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Tai Quits Team Gb

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As I said try reading I did not say the Wolves riders didn't want him there.


Resorted to name calling again just because someone has a differing viewpoint to yourself. Didn't take long did it.

lol you tell me to try reading!


I wasnt calling you a name just the pathetic fool who thinks 2 of us are the same person


I wonder how much it did for the self esteem of the other six Wolves riders.


Not blaming Woffinden for this, but the Wolves promotion should be ashamed of themselves. Those six riders have got the team to challenge for the play offs and now it appears they are just by-standers.

your original post.


Surely if the other 6 riders now have low self esteem due to Tai riding there, then doesnt that mean they dont want him????


I know if i had someone new at my work and they made me feel low with poor self esteem i would struggle to do my job properly and maybe leave.


Im still unsure what you mean then if you think the riders want him there but it will lower their self esteem???

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I wonder how much it did for the self esteem of the other six Wolves riders.


Not blaming Woffinden for this, but the Wolves promotion should be ashamed of themselves. Those six riders have got the team to challenge for the play offs and now it appears they are just by-standers.


You do post some guff regarding Woffinden.


It's a tough day for Woffy bashers, they were hoping Woffinden was going to come back and just go through the motions.. instead he put himself on the line, battled hard from the back and took some big risks.

Edited by BWitcher
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You do post some guff regarding Woffinden.

It's a tough day for Woffy bashers, they were hoping Woffinden was going to come back and just go through the motions.. instead he put himself on the line, battled hard from the back and took some big risks.



Edited after BWitchers edit.


Never thought he would go thro the motions, he's a racer. Yes he battled and took risks. That never was the issue for me. Simply the emphasis that Sky and Pearson put on his return.


Nice to debate without hysterics can you give some others lessons :wink:

Edited by Star Lady
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Edited after BWitchers edit.


Never thought he would go thro the motions, he's a racer. Yes he battled and took risks. That never was the issue for me. Simply the emphasis that Sky and Pearson put on his return.


Nice to debate without hysterics can you give some others lessons :wink:


The second point is more a general reference, not specifically aimed at you.


However, the hysterics is your first post, which is ridiculous.


Woffinden is the World Champion so of course he is going to get all the attention. Every other Wolves rider knows that.


Just the same as Michael Phelps gets most of the attention when the USA wins a relay gold... or Gareth Bale gets most of the attention when Wales were winning at Euro 2016.

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Wow you do have some weird views. as i said you dont think the Wolves guys want him there lol


last night the 2x British World Champion had his first ride back in the league of course they will show that , guess what it kinds of helps to promote the sport!


Swindons team consists of 7 riders but 1 of them is the main drawcard and points scorer same at Wolves.


Im afraid you couldnt be more wrong in the way you think.


Tais return is detrimantal to the morale of the other Wolves riders.............sorry im hurting


lol you keep going buddy


you making yourself look quite the t0sser really.......takes some doing.

No, just you. Looking in the mirror again! :D Really quite an aggressive poster aren't you? Maybe purchase a stress ball or something.
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what are you wittering on about? Im sure the Wolves boys are more than happy that they have had the team strengthened and have a better chance of winning the league.


Tai and Thorssell are great mates , same with Howarth and possibly Tai riding inspired Clegg as well.


You do post some strange stuff when trying to bash Tai

Clegg's been riding well for weeks . Keep Up

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Oh right so as your profile says your from Southampton ill take that as gospel shall i?


Its clear your both the same person. As many people have already said.


As far as I'm aware only two have said it....yourself and Orion and you both look like :icon_smile_clown: 's And before you start, that is an acceptable term on this forum and a term I've never seen Gavan use - he prefers to use stronger (and justified in many cases, not always though to be fair) terms.

due to having to finish off making a couple of tunes i was stuck in my studio last night instead of watching the meeting..


but i hear the crowd was really a bumper crowd much bigger than usual..


and i guess where ever wolves go now the crowd will be increased so its all good really and i am sure wolves having a bumper crowd more than paid Tai's wages.


this is all part of speedway and any sport in fact any manager will assemble the best side to give him the best chance to win a title and any rider although it must be gutting should realise that this can and will happen once or twice in their career.. dont make a fuss about it and i am sure you will be welcomed back given the chance..


all this Tai bashing is no good.. people will always hate but i know he isnt bothered forr every one of you there are thousands who love him.. you cant please everyone all the time..


I've repeatedly said the same.

Edited by chris4gillian
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You do post some guff regarding Woffinden.


It's a tough day for Woffy bashers, they were hoping Woffinden was going to come back and just go through the motions.. instead he put himself on the line, battled hard from the back and took some big risks.


Careful BWitcher, Pinny will think there's 3 of us! :rofl:


sorry i dont was us being accused of being the same person.. haha


Now there's 4!! :D:lol::rofl:

Edited by chris4gillian
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all 4 of us are the only fans of Tai..


blimey we made a lot of noise at the British GP didnt we.. haha :t:

Depends what you mean by fan? Im not prepared to say the sun shines out his ass like you lot. He hasnt covered himself in glory at all lately with his PR. I consider myself a big fan of Tai but i wont brown nose him for the sake of it.

