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Peter Craven/grand Opening

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The only people to blame for tonight are the clowns who "prepared" an unfit track.


Why on earth should the riders "give it a go" on an unsafe surface?


I have no doubt that there were many reasons why they refused to ride it. But I expect that no1 is that the season hasn't even started, why run the risk of injuring yourself? Madness. :rolleyes: It's not as if weather doesn't affect other sports, horseracing, Football girlies, even the tough rugby types ;) but they get called off in advance.


The blame lies solely at the door of the Belle Vue promotion!

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The 3rd and 4th bend were very bad and would have cut up and got worse after a few proper races.lm getting tired of losing bits of my life to speedway which il never get back.was supposed to be going there again a week on Monday but proberly won't bother now


Sad day for speedway once again but are we really that surprised


Well done bomber for at least facing the fans,couldn't really hear what he was saying as we decided to get out sharpish

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Not many seem to be agreeing with you HT but I do....while the Belle Vue management deserve plenty of criticism it annoys me that top riders nowadays are reluctant to ride on anything which isn't a billiard table. The meeting really ought to have been called off long before the turnstiles opened but in the context of the stadium being full it would be nice to think that some kind of show could have been put on, unfortunately there appeared to be absolutely no appetite to even try and run a few heats.


Both sides at fault and British Speedway's customers once again treated appallingly

I know you'd gone tonight GB but I have a question.


You're right, the meeting should have been pulled days, if not weeks ago. Let that sink in


So, the promoter's allow the gates to open fully aware the tracks not in a condition to race.


Tonight the riders rock up for the first ever time without a scooby on ever knowing how the track is, discover it's unsafe and rightly refuse to ride.


It's it fair to put the pressure on the rider's to give it a go because there's 6000? But it's ok to call it off on a regular night because there's only 600.


If it's unsafe and all riders agree, that really pushes the blame back on the promoter's.


Very unfair to lay blame on the rider's.

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Just got back - many fans around me understandably upset / frustrated and wondering yet again why they have bothered - felt very sorry for the young lad crying ( I gave him my programme and my badge on the way out ) and the couple who had travelled from Eastbourne , I had been looking forward to a rare night with my daughter for months ( both love the sport ) but have no intention of going to the restaged event ( if there is one ) and just when you think the sport shows a bit of 20th century vision we are back to square one , total farce and the management/riders should feel ashamed




That's the trouble - 20th century vision in the 21st century!

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How sad that this had been allowed to happen on what really should have been the greatest day in British Speedway since the first Cardiff GP.


What is particularly cringeworthy is that the management hung their hat on the track being their number one priority in this lengthy process - even compromising on the surrounding stadia given their limited footprint. So for tonight's abandonment to be down to the track not being raceable is, well, pretty indefensible.


The big picture is that management deserve massive credit for getting a modern stadium built for a minority sport in today's climate. For that, we all should be grateful and fulsome in our praise.


But, now we have our superb facility, are they the best people to make sure we make the very best of this opportunity deep into the 21st century?


If I had put my money into a multi-million pound multi-sport facility to thrive with community use and national and international events, are they the people I would employ to run it? Hmmm.

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You could be right screamer but I have a problem with riders nowadays, especially the top ones, who have very little appetite to race on a track which is anything less than perfect. No doubt Belle Vue are heavily at fault tonight but I don't think riders make enough effort sometimes, they are too quick to say no and clear off home.


I could be completely wrong, but Bomber himself said the track could have been ridden tonight just not raced hard. So to me both parties were at fault this evening.

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If I had put my money into a multi-million pound multi-sport facility to thrive with community use and national and international events, are they the people I would employ to run it? Hmmm.

Some of us have said this since day one, sadly tonight has only proved us right :(

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Who was the ref for tonights meeting? does he not have any clout to at least get the riders out for heat 1?!!

What does "soft in places" mean on bends 3and 4 ? Would it not been possible in this day and age to fix it?!!!!

when did they lay the track for the first time? was it the last thing to be done?

