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Coventry 2017

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Rugby Council are already trying to find us some suitable land. Coventry Council have said there is none suitable.

Coventry council would, because they are not interested.. Anyway news won't be far away now..

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I am surprised we haven't had a fans run club yet...

What would fans set themselves as an admission charge? Would all the fans be recommended where to download free racecards from rather than selling programmes to them?


A club run as a passion as opposed to a business hardly fills me with confidence for a long term future.

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Hes a bloody saviour. Cant believe some of the posts on here!


Good luck Bees!

So if mildenhal would have folded that mid season do you think they would still be running now? with the noise complaints and everything else that was going on there at a similar time. If buster hadn't got involved with Leicester would that have been alive now? before the AGM what would their intentions have looked like. I think Belle Vue would possibly have still been running but who knows.


Wagstaff almost deleted us in 2002/2003 time and buster saved us.


The coventry/peterborough thing was 2 teams playing up because team building rules didn't go there way. If Lynn hadn't stepped up at that time then 2 teams were prepared to drag the sport in even deeper mud than it is now.


This situation now is because a stadium was sold to a man who had other interests than sport in mind. Then sold on to a developer.


The coventry fans don't deserve this situation at all because be it this year, next year or the year after greed £££ is going to end up as the winner and it makes me sick!


Like there isn't enough empty fields elsewhere to build houses on. sucks

Well said. I can't believe the contrived Bullrubbish that has been put on here, linking some totally unconnected events, but like all conspiracy theories, all linked to one person. And then some on here call Promoters, and then fans come up with such garbage. :nono:

I think Buster has played a blinder since he was appointed Chairman of the BSPA. I had my doubts when he was first selected, but he has put his heart and soul into it in a very sensible and quiet way, That's the way he works. He has delegated out his business to trusted friends and colleagues, whilst he single handed took the lead on all three doubtful speedway. He has been the catalyst to different situations with authorities, owners and promotions, and probably got 2 coming to the tapes on time, whilst Sandhu does his own impression of a wrecking ball let loose. And the same fans still think it's Horton's fault at Coventry, as if Sandhu was some sort of saviour fighting against Horton. If Buster fails at Coventry it is down to one man and that is Sandhu, not Buster, Horton or even Heaver.

Some of you really need to give yourselves a good shake and rid yourselves of the negative biases/dogma that you carry around especially since 2010.


Just to add insult to injury we have his son lurking in the background, apparently delighted at the comments criticising his father and the BSPA. Just as well he didn't hear the comments about him, when he was the main man driving around and around the Millennium and Cardiff in his open topped Black BMW a few years ago.

Edited by Tsunami
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There you go make it a fans owned club now and you will get more help.

What you don't understand is it won't be easy to find land suitable. Plus we have to get over the hurdle of getting permission for a stadium while one is still standing. I think our best hope ( if Brandon is gone for good) is that if they do get planning permission on housing it stipulates that they must provide funds for a new stadium nearby. There are previous cases of this.

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I am surprised we haven't had a fans run club yet, I think it's the way forward and doubt the bspa would object as it wouldn't been in there interest to rock a fans owned club.

Newcastle was brought back in 1997 by fans, and has been run by Newcastle fans ever since.

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The plot thickens with this email regarding car storage... Does seem a little strange.


Brandon was always on borrowed time, we thought this was the last season, then it wasn't and now it looks like it is. My problem with it is that we as fans should have been able to in a way celebrate the stadiums glorious past, if any stadium deserves a fitting farewell it's Brandon. Not for it to end like this, it's just so wrong and those who caused it have no ounce of sense to see it. Just me me me and £££


My head says I've had it, sick of being treated like a mug. Brandon estates have your land, good luck trying to get planning permission on it. Sandhu take your stock cars and tour it but as we know Brandon is the Wembley of stox so can't repeat what they had, and most difficult I don't want to see the Bees run like this, this isn't one bit enjoyable and I'd rather remember the many happy memories.


The problem is my heart just wants this stupid nightmare to go away, it can't be real. How can something so simple be made so difficult.


I guess we will hear whenever it's sorted. Expecting not great news but you never know, I just feel for the families of both speedway and stox have it taken away for what... not over till the fat lady sings.... Just clearing her throat though now.

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Bottom line is that nobody comes out of this with their reputation enhanced. It's a sorry and shameful saga - especially for a club which has for so many years been one of the most professional clubs in the UK.


All we can do is hope for a miracle and that Coventry find some way of being able to run in 2017 and beyond. Ones things for sure, the Coventry fans and riders deserve so much better than this.

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Just to add insult to injury we have his son lurking in the background, apparently delighted at the comments criticising his father and the BSPA. Just as well he didn't hear the comments about him, when he was the main man driving around and around the Millennium and Cardiff in his open topped Black BMW a few years ago. Prat.

Seems full of himself judging by his comments on the forum.

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Don't be silly Lis, that will never happen. Not on here anyhow. ;)

Can't remember you ever apologising for being wrong but feel free to list all the topics where you have. I'll have a few hours to spare tomorrow to go through them all after I've put the shopping away.

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Can't remember you ever apologising for being wrong but feel free to list all the topics where you have. I'll have a few hours to spare tomorrow to go through them all after I've put the shopping away.

Id say there have to be 20000 apologies coming your way gemin, I think you may need to allocate the rest of the month!
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Just to add insult to injury we have his son lurking in the background, apparently delighted at the comments criticising his father and the BSPA. Just as well he didn't hear the comments about him, when he was the main man driving around and around the Millennium and Cardiff in his open topped Black BMW a few years ago. Prat.

If was silver,never the less you have said enough to give the game away on who is hiding behind this name.


Wish you would grow a set and post under your real name, but I guess you will come up with some excuses as to why you shouldn't have to.... Nothing new there ✌

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Sandhu, Heaver, Watson, Horton(s) - well done ! You seem to have achieved what you all looked out to achieve. RIP all of 5 of you.

Don't see what Horton can do in this situation can you? I find it truly baffling that people are blaming Horton for this, this is what happens when a site gets sold to a faceless Jersey based company. What was Horton meant to do? The stadium isn't fit for purpose.

Edited by woz01
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