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Tai Quits Team Gb

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So question - Has Tai's coming back to ride for Wolves till the end of the season all been cleared and given the thumbs up ? maybe this is the reason why he can't say what the reason is . Maybe he was told keep it to himself keep quiet and you can ride open your mouth and well who knows .



That crossed my mind and despite the fact I think him coming back on a near 7pt average is ridiculous if those are the rules there is no reason not to allow him to ride.


The BSPA have they said anything NO they should have by now but it will bubble along without the problem being resolved.And i believe it is not just about team GB my gripe with you is you actually KILLED off Woffinden without knowing the full story.



Why should the BSPA say anything. No one, least of all Woffinden, has said what the problem actually is so we are only assuming it's with the BSPA. No one knows the full story cos Woffinden doesn't want to tell us.



I dont really see why the BSPA have to say anything,this is Woffys gripe so it up to him


the other menber sof the team arnt complaining as far i i know


I dont like the way somethings are done in my work place but thats life,i still get up and put a shift in



Well said.

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I dont really see why the BSPA have to say anything,this is Woffys gripe so it up to him


the other menber sof the team arnt complaining as far i i know


I dont like the way somethings are done in my work place but thats life,i still get up and put a shift in

The last three lines you wrote Montie are spot on most of us can identify with that.
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OMG! Are you thick? Do you not recall yesterdays posts?


I read your posts as they are written...by some one who thinks their opinion is the only opinion permitted and that opinion is shared by all or most Poole supporters. I have picked YOU up, and ONLY you for continually making that statement because I feel it's not accurate many of the times you post it in relation to Poole speedway and it's supporters. All I have asked is for you to STOP posting that about our club and our fellow supporters as we have our own opinions and don't need a self righteous nobody to make statements on our behalf.


I have said that a number of times now but you just come back with more guff like your above post.


Gavan has nothing to do with things and he is a poster I certainly have no beef with as he, like myself, can see you for what you're trying to portray yourself to be.


Now for the love of God let things go and stop speaking on the clubs supporters behalf on here. That is all I'm asking. Blood and stone come to mind here....

Stop telling me what I can and can't do for gods sake man! Who the hell do you think you are on here?


You are NOT as far as I am aware the speedway Forum police. So stop telling me what I can or cannot post.


Can you understand that? I will post exact what I like, as long as it is within the forum rules, whether you like it or not.


Your opinion means nothing to me. Others have already picked you up for exactly the same bullying manner.

Edited by Steve Shovlar
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Really? He's bought everything on himself. Absolutely everything. There's no mitigation.


He said in a twitter rant he is quitting. Then in the press release he says he is not going to say!


So why on earth do the twitter rant


Sorry the guy might be a good rider but he comes across as a right twit on social media. You are welcome to defend him.

talking of right twits on social media then look no further than your own manager Mr Middlo!

You are completely missing the point of everything. Noboday has really defended the way Tai posted as i agree it looks awful, but proper fans are discussing the reasons not the message


sorry chris4gillian i know you are a decent fella but Middlo has at times said daft stuff on twitter. Feel free to post this so Shovlar sees lol


OMG! Are you thick? Do you not recall yesterdays posts?


I read your posts as they are written...by some one who thinks their opinion is the only opinion permitted and that opinion is shared by all or most Poole supporters. I have picked YOU up, and ONLY you for continually making that statement because I feel it's not accurate many of the times you post it in relation to Poole speedway and it's supporters. All I have asked is for you to STOP posting that about our club and our fellow supporters as we have our own opinions and don't need a self righteous nobody to make statements on our behalf.


I have said that a number of times now but you just come back with more guff like your above post.


Gavan has nothing to do with things and he is a poster I certainly have no beef with as he, like myself, can see you for what you're trying to portray yourself to be.


Now for the love of God let things go and stop speaking on the clubs supporters behalf on here. That is all I'm asking. Blood and stone come to mind here....

100% spot on. Thinks he rules not only Poole fans but is on some sort of pedastal on the forum as a whole, then blocks people who challenge him

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We can all agree to disagree on who is right and who is wrong. But the sad fact of the matter is after a Superb SWC final where Tai led the team superbly, we finished second and there was a brilliant feel good factor about it all, it's now come crumbling down. Very very sad.
Let's hope someone with some common sense can step in and get this sorted.

