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Tai Quits Team Gb

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:rofl: I assume you're having a go at sarcasm there Ms C :lol:


I have said that I wouldn't post any further...but that was before Shovlar came up with his 'theory' which has absolutely no substance and which he 'claims' was said by someone he 'won't' name.


On the other hand a self confessed friend of Tai has been completely transparent and told you all that it has nothing, zilch, nada, jack sh 1 t, sweet FA etc. to do with money but yet you (and a few others) still want to believe Shovlar's nonsense.


I know where my money lies :t:

How do you know that he's a friend of Tai's ? my money is on that he's just another made up poster like yourself :D

Edited by orion
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So your happy to believe the words of as someone else put it ' the forums biggest wind up merchant '


But yet you wouldnt be happy if it was straight from Tai himself................priceless.


I personally dont care either way about this thread, however, i will say something - as much of a wind up merchant Steve is on here, i've known him for donkeys and been abroad with him over the years to enough meetings to know that he, like me, would certainly know enough people within the sport, to hear info like this. Much like the folk i know, it would be silly to name them as it would be an instant link cut regarding getting more info, and for some of them, would probably get them a rap on the knuckles.


Annoying i know not to get a name to back up Steve's comments, but such is life.


Anyway, cheers.


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How do you know that he's a friend of Tai's ? my money is on that he's just another made up poster like yourself :D


Are you and Steve Sholvlar the same poster????


What's a made up poster? Some one that posts made up? You need to learn some proper English lad! :t:


As I say again, Shovlar has gone Rogue on this topic very shortly after making his claim...there's a reason for that and that reason is because it simply isn't true.

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You know differently now so change your tune!! Or shall I out you??

Seriously what the hell are you on about?


The private conversation I had with Tais pal Dazzafl who said what he had already said on here? Clearly he couldnt wait to private message you to tell you about it. In doing so he has

proved he is completely untrustworthy.


He said nothing to change my mind. I asked him to tell me Woffindens side in confidence and he refused. To me that means nothing therefore I stand firmly behind what I have been told.


You can believe that story if you wish but I will stick to the facts. And the fact that I havent posted on this thread is because it is a stalemate. I await Woffindens press release to clear this up.

Edited by Steve Shovlar
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all i will say is that this topic is being watched and taken note of because liable now covers website forum messages as well as your IP is tracked through the website..


as i quote LAW... The role of the Moderator


As we have already acknowledged that the role of the Moderator is indeed a difficult one and in most cases they have to make a decision based on objectivity.


In law, Moderators can be held liable for any statement that appears to be defamatory because forum members are deemed to be 'authors' within the meaning under s.1(2) of the Defamation Act 1996. There is no question as to liability that an author will be liable for any defamatory statement. As for a Moderator, who has 'some element of control in publishing a defamatory statement' is likely to fall within the meaning of s.1(2) of the same Act and will therefore be held liable.


this thread is full on non fact as in held up with evidence and people who can stand up in court as that is what they know..


there have now been a few thread about Tai Woffinden which have spiraled out of control with people slating the one rider to bring us some form of glory in recent years..


This is the last post I will make on this forum.. I am a very trustworthy person as such i havent come on here saying what it is that I know.. other than what i know it isnt.. believe who you will doesnt effect me but Law is Law..


What are you banging on about now? You think Tai is going to take a forum member to court over something said in a post? Oh that would be fantastic for his public image! I'm sure he'd be happy to put the funds up for that too. Rather than release a press release explaining how he's completely innocent and these lies are nothing more than malicious fabrications, instead he'd rather pursue court action over a forum member! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Give it a rest fella.


If Tai was innocent he'd have said something by now. He's not protecting BSPA by keeping his mouth shut, he's protecting his own backside from public backlash.

Edited by BurntFaceMan
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I dont know you..Steve... Chris does..



