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Coventry 2017

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No. It dorsn’t work when there is already another team from the same club, as the bigger team will always attract the crowd. Football shows this exactly. 60,000 for Arsenal first team. Reserves. 800. And thats often with star names playing.

Coventry have now one team in the NL. So why not support them? If you don’t like Horton fair enough but he is the only person willing to put out a team and the only person with the license to do so. He is club owner, like it or not.

People might be trying to work on getting a new stadium/return to Brandon, but if this doesn’t involve Horton they have no rights whatsoever and would have to buy the club off Horton if they wanted to proceed. Do they have the money to do this?

It would be exactly the same as me waking up tomorrow and saying I don’t like the way Coventry is run and attempting to undermine the current promoter. A waste of time unless he sells his license to me.

And the only person Horton is thinking about is Horton. But isn’t that true in every walk of life? And at least he has made the effort to run Coventry in 2018. If fans don’t bother at least he can say he tried. And if anyone else wants a go afterwards they can contact him to buy the club.

Horton has not got a license he has to apply to the bspa according to Mr Watson
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To me Coventry anywhere other than Brandon will never the Coventry I knew

You are right, but if push comes to shove anywhere around Coventry with a long term future must be a better proposition than what's on offer at present.

( assuming the Save Coventry group can get us into that situation) ?

Fingers very much crossed. :D

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Guest GiveusaB

May be there's a lot of fans that will go, that don't use this forum?

What are the main reasons for not going? Politics, or financial ? if not either, then what other reason/s are there?

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Surely this is being looked at as a temporary fix as an aside from the efforts to get the Bees back in Coventry.


BE cant say their is no need for Brandon or wherever in the city and use Leicester as the reason. The fact its in Leicester is a give away.

If it was well supported in the manner of the Heathens then it keeps the Bees front and centre whilst also showing demand/desire for the club is live.

If fans are going to travel to a rival track to see their lads at home imagine what they will be like with their own track in their city.


I think its a fine line for Bees fans as they could end up throwing the baby out with the bath water.

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Surely this is being looked at as a temporary fix as an aside from the efforts to get the Bees back in Coventry.


BE cant say their is no need for Brandon or wherever in the city and use Leicester as the reason. The fact its in Leicester is a give away.

If it was well supported in the manner of the Heathens then it keeps the Bees front and centre whilst also showing demand/desire for the club is live.

If fans are going to travel to a rival track to see their lads at home imagine what they will be like with their own track in their city.


I think its a fine line for Bees fans as they could end up throwing the baby out with the bath water.

Absolutely correct.

There seems to be a feeling of glee from certain Coventry fans that thd move to Leicester will fail, bringing about the final nail in the coffin for Coventry speedway.


Some seem to be pinning their hopes on a group of Coventry fans to bring the sport back to Brandon, or at leadt Coventry. But what affiliation do these people have with Horton? If none, it would be the same as me saying I am going to attempt to bring the Bees back to Brandon. Unless these group of fans have deep pockets to buy Horton out, its not likely to go anywhere and will result in no team on track.

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Absolutely correct.

There seems to be a feeling of glee from certain Coventry fans that thd move to Leicester will fail, bringing about the final nail in the coffin for Coventry speedway.


Some seem to be pinning their hopes on a group of Coventry fans to bring the sport back to Brandon, or at leadt Coventry. But what affiliation do these people have with Horton? If none, it would be the same as me saying I am going to attempt to bring the Bees back to Brandon. Unless these group of fans have deep pockets to buy Horton out, its not likely to go anywhere and will result in no team on track.

A feeling of glee!! You really are a tool.

A newspaper put up a poll asking how many would attend Leicester , It was a simple yes / no, would you attend for NL speedway? 80% are saying no at the moment . I would suggest all of those fans are very unhappy about the situation.

The bottom line here is the total lack of faith in anything involving Mick Horton, he's had 5 seasons with the bees we fully understand what type of operator he is.

He has no involvement with the people you describe as a group of fans and neither do we want to see him included.

If you had half a brain you would find out who this " group of fans " are and the contacts they have, then you wouldn't need to come on here & ridicule them.

There is absolutely no guarantee that they will be successful in their efforts to save the club but I'm pretty sure that the majority of supporters feel they are in safer hands than they would be supporting Mick Horton, and before you ask No I'm not involved in the save coventry group in any way .

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A feeling of glee!! You really are a tool.

A newspaper put up a poll asking how many would attend Leicester , It was a simple yes / no, would you attend for NL speedway? 80% are saying no at the moment . I would suggest all of those fans are very unhappy about the situation.

The bottom line here is the total lack of faith in anything involving Mick Horton, he's had 5 seasons with the bees we fully understand what type of operator he is.

He has no involvement with the people you describe as a group of fans and neither do we want to see him included.

If you had half a brain you would find out who this " group of fans " are and the contacts they have, then you wouldn't need to come on here & ridicule them.

There is absolutely no guarantee that they will be successful in their efforts to save the club but I'm pretty sure that the majority of supporters feel they are in safer hands than they would be supporting Mick Horton, and before you ask No I'm not involved in the save coventry group in any way .

Rather than continuously making a pillock of yourself by throwing abuse, perhaps you should consider a neutral viewpoint from a speedway fan who actually wants your club to survive.


It doesn't matter who these people are in the group.


We can all wish for different owners but it means nothing. If they don't own the product they are nothing more than a group of people with the same interest.


Have they made an offer to Horton to buy his promoters licence? If not why not?


I hope for the sake of Coventry speedway that their 'fans' on here don't represent the majority of fans who just turn up to support their team. Otherwise in 5 years time they will be regretting not keeping their club alive in 2018.

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