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We can all agree to disagree on who is right and who is wrong. But the sad fact of the matter is after a Superb SWC final where Tai led the team superbly, we finished second and there was a brilliant feel good factor about it all, it's now come crumbling down. Very very sad.

Let's hope someone with some common sense can step in and get this sorted.


the BSPA could have done that.. but seems like they dont want to improve it with Tai's help

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Without the crappy rule which not everyone agrees with would we have been second.?

So you now agree that your statement that the 6 points was false, were in fact real and according to the competition rules.

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So you now agree that your statement that the 6 points was false, were in fact real and according to the competition rules.

Of course the rule is there we all knew that but without that rule we more and likely would not of been second.Not knocking it was a great achievement my point really without Tai to build around the future looks bleak.
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Gavan and chris 4 gillian in same topic and agree mode shock lol ..jesus people know your the same person .you even insult in the same manner zźzz

Brilliant lol.


Im not called Chris and nor do i like Gillian


But in your little brain there you somehow think we are the same person bless you.


Im an Ipswich fan he supports Poole, a team that i cant stand with a promoter i despise and a manager thats a bit of a fool.

He supports Poole.


Funnily enough he doesnt seem to suffer the idiots on here even if they support his club. At Ipswich we had a forum fool called Aljack and he was blasted by fellow Ipswich supporters, in the same way that Poole fans on here dont have much time for Shovlar or Starman.


As ive said many times some Poole fans are decent he is one of them so is foreverblue and i really dont have an issue with lisa-colette or skidder despite what they think of me.


I think you need to get out more if you think we are the same person.

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In 2013 Tai Woffinden gain a GP wildcard.


That same year Tai was crowned Champion of the World.


Mocked by many that gain entry via the back door, serious misgivings about his credentials and something a 100-1 shot to win the title it is highly unlikely that he was at the time heavily sponsored.


So how did the rider come from no where to win his World title, with little backing.



What was his winning formula.


And to prove a point he won it again two years later, the first British rider to do soin modern speedway history.


Surely whether or not you like the guy or not he should be listened to and act as quickly as we possibly can.


Further along the line he lead Team GB to a silver medal in the WTC.


We have seen in the past others who have walked away from the Team GB not just Tai.


The worrying thing as far as I am concerned is if the lack ambition for National team what is next.


I can honestly see the amalgamation of the Premier League and Elite League with teams built to Premier League standard, enjoy the likes of Holder, Doyle, Zagar, Iversen and co while you can because I doubt the will be riding in this country soon.

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In 2013 Tai Woffinden gain a GP wildcard.


That same year Tai was crowned Champion of the World.


Mocked by many that gain entry via the back door, serious misgivings about his credentials and something a 100-1 shot to win the title it is highly unlikely that he was at the time heavily sponsored.


So how did the rider come from no where to win his World title, with little backing.



What was his winning formula.


And to prove a point he won it again two years later, the first British rider to do soin modern speedway history.


Surely whether or not you like the guy or not he should be listened to and act as quickly as we possibly can.


Further along the line he lead Team GB to a silver medal in the WTC.


We have seen in the past others who have walked away from the Team GB not just Tai.


The worrying thing as far as I am concerned is if the lack ambition for National team what is next.


I can honestly see the amalgamation of the Premier League and Elite League with teams built to Premier League standard, enjoy the likes of Holder, Doyle, Zagar, Iversen and co while you can because I doubt the will be riding in this country soon.

Spot on


Iversen already missing meetings, Zagar hot and cold over here as always, Jonsson missing meetings, and Holder already admitting he is riding to much.


Doyle looks like the only one who is mixing it up but if he becomes World number 2 or 3 this year, then i guess his priorities would be to win a World title and he to would drop the UK

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Wouldn't it be great to learn a few more facts before forming opinions?

Spot on opinion here and if there is room on your fence, I will sit up here with you and in the meantime wait for:


Tai Woffinden to release some more facts

The BSPA to make an official statement

Robert72 to rejoin the thread

The thread to break the world record number of posts.

Starman to tell everyone off about the amount of posts being made on this thread.

John Leslie/Darcys Onion to come on and make ridiculous five figure bets over Stevebrum vs Robert72 in a race with Tai Woffinden as the start marshall.

