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Tai Quits Team Gb

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Mate you give out all that personal info. And then your facebook page is totally open?


I really don't think Gavan should be given further stick for this.


A number of folk have repeatedly claimed he was lying, claimed he was the same person as Chris4Gillian and despite his protestations mocked him for his denials.


He was challenged to prove what he said was true... he did just that.


I will apologise to both he and Chris4Gillian as despite doubting they were the same person for some time, today I had began to think they were.


It will be interesting to see if the others who made the accusations apologise also, like Pinny to his credit has.

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I thought they were the same people just shows how wrong you can be sometimes, fair play he was right although he let his identity slip out and it wasnt given out on purpose.


But I was wrong, not for the first time and will happily admit it as I said :)

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Thing is christ4gillian has just admitted he has lied. In one post no messaging with fanboy dazzafl, in the next they message each other!


Dear oh dear the guy doesn't know his arse from his elbow. Not suprising though as his main fan is Gavan. If they are not the same person they are certainly joined at the hip.


Setting off a tirade of abuse against me shows him up for what he is. Like Gavan is a pretend fan of Ipswich, so this guy is of Poole. His dad probably took him along once and that was enough to class himself as one of the Poole faithful. Since then sits on his pc following speedway updates and cheering in his living room as the scores come in with his wife telling him to belt up because she can't hear Corrie.


I never once abused this chris4gillian. I ignored his little snipes at first but not now. The guy comes across as an arogant obnoxious poster who has been told by others on numerous occasions to mind his own business when he sticks his beak in.


If his business is quiet and he can't afford a tenner of fuel for the round trip plus entrance money, he is in the wrong job. I passed McDonalds this morning. They are hiring!


Ha,ha, ha!! You need to read posts properly. I won't bother wasting any further bandwidth in responding to that load of pony! I was right, you couldn't help yourself :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Gavan/chris living in fantasy land as usual.


Me and good old shovvy will have plenty of witnesses who have seen us in the same place at the same time, nobody can confirm they have seen you and chris in the same place at the same time! Very strange how nobody off this forum has ever met either of you, and neither of you will post a photo of yourself. Very odd.


If somebody was accusing me of being a multi poster i would prove them wrong in an instant, instead of reporting me when you have already said the mods have told you no action will be taken! Thats comedy gold.


Only to be expected though when you state youve reported someone for calling you a multi poster then call them a t0sser two sentences later, how can you be expected to be taken seriously?


Until you come out and prove you live where you do and confirm identity, and chris does as well, your both going to be called the same user. Private messages have been doing the rounds for weeks that your the same person.


All this stuff about ips is rubbish as well, espiecially with the software available these days.


Your the same person. Be a man and admit it as its clear for us all to see :)


Well Shovlar claims he's seen my Facebook page so he KNOWS I'm not Gavan and everything I've posted is absolutely true - unlike himself!!

Lol :D Isn't having multiple accounts against the rules? Bye Gavan


See above Lisa!

Lol hardly likely to see us together he lives down Poole way and im in Essex.


Why would i want to put myself all over the internet for you all to see what i look like or have access to my facebook page? My private life is my private life.


I dont have to justify myself to you a jumped up t0sser of a human being.


Your sad that your life on this forum revolves around trying and failing to prove i have 2 accounts. Go and get yourself a women pal or a life or some sort of reason as to why your using up oxygen that a decent person could use.


Discuss speedway............oh sorry you cant you are a sad little weasel of a man who is getting off on winding people up.


Come to Ipswich next Thursday night if you got the balls to


I live near Southampton, not Poole.

I've only just come back on here from three pages ago and really am none the wiser after my post on Tai has been swallowed up by the classic game of 'Guess Who'.


All I know is that Gavan has posted his private life which noone needed to know amyway as this still doesn't prove anything because chris4gillian has mysteriously disappeared.


For the record, if they are or aren't the same person but I would guess they aren't now, I really couldn't care anymore just like I couldn't care about what job Gavan's father did.


Pointless waste of bandwidth and has nothing to do with the topic of Tai Woffinden.


Maybe I should just talk about my dentist and barber as it seems to get more opinion than my speedway post. This forum is turning into that Big Brother rubbish.


No I haven't, I have a life away from the BSF, maybe some of you should have one too!!!

Hello Gavan

Would you believe it, hes been found.


Now all we need is chris gillian to let slip a few clues and I will happily apologise and admit I was wrong.


Ask Shovlar, he's been on my Facebook page (apparently)! I look forward to your apology.


I think in the days of instant googling, hoping that people wont search you when you give such specific info is a bit of a stretch really.


I think your best result here is that to hope that people perhaps dont name you, your employer, your job, give out your phone number or anything like that on here, as that in itself would be a breach of forum rules.


My lips are sealed anyway.


Also, i think Pinny will happily straighten things up when the sun rise in Melbourne, but this definitely confirms that Chris and Gavan are definitely very much two different people.





Thank you Doc.

Have been shown the face book profiles of both gavan and chris4gillian and will happily admit i was wrong, they are two different people.


Have tohope me and the other few who know their identitys dont let it slip after a few pints of aussie beer ;)


Btw gavan, did you dry your phone out that you dropped in a sink full of water a couple of years ago ;)


Well don't go overboard with your apology...after the abuse we've received you should at least beg for mercy!! :rofl:


I really don't think Gavan should be given further stick for this.


A number of folk have repeatedly claimed he was lying, claimed he was the same person as Chris4Gillian and despite his protestations mocked him for his denials.


He was challenged to prove what he said was true... he did just that.


I will apologise to both he and Chris4Gillian as despite doubting they were the same person for some time, today I had began to think they were.


It will be interesting to see if the others who made the accusations apologise also, like Pinny to his credit has.


