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How Boring Is Scb

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Thats what happens when you live in deepest Wales i suppose.. :o

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He is not boring at all. Completely bonkers perhaps, neurotic at times, a total geek when it comes to figures,goes off at all kinds of tangents, has a bizarre point of view on nearly everything, but boring -NO. Like most nutters his posts are eminently readable.

Give me SCB any day against the persistent whingers like Moxey63, Robert 72 , etc, the dullards like Starman, or any of the armchair track curators.


Nutters are part of life's rich pageant. Moaners are boring.


I'd still prefer Eric Chitty though.

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Depends really, if you look at the basics he's very boring but take the top 25% of his less boring posts and he comes out 48% less boring than originally thought. If compared to the top 9% of really boring posters then he weirdly comes out 1% interesting but that's only when taking into account away performances, at home he's consistently boring.

Imo if he couldn't post and Lindgren had to post in his place then Freddie would be more boring, away but not at home.

I'm not counting were he was paid for being boring but wasn't.

Edited by ouch
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