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Coventry 2017

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If you have the evidence to say otherwise then please by all means inform us all. What IS offensive is reading half the utter tripe written on here. As a Bees fan I think we have so much to thank Sandhu for or did you think 2005,2006, 2007, 2010 was just a magical happening that occurred in this cloud cuckoo land you are in. Were you moaning when Emil was signed, were you moaning this time 10 years ago in the clubs most successful ever year.


Riders have come out and spoke in support of Sandhu and the way he conducted himself as owner of the bees. If the finger was to be pointed anywhere it is the BSPA as they made Coventry's life very difficult and Sandhu sold up, British Speedway would have been in a far better position had at the time Sandhu been took seriously.


Who do you think maybe funding this new venture out of interest then? The Council, Mick Horton or Somebody who has just sold an asset for a few million?

who sold Coventry Stadium to other developers when he hit a Brick wall trying to build on it himself . , haha your'e suggesting Sandhu will finance it . just like he left "no stone unturned " in his search for a new site , I forget where the sites he looked at were ,maybe you could refresh my memory

Edited by speedibee
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who is the Bees promoter for this ? save coventry speedway haha


Please don't make any more offensive posts like this , Coventry speedway was doomed the minute Sandhu walked through the gate , and suggestions that he is any kind of innocent in all this IS offensive to a lot of Bees fans ,


says you let the fans speak for themselves you have been against Sandu from day one and right up Hortons backside Edited by kingbee
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who sold Coventry Stadium to other developers when he hit a Brick wall trying to build on it himself . , haha your'e suggesting Sandhu will finance it . just like he left "no stone unturned " in his search for a new site , I forget where the sites he looked at were ,maybe you could refresh my memory


I understand it was the bank who sold Coventry Stadium not Sandhu, When it was purchased from the Ochiltree family he could have easily done the same as what Brandon Estates did and locked the gates. I have no idea where the sites were that were looked at apart from Brandon Farm was it called but in regards the proposed site, you think it can be built with monopoly money? The land, planning, building will cost millions. If Mick Horton has the backers then that's all well and good but.. in reality i think we know the answer. The council will i am sure want assurances that capital is in place otherwise its a waste of everybody's time.

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I understand it was the bank who sold Coventry Stadium not Sandhu, When it was purchased from the Ochiltree family he could have easily done the same as what Brandon Estates did and locked the gates. I have no idea where the sites were that were looked at apart from Brandon Farm was it called but in regards the proposed site, you think it can be built with monopoly money? The land, planning, building will cost millions. If Mick Horton has the backers then that's all well and good but.. in reality i think we know the answer. The council will i am sure want assurances that capital is in place otherwise its a waste of everybody's time.

I very much doubt it'll cost millions. How much did it cost to set up Leicester and Somerset?

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My concern would be how the hell to shut Mick Horton up and who is giving him information to go blabbing. The telegraph and Horton seem to now and again crop up with unhelpful headlines. We were told we would know something when it was the right time, the work that the committee have put in along with the councils has been risked by somebody who should know better But instead we add this to the CV of hortons cock ups and disaster stories.

Trinity Mirror (aka Coventry Telegraph) know no better than to talk to Horton who they know as the Bees promoter when writing about Brandon or speedway

In the good old days of the Coventry Evening Telegraph, with "Broadsider" or Alex Goodman, there would be proper professional reporting and investigative journalism, unlike what TM provide today

One only has to browse the CT to see just how little connection there is with the city of Coventry - so many errors, repeated over and over, articles written with little or no knowledge or background research

It's not only in British Speedway where standards have fallen, there's the British press for starters!

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Trinity Mirror (aka Coventry Telegraph) know no better than to talk to Horton who they know as the Bees promoter when writing about Brandon or speedway

In the good old days of the Coventry Evening Telegraph, with "Broadsider" or Alex Goodman, there would be proper professional reporting and investigative journalism, unlike what TM provide today

One only has to browse the CT to see just how little connection there is with the city of Coventry - so many errors, repeated over and over, articles written with little or no knowledge or background research

It's not only in British Speedway where standards have fallen, there's the British press for starters!

