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Lakeside V Poole Friday 1st July

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I've had a read through this thread and I have to say that anyone who seriously suggests that Poole were strengthened by their guests last night is either a complete idiot or the most biased anti-Poole person ever!!!

You couldnt have read the thread properly then as not one person has said Poole were strengthened.


People have said the riders that came in could possibly have done a better job than those that were supposed to have rode.


Starke scored more than Newman would have done. R/R scored a maximum 9/9 before the fourth race. And Wells would have covered Kurtz.


Poole won because they wanted it more and mainly because of the scoring of their own 2 riders Holder and Ellis

Please go away, Go back to your own thread. We are sick of you on here. You are just a sad bitter person.

oh just quickly before i go back to another thread on this open forum just a quick couple of facts.


On this thread my posts were liked by Mdmc82 x2 , Scott1412, Bryn, Vincent Vega, Shads, Tigerite, Chris4gillian. Now thats quite a make up of fans from different clubs and fans with a far more superior knowledge of the sport than yourself.


Oh and Shovlars likes are from Skidder x5, Sharpenrake, Chris4gillian, Piratespiratespirates x3 (strange individual who likes his own posts as well), Starman x3 and Poole Quay x3


So as you can see i get likes from a broad spectrum of fans , those who understand the sport, and Shovlar gets likes from only Poole fans, his little clique of bosom buddies who all like each others posts. (chris4gillian i do not include you in this) its all a bit sad that you only enjoy each others posts.


Maybe one day someone from another club might actually like one of the posts but i doubt it as we are all anti Poole....................or are we all anti idiots

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Why should it be any surprise that there are 'likes' for Poole posts, by Poole fans on a Poole thread?


....and that you have actually gone back to count your 'likes' as if it actually justifies your existence?!

Edited by Skidder1
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Can "SOMEONE" give up a synopsis of the actual meeting, quality of racing, any passing, etc.....?


Rather than all this back stabbing, speedway politics and posturing..


With pleasure, I got their about 19:50 and was surprised to see the car park have as many cars as it did, indeed inside the arena there were more people than I thought there would be so from a crowd point of view I don't think it was too bad.

In terms of racing the track did seem quite wet and early on riders were getting a bit filled in, trying build up speed looked hard as the roost was slowing riders behind down, the times of the wins though proved the track has some grip in it though, I don't recall a heap of passing to be honest, maybe a handful of genuine passes at most.

Pirates were often just that bit sharper out of the gates, Starke, Ellis and Holder at least and once the latter was out in front he was gone, best I have seen him ride our place for some time, AJ could not even get near him which you seldom see most weeks when he chasing an opposing rider.

The tale of the tape was just three heat wins for the home side versus 12 for the Pirates, no team will win a match with only three heat winners.

I suspect had Poole been at full strength they would have won more convincingly and certainly this was a wake up call for the Hammers promotion, there is no consistent backup AJ and whilst it will still be a better season than 2015 if they want to be a competitive unit in the play offs, a change or two will probably be required.

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big whoooosh for you there


Shovlar gets more likes than me?


all 3 of you get likes from each other its quite sweet really as true fans never like any of your posts


and there it is in a nutshell


Yes you did complain (not you personally). The start of the thread was made up of Poole fans complaining. Like someone had took their bat and ball away and you werent allowed to play.


Then (and yes against the odds) you won. Ah now everythings ok. You got your ball back and your happy to play now. Very very childish from a select few

Why is it a big whoosh?? You moaned about Steve's grammar. Yet yours wasn't much better! Lol :D Edited by lisa-colette
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As a Poole fan for many years i was expecting at least a ten point loss but as i coudnt get there i followed on twitter , i was as surprised as most at how it went and glad to be honest seeing Chris doing what we know he is capable of Adam and Paul likewise some good work from Ricky although Ben and Aaron were not having a good night am sure they gave it a good go. Despite all the banter about lack of quality whether you are a gp star or an edf rider thanks guys for putting it on the line for us fans

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Can "SOMEONE" give up a synopsis of the actual meeting, quality of racing, any passing, etc.....?


Rather than all this back stabbing, speedway politics and posturing..

Poole won the toss and took the advantageous inside gates.


The track had some dirt on it and the riders were having difficulty in controlling their bikes in the early heats.


Holder, Ellis and Starke were half a bike to a bikes length better out of the gate than Lakeside.


Passing in the early heats were through mistakes rather than good riding, however the superior gating by Poole ensured that they got heat winners on the board.


