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Kelvin And The Agm

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NOW its the time? It's been that time for years.


Personally, I think that that would result in track after track closing.


He who pays the piper calls the tune and, like it or not, most speedway tracks are loss making. While any fan can say that his attendance helps keep his team going, without private individuals putting their hand in their pocket many (if no most) PL & EL tracks would shut.


Making money, you'd accept interference from someone who had no financial involvement. Grudgingly, maybe, but you would. Losing money is an entirely different matter.


What speedway needs more than independent control is independent adjudication. Every team change, every ruling, every dispute decided by someone who is not connected to any track. Open, justified, written rulings made by a named person who is not prejudiced and based upon the rules of the sport.


Sadly, there's absolutely no chance of that.

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Thing is as much money as Man City and Chelsea have they have no say in the rules of the Premiere League, why should speedway be any different, its like John Berry used to say, its a close shop, the promoters act like they are in their own little Masonic lodge and no one is allowed to come from the outside, judge them or suggest what they are doing is wrong.


Speedway will not die, it will always exist in some form, especially in countries like Poland, but over here it is dying a very slow death and they just can't see it or refuse to see it, crowds are falling at most tracks season on season, we all know it, we all know plenty of people who used to stand with us that no longer go, and now even the ones that used to be the ones who would say I will never leave are doing just that.

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Do what?

When have I ever said anything about Neil's Wife????t.

On the old Lakeside website just before it was closed down, and apparently your abuse and insults were part of the reason why it was closed. I note you don't deny abuse and insults towards Neil.

By the way, despite what the programme states, our website carries articles referring to Tatum's appointment as 'a coach'; st.

I never said it didn't. All I said, if you bother to read the post properly was that you are the only one to ever describe him as the Motivational Coach " , and that the programme describes him as team manager. He has never been described as "Motivational Coach " That is just an adjective you put in to mislead people (a lie in other words) to add a bit of force to your carping criticism.

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What utter garbage!


So to substantiate your rhetoric, you refer to a forum that's now inaccesible. How convenient.


Again, I totally refute your allegation that I insulted Neil's Wife. That is a downright lie. And when it came to posting about the lack of results Neil delivered as team manager, I was most certainly not alone!


So the previous Lakeside forum was closed partly due to my posts. Really? Considering that it was run by the club, it wouldn't have been easier (fairer to others?) to have simply banned me and to have subsequently removed my posts? Added to which the vast majority of my contribution was extremely supportive. Indeed, I'd often get criticism from other contributors for being overly upbeat and positive! Something you appear to have conveniently overlooked?


We all know why the previous forum was closed. It was because someone overly self-righteous at Lakeside Speedway Club does not like listening, or reading, criticism. And as you also will know only too well, I was not alone on some occasions.


And apparently the reason given by Mr. Cook for its closure was simply because it was an outdated form of communication compared to Social Media such as Twitter and Facebook. Are you suggesting that our management were lying then?


As for the term 'Coach'.....this may help you (taken from a major sports website - I'll PM you the link if you want):


The Role of the Sports Coach


The role of the coach is not just coaching!


Sports coaches assist athletes in developing to their full potential. They are responsible for training athletes in a sport by analyzing their performances, instructing in relevant skills and by providing encouragement. But you are also responsible for the guidance of the athlete in life and their chosen sport.


Have a nice day!

Edited by The Voice Of Reason
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Biggest disappointment for me about Kelvin was that i expected his involvement would lead to making sure the riders had their setups and engines the best they possibly could yet unfortunately the likes of Robert Mear still appeared at times to be riding on a lawnmower engine, or maybe it was a case of the riders telling him, leave me alone mate i know what im doing? in which case what's the point?

I think Kelvin would be far better suited to tutoriing younger riders who are more willing to listen and take advantage of his vast knowledge.


It will never happen while the current promotion is in charge as they have made it more than clear they want to race in the top flight only, but it would for me anyway make far more sense for Hammers to be in the 2nd tier creating a more natural step for the youngsters they are looking to build via the hagon shocks academy.

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It's a shame that rabid posts from The Voice of Treason can't be banned from this one, either;-). Last year, without Kelvin, we were bottom. This year, we made the playoffs. Arguing that Kelvin hasn't made a difference unfortunately shows a lack of any mathematical ability, not to mention a tenuous grasp on reality....

