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Gavan/chris living in fantasy land as usual.


Me and good old shovvy will have plenty of witnesses who have seen us in the same place at the same time, nobody can confirm they have seen you and chris in the same place at the same time! Very strange how nobody off this forum has ever met either of you, and neither of you will post a photo of yourself. Very odd.


If somebody was accusing me of being a multi poster i would prove them wrong in an instant, instead of reporting me when you have already said the mods have told you no action will be taken! Thats comedy gold.


Only to be expected though when you state youve reported someone for calling you a multi poster then call them a t0sser two sentences later, how can you be expected to be taken seriously?


Until you come out and prove you live where you do and confirm identity, and chris does as well, your both going to be called the same user. Private messages have been doing the rounds for weeks that your the same person.


All this stuff about ips is rubbish as well, espiecially with the software available these days.


Your the same person. Be a man and admit it as its clear for us all to see :)

Lol hardly likely to see us together he lives down Poole way and im in Essex.


Why would i want to put myself all over the internet for you all to see what i look like or have access to my facebook page? My private life is my private life.


I dont have to justify myself to you a jumped up t0sser of a human being.


Your sad that your life on this forum revolves around trying and failing to prove i have 2 accounts. Go and get yourself a women pal or a life or some sort of reason as to why your using up oxygen that a decent person could use.


Discuss speedway............oh sorry you cant you are a sad little weasel of a man who is getting off on winding people up.


Come to Ipswich next Thursday night if you got the balls to

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I did argue against this a bit last time you posted.. but the most recent posts make it pretty clear. Almost identical!

Town in Essex called Chelmsford really did give the game away completely for anyone who was sat on the fence really.


Its like me saying I live in this town in Victoria, Australia called Melbourne.

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Lol hardly likely to see us together he lives down Poole way and im in Essex.


Why would i want to put myself all over the internet for you all to see what i look like or have access to my facebook page? My private life is my private life.


I dont have to justify myself to you a jumped up t0sser of a human being.


Your sad that your life on this forum revolves around trying and failing to prove i have 2 accounts. Go and get yourself a women pal or a life or some sort of reason as to why your using up oxygen that a decent person could use.


Discuss speedway............oh sorry you cant you are a sad little weasel of a man who is getting off on winding people up.


Come to Ipswich next Thursday night if you got the balls to


Another post to be reported you really cant help yourself can you

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Lol hardly likely to see us together he lives down Poole way and im in Essex.


Why would i want to put myself all over the internet for you all to see what i look like or have access to my facebook page? My private life is my private life.


I dont have to justify myself to you a jumped up t0sser of a human being.


Your sad that your life on this forum revolves around trying and failing to prove i have 2 accounts. Go and get yourself a women pal or a life or some sort of reason as to why your using up oxygen that a decent person could use.


Discuss speedway............oh sorry you cant you are a sad little weasel of a man who is getting off on winding people up.


Come to Ipswich next Thursday night if you got the balls to


.... bit difficult from Australia!


Report three sent!

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Lol hardly likely to see us together he lives down Poole way and im in Essex.


Why would i want to put myself all over the internet for you all to see what i look like or have access to my facebook page? My private life is my private life.


I dont have to justify myself to you a jumped up t0sser of a human being.


Your sad that your life on this forum revolves around trying and failing to prove i have 2 accounts. Go and get yourself a women pal or a life or some sort of reason as to why your using up oxygen that a decent person could use.


Discuss speedway............oh sorry you cant you are a sad little weasel of a man who is getting off on winding people up.


Come to Ipswich next Thursday night if you got the balls to

Lmao 😂😂


I have a woman thank you for your concern though.


Me and shovvy dont live in the same place but have still had many pints together at the cardiff gp.


Come to ipswich next thursday? I am in Melbourne, why on earth would I want to fly from here (which was recently voted the most livable city in the world for the 6th year in a row) to Ipswich, you probably wouldnt show anyway! I told you when I am next back in the uk and tried to arrange a little charity boxing match, but you backed out. as everybody seen.


Whilst you remain private and dont reveal your identity, you could be absolutey anybody. You could be a millionaire playboy, you could be a virgin with a fantasy family, you could be lord bloody lucan. All i know is if i was getting totally ruined in an argument , as you are in this case, id want to prove I was a real person.


But you go around the forum giving it the big un, calling people"fella" and telling people to shut their mouth, yet wont even confirm who you are. That, gavan/chris, is the definition of a brick sh1thou$e.

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I have a woman thank you for your concern though.


Me and shovvy dont live in the same place but have still had many pints together at the cardiff gp.


Come to ipswich next thursday? I am in Melbourne, why on earth would I want to fly from here (which was recently voted the most livable city in the world for the 6th year in a row) to Ipswich, you probably wouldnt show anyway! I told you when I am next back in the uk and tried to arrange a little charity boxing match, but you backed out. as everybody seen.


Whilst you remain private and dont reveal your identity, you could be absolutey anybody. You could be a millionaire playboy, you could be a virgin with a fantasy family, you could be lord bloody lucan. All i know is if i was getting totally ruined in an argument , as you are in this case, id want to prove I was a real person.


But you go around the forum giving it the big un, calling people"fella" and telling people to shut their mouth, yet wont even confirm who you are. That, gavan/chris, is the definition of a brick sh1thou$e.

you dont live in Australia!! your lies are unreal just to make yourself look like king effing d1ck


Im getting ruined lol bless your little cotton socks.


What your are is a bully and not a very good one at that. Your line of abuse is to slander me all the time.


