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Tai Quits Team Gb

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When I heard Woffinden say to someone "I'll stick to being a pom, it's where the money is", I lost respect for him. I fully accept that this was something like 8/9 years ago and he's probably a much changed man, but it still makes me doubt all the "I love Team GB" stuff. I don't think it makes any difference now anyway, he's had the sponsors and benefits of being a young Brit and he is now THE top. He doesn't need GB or what comes with it anymore, it's too late for anyone to bother.

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When I heard Woffinden say to someone "I'll stick to being a pom, it's where the money is", I lost respect for him. I fully accept that this was something like 8/9 years ago and he's probably a much changed man, but it still makes me doubt all the "I love Team GB" stuff. I don't think it makes any difference now anyway, he's had the sponsors and benefits of being a young Brit and he is now THE top. He doesn't need GB or what comes with it anymore, it's too late for anyone to bother.

Oops .....

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I find it sad this is still even being debated. he's ridden for GB since 2008, never EVER let the team down. The year after winning the World Championship he promoted the sport in Britain like crazy. This year at the world cup he was faultless. As a rider, a captain and fan favorite he didn't put a foot wrong. I'm baffled people are still giving him stick.

Yes he quit the EL but so have many others. Yes he's quit Team GB, but so did Lee Rico god bless him, Scotty Nic, even Bomber threatened to in the past. Yes he seems to be closer friends with the Aussie lads then the British lads, but that it's not his fault that Holder, Ward, Doyle, Batch etc were close in standard, age, popular culture to him than the British boys. And yes, he may not say stuff to everyone's liking but who in the public eye does? I happen to think for a kid who left school at 16 he's pretty eloquent and speaks well MOST of the time.

I'm not saying the guy is perfect and last year in Melbourne signing the Aus anthem and not GB anthem was not a great move. Part of me thinks he was on the wind up to those who are constantly have a dig at him. However, I for one would rather think of him as the son a British Parents, born in Scunny, seen wearing and England football shirt as a kid in Life of Tai, came here at 16 with FA dough, rode his balls off everywhere he went. Raised 100's of Thousands of pounds for BRITISH charity's and most importantly has given 100% every time he's ridden wearing the Union Jack. Everythign pretty academic to me.

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I find it sad this is still even being debated. he's ridden for GB since 2008, never EVER let the team down. The year after winning the World Championship he promoted the sport in Britain like crazy. This year at the world cup he was faultless. As a rider, a captain and fan favorite he didn't put a foot wrong. I'm baffled people are still giving him stick.

Yes he quit the EL but so have many others. Yes he's quit Team GB, but so did Lee Rico god bless him, Scotty Nic, even Bomber threatened to in the past. Yes he seems to be closer friends with the Aussie lads then the British lads, but that it's not his fault that Holder, Ward, Doyle, Batch etc were close in standard, age, popular culture to him than the British boys. And yes, he may not say stuff to everyone's liking but who in the public eye does? I happen to think for a kid who left school at 16 he's pretty eloquent and speaks well MOST of the time.

I'm not saying the guy is perfect and last year in Melbourne signing the Aus anthem and not GB anthem was not a great move. Part of me thinks he was on the wind up to those who are constantly have a dig at him. However, I for one would rather think of him as the son a British Parents, born in Scunny, seen wearing and England football shirt as a kid in Life of Tai, came here at 16 with FA dough, rode his balls off everywhere he went. Raised 100's of Thousands of pounds for BRITISH charity's and most importantly has given 100% every time he's ridden wearing the Union Jack. Everythign pretty academic to me.

So your amazed that a so called brit get stick for quiting teamGB quiting the British Final and quiting his own league ....not sure how your baffled .

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So your amazed that a so called brit get stick for quiting teamGB quiting the British Final and quiting his own league ....not sure how your baffled .

your as boring as Robert72. He NEVER quit the British Final can't understand why still certain people don't get that guess it's easier to say he did than acknowledge the truth. Let's see how many gp boys ride over here next year. At a guess I would say 3 or 4 tops. And if it baffles you as to why he quit team gb then again your lack of knowledge shows. Did you have a pop at Cox, Smith, Wigg, Loram, Nicholls, Richardson when they missed finals or rode for different flags or quit the national side???
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your as boring as Robert72. He NEVER quit the British Final can't understand why still certain people don't get that guess it's easier to say he did than acknowledge the truth. Let's see how many gp boys ride over here next year. At a guess I would say 3 or 4 tops. And if it baffles you as to why he quit team gb then again your lack of knowledge shows. Did you have a pop at Cox, Smith, Wigg, Loram, Nicholls, Richardson when they missed finals or rode for different flags or quit the national side???

Well first all tell us all why he quit team gb ..because as of yet he has giving us no reason why he not riding for team gb ...I am sure all us on this forum would like to no the reasons and how you found out about them ...and yes I have and will have a pop at any rider who quits his own league own final and own league and his home nation ...why do you ask ?

