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Crown Prosecuter decided that there would be no criminal prosecution i.e. No further action in respect of the criminal investigation by Warwickshire Police. Can't see why there would be civil proceedings particularly if there is to be no more Speedway or Stock cars at Brandon it's a shame Brandon Estates don't issue some sort of explanation of their intent with regard to the Stadium and land it occupies.

Edited by abbo
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FORMER Coventry Bees owner Avtar Sandhu has released a public statement after Warwickshire Police dropped the Coventry Stadium ‘crime scene’ case earlier this week.


Coventry Racing Club were accused of criminal damage and theft following the removal of fixtures and fittings from Coventry Stadium – home of the Coventry Bees Speedway team and Coventry Stox.


It was claimed by stadium owners Brandon Estates that the subsequent investigation would take a year to complete, and that it was not clear what the future holds for Brandon Stadium while the investigation takes place.


However, now that the investigation is over, members of a campaign group fighting to save Coventry Bees and Coventry Stox are asking the question ‘Why?’ with regards to the return of motorsport at the popular facility.


Mr Sandhu’s statement read: “Earlier this year, Coventry Racing Club was accused of criminal damage and theft following the removal of fixtures and fittings from Coventry Stadium.


“The accusations were made by Howell and Company, solicitors acting for Brandon Estates and when they reported it to the police, they claimed the stadium was a ‘crime scene’.


“They claimed the subsequent police investigation would take the rest of this year to investigate and that as the stadium was a ‘crime scene’, there was no prospect of either speedway or stock car racing being staged at the stadium this year.


“The accusations resulted in immense damage to my family’s reputation. In the period since the accusations were made, I have endured enormous criticism from fans of both sports, and knowing the accusations would not be proven, I have maintained a dignified silence.


“Earlier this week, I was contacted by the investigating force, Warwickshire Police, who advised me the case was being dropped and there was ‘no case to answer’.


I and my team have been vindicated of any crime.


“I went to extraordinary lengths to strike a deal which would have resulted in both speedway and stock cars continuing at Brandon in 2017 and beyond and despite agreeing a deal on three separate occasions, on each of those occasions, the other party involved failed to sign a contract.


“I was left with no alternative but to remove the fixtures and fittings before we were required to vacate the stadium at the end of our period of lease.


“Having removed those fixtures and fittings, I still offered to return them and reinstall them, at my own cost, if an agreement could be reached.


“The offer was rejected and Brandon Estates chose instead, to go down the route of calling in the police.


“I am desperately disappointed, that despite my best efforts, we are in this situation with speedway and stock car fans deprived of enjoying their sports.


“The anger and distress this has caused to myself and my family makes me want to take action against the false allegations but it is not good for Speedway or Stox to prolong this dispute.


“For the sake of speedway and stox I have decided to sit back at this time to see if solutions can be found to get both sports back on track.


“I want to see a return of racing at Brandon Stadium for a period of time, whilst Brandon Estates pursue their planning application.


“I am prepared to work with them in bringing that about whilst simultaneously working with both Rugby and Coventry Councils to find suitable land and gain their support for a planning application that would result in a longer term replacement stadium.


“I am committed to bringing both sports back to the Coventry / Rugby area and urge all parties involved to work together to achieve that goal.”

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It was obvious from the very start that police were not going to get involved with a civil matter like this.Stalemate again!

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It is increasingly clear that the key stumbling block to getting an agreement was the subletting of the stadium to run stox. Had Coventry Racing Club been a customer of Brandon Estates and not of a "third party", would any of this happened? We could have had stox coexisting with speedway (as we have had for many years) both customers of Brandon Estates.

The prospect of civil action now (which was always going to be the case from day 1) is worrying in the extreme. It has taken half a year for the police to decide this is a civil matter. How long will this drag on through the courts?

