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King's Lynn Stars 2017

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I'd recon it's because the new material has settled and we have riders now who are prepared to stick it in. Auty is a racer, jonason is a racer and it's a team full of riders with something to prove.


When you have something to prove in anything you try harder.


Also the opposition have been of a similar build. No out and out world class stars and no 3 pointers poodling around (well 1) so it's been very level.


it will be interesting to see how it holds up after the 1st meeting Wednesday . Irecon 4 races for some lines to appear. The rest of that meeting producing racing then maybe slickening off to blue groove and dirt on the fence later on in the 2nd meeting. But I'm not going to pretend I have a clue about it.


Buster normally rips it up for the 2nd half of the meeting but I don't know how many times you can effectively do that? I'd love to learn about track prep from some experts. For their opinions on things. We always here fans and riders views. Something for the speedway star in the winter maybe.

Edited by Danny Connor
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From memory, on a few threads, notably this & Sheffield's, some posters had said that the tracks had been prepared how the riders wanted it, slick. There was, also, talk of a shale shortage & some had been waiting a few weeks & were told it would be a few more. The last 2 years, prior to this year, we have had a mountain of shale at the EWR but this has now been used up by the requirements of other tracks.

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According to reports on here the track preparation has been much improved since the Poole meeting resulting in better racing. The question is why it has been so poor for the last couple of years? By getting it right now the promotion have shown that it can be done, so why wasn't it? It's not as if it's a different track curator.


It would be unfair to label the problems of that Poole match to lack of track preparation. We all are aware the problem was caused by using new shale that didn't mix with that we use to have. Hindsight is a wonderful thing and I'm sure Buster wouldn't have gambled, had he been aware of the problem. We had moaned for some time about the Gate and go racing and blamed it totally on the shale. But since that Poole meeting, the racing has been much improved, and long my it continue. I would never label Buster with that lack of track preparation, I always think he spends too much time on the tractor... As with all issues surrounding materials, it is governed by cost, and affordability.

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I'm not sure that the number of laps done by the tractor necessarily bears any relationship to the quality of the preparation. I would expect a competent track curator to check and to know whether new shale has bound properly with the existing shale and if not, to know what to do to resolve the problem. The remedial work after the complaints from the riders at the very least greatly improved the track, so it seems plain that the solution was simple and relatively quick to carry out. I wonder what Chapman would have said if the track has been prepared by someone else. I suspect we may have been subjected to one of his usual outbursts.

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I'm not sure that the number of laps done by the tractor necessarily bears any relationship to the quality of the preparation. I would expect a competent track curator to check and to know whether new shale has bound properly with the existing shale and if not, to know what to do to resolve the problem. The remedial work after the complaints from the riders at the very least greatly improved the track, so it seems plain that the solution was simple and relatively quick to carry out. I wonder what Chapman would have said if the track has been prepared by someone else. I suspect we may have been subjected to one of his usual outbursts.


Well, of cause you would!!! You are obviously another Buster hater. ... Hindsight is a wonderful thing. The Norfolk arena was used 3 times for different applications the week prior to the Poole match. New shale had arrived just before. Situations are not as black and white as you may think... What ever the state of the track, does not justify Holder and Batch's walkout.

What needs to be remembered here, the times recorded in the first 3 heats were the quickest we had seen for 9 years.... So the track couldn't have been so bad.....

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Batch didn't walk out GRW, he was injured, we know that to be true cos he said so.


On a side issue, where has Baggy ( AKA Gordon Bennett) got to lately ? I did wonder if he had been on a crash course learning German ( Canary version) ;)

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Well, of cause you would!!! You are obviously another Buster hater. ... Hindsight is a wonderful thing. The Norfolk arena was used 3 times for different applications the week prior to the Poole match. New shale had arrived just before. Situations are not as black and white as you may think... What ever the state of the track, does not justify Holder and Batch's walkout.

What needs to be remembered here, the times recorded in the first 3 heats were the quickest we had seen for 9 years.... So the track couldn't have been so bad.....

A very grippy track will produce fast times but the facts are that a number of riders didn't come to the tapes and remedial work was done so that destroys any argument that the track was ok.


As I said in my original post none of this absolves Holder from blame, Batchelor,I don't know, like many I have my suspicions but he withdrew on medical ground and you cannot get beyond that.


I find this trend of calling those who happen to criticise an individual or team haters a bit childish. I see it often now, particularly against those who criticise Woffinden. It's an attempt to diminish their argument by branding them as people who only say what they do because they hate the individual or team rather than debating their criticism like an adult.

Edited by Aces51
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A very grippy track will produce fast times but the facts are that a number of riders didn't come to the tapes and remedial work was done so that destroys any argument that the track was ok.


As I said in my original post none of this absolves Holder from blame, Batchelor,I don't know, like many I have my suspicions but he withdrew on medical ground and you cannot get beyond that.


I find this trend of calling those who happen to criticise an individual or team haters a bit childish. I see it often now, particularly against those who criticise Woffinden. It's an attempt to diminish their argument by branding them as people who only say what they do because they hate the individual or team rather than debating their criticism like an adult.


