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King's Lynn Stars 2017

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I think that this will likely be the case. If the rumours of the New, new league structure of 12 teams in the top level Scooby Doo Doo league are correct for 2018 I can't see this working out either. Only if they dispense with the half a dozen overpaid GP level riders would it have half a chance. Even then another renamed "super league" will do nothing to attract new fans in itself.


They could call it the "use a guest, r/r, doubling up, absent riding in another country, super league" :rofl:

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They could call it the "use a guest, r/r, doubling up, absent riding in another country, super league" :rofl:


I hope they do attract a Massive Sponsor and it is called the Doo Doo League ( or Top Poop Toilet Tissue League ) to reflect the mess speedway is in, in the UK. Can't wait for these two big articles in the SS. Some kind of Revelations?

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I hope they do attract a Massive Sponsor and it is called the Doo Doo League ( or Top Poop Toilet Tissue League ) to reflect the mess speedway is in, in the UK. Can't wait for these two big articles in the SS. Some kind of Revelations?

No revelations apart from CVS implying kings Lynn did not ask the referee to cancel the meeting in the double header. Also the speedway star saying the sport is in the biggest mess they have known since being in publication, which makes them worried about their own future and the price has gone up by 10p.


I personally have a digital subscription and must say that I think it provides good VFM.

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Seen plenty mention that the 2017 season is one to forget.

For me, it's one that should be very much remembered by fans and management if as a club we move forward.

The sport has to move forward, we can't afford another 2017. Proposed change should be tested by asking does it restore credibility and integrity, does it help or hinder restoring team building that will create teams fans can call their own and identity with for more than one season and does it enable a continuity of fixtures. Promoters must now give priority to what is good for the sport as a whole and not just what benefits them.


I hope changes for the better can be made at Kings Lyn but the present promotion give no cause for optimism if the current idea to increase guests to cover any absence is an example. That is exactly what most of us don't want

Edited by Aces51
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Seen plenty mention that the 2017 season is one to forget.

For me, it's one that should be very much remembered by fans and management if as a club we move forward.

we have to move forward as a club if not the future is very bleak - hopefully much will have been taken on board and things off track will change - I feel we need new blood as co promoter at least with some new ideas to freshen things up and this person needs to be able to stand up to Buster or nothing will change - a change of attitude towards the paying customer is needed as much as anything -as for the team it's obvious the team we have isn't going to make the play offs in 2018 so we need a new face or two a number 1 would be a starting point .

Will things change ?sadly that's in Busters hands

Edited by Haza
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The future is very bleak for KLS because Buster IS still running things HIS way and those around, him who choose to stay involved are "Yes Buster, No Buster, Three Bags Full Buster", so new ideas are given short shrift ( that's the way it looks from the outside ).

What looks even more bleak was that the crowd for Thurs night's double header was well down even when it included Poole & Rye House fans. Buster is very out of touch with the fans he continually exhorts to turn up. It can only end in tears.

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Let's all stop bitching and moaning and look forward to next season. If there is speedway at Lynn next season we can hope it's a team that entertains , and wins, and finally and hopefully wins the top flight speedway league.

you can call it bitching and moaning if u like but if certain things off track isn't sorted it's all going to end in tears for the club surely we all must agree we can't afford another season like this one and I mean more off track than on .
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No we can't afford another season like this one. Things do need to change off track. And the team we have at the minute isn't good enough. But all the moaning in the world won't turn the clock back.


What you call moaning, is what I call discussing an opinion. There are two ways to make the promoters know how you, the supporter, feels,

1, is to voice your opinion publically, and the second is to not go to matches any more. Now if Buster don't adhere to the criticism he is receiving, then when we get to No2 its too late....


Recently, after 52 years of going to speedway at Kings Lynn, has seen me, for the first time ever, miss meetings because I couldn't be bothered to go...... Now if somebody as die-hard and long standing as I feels this way, what chance has the sport got of surviving ??? Yes the Stars have had a terrible year, but as an elder supporter I can see the bigger picture. Each club is struggling to make it pay and crowd figures are dropping. We are all fed up with guests and replacements, We go weeks without a meeting then we have 6 in one week.. but nobody cares....


The biggest problem we have within the sport , is that the BSPA don't even want listen to us.....

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The bottom line is, there are too many 'Promoters' that haven't got the first idea of what the term promoting actually means; coupled with far too many people who have become stale by being at clubs for too long. They haven't got the passion any more; and under their stagnant leadership, things will only continue to spiral into the abyss.


Worryingly, many appear devoid of new ideas; nor do they have the business nouse to successfully change things. Their way is the only way; as each season stagnates into an even bigger car crash than the previous one.


Look no further than two neighbouring teams - Lakeside and Rye House. Jon Cook has taken Lakeside into semi-pro, amateur racing. Rye House, with a new injection of management and ideas, have transformed the club unbelievably successfully - and lets remember, in their first season within the top flight. Improved spectator facilities; team changes where necessary - leading to improved gates. From what I am led to understand, Lakeside now only get a sprinkling of fans at some meetings. If it was an animal, you'd just call a vet to put it out of its misery.


Like a football manager that loses the dressing room, it appears in the case of Lakeside and Kings Lynn, supporters are voting with their feet. To get them back basically needs a change of management and fresh ideas. It needs a display of commitment and confidence; a demonstration of passion and enthusiasm - all attributes of which are infectious to others.


