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Coventry 2017

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nope i was just suggesting that it may not be in horton and sandhu's power to give dates and times for a return , in fact trying to put a time frame on it /only leads to more speculation and rumour when things dont happen to estimated timeframes so better to say nothing than get slated because you tried to give people some bit of tentative info and it didn't happen


somebody waved some money in front of his nose, and all that we are safe for the time being and I@m going to find the bees a new home was just a red herring to take supporters eye off the ball and it worked just fine

When I said I'm not sure why he sold it to them is because to me it seems Brandon Estates (or people involved within it) have an obvious grudge with Sandhu which possibly pre dates the sale of the site.

I don't think they have any chance of planning in the near future and with 6.000 + houses being built in the borough in the next five years on the old BT site which is vertualy a new town with schools etc.So they may have to sell and recoup some money on Brandon

I agree that's why I'm not sure keeping the sports out would be the best tactic especially at this point. They may aswell earn something from the site while at the same time having an up and running stadium to sell should they decide to sell the site.

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You do realise it's Brandon Estates that's the reason for the position we are in? They didnt/don't want Sandhu operating at Brandon for whatever reason.

Question for Bee's fans, does anybody know when Brandon estates were established ,sounds to me that it is very recent and well covered over with it being registered in the Channel Islands smacks as being very suspicious as to it's authenticity.

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At one of the supporters meetings it was agreed that the owners of the stadium would still have to business rates even if it was ant being used, if I remember correctly the figure was £150.000 per annum. Also if they wish to demolish the stadium they would have to obtain planning permission to do this. If I remember correctly the audience were told it would be highly unlikely to get that permission. If I am wrong perhaps someone could correct it.

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Question for Bee's fans, does anybody know when Brandon estates were established ,sounds to me that it is very recent and well covered over with it being registered in the Channel Islands smacks as being very suspicious as to it's authenticity.

29th August 2014 under the name Investin Brandon Ltd (jersey) then changed the name in 2015 to Brandon Estates (jersey). A Brandon Estates in Sutton Coldfield was dissolved in 2015 and there is an Investin Brandon Ltd still trading based in Solihull both local ish to Brandon.

At one of the supporters meetings it was agreed that the owners of the stadium would still have to business rates even if it was ant being used, if I remember correctly the figure was £150.000 per annum. Also if they wish to demolish the stadium they would have to obtain planning permission to do this. If I remember correctly the audience were told it would be highly unlikely to get that permission. If I am wrong perhaps someone could correct it.

Yep your spot on. Due to the amount of asbestos it would require permission from the council to demolish it. That was from Cllr Stokes.

Edited by woz01
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29th August 2014 under the name Investin Brandon Ltd (jersey) then changed the name in 2015 to Brandon Estates (jersey). A Brandon Estates in Sutton Coldfield was dissolved in 2015 and there is an Investin Brandon Ltd still trading based in Solihull both local ish to Brandon.


Yep your spot on. Due to the amount of asbestos it would require permission from the council to demolish it. That was from Cllr Stokes.


But, what if the grandstand was to have one of those suspicious fires, similar to the ones at Long Eaton??


Would it not be granted pretty much straight away? (To demolish what's left)

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But, what if the grandstand was to have one of those suspicious fires, similar to the ones at Long Eaton??


Would it not be granted pretty much straight away? (To demolish what's left)

Possibly but you'd have to be pretty crazy to try and burn that down especially with residents very close by.

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Trust me, there are crazy people around..........and they get crazier when a carrot is dangled in front of their crazy eyes!!

Some scumbag somewhere, for a big bag of skunk or crack cocaine, I'm sure would risk setting a fire in the Brandon G'stand.... Plenty of old dry timber, and a ton of asbestos that would crackle and bang launching "firebombs" in to its immediate vicinity!!!!


That would really be the final nail into the Cov coffin.....

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Some scumbag somewhere, for a big bag of skunk or crack cocaine, I'm sure would risk setting a fire in the Brandon G'stand.... Plenty of old dry timber, and a ton of asbestos that would crackle and bang launching "firebombs" in to its immediate vicinity!!!!

That would really be the final nail into the Cov coffin.....

Think you will find its of steel construction. The old stand was wood that's why they had to pull it down and build a new one after the big football stand fire
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Why don't Rugby Borough Council slap a community order on the stadium like Councillor Stokes said, it would stop all of this crap! There will never be houses on the site, just look at the garden center opposite, 25 years now, still empty and derelict, is that the fate of Brandon stadium? Can't build houses so you can't have motorsport! Bunch of schoolkids the lot of them!

