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Peter Craven/grand Opening

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If you are referring to the EL pairs of 2007, as embarrassing as it was the difference is that the track was sorted on the night and the meeting ended up being a very good one.

And the difference was that the track had held successful meetings for years previous, and the stadium had the personnel and equipment to repair the damage. BV had not been used for a meeting which, in hindsight, they should have tried something like Cardiff did last year with a trial meeting on say the Tuesday/Wednesday before.

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The standard for GP tracks was set by riders at the postponed Warsaw GP fiasco last year. After that, all temporary tracks were constructed better - for Cardiff the track building time was extended from the usual one week to two weeks.


The standard has now been set by riders for tracks in the UK for 2016.

Sounds like more then a few promotors and track curators need to be quaking in their shoes.

It should be an interesting year.

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I got to know Ian Thomas through knowing his lad and he told me that story. He told me the story after a meeting at Sheffield on a very wet night when I asked him how they managed to finish the meeting.

Can't expect important riders to just put on a show though, although I doubt IT would book important riders for an open meeting unless he could trust them.

In that case they're not important, just well-paid.


It's all about the money to be earned in Poland and in the GP. Every thing else is just a practice/pin money. As ever, when large sums of money start flying around sport goes out of the window and greed takes over, as witnessed in Manchester and Warsaw.


But you can't just point the finger at one scapegoat. The whole of speedway should have worked together to make this work Instead all you hear is a cacophony of blame and protestations of innocence.


There were many causes for the fiasco, but as usual the focus is not on putting right the damage but finding someone to kick.

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In that case they're not important, just well-paid.


What today's so-called 'superstars' should remember is that the vast majority of them - including probably the world champion - would not even be recognised if they walked down the street in their own town or village.


But then you have to blame the promoters for paying them what the sport clearly cannot afford.

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What today's so-called 'superstars' should remember is that the vast majority of them - including probably the world champion - would not even be recognised if they walked down the street in their own town or village.


But then you have to blame the promoters for paying them what the sport clearly cannot afford.

When I first fell in love with this sport, it was all about my team, not individuals, not 'names'. Yes, I had my heroes, but only for what they did for my team. It didn't matter that there were much better riders appearing down the road and that there were world titles to be won.


It was all about my Rockets, my Rayleigh Rockets and I was so happy to have them in my life. Now people worship 'stars' and seem to think that if they watch 'the best' then somehow it makes them superior beings.


I didn't choose my speedway team, it chose me and I think they were happier days. Now there's too many egos to be satisfied and pride to be fed.


Let's just get Belle Vue fixed and working and try to find a way to compensate those damaged by the fiasco.


Tony, you advocated 'back to basics' earlier. I'd adjust that to 'back to sanity'.


I'm old enough to have seen speedway work and thrive, but it wasn't achieved by the suicidal path now being followed.


It is indeed time to let go of the 'names' and find new heroes like Birmingham and Eastbourne have, and maybe start running British Speedway at a level it can afford free from the corrosive effects of Poland and the GP circus.


Maybe the likes of Poole and Wolverhampton can focus on more international fare, running occasionally with 'name' fields to satisfy their and their fans needs, leaving the rest of us to enjoy or our league racing at a saner, affordable level while we rebuild and wait for the overseas house of cards to fall.


We need to attract new supporters. They don't know who the 'names' are nor do they care, just as I had no idea who Ivan Mauger and Ole Olsen were in 1971.


I'm pretty sure Hugh Saunders and Geoff Maloney would have had a good go at getting round Belle Vue on Saturday ;-)

Edited by rmc
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In that case they're not important, just well-paid.


It's all about the money to be earned in Poland and in the GP. Every thing else is just a practice/pin money. As ever, when large sums of money start flying around sport goes out of the window and greed takes over, as witnessed in Manchester and Warsaw.


But you can't just point the finger at one scapegoat. The whole of speedway should have worked together to make this work Instead all you hear is a cacophony of blame and protestations of innocence.


There were many causes for the fiasco, but as usual the focus is not on putting right the damage but finding someone to kick.

Totally over the top reaction. In any walk of life, if something goes wrong it is natural, and expected, that the person/persons/organisation responsible is identified to dealt with the aftermath.

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Does anyone know if the refund process has been released by Belle Vue as yet please and if so where I might find it? All I can see on the Belle Vue website are press releases pointing the finger of blame elsewhere rather than looking after the fans who paid good money for no show, hopefully it's me who has missed the announcement rather than those in charge showing contempt for the fans.

Thanks in advance.

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Does anyone know if the refund process has been released by Belle Vue as yet please and if so where I might find it? All I can see on the Belle Vue website are press releases pointing the finger of blame elsewhere rather than looking after the fans who paid good money for no show, hopefully it's me who has missed the announcement rather than those in charge showing contempt for the fans.

Thanks in advance.

Sadly, it's the latter case.

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Does anyone know if the refund process has been released by Belle Vue as yet please and if so where I might find it? All I can see on the Belle Vue website are press releases pointing the finger of blame elsewhere rather than looking after the fans who paid good money for no show, hopefully it's me who has missed the announcement rather than those in charge showing contempt for the fans.

Thanks in advance.

had the meeting gone ahead . would you have had this money now ? of course not .so If i were a member of the Belle vue management at this moment in time ,I would be concentrating all my effort on salvaging what bit of credibiity i had left , and doing everything in my power to ensure that years of hard work bringing this venture in , undergoes no more major setbacks and does not compleltlely flounder . rather than worrying about refunding £20 to you .

