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Newcastle 2017

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Yes we know that. The issue is he has chosen to ride again in Poland the day after that meeting thus missing Newcastle v Redcar.


Ellis Perks, the Redcar rider is in the same meeting as Robert today but will be attempting to get back to the UK for the Newcastle v Redcar meeting.


Hence why quite rightly Newcastle don't have a guest facility whereas Redcar do if needs be, its not rocket science!!!!

He hasn't chosen to he's Been told he has to race in Poland something which you fail grasp
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He hasn't chosen to he's Been told he has to race in Poland something which you fail grasp

I understand that he has been told to ride in Poland, but by whom ?,,, if he was, say a Pole, that sort of makes sense, (a bit like when Lindgren has to ride in Sweden, we get NL guest).

but how is an authority from outside Britain allowed to pull rank over British authorities over British riders ?

Oh !!! I forgot, this is the UK



I'm inclined to agree with 'Bellers' on this one.

Edited by ruffdiamond
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Read post #1957.

Right I have read it


So let's see if I have this correctly, because a Newcastle Speedway PR has said Lambert has been told to ride in Poland by the ISLB that everyone should believe this as gospel.


I seem to recall a Kings Lynn PR the other week saying they had a full 1-7 when in fact MPT was riding in Denmark.

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As i've said before the main problem is that the Redcar match is a re-arranged fixture and Robert had already signed a contract to be in Poland BEFORE this fixture was arranged. Still Redcar must be kicking themselves as I believe they were offered the option to run this as a double header to get both fixtures run and they declined.

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As i've said before the main problem is that the Redcar match is a re-arranged fixture and Robert had already signed a contract to be in Poland BEFORE this fixture was arranged. Still Redcar must be kicking themselves as I believe they were offered the option to run this as a double header to get both fixtures run and they declined.


if that is the reason, I would be happy with it and don't have a problem with Lambert riding in a important match, so why wasn't that said ?

Good luck Robert and your Polish team and hope you make a packet.

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if that is the reason, I would be happy with it and don't have a problem with Lambert riding in a important match, so why wasn't that said ?

Good luck Robert and your Polish team and hope you make a packet.


It was:


(Copied and Pasted off Diamonds Website): so with the Newcastle club having no option other than to re-arrange fixtures to get caught up with a fixture backlog then scheduled fixtures take priority and Lambert will be in Poland for their end of season play offs

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It was:


(Copied and Pasted off Diamonds Website): so with the Newcastle club having no option other than to re-arrange fixtures to get caught up with a fixture backlog then scheduled fixtures take priority and Lambert will be in Poland for their end of season play offs

so basically,,, Lambert was already booked to ride in Poland and has to stand by his comittments, so Newcastle arranged the fixture already knowing this, so I don't understand how they 'have been dealt a severe blow ahead of Sunday's Derby clash with Redcar'.

The authorities have no say over the matter, so why/how could they have tried to assist ?



is there any more fixtures to be arranged where this scenario will occur ?

Edited by ruffdiamond
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He has to ride in Poland because the Poles said he has to, nothing more! Therefore why aren't the BSPA banning him for not fulfilling his GB fixture?


Lambert has made the decision to forsake GB for Poland himself hence the Diamonds don't get a guest. Do you understand?



The Redcar match is re arranged and so therefore his commitment in Poland has to be abided, had tomorrows match been a set fixture he would be at Brough. So hardly Lamberts fault... but our promotion surely knew this when arranging for Redcar to come tomorrow.
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Lambert will already be in Poland plus they will pay far more money than Newcastle so I can see why he would prefer to ride for his Polish club.


However, this should not give Newcastle the right to a guest. They have the rider in their team knowing this could happen!


Again I point out that the BSPA don't agree with your blinkered opinion as YOUR team haven't got a guest facility!!!!!



He has to ride in Poland because the Poles said he has to, nothing more! Therefore why aren't the BSPA banning him for not fulfilling his GB fixture?


Lambert has made the decision to forsake GB for Poland himself hence the Diamonds don't get a guest. Do you understand?


Put simply. No guest for Newcastle but if Perks can't make it back the Bears have Aarnio booked as a guest apparently.



Yes we know that. The issue is he has chosen to ride again in Poland the day after that meeting thus missing Newcastle v Redcar.


Ellis Perks, the Redcar rider is in the same meeting as Robert today but will be attempting to get back to the UK for the Newcastle v Redcar meeting.


Hence why quite rightly Newcastle don't have a guest facility whereas Redcar do if needs be, its not rocket science!!!!



I understand that he has been told to ride in Poland, but by whom ?,,, if he was, say a Pole, that sort of makes sense, (a bit like when Lindgren has to ride in Sweden, we get NL guest).

but how is an authority from outside Britain allowed to pull rank over British authorities over British riders ?

Oh !!! I forgot, this is the UK



I'm inclined to agree with 'Bellers' on this one.



Can someone explain what the deal with Lambert is and what is happening on Sunday please , I don't understand , thanks



By who? The Poles!


A British rider putting Polish team ahead of British team.


Hence quite rightly no guest facility, something a few Newcastle supporters are failing to grasp!



Lambert is another who p#sses British Speedway about.Get rid of all these superstars that think they are indispensable .

Right here are the facts


Robert have Not put his Polish club first.......

His Polish club is in the play offs and the dates have been logged on the International Speedway league Boards Calendar for ages

sadly Newcastle's meeting on Sunday is a re arranged meeting so it has not been logged on the ISLB calendar so hence Poland takes priority

There have been several Polish meetings Robert should have rode in But Newcastle have taken priority due to the dates being on the ISLB calendar


Ellis Perks will try to get back.... if not Redcar can have a facility for him.......Any rider taking part in an FIM meeting can have a facility 24hrs before/after the meeting


Hope this put an end to all the accusations about Robert choosing Poland over Newcastle, he said to me at Kings Lynn on Thursday that he don't like to let any of his teams down that he ride for.....

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