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Coventry 2017

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I doubt coventry will last the full season. Never going back to Brandon in a million years, and Horton will be bankrupt by June.

Horton won't go bankrupt. He will pull the plug once the club start losing club money. Not his own which would be quite safe.

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Reading Studland's post just about sums it all up. Excitement about the coach situation is understandable but one has to look at the long term, if they manage a season at Leicester (which I doubt will happen) what happens then Sandhu won't be providing finance for a new stadium. Assume they last the season will these posts still be performing, I doubt it people will be so fed up that Sandhu and the mysterious Brandon Estates will have got their way. Clearly they are prepared to take the Rugby Coucil on with their intent to develop the site for housing. They are prepared for the battle and show a complete arrogance by not replying to all the criticism's that are thrown their way. Clearly reading the recent posts they want vandalism at the stadium and will use that to pursue their aim's. I guess I will be criticised again for my views. I have already explained previously my loyalty to Coventry Bees and wish I didn't have to express my views but it's based on evidence,no good calling for Horton's head he will be gone and then there will be no promoter left to fight the battle. Sadly this season's viewing will be in front of the TVs.

Edited by abbo
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I went for a walk this afternoon and had a good look around the Stadium. It really is very sad to see the state of the place, the back of the stand is insecure with doors wide open, the hanger and most of the outbuilding are also insecure. I noticed a stack of the flood light posts behind the old dog kennels, these were cut with an angle grinder and not in my opinion salvaged for re use, its simply malicious damage. There are piles of rubbish all over the place near to the old kennels. The caravan previously used by the Security Guard is also insecure. Surprisingly the windows of the office area and the main stand are still intact. It is only a matter of time before the place is vandalised beyond any possible repair, or the travelling fraternity move in. I am actually amazed this hasn't happened already. There is no evidence of any work at the Stadium. I drive past the Stadium most evenings and the place is in darkness. There used to be security lights in the driveway by the riders entrance and along the side of the main stand, these are no longer in use. I would urge all parties to move quickly and resolve whatever the problems are, that is if indeed they are still actually talking. I fear we will never be back at Brandon, and we certainly won't survive racing at Leicester.



And fans believe Horton that the bees will return to Brandon, Not a chance.

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It's still the stox that will push and can afford to push for racing at Brandon. There is a few weeks till the start of the season and in reality if work starts before then or a defenite decision is made but words mean nothing on past goings on then that will maybe make more supporters go to Leicester in the short term.


The problem being the fans have been very poorly treated and are just sick of the whole thing that even if Brandon was an option from March some fans would not return so you have lost fans there, you lose fans as its at Leicester and you are not going to gain any fans. What's the selling point, where is a feel good factor ? Brandon estates were quick enough to get the telegraph in when it suited, a shame the speedway star can't get any answers. It's not a difficult question? just let us in or let us know Brandon is not an option. Or the long game over the fight over fixtures and fittings is still going on. Be quite apt if a new sponsor is an electrical or lighting store.


Never have I looked forward to a season less than I do right now, Spring is round the corner and the countdown is on but thanks to circumstances beyond the fans control and the ongoing saga it's just doesn't have that feel.

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It's still the stox that will push and can afford to push for racing at Brandon. There is a few weeks till the start of the season and in reality if work starts before then or a defenite decision is made but words mean nothing on past goings on then that will maybe make more supporters go to Leicester in the short term.

The problem being the fans have been very poorly treated and are just sick of the whole thing that even if Brandon was an option from March some fans would not return so you have lost fans there, you lose fans as its at Leicester and you are not going to gain any fans. What's the selling point, where is a feel good factor ? Brandon estates were quick enough to get the telegraph in when it suited, a shame the speedway star can't get any answers. It's not a difficult question? just let us in or let us know Brandon is not an option. Or the long game over the fight over fixtures and fittings is still going on. Be quite apt if a new sponsor is an electrical or lighting store.

Never have I looked forward to a season less than I do right now, Spring is round the corner and the countdown is on but thanks to circumstances beyond the fans control and the ongoing saga it's just doesn't have that feel.

It's not beyond the fans control though as a bees fan group could of gained control of the club ages ago and worked to build a new home to build a long term future.

Anything is possible as everybody knew these problems would happen but the bees fans have done nothing and have left the clubs future to Horton the man they must trust.

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And fans believe Horton that the bees will return to Brandon, Not a chance.

When has he exactly said that? All I can remember is him being very quiet on everything that's gone on for the last few months, apart from recently saying the Bees will start the season at Leicester.


