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After batchelor's mediocre performance at Leicester I can't see how he cannot be sacked - in any other business he would as he's simply not doing his job


Palm-Toft would be a more than adequate replacement and presumably cheaper than a Pole. However, Holder needs the boot too so an established Pole or Dane( or from anywhere tbh ) is needed if only to show supporters the promotion are not as apathetic as they seem.


So c'mon Buster get your moth-eaten wallet out !

Edited by Star Fever
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Well what's that go to do with you whether I go or not Whats my attendance or non attendance as you quote got to do with the issue in hand you want to concentrate on sucking up to Buster as you do and don't worry about me

I'm not sucking up to Buster, he's not always right, none of us are, even you!

After batchelor's mediocre performance at Leicester I can't see how he cannot be sacked - in any other business he would as he's simply not doing his job


Palm-Toft would be a more than adequate replacement and presumably cheaper than a Pole. However, Holder needs the boot too so an established Pole or Dane( or from anywhere tbh ) is needed if only to show supporters the promotion are not as apathetic as they seem.


So c'mon Buster get your moth-eaten wallet out !


If riders were sacked every time they didn't perform as expected, they'd be sacked monthly lol Edited by Trees
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I'm not sucking up to Buster, he's not always right, none of us are, even you!

If riders were sacked every time they didn't perform as expected, they'd be sacked monthly lol

If If I refused to do my job 100% I'd be sacked it's not about performing as expected it's about doing a job disregard how many points they score it's about being on the track and 3of them refused one being Holder who was gonna explain to us his reasons for a no show after the weekend and hasn't done so why shouldn't me and a lot of us on here be a little irate
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If riders were sacked every time they didn't perform as expected, they'd be sacked monthly lol


That's a fair comment, but there 2 sides to that. Would you expect the fans to come if riders continued to perform badly.


Batchelor, when riding for Swindon, the previous week, he scored 10 from his 4 rides against a much stronger Leicester side that fielded both Nilsson and Przedpelski. Last night in his 5 rides, he only beat someone in only one of those rides. Clearly no where near as efficient as he was previously. It wasn't as much the points, but the lack of determination, Had he rode last week with the same determination then Swindon would have lost also. How many more performances like that would you suggest is OK ???


Batchelor is really pi**ing the fans off, and while Buster does nothing, will only do the same... If Buster wants to keep him then I suggest his contract is changed to a point basis only...

Edited by GRW123
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I've always rated Michael Palm-Toft as a rider, and after his performance at Leicester last night, we would be silly not to consider him if he is let go by Somerset, as some suggest?


It's not a suggestion, it's fact. Palm-Toft is no longer a Somerset rider

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That's a fair comment, but there 2 sides to that. Would you expect the fans to come if riders continued to perform badly.


Batchelor, when riding for Swindon, the previous week, he scored 10 from his 4 rides against a much stronger Leicester side that fielded both Nilsson and Przedpelski. Last night in his 5 rides, he only beat someone in only one of those rides. Clearly no where near as efficient as he was previously. It wasn't as much the points, but the lack of determination he showed. How many more performances like that would you suggest is OK ???


Batchelor is really pi**ing the fans off, and while Buster does nothing, will only do the same... If Buster wants to keep him then I suggest his contract is changed to a point basis only...

pI**ing fans off has been Batchelor's speciality for quite some time.

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BTW we were promised a statement from Chris Holder after the weekend, were we not? That'll be next Monday then?

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BTW we were promised a statement from Chris Holder after the weekend, were we not? That'll be next Monday then?


According to the latest press release Holder is back in the line-up for Wednesday.


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That's a fair comment, but there 2 sides to that. Would you expect the fans to come if riders continued to perform badly.


Batchelor, when riding for Swindon, the previous week, he scored 10 from his 4 rides against a much stronger Leicester side that fielded both Nilsson and Przedpelski. Last night in his 5 rides, he only beat someone in only one of those rides. Clearly no where near as efficient as he was previously. It wasn't as much the points, but the lack of determination he showed. How many more performances like that would you suggest is OK ???


Batchelor is really pi**ing the fans off, and while Buster does nothing, will only do the same... If Buster wants to keep him then I suggest his contract is changed to a point basis only...

Even the best riders in the past have done similar.Just because they score 10 one night doesn't mean they will score the same the next.Speedway has fine lines and making the gate is so important in whether you score well or not.

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I was there last night. 1st race he was disqualified for leaving the track on an unsatisfactory start. bit silly but happens, track took some getting used to for us. so his 2nd 1 was a right off. then a win. he wasn't off the pace and tbh although toft rode ok he was nothing special.


Sometimes riders score points under the radar and others they ride hard for not a lot.


Last night made me realise if we do replace Holder it has to be for a big heat leader. if not we go backwards and you will all moan about the fact we lack top end strength and inconsistency in riders. Its ok if lambert and Batchelor are fit but what when they are not. All of this could have been averted had the riders put their point across on the night. Why did that not happen and why did caney walk. as rubbish as holder was that night. Shocking decision to up and leave. unless a rider is dropped from sweden/poland. or a struggling polish team have a rider who wants more meetings. we should probably maybe look at trying to forgive.


I actually beleive if holder was to say. "hands up, track was rubbish but i was out of order" we can move on.


Simon lambert and Tero Aarnio was the biggest problem last night. Aarnio tried his all but for lambert it just didn't happen.


It was as if his tall big build didn't suit the track? do tall riders struggle on small tracks as a rule? watching josh bates turning the bike inside out on the inside line was actually very entertaining/ for a bigger guy this must be a very hard move to pull off?

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No I'm not saying that at all.


What I'm saying is if we want to make changes, then do it. Just don't do it in a vindictive way to try and stop them from riding elsewhere.


As for Batchelor, can't see why anyone is surprised. Been that way since he's been over in the U.K. He's just a mood rider and always likely to be.


In understand that Robert stayed in Poland to get a medical assessment on his wrist as he thought it was broken. I see no issue with that. He's had the all clear so heads to Sweden tonight.


I would have an issue if he then didn't turn up on Wednesday but sure that he will. As far as I can recall he has never messed us about and always been committed to the Stars (heat 9 last week the exception).


I wouldn't worry about Wednesday, I've heard that they is a possibility of a rain shower tomorrow morning, so the meeting will be called off by 10am no doubt....or have Lynn potentially got a much stronger team this week?!!!

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I actually beleive if Chris Holder was to say. "hands up, track was rubbish but i was out of order" we can move on.

You know, I think you're right.



According to the latest press release Holder is back in the line-up for Wednesday.



I noticed that. I think it's the "other" Chris Holder.

Either that or it's slightly on the wrong side of the Trade's Description Act

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