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Leicester Lions V Lakeside Hammers - 28 May Elite 'b' Fixture

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Jon Cook's forte is (unfortunately) addressing the masses with utter rhetoric and hyperbole.


He probably told the Leicester fans that they were signing Woffinden, Hancock and Kildemand next week. What's more, they'd have Ole Olsen in the pits as a motivational coach........and would be challenging for the play-offs.


Don't believe a word if it......the bloke talks out of his @rse!


I don't think it's Jon Cook who talks out of his back passage, more likely to be a very bitter and twisted ex-member of the trackstaff at Purfleet whose services were dispensed with. :nono:

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Anyway I wouldn't be surprised to see Walesek back, where his average will put him in the reserve position. A 40-odd year pole at reserve, just what the EDR system was bought in for !

At least he wouldn't have to visit Arena again :wink:


I don't think it's Jon Cook who talks out of his back passage, more likely to be a very bitter and twisted ex-member of the trackstaff at Purfleet whose services were dispensed with. :nono:

I can't comment on the latter part but this guy certainly overstates his dislike of the Lakeside management team at every opportunity

Edited by jim3751
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I don't think it's Jon Cook who talks out of his back passage, more likely to be a very bitter and twisted ex-member of the trackstaff at Purfleet whose services were dispensed with. :nono:

Complete and utter garbage - with about as much accuracy as some of your weather forecasting.


Nobody 'dispensed with my services' - I stayed for the duration of 2012 in respect of Lee; and in the October, picked up an excellent job locally which would have made travel to Essex each week impossible. Nobody 'dispensed' with me as you very well know. You make it seem as if it was a paid job......it was voluntary and NOBODY told/asked me to leave. Quite the opposite in fact - Gerald spent half hour on the phone one Monday morning asking me to come back (the day after the U21 FIM Final).


As for 'bitter and twisted'. Let's just say that unlike some of the happy clappies that are only too pleased to turn up at a 'fans forum' once a year and believe everything that they are told by Jon Cook, there are some that believe actions speak louder than words. And, in a democracy, we are surely all entitled to an opinion.

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As for 'bitter and twisted'. Let's just say that unlike some of the happy clappies that are only too pleased to turn up at a 'fans forum' once a year and believe everything that they are told by Jon Cook, there are some that believe actions speak louder than words. And, in a democracy, we are surely all entitled to an opinion.

Certainly everyone is entitled to an opinion, but it's a pity you seem unable to express yours in a civil and balanced manner.

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yes and 2 heats later it was 27-27 and your point is ?

Steve I have forgot more than you would ever know, you must stop kidding yourself that anyone takes your twaddle seriously.


I think you will find it was that lakeside promoter

Well no one takes your twaddle seriously that's for sure.

I will bring you back to my point that you try and squirm out of time after time.

Lakeside had control of the meeting in the first half of the meeting and were 8 up after 7 heats.


It's irregardless what they did in the 2nd half as my point remains. So what if the scores altered 2 heats later?

Lakeside lost control of a meeting after the halfway stage.

Good on Leicester for the fightback.

My point remains a valid one but I know you will have to continue disagreeing for the sake of it as per usual to prove a (pointless) point.

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Just to clarify that I have to the most part been supportive of Cookie - as my older posts on here, and the defunct Lakeside forum, would substantiate.


Moreover, would I have given my time and efforts so freely, and at my own expense, for someone and their club, that I didn't have time for?


However, what has disappointed me are his actions more recently. The lack of any fight against the Poole cancellation debacle a couple of years ago. The utter lies around the reasons for the closure of our forum. The signing, then subsequent sacking, of a potentially useful second heat leader in Bjarne Pedersen. Dropping Swidders - possibly the only Pole that I would ever have in my team given his loyalty and commitment. The hollow words around strengthening our team; then the reintroduction of Rob and Lewis.


If it's (as I would suspect) a money issue, then fair enough. But why not be honest with supporters at the outset?


I don't like liars; and I don't like people that go back on their word. End of.