No he doesn't. I don't have a clue who Chris4gillian is. In fact I would go as far and say noboby seems to know who he is. I have had people ask me if I know him but he seems to be an allusive charactor at Wimborne Road. Considering I know an awful lot of Poole fans it is quite suprising to say no one seems to know him at all. A couple of weeks ago when all this Gavan/christ4gillian was in full swing he invited people to google him. I did and found his facebook page. Did I recognise him? Nope. Never seen him before. Does he attend Wimborne Road every week? Or is he just a keyboard fan? He has a presence on the Poole forum but perhaps that's as far as his support goes. Or perhaps he is one of those two mascots dressed as mice.



you also told me you were one of the one of the loudest on the forum because you have to shout to be heard.. you then asked me to tell you what I know but that would then make me as bad as this person who couldnt wait to run around telling people what he has heard about what has gone on..


I asked you to tell me in confidence what you know. Considering I don't divulge my sources, as has been proved, you could have told me and it would not have gone any further. In fact if you had, and proved to me exactly what happened, I would have stated that I had been given duff info and retracted what I had been told and left it at that. As it is, you have no idea what happened and all you are doing is defending your hero.


However, more to the point, you went running along to christ 4 gillian with our PRIVATE conversation and discussed our conversation in detail. To me, a private conversation is just that. PRIVATE. You have now posted our private conversation on the forum. UNTRUSTWORTHY.


This proves to me me your posts are not to be trusted.


as i have stated NO ONE knows exactly what has gone on other than the BSPA and Tai everyone else will be going off a chinese whisper which as we know grows and grows as people add more for effect..


But you have said on numerous occassions you do know. Now you don't? Sorry lets go over that again. You don't know what happened.




you started off your comments to me about asking Tai to do a press day for charity where its a Q&A which as i am well aware as is anyone who thought of that will put Tai into a position to potentially answer those questions which i am sure the BSPA have said to keep quiet.. we all know Tai and if he had anything else to be said he would have said it by now.



So if anyone asked, he could use the good ol'e 'no comment'.


all i will say is that this topic is being watched and taken note of because liable now covers website forum messages as well as your IP is tracked through the website..




as i quote LAW... The role of the Moderator

As we have already acknowledged that the role of the Moderator is indeed a difficult one and in most cases they have to make a decision based on objectivity.

In law, Moderators can be held liable for any statement that appears to be defamatory because forum members are deemed to be 'authors' within the meaning under s.1(2) of the Defamation Act 1996. There is no question as to liability that an author will be liable for any defamatory statement. As for a Moderator, who has 'some element of control in publishing a defamatory statement' is likely to fall within the meaning of s.1(2) of the same Act and will therefore be held liable.


this thread is full on non fact as in held up with evidence and people who can stand up in court as that is what they know..


there have now been a few thread about Tai Woffinden which have spiraled out of control with people slating the one rider to bring us some form of glory in recent years..


No one had made any "liable" (sic) comments about Tai Woffinden. We are debating his reasons for walking out of teamgb, nothing more.


This is the last post I will make on this forum.. I am a very trustworthy person as such i havent come on here saying what it is that I know.. other than what i know it isnt.. believe who you will doesnt effect me but Law is Law..

You are a trustworthy person? Don't make me laugh. You have divulged a private conversation to christ 4 gillian, and then reposted the same conversation on here. Who would trust you and a word you say?


Completely UNTRUSTWORTHY. No wonder Tai Woffinden told you to stop posting on here. (Your words not mine)

Edited by Steve Shovlar
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No he doesn't. I don't have a clue who Chris4gillian is. In fact I would go as far and say noboby seems to know who he is. I have had people ask me if I know him but he seems to be an allusive charactor at Wimborne Road. Considering I know an awful lot of Poole fans it is quite suprising to say no one seems to know him at all. A couple of weeks ago when all this Gavan/christ4gillian was in full swing he invited people to google him. I did and found his facebook page. Did I recognise him? Nope. Never seen him before. Does he attend Wimborne Road every week? Or is he just a keyboard fan? He has a presence on the Poole forum but perhaps that's as far as his support goes. Or perhaps he is one of those two mascots dressed as mice.