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Does anyone know if the refund process has been released by Belle Vue as yet please and if so where I might find it? All I can see on the Belle Vue website are press releases pointing the finger of blame elsewhere rather than looking after the fans who paid good money for no show, hopefully it's me who has missed the announcement rather than those in charge showing contempt for the fans.

Thanks in advance.

BV have released a statement saying that they will be making a statement about refunds when they have received advice.

They have also admitted that the track was not fit for purpose.

This last statement possibly leaves the club open to claims for more than the ticket price.

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Belle Vue need to cover all bases and take advice from all quarters before going ahead with things and hoping it's right.

They were accused of not doing this on Saturday. They have taken that criticism on board and will ensure that any refund policy is correct and proper when the time is right.

BV have released a statement saying that they will be making a statement about refunds when they have received advice.

They have also admitted that the track was not fit for purpose.

This last statement possibly leaves the club open to claims for more than the ticket price.

A precedent was set after the 2014 ELRC when the promoters (BSPA) of the event screwed up. I'd be interested to know how people got on with refunds on hotels, parking, fuel etc. Any help with this information would greatly help things moving forward.

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We're currently putting together the next issue of Classic Speedway mag and I just came across the following quotes from former Belle Vue rider Ken Eyre, whom we have interviewed. His words are timely and should resonate:


Ken commented: “One of the great things about speedway is the link between riders and fans. Former riders are always recognised and a great many people want to talk speedway.


“I do worry that this link is getting weaker. In the sport today second halves have gone, which people enjoyed for the opportunity to see the novices progress, the rider of the night final has gone, and there are big delays between races.


“The riders of today have too much control over the sport. They decide, not the referee, when a track is fit to ride. We need to go back to a time of more allegiance to the supporters.


“Walking through the crowds and having people want to stop and talk about speedway is a great feeling.”

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Aside from the track the contractors didn't hand over a finished stadium as there were no constructed loos at the south stand and the terracing there is temporary with the proper terracing being constructed in the coming close season. There was also cabins and machinery on the south stand car park.

Whilst speedway can often make do if this had been almost any other structure with these items not completed on time then agreed penalties need to be met.

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had the meeting gone ahead . would you have had this money now ? of course not .so If i were a member of the Belle vue management at this moment in time ,I would be concentrating all my effort on salvaging what bit of credibiity i had left , and doing everything in my power to ensure that years of hard work bringing this venture in , undergoes no more major setbacks and does not compleltlely flounder . rather than worrying about refunding £20 to you .

Thanks for the "positive" feedback, perhaps you can try constructive rather than destructive in future rather than taking cheap shots.


Without the fans on board there is no future, looking after the fans first is, in my opinion, the way to try and salvage some credibility and ensure fans return to what is a fantastic venue when the track is fit for purpose. The first step in this is informing us what the process is for readmissions or refunds. I don't think this is an unreasonable ask.

BV have released a statement saying that they will be making a statement about refunds when they have received advice.

They have also admitted that the track was not fit for purpose.

This last statement possibly leaves the club open to claims for more than the ticket price.

Thanks for this, I hadn't seen that one announced.

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had the meeting gone ahead . would you have had this money now ? of course not .so If i were a member of the Belle vue management at this moment in time ,I would be concentrating all my effort on salvaging what bit of credibiity i had left , and doing everything in my power to ensure that years of hard work bringing this venture in , undergoes no more major setbacks and does not compleltlely flounder . rather than worrying about refunding £20 to you .

So you wouldn't be looking after your paying customers, the customers that are your life blood and enable you're business to run profitably (ish)?


These are fans who laid out a lot of money and IMO are being shoddily treated and will probably think twice before returning.


This is what's at the heart of the problem with British Speedway. The majority of clubs have a total lack of respect for the spectator.

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Thanks for the "positive" feedback, perhaps you can try constructive rather than destructive in future rather than taking cheap shots.


Without the fans on board there is no future, looking after the fans first is, in my opinion, the way to try and salvage some credibility and ensure fans return to what is a fantastic venue when the track is fit for purpose. The first step in this is informing us what the process is for readmissions or refunds. I don't think this is an unreasonable ask.

Thanks for this, I hadn't seen that one announced.

I dont think it's unreasonable to expect you to allow them to prioritise . pandering to someone whinging over £20 could set a precedent that could cost thousands or even lead to the whole venture failing ,

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I dont think it's unreasonable to expect you to allow them to prioritise . pandering to someone whinging over £20 could set a precedent that could cost thousands or even lead to the whole venture failing ,

Clearly you're trying to score points, prove a point or perhaps just behaving irrationally. No whinging whatsoever in my post and you're out of order for stating as such. Suggest you go back and re-read my post. I was looking for information not rhetoric and flawed opinion. At no point did I ask for my money back in my post, you're trying to pick an argument where there is none to pick and doing the forum no good whatsoever. I'm over it, time to move on.

Edited by beesknees
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I UNDERSTAND that discussions are on-going between the building contractors, insurers and BV management to determine who is liable for the refunds.


If the contractors handed over a track that wasn't fit for purpose, it could be them, which would in turn let the insurers off the hook too.

It's a no brainer. The BV promotion are 100% liable to refund any entrance money themselves whether they have a claim against contractors, insurers or not.

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