Edited by The Voice Of Reason
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Just to clarify that I have to the most part been supportive of Cookie - as my older posts on here, and the defunct Lakeside forum, would substantiate.

Moreover, would I have given my time and efforts so freely, and at my own expense, for someone and their club, that I didn't have time for?

However, what has disappointed me are his actions more recently. The lack of any fight against the Poole cancellation debacle a couple of years ago. The utter lies around the reasons for the closure of our forum. The signing, then subsequent sacking, of a potentially useful second heat leader in Bjarne Pedersen. Dropping Swidders - possibly the only Pole that I would ever have in my team given his loyalty and commitment. The hollow words around strengthening our team; then the reintroduction of Rob and Lewis.

If it's (as I would suspect) a money issue, then fair enough. But why not be honest with supporters at the outset?

I don't like liars; and I don't like people that go back on their word. End of.

If you don't like liars perhaps you can give us link to anything that will support your claim that Bjarne was ever signed, because as far as I am aware he never was actually signed. You chose to ignore the fact that Bjarne said in a Speedwáy Star interview that he was going to give 100% commitment to Britsh Speedwáy then when he got a job in Poland he suddenly decided that was his priority and was going to miss several crucial Lakeside fixtures.


As to the dropping of Swiderski, if you had bothered to attend the fans forum, which you disparagingly refer to as "happy clappers", you would have heard Jon Cook say that once Edward Kennetts early season fixture clashes for Rye House were out of the way it would be decided on form. If you bothered to read Jon Cooks comments on the website before hurling abuse at him, you woukd know that Swiderski had a TV meeting in Poland on Friday so it was an ideal opportunity to give Kennett an outing.


Again if you bothered to keep up with information released by the club you would know the present arrangement is only for four meetings and will then be reviewed . All the riders were aware of this when they signed for the club.


As Liam said , Jon Cook is not everybody's cup of tea, and he seems to have made a misjudgment on the signing of Rob Mear as things stand at the moment, but you seem to be the only one who sees fit to abuse him because of it.


Bottom line is that like him or loathe him, Cook has managed to keep the club running with the books more or less balancing at without the huge losses that have driven other clubs out of the Elite League. In fact it's largely due to him that there is still a club at all.


Constructive criticism is justified , abuse isn't, and certainly calling fellow fans "happy clappers " who believe anything Cook tells them simply because they attend a fans forum which you didn't, is the height childish behaviour, and referring to Kelvin as "Tantrum" is sheer ignorance.

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Jon Cook may not have stated that he had been given a contract - but can you honestly say that this articles suggests anything other than Bjarne was becoming a Lakeside rider?


Assuming that you agree with dropping Swiderski then and replacing him with Kennett?


And how, despite Mr. Cook's words at the forum has our team been strengthened exactly? Our home performances are to the most part due (to date) to the ability of AJ, the consistency of Richard Lawson and the tremendous improvement of Kim Nilsson. Away from home, despite our new motivational coach, we continue to disappoint anywhere outside of Leicestershire.

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I was surprised to see Jon Cook address the leicester fans at the end of the meeting. I thought it was the job of the home promoter to rally the troops!

He's probably keen for Leicester to stay in business for the rest of the season

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Jon Cook may not have stated that he had been given a contract - but can you honestly say that this articles suggests anything other than Bjarne was becoming a Lakeside rider?

Assuming that you agree with dropping Swiderski then and replacing him with Kennett?

And how, despite Mr. Cook's words at the forum has our team been strengthened exactly? Our home performances are to the most part due (to date) to the ability of AJ, the consistency of Richard Lawson and the tremendous improvement of Kim Nilsson. Away from home, despite our new motivational coach, we continue to disappoint anywhere outside of Leicestershire.

With regard to Bjarne, the primary concern in team building for 2016 was to do away with the number of guests that had to be used in 2015, which resulted in massive complaints from the fans. That was why Lakeside had what is, in effect a squad system. Once Bjarne said in one breath that his commitment was to British Speedway then almost in the next breath th at his Polish commitments woukd come first, there was no way he coukd be signed without the promotion going back on their commitment to make every effort to avoid guests.