Im as thick as two short planks but even i can see there has to be a figure in speedway who is tough and makes the correct decisions to get the best results.

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Terrible shame but they should have had a series of invitation only mini meetings in the weeks running up until the official opening. I don't know why this wasn't done tbh. However, they built it and I'll still go on my ill advised trip this summer, assuming it's all sorted out. Sorry for everyone disappointed, but I'm going to stay positive about 2016 and Belle Vue.

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I went to the first test event, a week last Thursday and the base was down on the 3rd/4th bends and some of the top layer was being put down as we were in the stadium. So, how long does a track need to bed in?

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Had it gone ahead, Belle Vue would rightly have been significantly criticised for the fact that it simply wasn't ready and the riders praised for the fact that they were willing to have a go.



No. If had gone ahead people would have complained that the racing was rubbish and that it was just a ploy to avoid giving people their money back.


If it had got halfway through and had to be abandoned because the track had cut up too badly then what ? Send the crowd home with no refund ? The crowd would have loved that.


There is only one party to blame. The clue is in the word "management".

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Who was the ref for tonights meeting? does he not have any clout to at least get the riders out for heat 1?!!

What does "soft in places" mean on bends 3and 4 ? Would it not been possible in this day and age to fix it?!!!!

when did they lay the track for the first time? was it the last thing to be done?

Im as thick as two short planks but even i can see there has to be a figure in speedway who is tough and makes the correct decisions to get the best results.

Did you not see the problems riders were having on turns 3 & 4 ????

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That's how I saw it.


Talking to someone who was 'in the room' when the riders (only 3 apparently??) were wingeing about it being too grippy on the 3rd and 4th turn its clear that they couldn't give a toss for anyone but themselves and then a bit of sheep mentality kicked in and the majority decided not to ride.


Here we go again. Someone who knows someone who knows something. So the three riders who refused to ride were? Or don't you or your mate know?

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Whilst I agree to an extent about the fragility of the modern day speedway rider, and their unwillingness to assist in less than perfect conditions, the fact that some of us were told at Coventry last night that the meeting was going to be off is the worst thing in my eyes.


Why didn't they just pull the plug and restage at a later date?

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No. If had gone ahead people would have complained that the racing was rubbish and that it was just a ploy to avoid giving people their money back.


If it had got halfway through and had to be abandoned because the track had cut up too badly then what ? Send the crowd home with no refund ? The crowd would have loved that.


There is only one party to blame. The clue is in the word "management".



No. If had gone ahead people would have complained that the racing was rubbish and that it was just a ploy to avoid giving people their money back.


If it had got halfway through and had to be abandoned because the track had cut up too badly then what ? Send the crowd home with no refund ? The crowd would have loved that.


There is only one party to blame. The clue is in the word "management".

Spot on ...this is the trouble with the speedway fan ..who could forget 100 page topic about allowing the Cov and Poole to start among many others and how the public were conned ...but then the next moment they want the meeting to start .

Whilst I agree to an extent about the fragility of the modern day speedway rider, and their unwillingness to assist in less than perfect conditions, the fact that some of us were told at Coventry last night that the meeting was going to be off is the worst thing in my eyes.


Why didn't they just pull the plug and restage at a later date?

I expect they never wanted to give refunds out

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I wonder which riders didn't want to ride

Does it matter who did not want to ride.................if riders feel a track is unsafe then why risk their lives just to 'entertain' a large crowd on what should have been this country's show piece to the world of speedway.................


If I read it correctly the track surface was only laid earlier this week which is not enough time for it to settle...........if that is the case then surely it would have made sense to say lets postpone it for a couple of weeks..........yes it would have meant people rearranging things but surely that would have been better than the backlash they received tonight...............and for the management to blame the riders for what is effectively bad track preparation is out of order.......the fact that the third and fourth bends which my friends there advised was the biggest issue were the last part of the track to be laid says it all................and I do not care what anyone says rider safety is paramount..........we do not want any more incidents like Darcy had because of track conditions or riders out of control due to a poorly prepared track.............


National Stadium????????? National joke



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