You only have to look at the Sunderland Echo to see that. :sad: :sad:


Printed in LEEDS for goodness sake - an Evening Newspaper that comes out in the - - MORNING. :unsure::blink::mad:

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Now I've found the article I can tell you that the original plan for the development was going to cost £2.5 million but that included things that have never happened. BMX track, cycle speedway track, mountain bike trail, 12 five-a-side football pitches etc., so I don't really know how much just building the speedway track/stadium cost but must have been at least half of that amount I should think, especially as a lot of the work was done by volunteers. As to the club house ~ there is one with a bar in the car park but I've never been so don't know how big it is inside.

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Now I've found the article I can tell you that the original plan for the development was going to cost £2.5 million but that included things that have never happened. BMX track, cycle speedway track, mountain bike trail, 12 five-a-side football pitches etc., so I don't really know how much just building the speedway track/stadium cost but must have been at least half of that amount I should think, especially as a lot of the work was done by volunteers. As to the club house ~ there is one with a bar in the car park but I've never been so don't know how big it is inside.


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Now I've found the article I can tell you that the original plan for the development was going to cost £2.5 million but that included things that have never happened. BMX track, cycle speedway track, mountain bike trail, 12 five-a-side football pitches etc., so I don't really know how much just building the speedway track/stadium cost but must have been at least half of that amount I should think, especially as a lot of the work was done by volunteers. As to the club house ~ there is one with a bar in the car park but I've never been so don't know how big it is inside.

With all that at 2.5m the speedway stadium wouldn't have been more than 1m I'd suggest.

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So, let me first introduce myself, as this is my first (and probably last) post on this forum. I am Jeff Davies, one of the 'dreamers' referred to above.


I don't normally go on this forum, simply because, whilst there are many rational people that make posts and engage in sensible discussion, unfortunately there are too many moronic idiots like 'Speedibee' who spout absolute rubbish and bring the forum into disrepute.


As someone who is in full knowledge of facts, I can tell you, you haven't got a clue what went on, is going on or likely to happen in the future.


So let me ask you Simon, sorry, Speedibee, why do you find it necessary to ridicule the efforts of the Save Coventry Speedway group who are trying their very best to bring about the return of both speedway and stock car racing to the area, to enable fans of the sports, particularly young kids, to enjoy?


In common with other members of the group, I have spent an unbelievable amount of time in the last seven or so months, in meetings with numerous official bodies including both Rugby and Coventry Councils as well as the local Member of Parliament, sent / received hundreds of emails and spent what seems to be half of my waking hours on the 'phone. All in an effort to find a solution to what is a very complex problem which you have no understanding of.


You ask, already knowing the answer, who is 'promoting' the challenge match at Leicester. Well Speedibee, I can tell you that I have personally arranged the series of challenge matches. I have had to agree a budget with the promoter at each club, negotiate pay rates with the riders, draw up contracts for each rider / each meeting and frankly, it's a time consuming, difficult and thankless task. But I've done it to keep the name of Coventry Bees going and to give the supporters a chance to see 'their' team.


Yet you seem to get some perverse pleasure in ridiculing these efforts. Why?


Amongst your other nasty posts, you refer to us as "a gaggle of empty pocketed disappointed supporters, led by a couple of dreamers" (I've corrected your spelling mistakes). Well, not that it's any of your business or has any real relevance but one of the 'gaggle' is a millionaire and a second one a multi-millionaire.


Reading through your posts on the Coventry situation, your comments are not 'tongue in cheek, they're not 'banter', they are really nasty, negative, offensive comments and are completely uncalled for.


Whilst I'm not here to defend Mr Sandhu, your frequent derogatory remarks aimed at him in many of your posts, smack of racism.


Your identity is known, revealed independently to me by dozens of people who know you. Interestingly, on Facebook, where your identity is there for all to see, you are a 'different' person.


I had thought about revealing your identity on here but I want to spare your speedway riding son any embarrassment as he may not realise his father is a vile, pathetic, sad excuse for a man, hiding behind anonymity.


One final thought and appeal to the administrators of this forum. This forum could be very credible and attract many more sensible and rational people to engage in proper debate if anonymity that attracts sad people like 'Speedibee' was not allowed. It's just a thought!

