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Tai Quits Team Gb

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I find this all very sad.


The greatest Rider (possibly) that this Country has ever produced - and there are those who cannot wait to stick the boot in.


Firstly - we don't know the full facts of what has happened here. All we can do is guess.


Secondly - Tai rode his heart out for Great Britain in the World Cup, top scored, and paid his own expenses as has already been mentioned.



Oh, bless!

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It's nothing to do with true fans. It's to do with being sensible enough to wait and see what the reasons are before making a decision either way!


I'm not defending him, I'm not attacking him, simply waiting for more information before forming an opinion..

I wonder what side your take then :P

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no there wasnt there was a chance for the guys to have a blast around the track to test some engines it wasnt an



tell me another rider who provided fitness training for the team.. out of his won pocket.. who didnt take any expenses for the team. .. and had a 4 year plan to progress the youngsters in this country ???


Think I will plough on with the rest of the thread!

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Is there going to be a press release from Woffinden. Doesn't say anything about him issuing one.


Trouble is he seems to think he is bigger than the whole sport in this country. If he thinks the BSPA will be pushed around by him he will be in for a shock.


A real shame we have a two times British World Champion who is not universally popular. Oh for another Mark Loram.


A press release from Tai, the BSPA, Wolves or better still all three would clear matters up.

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Is there going to be a press release from Woffinden. Doesn't say anything about him issuing one.


Trouble is he seems to think he is bigger than the whole sport in this country. If he thinks the BSPA will be pushed around by him he will be in for a shock.


A real shame we have a two times British World Champion who is not universally popular. Oh for another Mark Loram.


Amen to that.

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I wonder what side your take then :P


Barking up the wrong tree there I'm afraid as unlike most on this forum, if my team, or riders in my team do something dumb I will say so.


Tai has obviously made a spur of the moment tweet that perhaps wasn't wise. Clearly something has happened that has angered him.


In time the reasons will start to come out be it from a press release from Tai, or from the BSPA. Then we can begin to judge the situation.

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Little wonder British Speedway continues to limp along - its repeated obsession grabbing the nearest gun and proceeding to blast its own foot off.


There needs to be a proper statement from both sides, as neither Tai nor the BSPA are looking too clever at the moment.

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Nothing on social media as yet from Rosco Rossiter . Talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Regularly waxes lyrical about Tai Woffinden and also praises the BSPA on TV this weekend.

Which side will he take ? Interesting


get rid of them all and go with a non bias governing body.. not promoters of tracks themselves.. they are ruining this sport and Tai is the first to throw in the towel.. just a shame more of the riders need them because is british speedway goes they dont have a job..

Maybe Tai Woffinden should run the BSPA . No problem getting his ideas through then . Not sure he has time in his schedule

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What exactly does "paid his own expenses" mean? Is it that he didn't make a penny, they didn't pay him points money, and his sponsors didn't contribute anything? Or more likely that he simply didn't get his Starbucks paid for?


Or that he paid his own air fair from wherever he rode last to his 'home' country to ride in the WTC.

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Well Mr Woffinden how about giving your side of the story, instead of a childish cryptic tweet which just causes anger and frustration?

How about doing a press release where fans can judge and discuss bith sides of the argument? I class myself as a true fan. I was at Manchester cheering on TeamGB. But your tweet and general attitude towards British Speedway makes it hard to like.


Instead of posting tweets that just stir the pot how about letting fans of the sport hear your side of the story? Then, we can make a judgment of whether you are hard done by or just an attention seeker.

Why should he? It's a bit like your posts .. Do you ever explain yourself when other people on here ask you about certain posts

Is there going to be a press release from Woffinden. Doesn't say anything about him issuing one.




A real shame we have a two times British World Champion who is not universally popular. Oh for another Mark Loram.

Champions are winners they don't set out to be popular, You should know that with Poole .. Also were Manchester United universally popular?, was Gary Havelock universally popular? Was Nicki Pedersen universally popular? Is Andy Murray universally popular? I could go on... I would rather be a winner than popular if I was top of what I do Edited by KEITH M
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Sounds like the actions of a spoiled child who can't get his own way........don't let the door smack your arse on the way out

Or the actions of someone who has been banging his head against the BSPA brick wall for so long that he's fed up of the headaches.

So only TeamGB not British Speedway then. So it's only BSI who will miss out ....

And those fans who would like to see a successful Team GB

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Or the actions of someone who has been banging his head against the BSPA brick wall for so long that he's fed up of the headaches.


And those fans who would like to see a successful Team GB

The guys who are picked will have to do the job, he's only one rider, life goes on .... it's all over and done with in 3 days anyways, nobody will suffer too long lol
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No one is questioning tais reasons or anything like that. Just the way he's gone about his PR. He's not very PR savvy.


His tweet left more questions than answers. Sometimes its better to say nothing.


We all hope he gets the backing from the BSPA but he also needs not to be seen doing cryptic tweets or slagging off the bosses.


From tai to the bspa. They are all bickering children that need there heads banging together.


The quicker we get an independent body to run British speedway the better.

Edited by Phil The Ace
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He's obviously referring to money. The BSPA have done little in the past to help new british riders or even league riders to develop (e.g. the SEC ban) but many things have changed this year. It's disappointing that he continues to represent himself as unprofessional, the swearing at cardiff and this latest tweet because there may be a genuine point behind it other than his own wallet.

Edited by SPEEDY69
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Why should he? It's a bit like your posts .. Do you ever explain yourself when other people on here ask you about certain posts

Champions are winners they don't set out to be popular, You should know that with Poole .. Also were Manchester United universally popular?, was Gary Havelock universally popular? Was Nicki Pedersen universally popular? Is Andy Murray universally popular? I could go on... I would rather be a winner than popular if I was top of what I do


Well put fella :t:

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