As Gavan previously posted, I thought better of you BW, however thank you for your honesty and apology.

Tbf he did. I just find it surprising that people leave their Facebook settings open like that.


Mine has always been open as I have nothing to hide no matter what a handful on here might think/have thought. A simple google search was all that was needed.

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Oh deep joy, now that little spat about identities has been cleared up perhaps we could get back on topic.

Over 24 hours since I suggested that "those in the know" could offer a hint as to the "real" reason behind Mr Woffindens strop, the only response has been from TWK who came up quickly with, training schools, personal matters, team selection and riding order as potential reasons for immediately walking out of the national team.

Now, aside from personal matters, which I suggest Mr Woffinden would have been better advised to try and resolve quietly behind the scenes, walking out for any of the other 3 reasons does seem a trifle petulant, arrogant and misinformed. Surely the team selection and riding order are matters for the team manager? Of course team members should be involved in this and their views sought and accommodated where possible - but a resigning matter if you don't get your own way?

Similarly, if training schools are an issue, wouldn't it be better to work with the "authorities" to seek a solution rather than, "right, you're not doing it my way, so I'm not riding for you" attitude.

Frankly, I am not surprised Mr Woffinden hasn't given the real reasons for his walk out, because at the moment no one can come up with anything credible that would justify his actions and his PR would drop even lower. If it's the money he would come over as greedy, and if it's any of the others, they would show him up to be a bit of a spoilt brat who thinks he can run the whole show. The grown ups among us would surely laugh and shake our heads at such short sighted behaviour.

For all his talent on a motorbike, he seriously needs some professional management and PR advice.

Edited by woofers
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Oh deep joy, now that little spat about identities has been cleared up perhaps we could get back on topic.

Over 24 hours since I suggested that "those in the know" could offer a hint as to the "real" reason behind Mr Woffindens strop, the only response has been from TWK who came up quickly with, training schools, personal matters, team selection and riding order as potential reasons for immediately walking out of the national team.

Now, aside from personal matters, which I suggest Mr Woffinden would have been better advised to try and resolve quietly behind the scenes, walking out for any of the other 3 reasons does seem a trifle petulant, arrogant and misinformed. Surely the team selection and riding order are matters for the team manager? Of course team members should be involved in this and their views sought and accommodated where possible - but a resigning matter if you don't get your own way?

Similarly, if training schools are an issue, wouldn't it be better to work with the "authorities" to seek a solution rather than, "right, you're not doing it my way, so I'm not riding for you" attitude.

Frankly, I am not surprised Mr Woffinden hasn't given the real reasons for his walk out, because at the moment no one can come up with anything credible that would justify his actions and his PR would drop even lower. If it's the money he would come over as greedy, and if it's any of the others, they would show him up to be a bit of a spoilt brat who thinks he can run the whole show. The grown ups among us would surely laugh and shake our heads at such short sighted behaviour.

For all his talent on a motorbike, he seriously needs some professional management and PR advice.

Tai Woffinden! How does he fit in? :unsure:

Now i'm really confused. Is Tai Woffinden same bloke as Gavan or C4G?

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Have to say sorry to both the guys I just can't understand how two people could both have the same stupid views :D:P


But yet our views are still better and more informed than yours! :lol:

Thanks for the apology too.



Tai Woffinden! How does he fit in? :unsure:

Now i'm really confused. Is Tai Woffinden same bloke as Gavan or C4G?


Damn! Somebody has finally rumbled things correctly.... :D:lol::D:lol::D

Edited by chris4gillian
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how deep does tai have to dip into his own pocket riding for Wolves with bringing his bikes and mechanics over as I see no mention of it.

ohh for christs sake give it a rest stop this personal crusade against Tai if you really want to know whats going on with him grow a pair and man up and ask him face to face ,

you know he rides for wolves so you know where he will be riding so you got no excuses

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The good news is nobody gives a hoot about who you are. The fact you had a big old sulk over a bunch of random internet users not believing who you are really is golden. Nobody cares who you are, and you shouldn't care what they think of you. Remember when your mum told you to ignore the bullies? Sticks and stones, etc?


The bad news is you deserved everything you got and it's been great fun reading your little one man meltdown. The problem with you is that you don't seem to quite understand reasoned debate. Your idea of reasoned debate is stating your opinion again and again until other people stop arguing with you. It's really quite irritating seeing you fill a thread up with the same opinion again and again. On top of this you have a somewhat irritating habit of complaining about posters who've turned "personal" or "abusive", but seem blind to the fact that you do it all yourself. Just take a look at some of the horrible things you've directed at other posters whom have crossed your path.

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Ah, well. Never mind! ;)

Not like you to be quiet on the Poole threads! Have you been told to be on your best behaviour :D;)


Have you apologised yet?


It really is quite hilarious how a few posters are still trying to have pops after basically been made to look like complete numptys on this thread. All the accusations, all the mocking, Gavan and Chris4Gillian have destroyed it all.. and I include myself in that.


Some posters have been adult enough to admit they were wrong... others well...

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Have you apologised yet?


It really is quite hilarious how a few posters are still trying to have pops after basically been made to look like complete numptys on this thread. All the accusations, all the mocking, Gavan and Chris4Gillian have destroyed it all.. and I include myself in that.


Some posters have been adult enough to admit they were wrong... others well...

Did I actually say they were the same person then? I hadn't even thought that before Pinny went on about it. I'm sure I pointed out reasons why it looks like they are the same person.


I'll apologise when he does for trolling Poole threads all the time.

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Have you apologised yet?


It really is quite hilarious how a few posters are still trying to have pops after basically been made to look like complete numptys on this thread. All the accusations, all the mocking, Gavan and Chris4Gillian have destroyed it all.. and I include myself in that.


Some posters have been adult enough to admit they were wrong... others well...

Well said

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