Gavan/chris4gillian to verbally insult more than 10 people on the world record breaking thread.

Edited by Joe Beevers
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So lets get this right you change your forum name from chris to gavan spend your whole time on the forum having a go at poole and having fights with starmann and shov .then from nowhere out comes this so called poole supporter called chris who never comments on hardly any poole subjects but somehow finds his way onto the same topics as you and has fights with starman and shov .even more amazing he somehow posts in the same angry tone lol .if your going to have other user names and least put some effort in .

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So lets get this right you change your forum name from chris to gavan spend your whole time on the forum having a go at poole and having fights with starmann and shov .then from nowhere out comes this so called poole supporter called chris who never comments on hardly any poole subjects but somehow finds his way onto the same topics as you and has fights with starman and shov .even more amazing he somehow posts in the same angry tone lol .if your going to have other user names and least put some effort in .

Actually looking at their post spacings, statements, punctuation etc like I did with John Leslie and Darcys Onion, you maybe right on this one.


Not that I care anyway but I just don't see the point.


Time to edit my post above.

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Stop telling me what I can and can't do for gods sake man! Who the hell do you think you are on here?


You are NOT as far as I am aware the speedway Forum police. So stop telling me what I can or cannot post.


Can you understand that? I will post exact what I like, as long as it is within the forum rules, whether you like it or not.


Your opinion means nothing to me. Others have already picked you up for exactly the same bullying manner.


What's your problem? All I've asked you to do is stop quoting "All Poole fans this and Most Poole fans that" as it's not correct in the context you persist in using it! That's a pretty reasonable request, however you say it's bullying :rofl: Jeez, I feel sorry for some one that has a real issue with you...then again you just block 'em because you can't take the heat.

Persisting to speak on behalf of others and making statements in which you quote "others" agree with you is not acceptable whether you like it or not, particularly as I'm in this group you constantly refer to.


Oh and if I was this 'bully' you describe surely I would have received the same treatment as your jester in crime, the Tai hater and quite possibly you yourself in previous years.


Now read the above, absorb it and have a :drink: Time to move on FFS.

He seems to think he is by the way he posts!


I highly doubt that!


I have one issue with one particular poster...so yes, I guess that makes me the Forum Police :lol::D:rofl:

Gavan and chris 4 gillian in same topic and agree mode shock lol ..jesus people know your the same person .you even insult in the same manner zźzz


Priceless and rather hilarious. Are you starman? :rofl:

So lets get this right you change your forum name from chris to gavan spend your whole time on the forum having a go at poole and having fights with starmann and shov .then from nowhere out comes this so called poole supporter called chris who never comments on hardly any poole subjects but somehow finds his way onto the same topics as you and has fights with starman and shov .even more amazing he somehow posts in the same angry tone lol .if your going to have other user names and least put some effort in .


What are you on about? I comment on practically ALL Poole threads as it's the team I've supported without wavering since I was taken to Wimborne Road by my father when I was a littlun'. I still go regularly with him (stand between bends 1 and 2 and I follow Poole around the country occasionally too, work allowing. I live near Southampton and as I've stated previously on other threads my mother used to babysit for MIddlo when he was a toddler (parents lived in Boscombe then - and Bournemouth is my home town) way before I came along. I can't be any more transparent than that. So yes, I'm Gavan :rofl::rofl::rofl:

talking of right twits on social media then look no further than your own manager Mr Middlo!

You are completely missing the point of everything. Noboday has really defended the way Tai posted as i agree it looks awful, but proper fans are discussing the reasons not the message


sorry chris4gillian i know you are a decent fella but Middlo has at times said daft stuff on twitter. Feel free to post this so Shovlar sees lol

100% spot on. Thinks he rules not only Poole fans but is on some sort of pedastal on the forum as a whole, then blocks people who challenge him


I would normally respond to your Middlo comments, however I'd best not as I'd only be posting in reply to myself (apparently!).

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Never thought of Orion as a prat but I do now! I live in a small village just outside Chelmsford in Essex if you must know. Used to go Rye House on Sunday's, Hackney on Fridays and Ipswich on Thursdays. Basically through the late 80's and 90's we went wherever Mark Loram rode until he went to Exeter! So o must be chris4gillian! What a spanner!

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