I thought he was sat behind you a few weeks ago..

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I find some peoples views very entertaining.


Steve Shovlar , well known as the biggest troll on the forum puts out a statement as to why Tai has quit GB. He refuses to name his source which is nice and convenient , yet some people believe him.


I state my source where i got my information from, admittedly passed down through 3 different people and could be wrong, and people are still believing Shovlar!!


Name names Shovlar or the things you are saying will be passed off as total bull as usual


Right let's try and get some truths out there.


As a neutral, I don't know any of you and don't know Steve Shovlar. To me his posts are as valid as anyone even your own even though I do disagree with more your posts than his but that doesn't matter in this case.


Had you typed out exactly what Steve had said in his post as descriptive as it was instead of saying 'No' or 'Prove It', then I would have believed you.


I don't care for the poster or the source, I am clearly looking at the post and was it plausible. The fact is that Tai does obviously not want to bring this into the open and did he not mention about not getting 'mugged' off no more. Than this story sort of fits if I was an average detective.


But it's worth taking several things into account here:


1) Usually, 'sources' and chinese whispers do end up the with the real story being slightly altered or even quite a bit altered but I am still willing to bet about 50% of the story being true due to it being very plausible until Tai himself releases anything which he doesn't have to do as it's none of anyone's business.


2) I don't understand what is wrong with keeping this a secret if this is close to the story. The same three people of Gavan, chris4gillian and Bwitcher stick up for Tai regardless but does asking for a bigger percentage and being paid by the point just like in league racing, so much of an issue to say 'he is in a bad light'.

Personally, I think there is nothing wrong and to be fair he is the World Champion and he is a clear level above the British riders. Now whilst it may have always been this way with percentages in the past this clearly needs reviewing as one rider is clearly carrying the team. I think if the BSPA could drop the old rule and negotiate to a points percentage etc, I think Tai could ride again. This is why the reason is quite plausible.


3)If this story is completely false what else could it be why a rider who has happily represented his team leave and I don't buy this Aussie rubbish.Wasn't the statement 'mugged' off used (apologies if this was not stated)? The possibility is that Tai obviously asked for a demand of some kind that the BSPA would not issue. If it isn't financial, then would we be coming back to the why Scott Nicholls, Rob Lyon and others are not happy with the effort being made in someway by the BSPA. Now the year before, Tai stated on TV that he really wanted to talk to the BSPA immediately now after the 2015 W.C and stated he was eager to really work with them and stated things needed improvement he would consider leaving. Now improvements must have been made as Tai was more than happy as even was Scott Nicholls to offer his services to the 2016 W.C squad so that was great news for the fans. Now obviously Tai has thought he could try again, but this time been knocked back so this isn't the first time he had threatened to leave the squad. The problem is, having threatened and won before, it was sooner or later that he would threaten leaving again and even if whatever had been agreed to he may have threatened in the future with another demand and probably walked away.


Regardless of all this, I really like his passion, drive and you cannot question his heart and to be honest for example if I sold 16 caravans and a work colleague sold 1 and I was getting paid the same money and no commision, I would be peeved off too and I don't blame Tai at all if this is true. I would rightly ask for commission.


Anyway like I said, I am just pointing out the plausibility of the situation and what was said and what wasn't said and if I have said anything incorrect, I apologise but this is only what I have read or seen.



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The frustrating thing is, I am not anti Tai Woffinden at all. He is a fantastic rider. But by christ his PR skills are the worst possible for a professional sportsman.

Steve, trying to send you a message but cannot do so ?

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Two very long posts from dazzafl and Joe Beevers, one a load of baloney and the other a reasonably argued statement.


If what Steve Shovlar has said about private convos being discussed is correct, and I have no reason to doubt him I agree that dazzafl hardly shows himself to be trustworthy.


Joe Beevers on the other hand talks an awful lot of sense.

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Seriously what the hell are you on about?


