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Coventry 2017

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I remember when Coventry had a collection for Ryan Fisher I think in2013 and the total was announced . A few days later Horton had a collection at Peterborough. Being a fan of his all action style I contributed a fiver no problem. As far as I am aware no announcement was ever mentioned of how much was actually collected that night at the showground or if he ever received it there was no thank you thank mentioned for the generosity of the fans mentioned anywhere as far as I know which makes me wonder if he did ever get the collection money from that night. You would have at least to expect a total and just a little appreciation to be shown but there was nothing ever mentioned.


My first thoughts when he came in at Coventry was how long before they are in financial trouble . We were lucky at Peterborough that he did balls up As now we are a financially sound run club from promoter to supporters club and fans with a lot more willingness from all since his departure.

Ryan is on Facebook and I assume twitter. Why not ask him?

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I'm still trying to reconcile why Sandhu sold to Horton in the first place! I know we were told that there were other interested parties, who were they then?


Coventry Speedway has been festering into a mess since 2010.....

I think we might have got through the "war at the AGM" if that had been the end of the dirty tricks from some of the other promotions.


However the situation continued into 2011 ,and I believe the way Ford underhandedly used his position to pull yet another stroke with his action regarding P Kildemand was the final straw for Sandhu.


I agree that selling to Horton was a massive error, and anyone who has been around speedway for a decent time period would know that.

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I remember when Coventry had a collection for Ryan Fisher I think in2013 and the total was announced . A few days later Horton had a collection at Peterborough. Being a fan of his all action style I contributed a fiver no problem. As far as I am aware no announcement was ever mentioned of how much was actually collected that night at the showground or if he ever received it there was no thank you thank mentioned for the generosity of the fans mentioned anywhere as far as I know which makes me wonder if he did ever get the collection money from that night. You would have at least to expect a total and just a little appreciation to be shown but there was nothing ever mentioned.

My first thoughts when he came in at Coventry was how long before they are in financial trouble . We were lucky at Peterborough that he did balls up As now we are a financially sound run club from promoter to supporters club and fans with a lot more willingness from all since his departure.

The collection to pay for a riders wife's flight from America to somewhere in Poland and gullible fans fell for it and dug deep,so wrong.


Riders playing the poverty card should be stopped.

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Fisher thanked the fans on Twitter & Facebook at the time for the Brandon collection so he definitely received that

I'm not so sure on the Peterborough collection I could be wrong but I have no recollection of it on the net or in the local press but as I don't do facebook or twitter I can't be certain of who's pocket that money went in.

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I hope the 50/50 will revert back. No point having a 50/50 with a stadium fund if fans don't want it, it will achieve nothing. Both sides (Horton and Sandhu) should just let fans raise money whichever way we wish. We are already having a big change in going to Leicester let's just keep every thing else the same. Time for us fans to start thinking of ways to get back to (near) Coventry with Save Cov Speedway leading the way.

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So what did Scott Nicholls have to say about the Brandon situation last night, how many turned up ?

You'll do well to get an answer, it's usually a secret.

As you would expect Scott was a great example of all the good folk in speedway. Prepared to give up his time and his generosity enabled us to raise almost £200 for the Young Lions. There were about 75 in attendance but I don't remember the Coventry situation being discussed at length (I stand to be corrected). All manner of subjects were covered with many laughs along the way. There were plenty of new faces in the audience and I think/hope everyone enjoyed the evening.


This is why we do what we do at our events; https://www.speedwayportal.com/gb-young-lions

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I remember being asked re 50/50 fund. My understanding was a choice of whether It should go to Horton for causes of his choice or whether the organisers should donate to causes of their choice.

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I hope the 50/50 will revert back. No point having a 50/50 with a stadium fund if fans don't want it, it will achieve nothing. Both sides (Horton and Sandhu) should just let fans raise money whichever way we wish. We are already having a big change in going to Leicester let's just keep every thing else the same. Time for us fans to start thinking of ways to get back to (near) Coventry with Save Cov Speedway leading the way.

I have no doubt that the fans would be quite happy to contribute if they were sure that their money was being used for the purpose described.

