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Periscope. A Promoters Nightmare App.

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Remember the days when John Perrin wanted to ban TV cameras from Belle Vue? Several promoters wanted to ban "live speedway updates". Speedway promoters, I get the impression, are frightened of technology, when it could be used massively to promote the sport. You only need to follow professional teams from other sports on social media, especially American franchises, to see how they keep fans and media up to date with any news.

And as for the argument that TV or streaming or the equivalent could affect attendances a) I've never understood the mentality of people, who have the chance to see live events, would rather watch it through a small screen and B) if the atmosphere and entertainment was better at speedway meetings, fans would come no matter what the alternatives were, because they would want to be part of the experience.

That is a good point and certainly one that promoters should think about .......
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Ice Hockey released the statement above about periscope but they are far ahead of speedway in that most teams already do a professional stream and charge between £5-10 to watch it. They been doing it few years and don't think it effects attendance much.


The same footage is then used in a one hour highlights programme each week on premier sports.


Clean Cut sports stream Coventry ice hockey and also record Coventry speedway and few others but not allowed to stream due to Go Speed.

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Unfortunately that's the decision me and other young people face, speedway needs to get real and understand that it's not a £17 sport.

Can't possibly compare speedway with a 'one-off' concert. Totally different scenario!

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Glasgow hope to make much more use of the platform this year having dipped their toe in last. The new streaming integration within twitter is an exciting development. Although of course full race footage will not be permitted.

Facebook mentions will also be great, once they relax it's current constraints on celebrities only.

This is why I like what the Glasgow promotion, they seem to understand that by embracing modern technology they can use it to promote the club and sport effectively. They are willing to try new stuff and seem to be way ahead of a lot of other promotions in this regard.

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Can't possibly compare speedway with a 'one-off' concert. Totally different scenario!


but is it, most music fans can go to a different gig weekly, similar to a nomadic speedway fan which there are many, speedway is charging £15-£20 for 15 minutes of entertainment, this is the main fact the sport cannot get away from, add to that a track takes a couple of races to bed in and in most cases by the end of the night the blue groove appears its hardly entertaining is it.

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but is it, most music fans can go to a different gig weekly, similar to a nomadic speedway fan which there are many, speedway is charging £15-£20 for 15 minutes of entertainment, this is the main fact the sport cannot get away from, add to that a track takes a couple of races to bed in and in most cases by the end of the night the blue groove appears its hardly entertaining is it.

I understand that but the comparison was made between a live, presumably, one-off concert and speedway. I'm the first to question whether speedway now offers true value for money. My local football team York City (who compete in Division Two) charges between £18 - & £21 for adults. Despite all the problems within speedway (well documented on other threads) it compares favourably with other sports. Depends where your interest lays?

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Remember the days when John Perrin wanted to ban TV cameras from Belle Vue? Several promoters wanted to ban "live speedway updates". Speedway promoters, I get the impression, are frightened of technology, when it could be used massively to promote the sport. You only need to follow professional teams from other sports on social media, especially American franchises, to see how they keep fans and media up to date with any news.

And as for the argument that TV or streaming or the equivalent could affect attendances a) I've never understood the mentality of people, who have the chance to see live events, would rather watch it through a small screen and B) if the atmosphere and entertainment was better at speedway meetings, fans would come no matter what the alternatives were, because they would want to be part of the experience.


The easier you make staying at home in the warm, and the dry, with all the banter of the forums to replace the banter on the terraces, the more people WILL stay at home. I did so myself for a while. I got myself a Bet365 account and took the easy option on several occasions when I was 50-50 about going out. Having the streaming option made the staying at home option so easy to choose.


I dare say that Periscope will have the same effect.


Will it ever be embraced? Will the Ayatollah ever be converted to Christianity? Terry Russell (of Slow Speed International Ltd fame) will ensure that it gets banned and his co-horts at the BSPA will have no option but to enforce the policy whereby Periscope will join the likes of YouTube, Flickr, Picasa, Instagram and all the other social media products that will be condemned as the work of Satan.


Rembering how Dastardly & Mutley at Kings Lynn threw out a live radio broadcasting crew from Radio WM back in 2009, don't be surprised by any expulsions from stadiums of anyone seen to be using Periscope.

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Until the day the BSPA are dragged into the 21st century, nowt will change...


Until the day the BSPA are dragged into the 21st century, nowt will change...


Until the day the BSPA are dragged into the 21st century, nowt will change...

the BSPA have sold their soul and Speedway to gospeed. whatever plan for the use of technology someone may have ,if gospeed are not getting paid it's not going to happen . riders are not even allowed to use helmet cameras and use the film for their own websites or promotional video , such is the extent of gospeed's stranglehold on speedway .stranglehold is very apt actually because that is what they are doing to speedway ..

Edited by speedibee
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the BSPA have sold their soul and Speedway to gospeed. whatever plan for the use of technology someone may have ,if gospeed are not getting paid it's not going to happen . riders are not even allowed to use helmet cameras and use the film for their own websites or promotional video , such is the extent of gospeed's stranglehold on speedway .stranglehold is very apt actually because that is what they are doing to speedway ..

Would there stranglehold actually hold up if it were tested in court?

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Hardly a competitor if only selected highlights!!? But I take your point.


I think this has gone a bit over the top to be honest. Most fans that use periscope (and other apps) are exactly that - fans of their club in particular and speedway in general. They are not attempting to be in competition with anyone - simply using the app in an attempt to get extra publicity for the club and sport - and hopefully some more fans who like what they see/hear.

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It's not Go Speed's stranglehold to have....Sky pay a 7 figure sum per year to have exclusive rights. Hardly exclusive if footage is popping up left, right & centre on a competitors Social Media site.


A 7-figure sum? :o :o :o


Does that include the two figures to the right of the decimal point? :rofl:

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Hardly a competitor if only selected highlights!!? But I take your point.


I think this has gone a bit over the top to be honest. Most fans that use periscope (and other apps) are exactly that - fans of their club in particular and speedway in general. They are not attempting to be in competition with anyone - simply using the app in an attempt to get extra publicity for the club and sport - and hopefully some more fans who like what they see/hear.


I was thinking more Youtube than Periscope when making reference to being a competitor


A 7-figure sum? :o :o :o


Does that include the two figures to the right of the decimal point? :rofl:


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