The break for rain was followed by a greasy track with Stake taking a tumble on the 3/4 bend which was followed by extensive track work.


Dirt was taken off the track and it slickened up. Poole's superior gating ability ensured that the heat winners kept flowing and the Lakeside riders could not get near to them.


The latter half of the meeting saw Ricky Wells come to the party to exacerbate Lakesides' problems.


Three heat winners only for Lakeside had a not very happy Cook apologise to the crowd.


The crowd was below average for a normal Lakeside meeting and the racing was mainly FTG.


Poole should retain their crown with no problems whatsoever. For Lakeside another season of mediocrity.

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Why should it be any surprise that there are 'likes' for Poole posts, by Poole fans on a Poole thread?


....and that you have actually gone back to count your 'likes' as if it actually justifies your existence?!

no surprise at all. But its strange that nobody outside of Poole likes the posts


and yes i did have a quick count to prove the point too Starman who often posts crap on many threads until the facts are pointed out to him


Now that the facts have been, he wont acknowledge the facts he will just abuse me and tell me to get off the Poole thread. Just shows a lack of intellect and debating skills

Why is it a big whoosh?? You moaned about Steve's grammar. Yet yours wasn't much better! Lol :D

it was deliberate , tongue in cheek but i guess that was lost!

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As a neutral this all makes interesting reading. Seems to me two pl teams each with a grand prix rider took to the track and after a close meeting the away team won. Take away both grand prix riders and it would probably have been even closer. This couldn't be the way forward could it - sadly no as el fans wouldn't stand for it 😢

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Poole won the toss and took the advantageous inside gates.


The track had some dirt on it and the riders were having difficulty in controlling their bikes in the early heats.


Holder, Ellis and Starke were half a bike to a bikes length better out of the gate than Lakeside.


Passing in the early heats were through mistakes rather than good riding, however the superior gating by Poole ensured that they got heat winners on the board.


The break for rain was followed by a greasy track with Stake taking a tumble on the 3/4 bend which was followed by extensive track work.


Dirt was taken off the track and it slickened up. Poole's superior gating ability ensured that the heat winners kept flowing and the Lakeside riders could not get near to them.


The latter half of the meeting saw Ricky Wells come to the party to exacerbate Lakesides' problems.


Three heat winners only for Lakeside had a not very happy Cook apologise to the crowd.


The crowd was below average for a normal Lakeside meeting and the racing was mainly FTG.


Poole should retain their crown with no problems whatsoever. For Lakeside another season of mediocrity.


At last some honesty about the crowd level.


The photos posted on twitter clearly showed a poor crowd, yet Bryn still makes his usual promotional comments about how good things are at Lakeside!!!

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Anyone answer Shale Searchers question?


Plus what was attendance like, many (any) Poole fans? Plenty of us now regretting not going I'm sure. :cry:


I for one am Barry but who would have thought it? First meeting I have missed this year and decided to not go simply because it wasn't really a Poole team.


Why should it be any surprise that there are 'likes' for Poole posts, by Poole fans on a Poole thread?


....and that you have actually gone back to count your 'likes' as if it actually justifies your existence?!

I have never looked at or thought about how many 'likes' I have had because it is completely meaningless. I could get hundreds a week if I posted to get them. Say nice things the majority agree with on every thread and Bobs your uncle.


Didn't Cook make a fool of himself?


Didn't Starke ride brilliantly. Etc etc etc....be an agreeing poster and the likes will pour in...lol.


You know when you have won when al, Gavan can do is critisize my spelling. As I am using an iPhone to type this as my iPad went kaput a few days ago ( new ipad pro arriving Tuesday!) I cannot be assed to correct a typo. This is a speedway forum not spelling B forum.


As for the meeting and Gavan saying Poole won because Starke scored more than Newman would have got, if Bjarne was riding Stark would have only have had four rides tops, as Bjarne would have taken his rides and scored much more than our other guest reserve.


So a good away win to put us in a strong position for the playoffs and then the defence of our title.


Seems BV are really delaying us going up there though. Is the B fixture taking place before the A fixture? Closer we go up there before the playoffs the better though.

Edited by Steve Shovlar
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I for one am Barry but who would have thought it? First meeting I have missed this year and decided to not go simply because it wasn't really a Poole team.


I have never looked at or thought about how many 'likes' I have had because it is completely meaningless. I could get hundreds a week if I posted to get them. Say nice things the majority agree with on every thread and Bobs your uncle.


Didn't Cook make a fool of himself?


Didn't Starke ride brilliantly. Etc etc etc....be an agreeing poster and the likes will pour in...lol.