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The club are looking at providing coaches to Leicester so if travel can be arranged to Leicester how many people will use it at a cost of £5 return? Personally I think the price is very reasonable. I will try and pass people who are interested back to Trevor Randle who asked the original question.


Edit to add they are also looking at giving free programmes for people using the service.

Edited by woz01
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Making it easier and cheap to make the return trip is essential part of keeping up fan interest and morale ( so that they feel valued once again instead of on the periphery of it all ) will pickups be at convenient points e.g. including the stadium with free parking there? Throwing in a programme is very good idea.

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Making it easier and cheap to make the return trip is essential part of keeping up fan interest and morale ( so that they feel valued once again instead of on the periphery of it all ) will pickups be at convenient points e.g. including the stadium with free parking there? Throwing in a programme is very good idea.

They are just asking fans if they would like to use a coach service. They have suggested pick up points on way but nothing is finalised yet.

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That sounds very posative for all the Bees fans. Can't grumble at a fiver and a free programme. Now that track changes are going to start on Monday. Hope it makes for some better racing. We should know more what is happening after the meeting at the weekend to what they plan doing. It sounds like something on the lines of what they did at the other end, time and money is also another factor.

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I went for a walk this afternoon and had a good look around the Stadium. It really is very sad to see the state of the place, the back of the stand is insecure with doors wide open, the hanger and most of the outbuilding are also insecure. I noticed a stack of the flood light posts behind the old dog kennels, these were cut with an angle grinder and not in my opinion salvaged for re use, its simply malicious damage. There are piles of rubbish all over the place near to the old kennels. The caravan previously used by the Security Guard is also insecure. Surprisingly the windows of the office area and the main stand are still intact. It is only a matter of time before the place is vandalised beyond any possible repair, or the travelling fraternity move in. I am actually amazed this hasn't happened already. There is no evidence of any work at the Stadium. I drive past the Stadium most evenings and the place is in darkness. There used to be security lights in the driveway by the riders entrance and along the side of the main stand, these are no longer in use. I would urge all parties to move quickly and resolve whatever the problems are, that is if indeed they are still actually talking. I fear we will never be back at Brandon, and we certainly won't survive racing at Leicester.

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I went for a walk this afternoon and had a good look around the Stadium. It really is very sad to see the state of the place, the back of the stand is insecure with doors wide open, the hanger and most of the outbuilding are also insecure. I noticed a stack of the flood light posts behind the old dog kennels, these were cut with an angle grinder and not in my opinion salvaged for re use, its simply malicious damage. There are piles of rubbish all over the place near to the old kennels. The caravan previously used by the Security Guard is also insecure. Surprisingly the windows of the office area and the main stand are still intact. It is only a matter of time before the place is vandalised beyond any possible repair, or the travelling fraternity move in. I am actually amazed this hasn't happened already. There is no evidence of any work at the Stadium. I drive past the Stadium most evenings and the place is in darkness. There used to be security lights in the driveway by the riders entrance and along the side of the main stand, these are no longer in use. I would urge all parties to move quickly and resolve whatever the problems are, that is if indeed they are still actually talking. I fear we will never be back at Brandon, and we certainly won't survive racing at Leicester.

Agree with your comments I can't see anyway for the Bees ever moving back to Brandon and would be surprised if they last the season out at Leicester sadly.

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I doubt coventry will last the full season. Never going back to Brandon in a million years, and Horton will be bankrupt by June.

I hear Horton isnt fully funding the Leicester move, he has help. Could do with a sponsor though.

I went for a walk this afternoon and had a good look around the Stadium. It really is very sad to see the state of the place, the back of the stand is insecure with doors wide open, the hanger and most of the outbuilding are also insecure. I noticed a stack of the flood light posts behind the old dog kennels, these were cut with an angle grinder and not in my opinion salvaged for re use, its simply malicious damage. There are piles of rubbish all over the place near to the old kennels. The caravan previously used by the Security Guard is also insecure. Surprisingly the windows of the office area and the main stand are still intact. It is only a matter of time before the place is vandalised beyond any possible repair, or the travelling fraternity move in. I am actually amazed this hasn't happened already. There is no evidence of any work at the Stadium. I drive past the Stadium most evenings and the place is in darkness. There used to be security lights in the driveway by the riders entrance and along the side of the main stand, these are no longer in use. I would urge all parties to move quickly and resolve whatever the problems are, that is if indeed they are still actually talking. I fear we will never be back at Brandon, and we certainly won't survive racing at Leicester.

There 'should' be 24 hour security on the site. Edited by woz01
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