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"Woffinden does nothing for British speedway"


Sky show Woffinden's races even though it's not the live meeting.


"Why are Sky showing Woffinden's races?!"


Maybe because he's a British 2 time and current world champion and highlighting the fact that he is, and that's he riding in this country right now, might, might, just get a few more people to go along....

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Depends what you mean by fan? Im not prepared to say the sun shines out his ass like you lot. He hasnt covered himself in glory at all lately with his PR. I consider myself a big fan of Tai but i wont brown nose him for the sake of it.

That's how I feel. I was a fan of Tai, I respect him for his charity work and love his racing. But that does not mean we should blindly support him. I don't agree with him turning his back on British Speedway and dropping/using us at the drop of a hat. Thick or thin, stick behind us and try and change things from within.

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agreed on that.. but hell it is just him.. got to admire the guy for that.. hate celebs that are all polished never say the wrong thing..


they are all human and need to be regarded as that.. and that it is him..



Tai has riden for himself and where he needs to grow and and develop he doesnt get paid to keep people happy he get paid by winning and you need to do what you need to do to get there.


the recent thing about not riding for team GB no one knows the reasons 100% guarnteed its all hear say and conjecture..


i wont try and make people like him much like Tai wont either.. love him or hate him he is the best rider GB has and has a lot of things he would love to implement that will help youngsters in the sport.. he should be taken seriously but the BSPA are only in it for themselves..


if you hate him crack on but dont sit there telling us we are brown noses.. without supporters this sport may as well fade away.. and that is what we are doing and that is supporting a rider who has brought glory to these shores not once but twice and more to come.

This is the problem you have just dismissed teo fans of Tai who currently feel disillusioned by his recent comments and actions. I still consider myself a massive fan and a desperate for him to win a 3rd world title but hes latest PR has been a disaster. Im sure the BSPA have been a nightmare to work with but we have no idea what his demands were so how do we know if they were reasonable?

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PR is always a nightmare... either you get no information or you get a polished version which is never close to the truth either..


either way continue to support him and all will come good..


the main thing is what business is it of ous what the demands were ?? the fact is Tai has had enough.. thats it.. we can continue to guess and continue this silly arguement or get back to supporting Tai to win another world title.. i choose the later

It matters because its the reason he has turned his back on Team GB as a fan im dissapointed and would like to know why he has walked away at the moment it appears like toy chucking. Its easy to say the wont meet demandsxof what Tai wants but we have no idea what they are

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I wonder how much it did for the self esteem of the other six Wolves riders.


Not blaming Woffinden for this, but the Wolves promotion should be ashamed of themselves. Those six riders have got the team to challenge for the play offs and now it appears they are just by-standers.

It's the same wolves promotor that was at the head of the BSPA for years when it started going downhill and he remains on the BSPA management board, So why did tai sign for one of the members of the awful BSPA board who make the decisions he is allegedly against if true ?


Tai rode in the NL starting out Losing money every week, Now he is a very wealthy young man he expects British speedway to pay him over the top expenses to ride for team GB after he snubbed British speedway and the British final.


Very talented but needs a good PR/Manager person to guide him.

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It's the same wolves promotor that was at the head of the BSPA for years when it started going downhill and he remains on the BSPA management board, So why did tai sign for one of the members of the awful BSPA board who make the decisions he is allegedly against if true ?


Tai rode in the NL starting out Losing money every week, Now he is a very wealthy young man he expects British speedway to pay him over the top expenses to ride for team GB after he snubbed British speedway and the British final.


Very talented but needs a good PR/Manager person to guide him.


What over the top expenses.


Tai funded his own World Cup campaign.


He was paid zero expenses.

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What over the top expenses.


Tai funded his own World Cup campaign.


He was paid zero expenses.


R72 didn't say he got any expenses, just that he 'expects over the top expenses'.


That's the problem with Tai just saying he's pulling out of riding for GB without saying why. Folk jump to conclusions, make up their own reasons, call it what you like, but you can't blame people for jumping to that sort of conclusion. Until we know the real reason that's as good a conclusion to jump to as any other.

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R72 didn't say he got any expenses, just that he 'expects over the top expenses'.


That's the problem with Tai just saying he's pulling out of riding for GB without saying why. Folk jump to conclusions, make up their own reasons, call it what you like, but you can't blame people for jumping to that sort of conclusion. Until we know the real reason that's as good a conclusion to jump to as any other.


robert72 is the biggest Tai hater on this forum so you (like many of us) should ignore anything he says with regards to Tai. He knows jack no matter what he claims.

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R72 didn't say he got any expenses, just that he 'expects over the top expenses'.


That's the problem with Tai just saying he's pulling out of riding for GB without saying why. Folk jump to conclusions, make up their own reasons, call it what you like, but you can't blame people for jumping to that sort of conclusion. Until we know the real reason that's as good a conclusion to jump to as any other.


How can Tai be expecting top expenses when he is on record and clearly stated that he did not claim expenses.


Or is Robert accusing Tai of been a liar?

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