You know when you have won when al, Gavan can do is critisize my spelling. As I am using an iPhone to type this as my iPad went kaput a few days ago ( new ipad pro arriving Tuesday!) I cannot be assed to correct a typo. This is a speedway forum not spelling B forum.


As for the meeting and Gavan saying Poole won because Starke scored more than Newman would have got, if Bjarne was riding Stark would have only have had four rides tops, as Bjarne would have taken his rides and scored much more than our other guest reserve.


So a good away win to put us in a strong position for the playoffs and then the defence of our title.


Seems BV are really delaying us going up there though. Is the B fixture taking place before the A fixture? Closer we go up there before the playoffs the better though.



You couldnt have read the thread properly then as not one person has said Poole were strengthened.


People have said the riders that came in could possibly have done a better job than those that were supposed to have rode.


Starke scored more than Newman would have done. R/R scored a maximum 9/9 before the fourth race. And Wells would have covered Kurtz.


Poole won because they wanted it more and mainly because of the scoring of their own 2 riders Holder and Ellis




I see yet again you failed to read my post.


Yes Starke did better than Newman would have done.


However that wasnt the reason Poole won. I quite clearly stated they wanted it more and because Holder and Ellis rode well


Good of you to put words in my mouth to try and win the argument but if you need to make things up to get a point across you then seem a bit desperate

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After Cook had a dig at supporters for saying this meeting was a joke, I am glad he got his comeuppance.

He thought it would be an easy 3 points by letting this meeting go ahead.



When did he say that? Have you got a link or is it something you have just made up ?


The Lakeside website says they are taking nothing for granted and just have focus on there own performances. That clearly is not a dig at supporters and neither does it indicate they thought it would be an easy 3 points.

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Cook was dismissive of online critics, including supporters of both sides, who argued staging the fixture would be bad for speedway.


“I don’t care for the opinions of the few people that pour scorn on our sport at every single opportunity and I don’t take any notice of them,”


“It is what that element do which is why I have no time for them or their opinions. I stay blissfully ignorant to all of that.”



And that right there is why the promoters are failing miserably to pull this sport out of the deep deep grave it has worked so hard to dig for itself. There is a stark difference between blissfully ignorant and pig-ignorant Mr Cook.


Here E I Addio.

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Can "SOMEONE" give up a synopsis of the actual meeting, quality of racing, any passing, etc.....?


Rather than all this back stabbing, speedway politics and posturing..


Thank goodness some are still interested in what actually happened rather than the back stabbing.


There is no doubt that the wheels fell off the Lakeside juggernaut bigtime, but apart from the actual result it was probably the worst meeting entertainment wise since the present promotion took over.. As has been said Jon Cook took to the mic to apologise for the poor standard and to acknowledge that people could find better things to do on a Friday night than watch rubbish like that.


The track was dangerous ( and that was the opinion of a top Lakeside rider, not the whingeing Kylmakorpi) . The heavy rain recently had damaged the track and it had to be re-laid ( I understand it was the same with Poole , Rye House and possibly a few others) . Unfortunately more rain seems to have damaged it further making rideable but not raceable, and certainly below par for entertainment. 14 of the heats were effectively over by bens 2 and Kim Nilsson was the one exception that was able to make a genuine overtake. It was pretty much gate and go and Holder and Starke were the only ones that really had the gate weighed up. It was the same for both teams of course but it was a bit of a freak meeting with the track like that.


Lawson and Bridger seemed well of the boil and struggled with the track. In Lewis' case he doesn't have enough time on the bike and is the victim of the crackpot BSPA ruling that says the British Champion and the runner-up can double down, the two reserves in the British GP can double down, but Bridger, who has a lower average than any of them can only ride EL. You really have to wonder at the mentality of the people running this sport.


Finally Paul Starke. Unbelievable. It is difficult to describe in words just how competent, confident and stylish he looked. Quite honestly he looked to every inch a reasonable 2nd/3rd heatleader, maybe the sort of standard you would expect from say Rory Schlein,, as he was a year or two back. I was amazed by how much he has come on. I would even go as far as to say on that form he looked probably the best EDR rider I've seen this year with the possible exception of Steve Worrall and I am net even sure about that. The one glimmer of enjoyment in a dull and disastrous meeting was seeing the improvement in this young rider who has come up the hard way and not had all handed to him on a plate. , so well done Paul.