The private conversation I had with Tais pal Dazzafl who said what he had already said on here? Clearly he couldnt wait to private message you to tell you about it. In doing so he has

proved he is completely untrustworthy.


He said nothing to change my mind. I asked him to tell me Woffindens side in confidence and he refused. To me that means nothing therefore I stand firmly behind what I have been told.


You can believe that story if you wish but I will stick to the facts. And the fact that I havent posted on this thread is because it is a stalemate. I await Woffindens press release to clear this up.




I had no idea you had a conversation with dazzafl!! I have called you out to be the contradictory wind up merchant that you are. That is all.

No he doesn't. I don't have a clue who Chris4gillian is. In fact I would go as far and say noboby seems to know who he is. I have had people ask me if I know him but he seems to be an allusive charactor at Wimborne Road. Considering I know an awful lot of Poole fans it is quite suprising to say no one seems to know him at all. A couple of weeks ago when all this Gavan/christ4gillian was in full swing he invited people to google him. I did and found his facebook page. Did I recognise him? Nope. Never seen him before. Does he attend Wimborne Road every week? Or is he just a keyboard fan? He has a presence on the Poole forum but perhaps that's as far as his support goes. Or perhaps he is one of those two mascots dressed as mice.


I asked you to tell me in confidence what you know. Considering I don't divulge my sources, as has been proved, you could have told me and it would not have gone any further. In fact if you had, and proved to me exactly what happened, I would have stated that I had been given duff info and retracted what I had been told and left it at that. As it is, you have no idea what happened and all you are doing is defending your hero.


However, more to the point, you went running along to christ 4 gillian with our PRIVATE conversation and discussed our conversation in detail. To me, a private conversation is just that. PRIVATE. You have now posted our private conversation on the forum. UNTRUSTWORTHY.


This proves to me me your posts are not to be trusted.


But you have said on numerous occassions you do know. Now you don't? Sorry lets go over that again. You don't know what happened.




So if anyone asked, he could use the good ol'e 'no comment'.


No one had made any "liable" (sic) comments about Tai Woffinden. We are debating his reasons for walking out of teamgb, nothing more.


You are a trustworthy person? Don't make me laugh. You have divulged a private conversation to christ 4 gillian, and then reposted the same conversation on here. Who would trust you and a word you say?


Completely UNTRUSTWORTHY. No wonder Tai Woffinden told you to stop posting on here. (Your words not mine)



WRONG AGAIN!! Where do you get this stuff from?

I thought he was sat behind you a few weeks ago..


I stand between bends 1 and 2, never sit in the stands.


Who did you think I was? :D

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Maybe you should do a selfie next time you are at Poole :D


LOL!! To be fair I've not been very often this season, work has been a bit of a bitch and many of the meetings I did plan on attending have had poor forecasts which put me off as I've had plenty of wasted journeys from Southampton over the years!

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I had no idea you had a conversation with dazzafl!! I have called you out to be the contradictory wind up merchant that you are. That is all.



Oh dear another lie.

You know differently now so change your tune!! Or shall I out you??

So how would You know I would know differently? Without you knowing I talked to Dazzafl?


There's a saying. When you are up to your neck in it, stop digging.


You clearly DID receive messages from Dazzafl, the thing is, to cover the lie, both parties of the lie need to say the same thing or your lie is blown apart. Perhaps you had no conversation but contact you about our conversation he most certainly did.


Dazzafl is no more than a fan boy who has met his hero on a few occassions. And you have fallen hook, line and sinker to his rumourings, taking them as gospel.

LOL!! To be fair I've not been very often this season, work has been a bit of a bitch and many of the meetings I did plan on attending have had poor forecasts which put me off as I've had plenty of wasted journeys from Southampton over the years!

Yep. As I expected. Keyboard warrior who watches the updates.

Edited by Steve Shovlar
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Oh dear another lie.


So how would You know I would know differently? Without you knowing I talked to Dazzafl?


There's a saying. When you are up to your neck in it, stop digging.