The only note of optimism is the attendance of Mr Sandhu at one of the Save Coventry Speedway committee meetings. This doesn't bring together Mr Sandhu with either of the other two key players but at least he is still talking.

We await the promised statement from The Save Coventry Speedway group with interest.

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Nice of Sandhu coming out and confirming that he still has intentions of getting both sport back in Coventry. What we need as fans is the truth as to why we find ourselves in this position. So many rumours and claims around it's difficult for fans to believe any of it. Get around the table sort your differences and lets get back racing in 2018 with a vision for the future whether that future be at Brandon or elsewhere.

Edited by woz01
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You are right they do all need to sit down and sort this sorry mess out. Like it or not they all need each other, we need Brandon estates to let us in, Brandon estates need the council and the council are desperate to keep speedway and stox going.


If it was say a 5-8 year plan, we stay at Brandon whilst planning is looked at and fine details with rugby borough council, in this time surly a location that suits can be found and built. Brandon estates get income from the site and we get our sports back. The only problem is the locals, they still rightly so oppose the idea of houses and the lack of infrastructure to sustain the amount on houses spoken about.


Mr Sandhu has rightly so come out of this with no charges, Brandon Estates have been let off in my view as he would be more within his rights to be upset at what he and his family have had to listen and read on this saga, same goes for Jeremy Heaver. The statement he put out still points at the fact of unsigned deals. Deals agreed too and we know who is responsible and I don't think Sandhu and Heaver will forget in a hurry either. The bees needs to be back in the control of Sandhu, along with the stox so there is no third party playing games. The committee group has a long term aim and I think whoever takes over the bees the committee should stay in place as the figures on board have the very best interest of Coventry speedway and stox at heart.


It's far from sorted but something Brandon Estates were sure to take so long has been thrown out maybe 7 months earlier than they imagined, still no word from them either not that I expected them to. They are the silent assassins quick enough to speak with the telegraph when it suited. Sandhu is ready to put it to one side and re-enter discussions, will they be willing? The least they can do in my opinion.

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The worrying fact is that stox at Brandon make money, but speedway does not. Mr Sandhu ran speedway because he loved it, he ran stox because it made money. He ran both because together they made sense. He doesn't have the right to run speedway anymore (I assume he sold that to Mick Horton for £200K).

We need everyone to come to the party.

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The worrying fact is that stox at Brandon make money, but speedway does not. Mr Sandhu ran speedway because he loved it, he ran stox because it made money. He ran both because together they made sense. He doesn't have the right to run speedway anymore (I assume he sold that to Mick Horton for £200K).

We need everyone to come to the party.

I can see why Sandhu wants to get his snout back in the trough , but he is now the biggest obstacle to getting back into Brandon , as you say Stox are profitable so getting someone to promote it at its spiritual home is no problem , Sandhu spat his dummy and stole the lights and seats in yet another childish tantrum , but now he wants back in ,you have to question why , if he really loved speedway and Stox why did he sell the place in the first place , brandon estates offered to sell it for what they paid ,so if he is genuine all he has to do is buy the place back , I have read his press release and IMHO i have never read a bigger load of BullShyt in my life , why would he think Brandon estates would want his help to deal with planning permission , they don't even want to talk to him , and he was hardly succesful at seeing through planning permission for himself otherwise we wouldn't be having this conversation because brandon would have been built on by the speedway lover himself 5 years ago, he promised to leave no stone unturned in the search for a new home , can you recall a single thing he did about it ? or a single site he actually made any effort to look at ? if he will keep his nose out , a new stox promoter and Horton can thrash out a deal which will see the stadium up and running again , with him Brandon Estates wont even talk about it , next move forward IMHO tell Sandhu to butt out and get talking to brandon estates , I dont mind standing up and watching speedway in the daytime until the money is found for lights and seats

Will Brandon Estates negotiate with Sandhu now, I hope so.

what has changed that would make them negotiate with Sandhu anymore than they would have last month ?

