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Tai Quits Team Gb

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I said when I posted about it I couldn't divulge my source so therefore its up to you to believe it, or not.


I am not in the habit of making up stories and if I thought I was being strung along with a load of balony I wouldn't have posted it.


And yes, from what I can gather there were other issues as well, including pizza gate and team attire. And there could certainly be other issues I am not privvy to.

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So because Steve Shovlar tells us it has to be correct.


For me the jury is still out and we are none the wiser as to what happened or has happened.


Steve says he has it from reliable source but won't reveal his source.


That means one of two things.


(1) His source has told him in good faith, but does not want to be public associated, in which no matter how much Steve wants or feels that we should be told he should not reveal it on a public forum.


(2) He is telling stories.


I suppose it depends who or what you want to believe, but for me we still have not got to the bottom of whole episode.

it come mean a lot more of things ...like 3 he was told in good faith but does not let down his source by giving his name out ..I know for sure that Steve was right about the pizza and what the team was wearing so he/s normally near the mark /.


if It's true I am not sure if Tai if is right or wrong wanted more money for scoring more points seeing you do for league racing

Edited by orion
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I said when I posted about it I couldn't divulge my source so therefore its up to you to believe it, or not.


I am not in the habit of making up stories and if I thought I was being strung along with a load of balony I wouldn't have posted it.


And yes, from what I can gather there were other issues as well, including pizza gate and team attire. And there could certainly be other issues I am not privvy to.

Not saying that you are telling stories or not.


But I do feel that if your source does not want be revealed then it should not come into the public forum.


I have been told things in the past but unless I have been told by a source that I can quote them I have never ever gone on a public forum to reveal what has been said.



And of course because I have never met you I will have a tendency to be sceptical as to what you say, as I am sure you would be if the boot was on the other foot.

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Not saying that you are telling stories or not.


But I do feel that if your source does not want be revealed then it should not come into the public forum.

Why not ? who made you the rule maker on what people can and should do ....people can put rumors up and people can then decide how true they think they are as long as not to personal of course

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Not saying that you are telling stories or not.


But I do feel that if your source does not want be revealed then it should not come into the public forum.


Why should Steve been telling stories, he does know a lot of people. Why should it not come on the forum providing Steve does not divulge his sourse whats the problem ?

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Why not ? who made you the rule maker on what people can and should do ....people can put rumors up and people can then decide how true they think they are as long as not to personal of course

Never claim to be a rule maker, just my opinion which I think that you will agree I am entitled to make if I want to.


As you are entitled not agree with what I have to say its all about difference of opinions.

Edited by spin king
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this is now getting beyond a joke.. i understand everyone has a different view..


but is there really any need to be name calling.. you all sound like children in a play ground..


grow up people understand everyone can and will have a different view than yours and it is futile trying to get someone to waive their view for you.. sensible debate has gone out of the window recently with any post about Tai..


someone posted Tai doesnt care about what people think.. and i can tell you.. you are bang on right people out there love him see him on Monday with all his fans taking selfies and signing autographs the people out there love him.. you guys might not but he is concerned over the people who go to see him ride his bike and you know what he will continue to do it no matter what you guys on here say about him as he said for every single person who slates him he has thousands who love him..


rant over.. again another Tai thread that has turned stupid.

Amazing how these threads on Tai Woffinden turn stupid in your opinion when he starts getting stick,.it seems to happen eventually on every Tai Woffinden thread, although according to some he doesn't divide opinion. The only thing more predictable on these threads than Robert72 criticising Tai Woffinden is you defending him, you are both as bad as each other. If Steve Shovlar is correct with his source then I'm not surprised Tai is hiding in the shadows, not much of a team man if his demands are correct. And before you label me a hater I was there in Gorzow this weekend with my 8 foot Tai Woffinden which he kindly acknowledged. This does not blinker my view that I think he makes incorrect decisions from time to time and I wont defend him relentlessly like yourself , mainly because he's your mate and for no other reason.

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It's funny. Even the payment issue seems to divide opinion.


Some think being paid per point is fair. Some think expecting a larger percentage is greedy.


Let's face it. No way is everybody going to agree.

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Dazafl, as you know Tai can you please ask him to make a statement to clear up any speculation. Surely he wants everyone on his side and not be bad mouthed.


A simple few words putting forward his case on his issues would suffice. What are his gripes? I certainly don't think it is asking much. He is a sportsman so different rules apply to people with normal jobs. His fans want to know, and it could put the doubters minds to rest.


Give him a call and lets hear his reasoning.

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The reason Woffinden hasn't mentioned the reason why he has quit teamgb is because it might not make him look very good.


I was told the exact reason on Monday from a reliable source who I will not disclose, so some on here will not want to believe this and it is their perogative.


Woffinden was very unhappy with only receiving 25% of the prize money TeamGB won for coming second. The prize money has always been split evenly betwen the riders. They ride as a team, and get the rewards as a team. But Woffinden wanted nearly 60% of the prize money, with the other 40% devided up between the other three riders. His argument was that he had scored 19 points, therefore he was entitled to a percentage equivelent to that out of 32 points. (Just short of 60%)


He was told that was not how it was done, and that all riders get the same, but he wouldn't have it.


So there you go.


There are plenty of peole who think I am a dick. Water off a dicks back. I don't know Hagonshocker any more than I know you.

IF, and I say IF that is the right reason for all of this then Tai, in my opinion, is wrong in this instance. The SWC Team were exactly that - a TEAM. Of course the money should have been shared out equally between all of the Riders.


I am not totally convinced of the veracity of this though. Perhaps the whole story will become public knowledge eventually................

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Dazafl, as you know Tai can you please ask him to make a statement to clear up any speculation. Surely he wants everyone on his side and not be bad mouthed.


A simple few words putting forward his case on his issues would suffice. What are his gripes? I certainly don't think it is asking much. He is a sportsman so different rules apply to people with normal jobs. His fans want to know, and it could put the doubters minds to rest.


Give him a call and lets hear his reasoning.

I will agree with you one this matter, Tai's explanation was far to vague and it would be nice for Tai and the BSPA give fans a statement to say why and how far apart they are from coming to an agreement on how best to move things forward.

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Probably because he is the best Speedway Rider THIS COUNTRY has produced in many years. He represents the Sport and Great Britain mostly very well. He cocks up from time to time - who doesn't?


As far as which Meetings he rides - that is surely up to him. As long as he is winning World Championships for Great Britain - "frankly orion I couldn't give a damn".


(to paraphrase Rhett Butler).

Strong words for someone who " Couldn't give a damn "

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Strong words for someone who " Couldn't give a damn "

I would like you to quote where I said that, and on what subject please.


You may be right - but I don't remember saying that, nor the context.

Edited by The White Knight
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