Well said Jeff. Some interesting snippets in there too. Edited by woz01
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So, let me first introduce myself, as this is my first (and probably last) post on this forum. I am Jeff Davies, one of the 'dreamers' referred to above.


I don't normally go on this forum, simply because, whilst there are many rational people that make posts and engage in sensible discussion, unfortunately there are too many moronic idiots like 'Speedibee' who spout absolute rubbish and bring the forum into disrepute.


As someone who is in full knowledge of facts, I can tell you, you haven't got a clue what went on, is going on or likely to happen in the future.


So let me ask you Simon, sorry, Speedibee, why do you find it necessary to ridicule the efforts of the Save Coventry Speedway group who are trying their very best to bring about the return of both speedway and stock car racing to the area, to enable fans of the sports, particularly young kids, to enjoy?


In common with other members of the group, I have spent an unbelievable amount of time in the last seven or so months, in meetings with numerous official bodies including both Rugby and Coventry Councils as well as the local Member of Parliament, sent / received hundreds of emails and spent what seems to be half of my waking hours on the 'phone. All in an effort to find a solution to what is a very complex problem which you have no understanding of.


You ask, already knowing the answer, who is 'promoting' the challenge match at Leicester. Well Speedibee, I can tell you that I have personally arranged the series of challenge matches. I have had to agree a budget with the promoter at each club, negotiate pay rates with the riders, draw up contracts for each rider / each meeting and frankly, it's a time consuming, difficult and thankless task. But I've done it to keep the name of Coventry Bees going and to give the supporters a chance to see 'their' team.


Yet you seem to get some perverse pleasure in ridiculing these efforts. Why?


Amongst your other nasty posts, you refer to us as "a gaggle of empty pocketed disappointed supporters, led by a couple of dreamers" (I've corrected your spelling mistakes). Well, not that it's any of your business or has any real relevance but one of the 'gaggle' is a millionaire and a second one a multi-millionaire.


Reading through your posts on the Coventry situation, your comments are not 'tongue in cheek, they're not 'banter', they are really nasty, negative, offensive comments and are completely uncalled for.


Whilst I'm not here to defend Mr Sandhu, your frequent derogatory remarks aimed at him in many of your posts, smack of racism.


Your identity is known, revealed independently to me by dozens of people who know you. Interestingly, on Facebook, where your identity is there for all to see, you are a 'different' person.


I had thought about revealing your identity on here but I want to spare your speedway riding son any embarrassment as he may not realise his father is a vile, pathetic, sad excuse for a man, hiding behind anonymity.


One final thought and appeal to the administrators of this forum. This forum could be very credible and attract many more sensible and rational people to engage in proper debate if anonymity that attracts sad people like 'Speedibee' was not allowed. It's just a thought!

brilliant post, well done !

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You only have to look at the Sunderland Echo to see that. :sad: :sad:


Printed in LEEDS for goodness sake - an Evening Newspaper that comes out in the - - MORNING. :unsure::blink::mad:

There are now virtually no evening papers left. One of the last, The Oldham Evening Chronicle went bust last week. Most papers switched to overnight printing some time ago, which is why these 'evening' papers have largely dropped the word and are now available first thing in the morning. It's cheaper that way.


The biggest selling 'regional daily' is not from Manchester or Birmingham (The London Evening Standard is free) but the Wolverhampton Express and Star, as a regular Wolves supporter on here will confirm ;-) It was one of the last to convert to overnight. These changes make it remarkable that many still carry that night's speedway report. Out here in the west the Western Daily Press report on Swindon matches doesn't appear until the Saturday edition!


This is the effect of free news on the internet. Local newspaper sales are slumping even more drastically than speedway crowds with many that used to sell well over 100,000 copies now struggling to get over 30k. Several below that figure have been converted tp weeklies.


Regional printing centres have long since dominated and few papers are now actually printed on their own 'patch'. One, the Manchester Evening News isn't even written in its own city - the newsroom's in Oldham!


The spiral gains momentum and standards disappear. Remind you of a sport?

Edited by Rob McCaffery
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