I'm sorry if I come under your childish category , but that was my thinking of your comments, for ' Buster bashing'.

I didn't think the track was too bad , until it started to rain. But I don't race the bikes, only look at the races... But my philosophy is, if one rider can race it so should the rest. There is a lot of talk about Lambert and Huckenbeck not going out to race, but this was only because the ref refused to go down to the pits to sort out the problem. I thought the ref was wrong to exclude them both before he went to investigate the issues. Once he went down to meet the riders, surely he should have re-instated them seeing that the ref was the reason for not going to the gate in the first instance.

Bearing mind the other issues surrounding Lynn officials I believe Lambert was in a no-win situation. At least he resumed the racing with the others once the remedy work had been done.


PS. I'm no team hater, But I dislike Holder and Batch with a vengeance for the way they have behaved this year. Probably the worst signings the Stars have ever made...

Edited by GRW123
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I'm not sure that the number of laps done by the tractor necessarily bears any relationship to the quality of the preparation. I would expect a competent track curator to check and to know whether new shale has bound properly with the existing shale and if not, to know what to do to resolve the problem. The remedial work after the complaints from the riders at the very least greatly improved the track, so it seems plain that the solution was simple and relatively quick to carry out. I wonder what Chapman would have said if the track has been prepared by someone else. I suspect we may have been subjected to one of his usual outbursts.

It didn't to one rider of course.

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I'm sorry if I come under your childish category , but that was my thinking of your comments, for ' Buster bashing'.

I didn't think the track was too bad , until it started to rain. But I don't race the bikes, only look at the races... But my philosophy is, if one rider can race it so should the rest. There is a lot of talk about Lambert and Huckenbeck not going out to race, but this was only because the ref refused to go down to the pits to sort out the problem. I thought the ref was wrong to exclude them both before he went to investigate the issues. Once he went down to meet the riders, surely he should have re-instated them seeing that the ref was the reason for not going to the gate in the first instance.

Bearing mind the other issues surrounding Lynn officials I believe Lambert was in a no-win situation. At least he resumed the racing with the others once the remedy work had been done.


PS. I'm no team hater, But I dislike Holder and Batch with a vengeance for the way they have behaved this year. Probably the worst signings the Stars have ever made...

I think through no fault of their own Lambert and Huckenbeck got caught up in this due to the confusion with the remedial work, Middlo certainly confirmed with the referee immediately that the exclusions would stand after the remedial work.

It could be argued that Holder had a point due to the fact that the track needed remedial work but not in my view and as I have said before he still refused to race after having a good battle with his brother and the remedial had been done.



To be honest Batchelor has a bit of a history with these things but he was having a pretty decent season.

Edited by foreverblue
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I think through no fault of their own Lambert and Huckenbeck got caught up in this due to the confusion with the remedial work, Middlo certainly confirmed with the referee immediately that the exclusions would stand after the remedial work.

It could be argued that Holder had a point due to the fact that the track needed remedial work but not in my view and as I have said before he still refused to race after having a good battle with his brother and the remedial had been done.

To be honest Batchelor has a bit of a history with these things but he was having a pretty decent season.


This is the latest explanation to the reason for Batchelor's sacking.


He was sacked on disciplinary grounds for verbal and threatening behaviour towards the medical team.

It's in the referee's report that the medical team advised that Batchelor was fit to continue, packed his gear away anyway as he didn't want to ride, leaving the track without permission to do so.

Batchelor had already left the track when the referee advised the medical team to issue a medical exemption certificate so the team could operate IRR.

At this point we had no team manager and the referee insisted that the scoreboard operator becomes installed as Team Manager for the rest of the meeting.


Batchelor's situation is still with the SCB on this matter for bringing the sport into disrepute.


Whether true or not 306.gif

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Whether people like Batchelor or not ,he hasn't done anything wrong. He was signed out of the Poole meeting with an injury. He has been treated very harshly by Kings Lynn.


Batchelor, supposingly injured, rode for Swindon at Bellevue the night following the Lynn/Poole match and scored double figures. Days later he guested again for Swindon against Leicester ( the tele meeting) and again top scored. When he next rode for Lynn (against Leicester) he insulted the Lynn fans by the way he casually rode round at the back each race scoring just 4pts, and beating only one opponent in one of his races.


Now you say he hasn't done anything wrong ??? I say he insulted the Lynn Club by his perpetual behaviour.

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This is the latest explanation to the reason for Batchelor's sacking.


He was sacked on disciplinary grounds for verbal and threatening behaviour towards the medical team.

It's in the referee's report that the medical team advised that Batchelor was fit to continue, packed his gear away anyway as he didn't want to ride, leaving the track without permission to do so.

Batchelor had already left the track when the referee advised the medical team to issue a medical exemption certificate so the team could operate IRR.

At this point we had no team manager and the referee insisted that the scoreboard operator becomes installed as Team Manager for the rest of the meeting.


Batchelor's situation is still with the SCB on this matter for bringing the sport into disrepute.


Whether true or not 306.gif



If the part about threatening the medical team is correct he should be banned for life.

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