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King's Lynn Stars 2017

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I've had an explanation and it does stack up


Buster had approval from Ford to speak to Gomolski & Jonasson and also Palm-Toft

In return Batchelor & Holder WERE going to Poole but approval had to be confirmed.


King's Lynn team could have been


1. Lambert 7.52

2. Huckenbeck 6.09

3. Palm-Toft 6.33

4. Jorgensen 6.08

5. Jonasson 5.69

6. Gomolski 5.51

7. Porsing 4.69


Ave: 41.91


This team was rejected as there wasn't 2 Brits in the team at all times.

The intention was to run a 3rd reserve (Simon Lambert) for when a rider was missing but this isn't covered within the rules.

Buster was in a last minute scramble to find a Brit replacement for 1 of the new 3 riders.

Auty was then submitted in place of Gomolski very late on the Friday.

Due to how late the new team was submitted the BSPA only gave the approval on the Saturday.

Ford couldn't seek approval to have Holder & Batchelor included because they weren't released by King's Lynn.

King's Lynn couldn't release riders until approval was issued (you seen what happened at Ipswich).


There was nothing to stop Matt submitting a new 1 - 7 before the deadline, including Chris and Batch, for approval subject to those riders becoming available and BSPA approval. It happens all the time Team A submit a revised 1 to 7 in the morning and Team B submit a revised 1 to 7 in the afternoon naming a rider who is being dropped from Team A. What is different is the timing of their announcement as there may not be an imminent fixture which takes the pressure off making the revision public.

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Obviously don't know the total "ins and outs" of the situation, but do feel a little sympathy for Troy Batchelor , who apparently had a medical certificate, and stated that if he had been called and told that he was being replaced before the deadline, would of accepted that, just seems harsh, and spiteful.


Is there someone who can give definitive answer about IF Batchelor was issued with a certificate and by whom. Or did he merely complain that his injured thumb was playing up and was signed out of the meeting. There is an important difference about riding the next day. Fans really are kept in the dark whenever possible,

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Is there someone who can give definitive answer about IF Batchelor was issued with a certificate and by whom. Or did he merely complain that his injured thumb was playing up and was signed out of the meeting. There is an important difference about riding the next day. Fans really are kept in the dark whenever possible,


Further on - I have been reliably told that TB did not have a certificate and that he was just signed out of the meeting due to damaging his earlier thumb injury. Rules need tightening around this? He approached the medical staff about his concerns and they had not option but to tell him that further damage COULD occur if he continued to ride that night. Does the referee sign someone out of the meeting ( on the medics's advice )?

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THis whole thing about RULES and certificates is getting out of hand. Common sense is the basis of most situations and rules should only be used as a guide line. Nobody is wanting a rider to hurt himself , but also we don't want them using 'Rules' to manipulate a cop out door.


Whatever the 'ins' and 'outs' of the Batchelor situation, he didn't come out of this with any credit. The biggest factor should have been his desire to help his team. Only Batchelor knows if he was pulling a fast one or not, only he knew whether he could ride his bike in the match without inflicting further damage. But he would have been far more use in the pits helping his teammates then doing a runner like he did. All this has done is highlight his personal approach to everything he does....


No rules would have taken that into consideration......

Edited by GRW123
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Apologies - I posted this elsewhere but it's intended destination was here.


Buster is delusional if he believes "his way" is the right way to restore speedway to anything like it's well supported days. It is spiralling into an "It's a knockout" style of existence where fewer and fewer people will pay money to see it. Where are the other members of the BSPA? Hiding behind Buster while he makes things worse and worse? Under his watch the only positive thing has been to get BT to take on broadcasting the sport after Sky walked away - IF that was his doing. Where are the marketing ideas that were much trumpeted in the winter? Where are any positive ideas from within the BSPA? This winter will be most interesting in terms of what they next come up with to "save the sport".

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