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King's Lynn Stars 2017

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King's Lynn Twitter,


Chapman: "I've written one final column about it which supporters will be able to read on Wednesday and then that’s it, it’s gone."


And the catch is you have to go to speedway on Wednesday and buy a programme to read what he has to say, genius way of getting the fans to return :)

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And the catch is you have to go to speedway on Wednesday and buy a programme to read what he has to say, genius way of getting the fans to return :)

no catch there never bother with a programme - would dearly like to know how KL can use r/r for a rider with no reason for his absence being given (guess someone must know something)

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And the catch is you have to go to speedway on Wednesday and buy a programme to read what he has to say, genius way of getting the fans to return :)

I note the smiley and I certainly can't think that many of the fans already disenchanted with the way their club is run will be sufficiently interested. They know the details will be published elsewhere.


There needs to be a proper independent inquiry to look into this latest debacle. If Chapman is really concerned about the fans the very least he should do is to hold a fans forum where fans questions are properly considered and answered, that might be a start to rebuilding their relationship with the club and their confidence in the way it is run.

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And the catch is you have to go to speedway on Wednesday and buy a programme to read what he has to say, genius way of getting the fans to return :)

Well I was on holiday, in the local region to watch the sidecars the following evening. And I guess there might have been some Poole fans and other neutrals present. None of these people are going to be there tonight. But that is a minor point. This is an issue of interest to the wider speedway community. The impression is that, "its none of our business". A senior British League rider known and well respected by many fans from all over the country has been suspended for 28 days. And that is only the tip of the iceberg. Much went on behind the scenes last Thursday which is of concern and perhaps indicates a much broader shift in power away from the powers that be to the riders. We seem to be expected to accept that we should not worry, it's being dealt with. This is an issue not only for KL but for the speedway authorities and the many angry fans than demand an explanation.

I look forward to Buster's article being made public.

There needs to be a proper independent inquiry to look into this latest debacle.


If Mr Chapman is really concerned about the fans the very least he should do is to hold a fans forum where fans questions are properly considered and answered, that might be a start to rebuilding their relationship with the club and their confidence in the way it is run.

An "open" inquiry, yes.


A proper forum, yes. Both sides to represented. I don't defend what the riders did last Thursday. Frankly, I was livid. But in the interest of fairness we should hear their side of this.

Now I think about it, has any rider involved tweated or publicised their side of this.

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Well I was on holiday, in the local region to watch the sidecars the following evening. And I guess there might have been some Poole fans and other neutrals present. None of these people are going to be there tonight. But that is a minor point. This is an issue of interest to the wider speedway community. The impression is that, "its none of our business". A senior British League rider known and well respected by many fans from all over the country has been suspended for 28 days. And that is only the tip of the iceberg. Much went on behind the scenes last Thursday which is of concern and perhaps indicates a much broader shift in power away from the powers that be to the riders. We seem to be expected to accept that we should not worry, it's being dealt with. This is an issue not only for KL but for the speedway authorities and the many angry fans than demand an explanation.

I look forward to Buster's article being made public.


An "open" inquiry, yes.


A proper forum, yes. Both sides to represented. I don't defend what the riders did last Thursday. Frankly, I was livid. But in the interest of fairness we should hear their side of this.


Now I think about it, has any rider involved tweated or publicised their side of this.

Chris Holder said he's gonna give his side after the weekend. Guess he wants to concentrate on the GP!
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King's Lynn Twitter,


Chapman: "I've written one final column about it which supporters will be able to read on Wednesday and then that’s it, it’s gone."


Does he live in the real world? Clearly he is not interested in what fans may wish to say about it having read his column, you've had his thoughts and that's it.


It is this attitude from those in charge which epitomises much of what is wrong with our sport. Would any business survive with that sort of attitude towards its customers?


No Buster is not very interested in communicating with fans because they will likely disagree with him and that is not on is it?

No it would not survive in the real world. Only in the fantasy world of speedway in the 21st century.

False Dawn wrote " Now I think about it, has any rider involved tweated or publicised their side of this."


Robert Lambert has and he said " what do we have to do to get a decent track" You can see where he stands on the matter.

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Chris Holder said he's gonna give his side after the weekend. Guess he wants to concentrate on the GP!

I guess he's happy for us to speculate and arrive at our own conclusions in the meantime. I wouldn't let the other side and the fan base have their say unchallenged if I was him.

Robert Lambert has and he said " what do we have to do to get a decent track"

Step 1 Robert, don't piss off the paying fans. (pardon my language)

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I guess he's happy for us to speculate and arrive at our own conclusions in the meantime. I wouldn't let the other side and the fan base have their say unchallenged if I was him.


Step 1 Robert, don't piss off the paying fans. (pardon my language)

It's pretty clear from Lamber's tweets that all is not well at the club. Having said that not one rider from what I've seen has expressed any concern for the fans that were affected either,


Is it any wonder the sport is in its death throes.

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It's pretty clear from Lamber's tweets that all is not well at the club. Having said that not one rider from what I've seen has expressed any concern for the fans that were affected either,


Is it any wonder the sport is in its death throes.

I might be over reacting but I can't see the club coming back from last weeks fiasco and now tonight call off right or wrong .

So many questions remain un answered from last week the biggest one is when Dale was taken ill and Buster was trying to sort the track were was the co promoter Rob Lyon ? Surely he should have taken charge of the situation?

Buster program notes should be put online that may help .

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The two forecasts I have looked at say that any storms will be later in the evening. I'll be monitoring the weather carefully and I live not far away from the track.

Hmmm. I hope that Buster has got this one right with a postponement. If he now continues wit the Great Silence he is more out of touch than I ever believed. If he thinks that the comment "it's behind us now" fixes everything then he is delusional about his shrinking fanbase.

That's me finished with the Stars after watching them very year they have been based in KL ( and before that in Norwich )

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All this nonsense might be why some promoters are now favouring the National league.

And you know why? The riders are bloody grateful to be riding for their club and just get on with it. Giving their all for every point. Edited by False dawn
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KL are a mess.


Better off going Championship next year.


Buster hasn't done himself any favours whatsoever.

won't surprise me if there is no speedway at KL next season. and I'm serious when I say that
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won't surprise me if there is no speedway at KL next season. and I'm serious when I say that

There might come a point where he might think "Fug it,i don't need this"

I very much doubt that he needs the money,if theres any profit from speedway that is..

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won't surprise me if there is no speedway at KL next season. and I'm serious when I say that


I've been saying it for a while now. Unless some mug is willing to promote at Lynn, and try and work with Buster as stadium owner I can see no way forward.

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