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Of course its not a level playing field. Never has been never will be. There are always the haves and have nots. Every team sport is the same. Premier football. Players want to go tomArsenal or Man City, not Stoke or WBA.


Riders want the same. Bigger club, good pay and success. At least speedway keeps things closer with points limit. Every club has to build to the same.

Well Leicester did it in the Premier League so lets hope we have a Leicester in speedway soon... you know a team like, well eer Leicester.

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What utter garbage!

So to substantiate your rhetoric, you refer to a forum that's now inaccesible. How convenient.

Again, I totally refute your allegation that I insulted Neil's Wife. That is a downright lie. And when it came to posting about the lack of results Neil delivered as team manager, I was most certainly not alone!


Vatch has been a good servant and passionate supporter of junior Speedwáy but he was not well suited to the role of team manager at the top level We all know that and in his heart of hearts he probably knows it himself. As a result he did attract his fair share of criticism but there is a difference between fair and justified criticism and vitriolic abuse and your attacks were often in the latter category. Neil is not a horrible person and doesn't de serve personal abuse of that kind.


If you want to give criticism then you have to be able to take yourself, and TBH a lot of your language was OTT , as others have said, and for that matter it often is on here. Please think about it.

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RE Kelvin's coaching role ... think he has been a little disappointed at the attitude of some riders. Don't really want to listen, know it all, been there, done it but without the tee shirt.



That's not what he said in the Lakeside programme. So your grounds for that assertion is ?


So , a week has passed and Philip Rising has still been unable to state the grounds for his assertion that Kelvin has been disappointed by the attitude of riders that think they know it all.


The reason he is unable to elaborate is because it is not true. Absolutely disgraceful for a professional so-called journalist to make these comments while breaking the first rule of journalism which is to find the facts.


I spoke to Kelvin on Wednesday night and he confirmed his position is as stated in the previous programme, namely he wants to await the outcome of the AGM on team and league structure before making a decision, and its nothing to do with riders . If it was anything to do with riders then clearly he wouldn't need to be waiting around for the AGM before deciding


Mr Rising is never in the pits himself to see what goes on and its a pity he doesn't act like a proper journalist and check some facts before making these knee-jerk comments.

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So , a week has passed and Philip Rising has still been unable to state the grounds for his assertion that Kelvin has been disappointed by the attitude of riders that think they know it all.


The reason he is unable to elaborate is because it is not true. Absolutely disgraceful for a professional so-called journalist to make these comments while breaking the first rule of journalism which is to find the facts.


I spoke to Kelvin on Wednesday night and he confirmed his position is as stated in the previous programme, namely he wants to await the outcome of the AGM on team and league structure before making a decision, and its nothing to do with riders . If it was anything to do with riders then clearly he wouldn't need to be waiting around for the AGM before deciding


Mr Rising is never in the pits himself to see what goes on and its a pity he doesn't act like a proper journalist and check some facts before making these knee-jerk comments.


Could it be the case that the reason Kelvin Tatum is awaiting the outcome of the AGM before making a decision but has also been disappointed with the attitude of riders (although that isn't the reason why he is considering giving up his position at Lakeside) ?


Only hearsay, but I heard a story about one team managers vitriolic criticism of his number 1 the other day so this is hardly new or confined to Lakeside. Furthermore, when Tatum was riding he was known for his professionalism - perhaps some of those in his care haven't matched up.


Philip Rising is one of the sports most respected and experienced journalists. I doubt very much that he is going to come on here and publicly tell a blatant untruth about a statement made by one of its most high profile figures.

Edited by Halifaxtiger
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Could it be the case that the reason Kelvin Tatum is awaiting the outcome of the AGM before making a decision but has also been disappointed with the attitude of riders (although that isn't the reason why he is considering giving up his position at Lakeside.


That may well be the case but it is not the way the post in question framed it. Of course there will sometimes be tensions and strong opinions when a group of strong willed people come together in any walk of life, and Speedwáy riders at the top,level are not yes men. Such tensions have at times marked my working life and no doubt they have yours as well, but grown ups learn to deal with such things, and Kelvin is not stupid.

From what I have come to learn about Kelvin this year I really do not belive he is the type to write something in his programme notes if it wasnt true (although I woukd believe it of some in Speedwáy) and it beggars belief that he would concoct some story about waiting for the AGM decisions on league and team structure if the real reason was riders thinking they know it all. The post being complained of was at best misleading in its information.

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