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With the track becoming 'dangerous' after the 2 hefty rainfalls, Poole would have been quite happy to call it after Heat 10!! :-) ;-)



Yes . It got to heat 8 and we were all having a laugh about that. You can imagine the uproar amongst the keyboard couch potatoes on here , looking at Speedway Updates, cocoa in hand if that happened. Another that thing that amused me that would upset bigcatdiary and all the Lakeside haters was that Jon Cook was saying in his programme notes that further changes to the team could still be made if a suitable rider becomes available. I thought hmmm, who has become "available" ? Could be a certain Lakeside track specialist ex-Poole, ex -Leicester now without a job ? Have a chuckle and keep it to yourself we don't want to kick off another 30 pages from people who told their mates at work and they all collapsed in shrieks of laughter ! (Its just a joke fellers I am not saying its going to happen ....er .... but this is speedway.... many a true word and all that you know !))

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Here E I Addio.



Ah something posted on here that we don't know where it came from. Anyway assuming its accurate it doesn't say Cook thought it would be an easy three points so that bit is a figment of your imagination.


It is not a dig at the supporters as a whole. He refers to the FEW online posters ( I presume you know what "few" means) who criticise the sport at every single opportunity . Now I cant think of many apart from bigcatdiary who criticise the sport at every single opportunity. Even mikebv has a good word to msay sometimes so clearly the number that Cook was referring to are very few, and frankly I don't have much time for people who NEVER have anything positive to say.


FWIW Cook was asked about something like this at the fans forum in February. His answer was that his duty is to the fans who pay their £18 to come through the turnstiles. I think pretty much every business owner would say the same and I doubt whether any promoter would say different.


With regard to the possible postponement this was dealt with in Cook's programme notes . He pointed out that there are still 8 home matches to be fitted in, at the fixture list has already been messed up by two Swindon rain offs and one meeting that had to be re-0scheduled because of a Sky broadcast. There are no more reserved dates in the fixture list. as said but before its all very well to criticise but nobody is prepared to come up with a workable solution. That is the reality of modern speedway in the British climate while playing second fiddle to the Continental season. Not saying I like it but that's the way it is. Obviously not great for Lakeside when the visiting team that pulls in one of the biggest crowds of the season turns up with a patched up side that brings in possibly half the expected Box Office. Do you not think Cook would not have gone for another date with a paying gate if he could ?

Edited by E I Addio
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Thank goodness some are still interested in what actually happened rather than the back stabbing.


There is no doubt that the wheels fell off the Lakeside juggernaut bigtime, but apart from the actual result it was probably the worst meeting entertainment wise since the present promotion took over.. As has been said Jon Cook took to the mic to apologise for the poor standard and to acknowledge that people could find better things to do on a Friday night than watch rubbish like that.


The track was dangerous ( and that was the opinion of a top Lakeside rider, not the whingeing Kylmakorpi) . The heavy rain recently had damaged the track and it had to be re-laid ( I understand it was the same with Poole , Rye House and possibly a few others) . Unfortunately more rain seems to have damaged it further making rideable but not raceable, and certainly below par for entertainment. 14 of the heats were effectively over by bens 2 and Kim Nilsson was the one exception that was able to make a genuine overtake. It was pretty much gate and go and Holder and Starke were the only ones that really had the gate weighed up. It was the same for both teams of course but it was a bit of a freak meeting with the track like that.


Lawson and Bridger seemed well of the boil and struggled with the track. In Lewis' case he doesn't have enough time on the bike and is the victim of the crackpot BSPA ruling that says the British Champion and the runner-up can double down, the two reserves in the British GP can double down, but Bridger, who has a lower average than any of them can only ride EL. You really have to wonder at the mentality of the people running this sport.


Finally Paul Starke. Unbelievable. It is difficult to describe in words just how competent, confident and stylish he looked. Quite honestly he looked to every inch a reasonable 2nd/3rd heatleader, maybe the sort of standard you would expect from say Rory Schlein,, as he was a year or two back. I was amazed by how much he has come on. I would even go as far as to say on that form he looked probably the best EDR rider I've seen this year with the possible exception of Steve Worrall and I am net even sure about that. The one glimmer of enjoyment in a dull and disastrous meeting was seeing the improvement in this young rider who has come up the hard way and not had all handed to him on a plate. , so well done Paul.

I just wanted to know how much passing there was so thanks for explaining. I chose not to go because of the number of guests but gate and go on a wet night is not for me. One of the highlights for me in what seems ages ago now was Bridger working hard to pass and generally succeeding.


PS I enjoyed watching Wales playing a team game beat a lot of individuals ;)

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