Why would i want a charity boxing match? Your a sad sad man


Bwhahahaha :D

who the f..k are you anyway?


dont get involved. hanging on the tails of others.....big man

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you dont live in Australia!! your lies are unreal just to make yourself look like king effing d1ck


Im getting ruined lol bless your little cotton socks.


What your are is a bully and not a very good one at that. Your line of abuse is to slander me all the time.


Why would i want a charity boxing match? Your a sad sad man

who the f..k are you anyway?


dont get involved. hanging on the tails of others.....big man


I can assure you he does live in Australia!

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you after your jaw to be broke as im at Ippo next week would love to meet you pal.


Ok my name is Gavan and no your not getting a surname.

I was actually born on Osborne Park in Perth Australia and moved back here when i was 8 months old.

My father was a long distance lorry driver and my mother worked for Fords in Brentwood.

I have been married since July 2003 and my dad passed away in February 2004.

I have 2 daughters, my eldest turns 11 this month and my youngest was 7 in June.

My youngest is also indoor British Champion at inline skating for her age.

I work in a place called South Woodham Ferrers, look it up.


If your so sad and so pathetic that you want more information then i suggest you go take a running jump of a cliff.


As i said lets meet up

how much more do you want to know


Children I think the moderators deserve a private life.....grow up FFS

thank you

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you after your jaw to be broke as im at Ippo next week would love to meet you pal.


Ok my name is Gavan and no your not getting a surname.

I was actually born on Osborne Park in Perth Australia and moved back here when i was 8 months old.

My father was a long distance lorry driver and my mother worked for Fords in Brentwood.

I have been married since July 2003 and my dad passed away in February 2004.

I have 2 daughters, my eldest turns 11 this month and my youngest was 7 in June.

My youngest is also indoor British Champion at inline skating for her age.

I work in a place called South Woodham Ferrers, look it up.


If your so sad and so pathetic that you want more information then i suggest you go take a running jump of a cliff.


As i said lets meet up



Ok my name is tom. No your not having my second name.


I was born in Siberia and moved to Wales when I was 8 months old.


My dad was a twelve weight world champion boxer, my mum worked in the play boy mansion. I have one younger son who is currently playing for Barcelona youths and touted as the next messi....



See how easy it is to make things up?


I would love to meet you but work commitments in Aus mean i cant until my next visit home, when your earning the coin I am out here its a bit of a risk jeopardising your job.


Course i live in Australia, about twenty people on this forum will confirm, the mods can check my ip it will be located to my home address and the same ip every time, if you add me on facebook youll see all my recent photos etc.


Your making yourself look an ar$3, give it up "fella" 🙈

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he doesnt live in Australia its all lies


god work it out


Yes he does live in Australia, I'm not one of the gang you are constantly battling against so have no reason to lie.


You're not helping yourself at all with your constant name calling and threats. Some of the things you post I agree with and no doubt others do too, but you lose any support you may have when you fly off the handle as you do.


Several posters have advised you of this on numerous occasions but you don't seem to be listening.


Due to your reputation, you will be baited and goaded at times by certain posters, you should have the intelligence to rise above that and not fall for it.

At the moment, I'm sad to say, even Starman is outsmarting you!

Edited by BWitcher
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Ok my name is tom. No your not having my second name.


I was born in Siberia and moved to Wales when I was 8 months old.


My dad was a twelve weight world champion boxer, my mum worked in the play boy mansion. I have one younger son who is currently playing for Barcelona youths and touted as the next messi....



See how easy it is to make things up?


I would love to meet you but work commitments in Aus mean i cant until my next visit home, when your earning the coin I am out here its a bit of a risk jeopardising your job.


Course i live in Australia, about twenty people on this forum will confirm, the mods can check my ip it will be located to my home address and the same ip every time, if you add me on facebook youll see all my recent photos etc.


Your making yourself look an ar$3, give it up "fella"

oh dear mate you are quite a tool.


your making yourself look an arse not me.


Yes i want to all that trouble didnt i just to make up my life.


Grow up and there is no way your in Australia......please stop my sides are hurting


Yes he does live in Australia, I'm not one of the gang you are constantly battling against so have no reason to lie.


You're not helping yourself at all with your constant name calling and threats. Some of the things you post I agree with and no doubt others do too, but you lose any support you may have when you fly off the handle as you do.


Several posters have advised you of this on numerous occasions but you don't seem to be listening.


Due to your reputation, you will be baited and goaded at times by certain posters, you should have the intelligence to rise above that and not fall for it.

At the moment, I'm sad to say, even Starman is outsmarting you!

ok so if he lives in Australia why is it not believed where im from???

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oh dear mate you are quite a tool.


your making yourself look an arse not me.


Yes i want to all that trouble didnt i just to make up my life.


Grow up and there is no way your in Australia......please stop my sides are hurting


ok so if he lives in Australia why is it not believed where im from???

Because i have proof i live here you have zero proof you live in that little town in Essex called chelmsford except your word which lets me honest holds very little value

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Ok my name is tom. No your not having my second name.


I was born in Siberia and moved to Wales when I was 8 months old.


My dad was a twelve weight world champion boxer, my mum worked in the play boy mansion. I have one younger son who is currently playing for Barcelona youths and touted as the next messi....



See how easy it is to make things up?


I would love to meet you but work commitments in Aus mean i cant until my next visit home, when your earning the coin I am out here its a bit of a risk jeopardising your job.


Course i live in Australia, about twenty people on this forum will confirm, the mods can check my ip it will be located to my home address and the same ip every time, if you add me on facebook youll see all my recent photos etc.


Your making yourself look an ar$3, give it up "fella"

Was your mum a weightlifter ?

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