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..... if he will keep his nose out , a new stox promoter and Horton can thrash out a deal which will see the stadium up and running again.....

You may be 100% in your analysis.

Unfortunately, I believe Mr Sandhu owns the rights to stox just as Mick Horton owns the rights to speedway (bought for £200K?). If you want to see an agreement forged without Mr Sandhu, you need someone to buy his stox rights. That could be worth a pretty penny.

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Who on earth would want Horton anywhere near the speedway, I'd imagine if you asked riders over the past 10 years who was the better owner, I'd take a good guess who the clear favourite would be.


It was well documented it wasn't Sandhu who sold Brandon, it's also been very clear from the police that Sandhu did not run off with lights and shale but took what was his. Facts are facts and the truth is we have no idea what talks are on going regarding a new location or going back to Brandon. Far too much unpleasant feeling has been made public and all of it should have been done behind closed doors.



Brandon Estates should have just struck the same deal with Sandhu as they had for the 2016 season.



The quote below from Sandhu's statement makes me think he is giving Brandon Estates the opportunity to try and meet half way or at some point and if no solution is attempted then he might think again. Might be reading too much in to it but he and his family have took a battering.



"For the sake of speedway and stox I have decided to sit back at this time to see if solutions can be found to get both sports back on track."

Edited by Coventry_Bee
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Brandon Estates should have just struck the same deal with Sandhu as they had for the 2016 season.



The quote below from Sandhu's statement makes me think he is giving Brandon Estates the opportunity to try and meet half way or at some point and if no solution is attempted then he might think again. Might be reading too much in to it but he and his family have took a battering.



"For the sake of speedway and stox I have decided to sit back at this time to see if solutions can be found to get both sports back on track."

Brandon Estates didn't want Sandhu at Brandon that much is clear. This is why we are where we are. A fued between the two parties have put us in this position, their stance on each other needs to change. You just hope Brandon Estates see some sense and realise the sports running at Brandon will be beneficial for all.


what has changed that would make them negotiate with Sandhu anymore than they would have last month ?

The police investigation has ended? To be honest though Brandon Estates didn't want Sandhu at Brandon for whatever reason. Something needs to change.

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They certainly don't want Sandhu involved at all. They seem more than happy to let Horton and Bees run but the issue of fixing the track stops that unless money can be raised. You then have to think of the cost of running the stadium. Interesting that Brandon Estates have given Horton solicitor some of the sponsorship money promised and that they would sponsor Bees should they move back. Maybe a PR stunt coming to help any application? Wishful thinking probably.

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Interesting reading, I hope Sandhu takes them to the cleaners. They are just playing a stupid game and considering they purchased a motorsport stadium not a ready to go building site I hope they sit and rot on it. The speedway and Horton can't afford to run the stadium even if it was good to go tomorrow. The issue with Sandhu is ridiculous, they never wanted the stox before the things were taken out otherwise the lease would have ran like it did in 2016. This adds further slur to his name.


The police found nothing so will they really go to high court?? They best thing they could do is bugger off as the animosity towards them keeps growing. Rugby Council find us a new home and throw every obstacle in the way for years to come.

Bully boy tactics from people who hide behind scenes.


We can tell you that in the contract for and on completion of the sale of the stadium the fixtures and fittings were not excluded".


Obviously the police investigation didn't see it this way otherwise it would have been classed as theft and Sandhu Charged. The fact he was not even arrested but spoke with the police voluntarily shows what the law made of it.

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.....Obviously the police investigation didn't see it this way otherwise it would have been classed as theft and Sandhu Charged. The fact he was not even arrested but spoke with the police voluntarily shows what the law made of it.

The police see it as a contractual dispute and as such will run a mile. Leave it to the courts is their stance.

The only winners in this dispute will be the lawyers.


But let's pick the bones out of this.