It's not beyond the fans control though as a bees fan group could of gained control of the club ages ago and worked to build a new home to build a long term future.

Anything is possible as everybody knew these problems would happen but the bees fans have done nothing and have left the clubs future to Horton the man they must trust.

Build a new home? Never in a million years could a group of fans be able to control the club and do this. It took Leicester 28 years. I don't think I can hang around that long. :lol:

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And fans believe Horton that the bees will return to Brandon, Not a chance.

He's never said that. He said that they are determined to return to Brandon. Never said that was certain.

It's not beyond the fans control though as a bees fan group could of gained control of the club ages ago and worked to build a new home to build a long term future.

Anything is possible as everybody knew these problems would happen but the bees fans have done nothing and have left the clubs future to Horton the man they must trust.

But we were told in 2013 that we had at least 10 years even if it was sold. We would've been in this position anyway even if fans set up a fund or whatever.

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When has he exactly said that? All I can remember is him being very quiet on everything that's gone on for the last few months, apart from recently saying the Bees will start the season at Leicester.



Build a new home? Never in a million years could a group of fans be able to control the club and do this. It took Leicester 28 years. I don't think I can hang around that long. :lol:

Maybe speedway fans haven't got the passion and desire like football fans who have got together and saved their club and ran it themselves.

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Here's interesting... http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/netball/39004585


So if one day speedway could be taken as seriously as netball, maybe salvation for the Bees could come from the Wasps "brand" (or "family" - you choose) ???


The problem will be to allow enough time for the bad blood to be washed away, for the dodgy characters to be far enough removed from the scene, and for the rest of the sport to get up to the level of respectability and status that Women's Netball has in this country. And that will be a problem.

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Here's interesting... http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/netball/39004585


So if one day speedway could be taken as seriously as netball, maybe salvation for the Bees could come from the Wasps "brand" (or "family" - you choose) ???


The problem will be to allow enough time for the bad blood to be washed away, for the dodgy characters to be far enough removed from the scene, and for the rest of the sport to get up to the level of respectability and status that Women's Netball has in this country. And that will be a problem.

As someone who is in Manchester at the moment heading to watch Wasps at Sale, I would love that idea. Thing is when Wasps bought the operating company of the Ricoh Arena they had a ready made exhibition hall that can hold indoor sports. Wouldn't be surprised if they started a Basketball team too.

Maybe speedway fans haven't got the passion and desire like football fans who have got together and saved their club and ran it themselves.

Most speedway clubs don't have the numbers but Coventry is a little different as we have decent fan base and add the Stox fans too. 3,600 are on our Save Cov Speedway Facebook page. Edited by woz01
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It's not beyond the fans control though as a bees fan group could of gained control of the club ages ago and worked to build a new home to build a long term future.

Anything is possible as everybody knew these problems would happen but the bees fans have done nothing and have left the clubs future to Horton the man they must trust.

You say anything is possible, but in your previous post you claim there's not a chance of Bees returning to Brandon......make your mind up!

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You say anything is possible, but in your previous post you claim there's not a chance of Bees returning to Brandon......make your mind up!

Clearly you didn't understand,most passionate fans will do anything possible if they want to save their club but would you say that about Horton with his track record of clubs closing ?

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Clearly you didn't understand,most passionate fans will do anything possible if they want to save their club but would you say that about Horton with his track record of clubs closing ?

I think I do understand........you are trying to move the goalposts.


I agree, Horton is no Tony Mole, but there is a train of thought that without him Coventry could have closed before now......and a perfectly reasonable train of thought to be fair.


One one hand you say ANYTHING is possible, and on the other you say there is NO chance.........a complete contradiction.


So which is it?

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Maybe speedway fans haven't got the passion and desire like football fans who have got together and saved their club and ran it themselves.

I wouldn't say they haven't got the passion and desire but there are a sight lot more football fans than there are speedway so they've probably got more chance of running the club themselves.

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I wouldn't say they haven't got the passion and desire but there are a sight lot more football fans than there are speedway so they've probably got more chance of running the club themselves.

Afc Wimbledon about the same fan base as the bees at the time, Fc United of Manchester,Hinckley Utd,wycombe to name a few whose fans have saved their club from extinction and moved it forward by running it as a supporters owned club.

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I think I do understand........you are trying to move the goalposts.


I agree, Horton is no Tony Mole, but there is a train of thought that without him Coventry could have closed before now......and a perfectly reasonable train of thought to be fair.


One one hand you say ANYTHING is possible, and on the other you say there is NO chance.........a complete contradiction.


So which is it?

It will be a contradictory answer anyway.

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