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King's Lynn Stars 2017

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Why has it gone so wrong? A few years back riders were queueing up to join the stars. We were the place to be. That was still under the control of Buster

Rob, Buster and Dale have been a good team together afa recruiting riders for years, nothing wrong with our team this year either, just went wrong after we sacked the Aussies. We have had so many problems with pivotal riders being injured that has messed up a good team at an important time, we have been very unlucky.

I thought he was neglecting JC long before he became Chairman. Which was cutting your nose off to spite your face as he was the one who made things tick at Saddlebow. Father needs Son, he just can't see it.

I don't think we have a clue about what went on between Buster and Jonathan and KLS?
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Trees straight question. Yes or no will do. Was Kings Lynn Speedway run more professionally when JC was in situ?

You seem to have this kind of love in with JC.He must come up in 50% of your posts.Was it down to JC back then,or was it that Buster didn't have so much on his plate and could concentrate on the speedway side of things back then.

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Love in ? 😂 I can recongnise a decent business brain when I see one. Does that count as 😍? Lol. It's gone slowly down hill since he left. The same happened at The local Football club the Chapman's owned. What would you put the demise of Speedway at Lynn down to ?


As a side issue are Cheryl's parents still working down at The Club ?

Edited by semion
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Love in ? I can recongnise a decent business brain when I see one. Does that count as ? Lol. It's gone slowly down hill since he left. The same happened at The local Football club the Chapman's owned. What would you put the demise of Speedway at Lynn down to ?


As a side issue are Cheryl's parents still working down at The Club ?

I think the demise isn't just KL speedway,it's speedway in general.

Buster has obviously got something right business wise to be able to keep making improvements to the stadium etc.Maybe his business brain is to put a bit more into stock cars atm as that is where the money comes from.

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Riders might get paid on time. But I don't think the AFA has a good racetrack anymore. Ask C Holder what he thinks.


How come our race track was once considered the best in the land and now referred too as rubbish. ??


I get the impression the track is prepared to what Buster thinks will give the home team an advantage. I understand the logic, but more often than not it works against us and benefits others. All, any of us want, is a smooth track that everyone can ride, generating exciting races.... We don't need 3" deep shale on the corners and slick on the inside as we see so often.... Lets have it uniform all over so rider feel safe to race....

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Does anyone out there know how comes Robert Lambert was allowed to pull out of the PLRC on Saturday (due to his leg injury I read) but less than 24 hours later was all the way over in Poland riding for his POL 2nd Div side and managed to put in 6 rides for 9 points.


Or did the powers that be allow him to miss this insignificant event to have priority to ride in a Polish 2nd Division event even if it was their Final.


Maybe Mr Chapman can comment on it as he has opinions he is prepared to air on riders missing UK events to ride in Poland (i.e Jack Holder).


Appreciate he did not miss his UK teams event but as the Top KL rider at such a prestigious meeting as the PLRC should that have been given preference ??

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Does anyone out there know how comes Robert Lambert was allowed to pull out of the PLRC on Saturday (due to his leg injury I read) but less than 24 hours later was all the way over in Poland riding for his POL 2nd Div side and managed to put in 6 rides for 9 points.


Or did the powers that be allow him to miss this insignificant event to have priority to ride in a Polish 2nd Division event even if it was their Final.


Maybe Mr Chapman can comment on it as he has opinions he is prepared to air on riders missing UK events to ride in Poland (i.e Jack Holder).


Appreciate he did not miss his UK teams event but as the Top KL rider at such a prestigious meeting as the PLRC should that have been given preference ??

Can't see Buster having his own licence suspended by the SCB.

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We don't need 3" deep shale on the corners and slick on the inside as we see so often.... Lets have it uniform all over so rider feel safe to race....


then the supporters all moan that the tractors are going round

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Can't see Buster having his own licence suspended by the SCB.

Am just intrigued that if Lambert was allowed to drop this important meeting due to injury then how can he have a miraculous recovery less than 24 hours later to ride in Poland and manage not 4 but 6 rides.


If he was given permission to drop this meeting in favour of Poland then fair enough, but if he was allowed to drop the meeting due to injury only then how can he turn up less than 24 hours later over there.


Just looking for someone to give me a sensible answer to an honest question which so far not been forthcoming although appreciate many posters may be at work.


Not looking for anyone to be suspended just an answer on how it can be allowed.

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Depends on whether you want the party line reason or whether you can work it out yourself.



Buster didn't let Holder and Batch take the pee..... Lets see what happens.

Time for Buster to place his foot onto rung two of the ladder and deal with this blatant abuse of the "sick note".

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