In the case of the NSSC everyone was happy that the funds were being looked after properly.

In Horton's case, I doubt many would have the same confidence.

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I have no doubt that the fans would be quite happy to contribute if they were sure that their money was being used for the purpose described.

In the case of the NSSC everyone was happy that the funds were being looked after properly.

In Horton's case, I doubt many would have the same confidence.

It why I've suggested the Save Cov speedway group run it. To be honest I'd like to keep it as the NSSC run it helping youngsters as it's what sets us apart from some other clubs. We as fans can surely find other ways of raising money. I wouldn't trust Horton with my donation either.

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From the Observer:


MPs could debate the governance of the sport of speedway following the latest Business Questions meeting in the Houses of Parliament.

The idea of a debate was raised by Rugby MP Mark Pawsey, who highlighted the current situation of the Coventry Bees speedway team to the Rt. Hon David Lidington – Leader of the House of Commons – last week.

Mr Lidington has since invited Mr Pawsey to discuss the current situation facing the Bees with Sports Minister Tracey Crouch MP, who would be interested to hear what is happening regarding speedway in the midlands.

Following a bitter off-season dispute between the Bees, CoventryStox and Brandon Estates Ltd – the owner of Coventry Stadium – fans of the Bees must now travel an additional 29 miles each way to watch their team compete at Leicester’s Beaumont Park stadium.

Speedway has been taking place at the popular Brandon facility since the 1920s – however unless a deal can be reached, the sport will not return to Brandon again.

Mark said: “I’m very concerned about the future of speedway at Brandon, which is a major blow for the local community at Brandon.

“I grew up in Binley Woods and I remember going to enjoy racing there with friends and family when I was young.

“Speedway is a great family evening and you often see three generations of fans watching from the terraces.

“Brandon Stadium is a valuable local asset with a great community history.

“I hope that the different parties involved in the dispute can come back round the table and do everything possible to keep speedway racing at Brandon and will do all I can to see that happen.”

Mark is secretary of the All Parliamentary Group for speedway and has talked to other MPs with speedway stadiums in their constituencies about the future of the sport.

During Business Questions, Mark requested the governance of the sport to be debated in parliament.

He told the Rt. Hon. David Lidington MP: “I do not know whether you have ever attended a speedway meeting, Mr Speaker, but that fast, exciting motor sport has always attracted a family audience.

“Speedway racing has taken place at Brandon in my constituency since the early days of the sport in the 1920s.

“Unfortunately, as a consequence of a dispute over the use of the stadium at Brandon, the Coventry Bees will start the new season this summer 25 miles away in Leicester, at great inconvenience to local fans.

“May we have a debate on the governance of this sport?”

In response, Mr Lidington said: “I am sure that if my hon. Friend were to draw his concerns to the attention of the Minister for Sport she would be only too delighted to see what is happening in the speedway world in the midlands.

“As he has suggested, however, the governance of the sport is a matter for the independent governing bodies of the sport rather than a matter in which Ministers should intervene.”

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“As he has suggested, however, the governance of the sport is a matter for the independent governing bodies of the sport rather than a matter in which Ministers should intervene.”

That hasn't been the case with the Government's recent criticism of the Football Association.

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I'm still undecided about a weekly travel to Leicester 60 odd mile journey on the busiest evening in the week. If I seriously thought that there was any chance of return to Brandon I would have no second thoughts however there seems to be NO indications that the current owners of the stadium are likely to allow the return for Speedway or Stock cars. Another example of the mushroom syndrome took 4 months to reach the Leicester decision it's all a shambles and don't think they will last the season. Before all those supporters come to post about being disloyal etc I should point out that I have supported the Bees since 1948 and not missed a Bees meeting at Brandon for 13 years. Someone will have to make some positive action to indicate we are to return to Brandon for me to start the trek to Leicester. Another point is the loss of the 50/50 indicates negative thinking on my part. I was a regular supporter of the draw if I remember correctly Mr Horton took it over couple of seasons ago but had to resort to returning it to NSSC after supporter pressure.

Edited by abbo
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