The alternative is to limp into yet another year of false promises and failed commitments. Another year of Reserve Rides, Guests and a fixture list that, to be perfectly honest, is a complete and utter bloody disgrace for a professional sport.


As alluded to earlier, no meetings for weeks then a raft of them within a fortnight. Is it any surprise numbers are down? What family, with limited disposable income, can afford to attend such a backlog even if they wanted to? They are obviously going go pick and choose. So terrace numbers are down; newbies attending won't get any atmosphere to embrace; and the 15 minutes worth of entertainment spread over 2 hours, is hardly a recipie for future success.


Speaking of which, that's my biggest gripe. Having just 15 heats of racing, with never-ending re-starts, riders gardening and going back for mechanics to waste even more time sodding around with a bike that's raced around 5 yards. These things don't personally inspire me to attend local tracks too often these days. Staying still at the start was supposed to stop time-wasting wasn't it? Seriously? There is more time wasted these days than I ever remember in the days of tape pushing. But you'll never get promoters complaining because the time it kills means that they don't have to pay for a second half event. But so what. Forget about the fans standing there in the cold or wet; not being served up any bang for their buck. They'll still be here again next time. Won't they?


Sorry to fly off at tangents. Suffice to say that I truly wish the Kings Lynn Stars every future success. And I'm sure that if you get a new Commander to steer the direction of the ship, you'll have your well-deserved success.

Edited by The Voice Of Reason
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The sport has to move forward, we can't afford another 2017. Proposed change should be tested by asking does it restore credibility and integrity, does it help or hinder restoring team building that will create teams fans can call their own and identity with for more than one season and does it enable a continuity of fixtures. Promoters must now give priority to what is good for the sport as a whole and not just what benefits them.


I hope changes for the better can be made at Kings Lyn but the present promotion give no cause for optimism if the current idea to increase guests to cover any absence is an example. That is exactly what most of us don't want

Can't see that happeneing.So you are trying to say something like a rider saying "can't be bothered tonight you will have to get a guest".I would think they will probably go down the Championship route and say teams can have guests if riders 2-5 are out injured or on other duties ie World qualifiers etc.So we don't have the difficulties experienced by Lynn and Somerset over the last couple of weeks.

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Can't see that happeneing.So you are trying to say something like a rider saying "can't be bothered tonight you will have to get a guest".I would think they will probably go down the Championship route and say teams can have guests if riders 2-5 are out injured or on other duties ie World qualifiers etc.So we don't have the difficulties experienced by Lynn and Somerset over the last couple of weeks.

I was simply paraphrasing what Chapman said in this weeks Speedway Star, his words not mine " clubs should be able to have a guest for any missing riders that are on official duty elsewhere, or for whatever reason ".


If you haven't already, have a read of this topic http://www.speedway-forum.co.uk/forums/index.php?showtopic=85183 there are some comments there on his latest words of wisdom.

Edited by Aces51
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What you call moaning, is what I call discussing an opinion. There are two ways to make the promoters know how you, the supporter, feels,

1, is to voice your opinion publically, and the second is to not go to matches any more. Now if Buster don't adhere to the criticism he is receiving, then when we get to No2 its too late....


Recently, after 52 years of going to speedway at Kings Lynn, has seen me, for the first time ever, miss meetings because I couldn't be bothered to go...... Now if somebody as die-hard and long standing as I feels this way, what chance has the sport got of surviving ??? Yes the Stars have had a terrible year, but as an elder supporter I can see the bigger picture. Each club is struggling to make it pay and crowd figures are dropping. We are all fed up with guests and replacements, We go weeks without a meeting then we have 6 in one week.. but nobody cares....


The biggest problem we have within the sport , is that the BSPA don't even want listen to us.....


I'm also a long standing fan back to 1972 was the first season I went as a boy over the years I've missed only a handful of meetings my life was more or less planed around speedway and KL speedway mainly - our last meeting was the World Cup this season so when the Poole meeting came around even though we'd won away the night before we made the decision not to go mainly because of being fed up being what I felt taken for granted by the promotion it felt that they expected fans to turn up form an orderly que and hand over £17 well I'd had enough of that and being kept in the dark the lack of promoting by the club various reasons- then of course the events of the home Poole meeting boy was I pleased I'd missed that Rob Lyons walking and the announcer and Holder refusing to ride Batch with his wrist injury but then riding the next night Buster refusing to listen to anyone - and then the team changes right or wrong but to deliberately stop two riders from earning a living I thought was spite full and vindictive by the promotion but if you make changes bring in like for like replacements but no we went down the cheap road did admission prices fall did heck as like -then ridiculous double headers nothing has made we want to return since July 1st that's it until someone listens at the club I won't be returning.If that's moaning or negative comments so be it those are my reasons for not attending.
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Even though it is likely to be the final meeting of the season V RH. I will be surprised is there is much of a crowd turnout for it. Equally so, the lost confidence of many fans this season, will mean even if there were to be relegation match after that, I don't think that would tempt many to the terraces, following such a debacle of a season. KLS has truly lost it's way.

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If there is a relegation match I'll be cheering the opposition but via live updates.

I can't bear ever entering the gates of the AFA again while in the Premiership.

Go back to the league where we belong and rider show they care a bit more

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