You clearly DID receive messages from Dazzafl, the thing is, to cover the lie, both parties of the lie need to say the same thing or your lie is blown apart. Perhaps you had no conversation but contact you about our conversation he most certainly did.


Dazzafl is no more than a fan boy who has met his hero on a few occassions. And you have fallen hook, line and sinker to his rumourings, taking them as gospel.


Yep. As I expected. Keyboard warrior who watches the updates.


Yep, you just can't help yourself can you. Utter, utter bollox yet again. Your spade is the size of Everest!!!


I know you knew differently the second your posts ceased because you post to wind up folk. I've been reading you do it for years on here, even though I've not posted until recent times. That's your main purpose whether you will admit it or not. I never believed that money entered Tai's decision to not ride for Team GB from the very moment you mentioned it as all you do is post for reaction. dazzafl has posted a different opinion to yours and has openly stated he is a personal friend of Tai's. He does NOT have a history of talking bull and winding folk up. You do. That's the basis of my postings, but you'll carry on with your diabolical tirade stating something you have no idea about is true as that's what you ALWAYS do and have done for years.


I do believe dazzafl knows Tai whether you want to believe it or not and I've made that opinion from reading his posts. You're the fan boy who wants us all to believe you have huge knowledge and know 'many' speedway folk up and down the country when you're nothing more than a terrace supporter like most of us on here.


Yes I have traded PM's with dazzafl but they have been to discuss things about Tai and speedway in general. If you think we discuss anything to do with you then you really are up yourself. NEWSFLASH: Speedway and Poole do not resolve around you so FFS get that into your noggin!


And your last comment really does show you up for the incompetent fool you are. I have a full and happy life which includes a busy work schedule and a family. That more often than not takes president over a rush hour journey to Poole from Southampton more often than not and if the weather is iffy then I (and my father who has been attending Poole (and speedway in general) far longer than you so has far in abundance the knowledge you claim to have) don't travel. It's that simple. So if that makes me a keyboard warrior in your eyes I couldn't give a rats butt!


I look forward to your nonsensical (and probably utterly comical) response as you won't be able to contain yourself :rofl:

Yep. Two peas in a pod.


Because we both have the same opinion about you! :t:

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Yep, you just can't help yourself can you. Utter, utter bollox yet again. Your spade is the size of Everest!!!


I know you knew differently the second your posts ceased because you post to wind up folk. I've been reading you do it for years on here, even though I've not posted until recent times. That's your main purpose whether you will admit it or not. I never believed that money entered Tai's decision to not ride for Team GB from the very moment you mentioned it as all you do is post for reaction. dazzafl has posted a different opinion to yours and has openly stated he is a personal friend of Tai's. He does NOT have a history of talking bull and winding folk up. You do. That's the basis of my postings, but you'll carry on with your diabolical tirade stating something you have no idea about is true as that's what you ALWAYS do and have done for years.


I do believe dazzafl knows Tai whether you want to believe it or not and I've made that opinion from reading his posts. You're the fan boy who wants us all to believe you have huge knowledge and know 'many' speedway folk up and down the country when you're nothing more than a terrace supporter like most of us on here.


Yes I have traded PM's with dazzafl but they have been to discuss things about Tai and speedway in general. If you think we discuss anything to do with you then you really are up yourself. NEWSFLASH: Speedway and Poole do not resolve around you so FFS get that into your noggin!


And your last comment really does show you up for the incompetent fool you are. I have a full and happy life which includes a busy work schedule and a family. That more often than not takes president over a rush hour journey to Poole from Southampton more often than not and if the weather is iffy then I (and my father who has been attending Poole (and speedway in general) far longer than you so has far in abundance the knowledge you claim to have) don't travel. It's that simple. So if that makes me a keyboard warrior in your eyes I couldn't give a rats butt!


I look forward to your nonsensical (and probably utterly comical) response as you won't be able to contain yourself :rofl:


Because we both have the same opinion about you! :t:

And we have the same opinion about you.

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