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King's Lynn Stars 2017

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Waggy's days may have ended with big disappointment but the first 2 years he was there it was the most professionally run as I can recall at Lynn. The guy certainly ramped it up a level in terms of entertainment. Trouble was the likes of Crump were to expensive for what was coming through the gate and he had great difficulty in getting any form of Team Sponsorship because of the run down state of the stadium, at that time.


Now I am not suggesting for one moment that if someone was to take it on that they would pay out well over the odd's for riders, but I am sure the 'show' could be much more appealing and more professionally run. I am not convinced Buster understands that concept or has it in his locker to allow someone else to make those changes with him still in situ. It would cost money, there lies the rub.


Be interesting to hear JC's thoughts on that, and if he sees it the same way. It is simply not enough these days to put a few inches of BS in the local EDP throw open the gates, take people's money and offer poor VFM in return.

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IMO Niels should return to Britain in 2018. No GP's anymore for him (I cant see NKI getting a wildcard).


Why let the Polish rule you. NKI has suffered big time this season due to the Polish rule.


If he has to drop out of the top tier in Poland (Forget about the money) then so be it. Do Denmark, Poland (2nd division), Sweden & Britain

Edited by Poole Pirates Fanatic
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From what I have seen he has been excellent and should be retained.


He ours... should be back at Poole.


I know he's a little unpredictable, but he is a racer and good entertainment... and that's what it's all about :-)

IMO Niels should return to Britain in 2018. No GP's anymore for him (I cant see NKI getting a wildcard).


Why let the Polish rule you. NKI has suffered big time this season due to the Polish rule.


If he has to drop out of the top tier in Poland (Forget about the money) then so be it. Do Denmark, Poland (2nd division), Sweden & Britain


Have a feeling he will be returning, maybe closer than we think....

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The last meeting against Rye House on the other hand may just be a meeting where all the riders can go out and race, earn their money, enjoy it, no pressure from anyone but themselves, bit like an end of season meeting should be eh ... well apart from Stars Pride which has been a little displaced eh ... go Stars!!!



I've been a rather vocal critic of Buster in the past and probably will be in the future. However I did support his stand on Holder and Batchelor and most of the rest of this seasons farce followed on from that. The double header......well we all saw what happened at Wolves last night, down to 4 riders and that certainly wasn't Buster's fault.


He is who he is, and I doubt he will change at his age. So folk have two choices, stick with him and support him next season or give up all together.


I gave up some time ago but if the sport does go down the one big league/regional all same level league and we have less of the prima donnas I could well be tempted back IF and I appreciate it is a big if, fans are treated with more respect and the entertainment level increases. Get rid of a few of the more stupid rules would help too.


I guess what I'm trying to say is speedway has been a massive part of my life (as it has most of the rest on here) and I would hate to see it go. I'm not sure someone else taking over the complete promotion would necessarily be a good thing, the Waggy era didn't end well :wink: .Very mixed feelings at the moment ;) Much as I disagree with Trees on some things I can see her point of view



You two have surely been converted, both have had their brains removed and replaced with Buster logic... How you can come on here and make out everything is ok is beyond me. This Buster logic has all but destroyed our Speedway, and you say you cant blame him. Of course we can blame him, he is the one in charge of the Club, he is the one picking the riders, he is the one who cancels meetings, he is the one who agreed to race 5 nights on the trot. All the blame rest with him.


You talk about loyalty, but this is a two way thing. I've been loyal to the Stars for 50 odd years, never have I felt so abused by some of the antics Buster pulls. Sometimes I feel like a mushroom the way he keeps us in the dark, and the contempt he shows to the fans when wont comment on obvious issues. He demises everything by saying 'its gone now, we need to move on!' . It wouldn't be bad if we learnt from those mistakes, but it always does happens again.......


'Star Lady' and 'Trees' may think everything in the garden is rosy, but lets be real here. Blowing sunshine up Busters arse is not the answer. We need to make him realise the severe problems that exist at this Club... and he is the common denominator of them all.....

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GRW I suggest you read what I post more carefully and not allow your frustration and anger to colour what you think I meam. I've been a critic of Buster for several years now, whereas you and a few others have only converted more recently.


The garden isn't rosy, I didn't come close to suggesting it was. It's full of weeds and thistles. I've known Buster for many years and wish you luck making him realise anything that differs from his opinion. Having said that if he keeps the club going, and it seems to be his intention from the latest PR, I for one will be grateful to him. I certainly won't stop criticising him if I think it necessary.


It hasn't all been his fault as I said before Holder and Batchelor had a fair part to play. Had they ridden with loyalty, and not just in the Poole debacle meeting but in all matches we wouldn't be having this debate? Their part in this seems to have been forgotten by some. Buster has made mistakes, he is annoying in the extreme by not respecting the fans but it's not all his fault.


Incidentally I've never blown sunshine up anyone's arse and have no intention of starting now. I attended the first ever meeting at Saddlebow Road and until 3 years ago missed very few meetings at home and went to evry away meeting I could get to and afford, so I suggest my record of attendance matches yours.

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On my part, I'm doing my lil bit, together with others, to find ways of giving a little bit more to fans on race nights through the Supporters Club and our riders by way of Rider of the Night. All our members who have chosen their Rider of the Night, met the rider, had photo taken and watched from the centre have been happy. The kids who have been mascots, had pit walks, met and had photos taken, Sat on rider's bikes, watched from the centre have loved it, their enthusiasm is wonderful 😊


Just read what happened last night at Wolves when you're moaning. When the clutch drops the bullrubbish stops, it's a dangerous sport for them all, they deserve support if you enjoy speedway racing, it's no walk in the park!

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