using the name he had in his bsf profile might not be him, in which case he may not be bald or little, but whose fault is that?

Only one profile and proud. Unlike Fred the flange/drop a cog et all.

The worst forum user with a history of being banned for personal attacks.

I will leave it there.

But carry on making personal attacks. It's your only go to modus operandi.

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I hope he does improve especially for us.


But the facts show he hasnt improved at elite league level , his average has in fact gone down.


An injury free run and yes he might improve, bu then like Adam Ellis , if he improves to much he will be out of a team place next season.


Poole biggest worry for me is that third heat leader position. They need someone to step up especially if Hans and KK arent on it which they do have a history of not turning up some weeks.


Taking it on the past set up of the leagues, I could understand why you were worried about the third heat leader position but the way the set up looks this season to me the reserve positions could be the ones where a teams season could be made or lost.

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Last season was a massive learning curve for Brady, but still many on our forum stuck him under far to much presure hopefully he will come back a far better rider. He'l be fine, just needs time. Kyles open to more improvement but need a season injury free.

Brady was silly to go full time Elite, he should have also ridden for a PL team.

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I'll leave the personal insults to you thanks but how can a description of you be an insult? You are bald and you are little, get over it.

As you well know, it doesnt work like that.


Its like me calling you a c**t. You are a c**t but its still a personal attack

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