With regard to Swiderski, I he is tremendously popular with the home fans and has done a great job as a second string at home but the reality is he is not the heatleader material he was before the serious leg injury he sustained a few years ago. Personally I hate to see him dropped but the promotion have an obligation to the fans to,put out the strongest side they can and is reasonable that Kennett should to be given a chance to prove himself. He is, these days, a better gater and a better overtaker than Swid, although Swiderski could still be back.


But whether I agree with dropping Swiderski is not the point. Lakeside , like any other promotion have to take decisions that some fans don't agree with. You can't please all the people all the time. The difference is that most fans are able to articulate their displeasure without the degree of vituperence that you used earlier on this thread, and others, and indeed on the Lakeside forum before it was closed down. Jon Cook is not perfect, but he is not the devil personified.


With regard to Kelvin, you have mentioned yourself the constency of Rich Lawson and the improvement of Kim Nilsson at home this year. Jon Cook mentioned on Friday that these are two of the riders Kelvin has been working with this year, so there is your answer. Look at Lewis Kerr , he is performing better for Lakeside than he is for Ipswich- that's Kelvin again. After all the personal abuse you heaped on Neil Vatcher I would have thought you would see Kelvin as a step forward.

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So if our promotion are committed to putting out our strongest side, then why haven't we brought back Ben Morley to replace Rob Mear?


Meanwhile, you honestly consider Ed Kennett a better rider than Swidders?


'All the personal abuse you heaped on Neil Vatcher'. Examples/references? And was I the only one to have given him criticism or, like the Welsh weather watcher, do you just get a buzz out of singling me out?


At the end of the day, we aren't ever going to see eye to eye. I call it as I see it - sorry if it doesn't meet your 'constructive' standards of response. As a way forward, best we just ignore each other's contributions, eh?

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So if our promotion are committed to putting out our strongest side, then why haven't we brought back Ben Morley to replace Rob Mear?


Meanwhile, you honestly consider Ed Kennett a better rider than Swidders?


'All the personal abuse you heaped on Neil Vatcher'. Examples/references? And was I the only one to have given him criticism or, like the Welsh weather watcher, do you just get a buzz out of singling me out?


At the end of the day, we aren't ever going to see eye to eye. I call it as I see it - sorry if it doesn't meet your 'constructive' standards of response. As a way forward, best we just ignore each other's contributions, eh?

I quite admire Swiderski loyal to England shame he was dropped Kennett this year has been going well though.
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'All the personal abuse you heaped on Neil Vatcher'. Examples/references? And was I the only one to have given him criticism or, like the Welsh weather watcher, do you just get a buzz out of singling me out?



Examples/references? :rofl:


Anyway - at least Bryn's weather forecasts are optimistic :neutral:

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So if our promotion are committed to putting out our strongest side, then why haven't we brought back Ben Morley to replace Rob Mear?

Meanwhile, you honestly consider Ed Kennett a better rider than Swidders?

'All the personal abuse you heaped on Neil Vatcher'. Examples/references? And was I the only one to have given him criticism or, like the Welsh weather watcher, do you just get a buzz out of singling me out?

At the end of the day, we aren't ever going to see eye to eye. I call it as I see it - sorry if it doesn't meet your 'constructive' standards of response. As a way forward, best we just ignore each other's contributions, eh?

Put me on ignore if you wish . Your posts stand to be judged by all forum members whether they are mature or as Bryn said, bitter and twisted but it's worth reflecting on what dome fans have said already :-

I can't comment on the latter part but this guy certainly overstates his dislike of the Lakeside management team at every opportunity

Well said Bryn. VOR would you like some salt n vinegar for that chip on yer shoulder fella!!

Agreed, VOR does seem to be a bit of an oxymoron.

It's your opinion of course but I've never understood your constant bashing of JC which always seems OTT. and now Kelvin "Tantrum" gets a dig as well. There's some irony there don't you think? :lol:

Other than that I have nothing more to add except you may wish to try the decaf.

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