£1M to restore the stadium? Well maybe to fully restore it. But does that include grandstand facilities that could easily be closed off? Indeed, what about running on Sunday afternoons and doing without floodlights? Given that the stadium only has a limited life (3 years?) why not go forward on a least cost option?

Significant sponsorship, by Brandon Estates for the speedway operation? Given a usable stadium, would this sponsorship make speedway a viable business without the stox income? Don't get me wrong. Forget the individuals involved. I would love to see stox get back their iconic venue. But if Brandon Estates say, "No way", is there still a way forward?

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Brandon Estates didn't want Sandhu at Brandon that much is clear. This is why we are where we are. A fued between the two parties have put us in this position, their stance on each other needs to change. You just hope Brandon Estates see some sense and realise the sports running at Brandon will be beneficial for all.


The police investigation has ended? To be honest though Brandon Estates didn't want Sandhu at Brandon for whatever reason. Something needs to change.

the police investigation was always going to end inconclusively ,Brandon Estates are taking out a private prosecution so nothing has changed , Sandhu caused the initial problem and is still the biggest obstacle to a solution , he wont step aside even though it's patently obvious Brandon estates don't want or need any input from him , but while there is a slim chance of running stock cars and making a profit ,he will continue to hang around like a bad smell , his press release is nothing more than hot air and false promises , same reason ,try to dupe supporters into thinking he cares about anything other than profit , So his family have had it rough , what do you expect Sandhu you sneak around trying to profit from taking away 1,000s of peoples enjoyment ,they are hardly going to smile and congratulate you ,

The police see it as a contractual dispute and as such will run a mile. Leave it to the courts is their stance.

The only winners in this dispute will be the lawyers.


But let's pick the bones out of this.

£1M to restore the stadium? Well maybe to fully restore it. But does that include grandstand facilities that could easily be closed off? Indeed, what about running on Sunday afternoons and doing without floodlights? Given that the stadium only has a limited life (3 years?) why not go forward on a least cost option?

Significant sponsorship, by Brandon Estates for the speedway operation? Given a usable stadium, would this sponsorship make speedway a viable business without the stox income? Don't get me wrong. Forget the individuals involved. I would love to see stox get back their iconic venue. But if Brandon Estates say, "No way", is there still a way forward?

It would be worthwhile the campaigners contacting Brisca ,incarace and spedeworth to find out exactly what rights Sandhu has , and if he can't honour his agreement with them ( no Stadium ) ,maybe the stox promotion can just be handed over to someone else . winner all round Sandhu out on his greedy ear , stox and speedway back up and running ,

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the police investigation was always going to end inconclusively ,Brandon Estates are taking out a private prosecution so nothing has changed , Sandhu caused the initial problem and is still the biggest obstacle to a solution , he wont step aside even though it's patently obvious Brandon estates don't want or need any input from him , but while there is a slim chance of running stock cars and making a profit ,he will continue to hang around like a bad smell , his press release is nothing more than hot air and false promises , same reason ,try to dupe supporters into thinking he cares about anything other than profit , So his family have had it rough , what do you expect Sandhu you sneak around trying to profit from taking away 1,000s of peoples enjoyment ,they are hardly going to smile and congratulate you ,

It would be worthwhile the campaigners contacting Brisca ,incarace and spedeworth to find out exactly what rights Sandhu has , and if he can't honour his agreement with them ( no Stadium ) ,maybe the stox promotion can just be handed over to someone else . winner all round Sandhu out on his greedy ear , stox and speedway back up and running ,


You certainly managed to upset Jeff Davies with these comments.


Disappointing that he chose to lambast the BSF given that he is, no doubt, in possession of more of the facts than any of us. There needs to be an understanding that fans are emotional and angry about the situation, and looking to sound off and blame people. All we, as fans, can see is three parties that are all on a different page.


The campaign group have obviously met Mr Sandhu and believe his intentions are genuine, but everything we're being told suggests that he is the biggest blocker to action ever returning to the stadium.

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