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He has valid reasons for all of the above. As did the other riders mentioned/. You just refuse to even acknowledge them.

As of yet we have no reasons why he's not riding for Team Gb so not how it's a valid reason if no one knows ...as I said it's opinions and you have yours but not sure why your amazed why he get's stick .

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As of yet we have no reasons why he's not riding for Team Gb so not how it's a valid reason if no one knows ...as I said it's opinions and you have yours but not sure why your amazed why he get's stick .

Probably because he is the best Speedway Rider THIS COUNTRY has produced in many years. He represents the Sport and Great Britain mostly very well. He cocks up from time to time - who doesn't?


As far as which Meetings he rides - that is surely up to him. As long as he is winning World Championships for Great Britain - "frankly orion I couldn't give a damn".


(to paraphrase Rhett Butler).

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Probably because he is the best Speedway Rider THIS COUNTRY has produced in many years. He represents the Sport and Great Britain mostly very well. He cocks up from time to time - who doesn't?


As far as which Meetings he rides - that is surely up to him. As long as he is winning World Championships for Great Britain - "frankly orion I couldn't give a damn".


(to paraphrase Rhett Butler).

Yet again it's a matter opinion that he respresents Great Britain well as we seen by the many comments this topic .. to me .he spends most of his times these not trying to represent Great Britain these ..but as said it's all opinions

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Yet again it's a matter opinion that he respresents Great Britain well as we seen by the many comments this topic .. to me .he spends most of his times these not trying to represent Great Britain these ..but as said it's all opinions

There's no way you could have seen the world cup.


I cannot believe this is still going.. lol

hahaha I know.

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I'm ending my involvement in this topic now as some refuse to accept the facts so it's a waste of time posting any further.

i stopped a while back when a couple of fools accused me and chris4gillian of being the same people.


Its quite sad that its the same couple of people banging on about Tai trying desperatly to prove a point that just isnt there.


Whats funnier is that some of them still believe Tai snubbed the British Final!!!! To dense to even read up on things.


Oh well when the other gp boys leave the elite league, Holder , Zagar, Iversen then they may get into their little heads that none of the gp boys want to ride over here

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I cannot believe this is still going.. lol


The person to blame for that is Woffinden in all honesty, if his statements were more definitive there wouldn’t be the need for it to be going.


That and those who tend to defend him generally make up a load of gibberish and attempt to position it as “fact” or drag weirdly mention other riders as if it somehow justifies the actions of Woffinden.

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Please read what I wrote couple of pages back.


Even as someone that quite likes Woffinden I find a lot of your post to be whatabouttery in all honesty.


His charity work is admirable, but it is charity work, something he has chosen to do of his own volition – it doesn’t link or connect to this particular decision, attempting to position it in a way that it does is just as loathsome as Robert72 using it in the opposite direction IMO. Charity work should be put to one side and judged and assessed in isolation for what it is, as I say, admirable - it isn’t a way of scoring brownie points to win/loose other debates, they aren’t binary things.


The idea that people think Woffindens actions haven’t irked fans and should be ignored is nonsensical and to state his actions might be a way of winding up those who have a dig at him does him no favours (and shouldn’t be said on his behalf without genuine reasons).


I like him, I am a fan but to be honest I can see why singing the anthem of other countries, walking away from the National Team and leaving a trail of moonbeams and mystical tweets sort of grinds. People are allowed to talk about these things, to continually dismiss that and attempt to stamp on those who do does come across slightly sycophantic and handwringerish….more so when it is being said on a forum where the entire basis of it is literally to discuss things.


And the general reason people talk about it and are p*ssed off by it is because people care more about Team GB than they do Woffinden, and there hasn’t been tangible or logical reasons for people to change that stance based on this decision - which has led to the frustration and feeling that Woffinden has turned his back on them (the fans) and not the BSPA as some are trying to portray, and that is for the most part down to really poor public relations.

Edited by The Mockingjay
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I will admit I'm a fan and therefore stick up for him, but I still say the good outweighs the bad. As a fan all I want to see is him perform well. Him not riding in the BF final and sending out a few silly Tweets is far less annoying then when I used to watch (or even worse spend good money going to) GPs/World Cups and see the GB boys running terrible score after terrible score and blaming set up, track conditions, the weather, the time of the month or whatever else they could on another dismal performance...

Anyway I will resist from commenting any more on the subject..

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Probably because he is the best Speedway Rider THIS COUNTRY has produced in many years.

Better than Loram, Jessup, Lee, Carter, Collins, Craven, and others before my time??


He may have far better machinery at his disposal, but I doubt he's half the RIDER those named above were, or even others such as Wigg, Tatum, John Louis, both Boococks . . .

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